The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    wiiiwwl-Hompw"t'tr'w -" -wi'n
1Aafc 1ft.
thk kknh nuM.irriN, BKNI), YVKIWKSRAY, APRIL 8, lOttl.
w--mmmjmmm' wmwvim9iv ' mnpmm m rpr-wwfp
I .
Number of New Homes llclng Krectcd
In This Addition Several Good
Residences Already There Joo
Innes Una Fine Home.
Building operations aro being
carried on extensively In Kenwood,
wtt of the river, thla spring, there
being nioro activity In thla part of
town now than anywhere else. Last
spring thla honor went to Center ad
dition. Already thero aro several splendid
homes in Kenwood. Hy far tho best
ono, and a rcstdenco that compares
very favorably with those on tho cast
side of the river, Is that of Joo Innes.
Mr. Innes bought thla property Just
after tho house was.Btarted by Edd
Newman last summer, and he has
had built a handsome homo. It Ib
of the California bungalow style,
with flvo rooms downstairs and sev
eral upstairs. The insldo Is In fir
stained In golden oak. Tho fire
place In tho living room is a feature
of tho house, as Is also the Dutch
kitchen. Tho house coat Mr. Innes
nearly $2000.
Mr. Innes last week bought the
adjoining property from E. O. Har
rison and now has four lots. Mrs.
Innes has taken to tho pastime of
raising chickens, her first experience'
in thts line. Her stock Is White
Orpingtons brought from the Wil
lamette, valley, and eho now has sev
eral broods of chicks Just hatched.
Walter Tollca, the painter, Wso has
a splendid home In Kenwood. It
was one -of the first houses to bo
built in that part of town.
" Another neat and . comfortable
house Is that belonging -fa John
Johnson. If is of three rooms, being
plastered and having stone founda
tion. Tho largest houso now being
erected in Kgnwood isthat of Julius
Janett. It Mill have efght rooms
and will bo modern. He is having
it plastered. The style is bungalow.
Ho,, will have, a good basement, with
room for the installation of a heating
furnace later on. Mr. Janett has a
homestead In the Pringle Flats
. On adjoining lots Al Howell and
C C Hralnard are having two four
room cottages built. 'These will be
modern' and neat houses.
"Bert Caldwell has about completed
a comfortable three-rqom house into
which bo has already moved.
David Winter, who recently came
in from Portland, has started work
on a four-room cottage.
. 'J. D. Miner has plsns ready for a
residence -which ho will soon build
in Kenwood. He Is already living
In a temporary cabin on tho rear of
bis lot. L. D. Mlsener has lota near
by and expects also to build. Others'
who will have homes in Kenwood
later are J. Edward Larson and
i-ioya ucment. Jay saitzman ex
pects to begin the erection of a gar
age In a short time and will later
build a residence to cost about $1000,
according to Frank Sutherland, who
has the contract for tho garage. It
will be 14 by 40 feet.
There are electric lights, water and
some board sidewalks in Kenwood
already, and it promises to become a
popular residential section.
showing In. eho stuff supplies but
packers gavb higher bids for tho few
fancy head on hand. A small lot
of Prlnovlllo spayed hotfora soiling'
nt J7.7G featured, llcst cowb nt
17.35: bulls $0.00, stags JG.75 and
c.aJvtfK-at $0.00 represents price
jrtjttBJe.'' Tho hog market has boon a
mwlmUou all week. Clearing lOo
to 20c, It finally sottlod nt I9.CC
Wednesday. This price rnngo
breaks all records slnco 1910. Hulk
of sales have nvcragod $9.20 to
$9.40. Outlet considerably broader
than supplies as demand hus boen
Increased whllo bulk of country
awtno has been marketed. Also
Missouri lllvcr points continue high
and all Coast packers aro buying in
Portland. Undortow horo la strong
and unless tho present trado condi
tions experience a comploto chango
may remain so Indefinitely. A steady
to firm mutton and lamb market
featured principally by tho smallest
runs of the year. Wool yearlings
sold up to $C.7S and owes $5.75,
sheared stuff brought $1.00 less.
Demand for choice and fat muttons
Is steady and unsatisfied. Lamb
trado reached tho $8.00 lovol as ex
pected, soveral loads of prlmo wool
stuff brought this price.
iMPhoViNO ins haS'cW,
(Bisters Herald,)
V. S. Hodman, who owns 320
acres of land two miles oast of Ma
ters, In going to mako oxtonslvo Im
provements thin spring. Ho has n
force of five men nt work clonrlng
laud preparatory to seeding 200
acres this spring. Mr. Hodmnu had
carpenters on tho placo tho lint of
tho week figuring on tho construc
tion of a houso, barn nnd other
buildings that will bo built nt once.
Now fences will also be built and
other Improvements mtulo that will
mako thin ono of tho model farms of
this section. -. Scars has tho
plncu rented and with his family aro
already living there.
Order your laud plaster at onco.
United Warehouse Co,, liond. 2-3
Hereafter tho Hour manufactured
by tho Hond Milling & Warehouse Co.
will bo on salo nt the United Ware
house Company's depot warehouse
Advortisomont. 3-1
' NOTlCfc Foil lAaiCATlOft.
U, 8. Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon. March 4th, 1013,
Notlcu in horeliy given that Ohnrlea
J. Mock, of Lnldlavv, Oregon, who, on
November 2ml, 1909, tundu homo
stead entry No, 0'G40B, for NIHlt sec
tion .15, township 10 south, rnngo 11
east, WIllnmuttQ Meridian, has filed
uotlco of Intuntton to mako final
threo-yenr proof, to establish claim
to tho land nbovo described, boforo
II. C, Kills, U. H, Commissioner, nt
his olllco nt Hcud, Oregon, on tho
28th dny of April, 1913.
Claimant nnmen ns witnesses:
Fred N. Wallace, (U-orgo W. Bnyder,
L. It. Hoot and Andrew McCnlllstor,
till of iLatdlaw, Oregon.
1-5 C. W, MOOHE. Hoglstor.
I tV tho Circuit Court or tho Btnto of
Oregon for Crook County.
United Warehouse Company, n cor
poration, plnlntllT, vs. W. F. and
Maxo Lockwood, defendants.
To W. F, lockwood and Maio Iock-
wood, nhuvu nnmud defendant!
In tho name or the stato or Oregon
yon nri hereby ronulred to appear
and answer tho complaint or tho
plaintiff filed against you lit tho
above entitled suit within ten days
from tho date of service of this sum
mons upon you If survod within
Crok county, Oregon, or ir served
within any other county or tho Mnlo
or Oregon, then within 20 dnys or
tho dntn of tho service of thin sum
uionn, and If served upon you by
publication, then on or before the
FHATi:itNAL HoniCTir.s.
I. O. (). F.
tIIssssssssssssssssssssst '
The Bend Stone Company
Wc nrc erecting the
Brown BuiMing on Bond Street.
Why Did We Get the Contract?
Because we were nble to show
Item! Iiodge No. IH
Hcgular Muotlugs every Monday nUht
Visitors welcome.
W. L. Wing, U. N. Hoffman,
N. O. Hec. Secy.
M. W. OF A.
Pilot nuttu Camp No. 0794
Meets every Tuesday In Hather Halt.
Visiting Neighbors always welcome
W. W. Orcutt. Consul.
Martin It. Knutson, Clerk,
Hth day of May. 1013, nnd you aim
each of you aro hereby notified that
if you fall so to appear and answer,'
for wont thereof tho plaintiff will np.
ply to the court for tho roller prayed,
for In the complaint on (lie hmulit,
tO'Wlti For Judgment against you
and each or you for tho mini oh
708, together with thu costs niiil
disbursements or this notion, f
This nummonn In published In Tho
llmul llulletln. n weekly nimspiipor
of general circulation, publltilnd iU
llmid, Crook county, Oregon, for six
successive weeks, by order of tho
llonornlilo 0, Springer, Judge of tint'
County Court, Statu of Oregon, said
order being made and entered nu
the Sfllh dny of March, 1013, In thu
abovo emitted num.
Dated aind published first tltut
this Siith day or March, 101.1.
3.U Attorney for plaintiff.
Stone is the Best and Cheapest
C. W. Edmunds. M. D., the well
known Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Surgeon Specialist has returned to
Bend and will be here until Satur
day next at Pilot Butte Inn.
Catarrhal diseases and surgery a
CALLY FITTED. Now is the time
to have the adenoids and diseased I
tonsils removed at home.
Building Material nnd that we are able to
Jo a first class job In a first class manner
-That's Why.
Think it over nnd then
let us figure with you.,
Snnd arid flravclAII Sizes-Fair Prices
W. A. BEAVER, Bend, Ore.
Floyd L. Lolwlell, Onco Town Mar
shal, Fatally Hurt in Mine.
An account of the death, by
accident, of a pioneer of the Bend
country has been received by The
Bulletin from K. Mllo Lobdell, a
brother of the unfortunate man.
Floyd L. Lobdell, who was well
known In this vicinity, being town
marshal in 190C and 1907, lost his
life in a mine at Lafayette, Colo., on
February 27, 1913. He was work
ins In a mine with a lantern. .Ha
lighted a match and touched it tdT
the vlck. A pice of the burning,
wick dropped In a barrel of powder
nearby, the presence of which was
unknown to him. An explosion fol
lowed and he was fruitfully Injured
about the body. After the explos
ion, he walked a mile and turned
In a signal that there had been an
accident; then he walked another
mile to his resldenco where medical
attention was summoned. He died
later as a result of tho injuries. He
was 32 ynsra old. He Is survived
hy mother, three brothers and ono
sister. F. Mllo Lobdell is teacher In
the Hoopa Valloy Indian School, at
Hoopa, Cal.
Free Government
Receipts for the week have been:
Cattle 1312, calves 38, hogs 2103,
sheep 2783, horses 33. Cattle mar
ket steady to shade firmer. An ex
cellent demand prevailed fbpprime
beef. Top sates this we,ekvere
made at 8 to S8.2G, while' bulk of
steer offerings graded wood Uf choice
nnd realized $7,00 to 7.80. Dutcher
stuff Is equally strong, notably helf-J
.tiro' and cows. There haseen slim
We have been locating Government Lands in
Central Oregon lor four years.
We know all the country and all the land
open to entry.
We have located 90 per cent of the settlers In
Central Oregon.
We own our own cars and can show you all
the country for less money than anybody in
the business.
We guarantee all locations made by our
If you want to see the best lands In Central
Oregon, it will pay you to call and sec us. Our
fee for locating is right and for reference we
suggest any bank or business house in Bend.
Call at our office, corner of Oregon and Wall
St.. and see samples of grains and vegetables
grown in the homestead country. Any Infor
mation we can give you will be gladly given.
Oregon Land & Immigration Co.
Oregon and Wall Sts,
t u
ixhkh: N O. 1 O II
k. or r.
Meets every Wednes
day evening at 8 p. m.
In Castle Hall, 10. A.
Bather llldg. Vlsltlug
Knights welcome.
Joo Innes, C. C.
L. M. Mclteynolds,,
K, of R, & 8.
HKND loixh: .NO. I'M
A. V. K A. .M.
Meets on Thursday on or bo.
foro tho full moon or each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
J. 1). Davidson,
W. M.
A. M. Lara,
Regular meetings held by llund
Lodge No. 807 In Bather's Hall on
the first and third Thursday evening
each month, Visiting members of
order always welcome.
J. II. MINER, Pros.
FRED 11UEY, 8ec,
Demi Lodge No. 208 meets ovory
socond and fourth Friday owning,
athcr's Hall. Visiting brothers
and sisters wcIcoiiimI.
Mrs. Lucy French, N. O.
Miss Luis V. Force, Rec. Kocy.
Regular meeting on first and
third Friday ovenlngs at Bnthor'i
Mrs. Jennlo Harper, Oracle.
MRU. A. ORCUTT, Recorder.
United Hint.
President ...Wood row Wilson
Vice President. .Thomas It. Marshall
Secretary of State W. J. Ilryan
Secretary of Navy . . Josephus Daniels
Hecrotary or War . . . .L, M. Harrison
Secretary of Interior . . . , F, K. Lane
Secretary Agrloulturu I), F. Houston
Secretary of Treasury ,v. F. MeAdoo
Secretary Commerce . .W. C. RedDeld
Secretary of Labor . . . , W. II. Wilson
Attorney Oenernl . .Jus. Mclteynolds
Postmaster General .Albert llurlesou
Oovornor Oswald West
Secretary of Stato . ... II. W. Olcott
Troasurer Thos. II. Ka
Atty Oeneral A. M. Crawford
Superintendent Public Instruction ..
I R. Alderman
Htnto Printer W. S. Duulwu)
Commissioner Labor Statistics ....
O. P. Huff
C-ame Warden W. L. Flntey
State Engineer ..... .John 11. LomU
United States Senators
George E. Chamberlain
Jonathan Ilournc, Jr.
Congressmen .A. W. Lafforty
W. C. llawley
Seventh Judicial District.
Judge , W. L. Ilradshaw
Attornoy W, 11. Doll
Crook County,
Judgn O. Springer
Clerk ............ Warren Drown
Sheriff ...Frank Elklns
Treasurer '. . . Ralph Jordan
Assessor II. A. Foster
School Supt J. K. Myers
Coroner ........P. II. Poludexler
Survoyor ............ Frod A. Rico
Commissioners R. II- Ilayley
Willis W. Drown
IRe Courts.
Circuit Meets first Monday In
May And third Monday In October.
Probate Meets tlrst Monday In
loach mouth.
Commissioners Meots first Wed
nesday in January, March, May, July,
September and Novonibor.
Rend School District No. J2.
Directors . ... .11. J. Ovorturf, Chmn
F. M. Ray
Clydo M. McKay
Clerk II. IS. Allen
City- of Rend.
Mayor .... G. P. Putnam
Recorder . , . . II. O. Ellis
Treasurer ......... .11. J. Ovorturf
Chief of Police S, E. Rnbortn
Clt Englneor ....Goorge 8, Young
Councllinon .11. E. Allen
..,., .,.. A. L. French
.A. 8. Collins
II. I). Fqrd
. John Btotdl
....,' K.. A, Sathor
Justices of tho Pence
Rond Precinct Ward H, Coble
Doscbutes Precinct ...W. W. Orcutt
In the Circuit Court or tho Htato
or Orugou for thu Cuuuty of Omok. ,
llnlph II. Ilrownlow, plaintiff, .
Iva M. Ilrownlow, defendant.
To Iva M. Ilrownlow, nbovo namoii
In the name of tho Htnto or Oregon
you are hereby required to appear1
and answer complaint or thu plaintiff
men iiKninsi you in inn innim imi- ( (
titled action and Court within txuVfX
dnys from tiiu survicu or mis sum.
moiis upon you, If served within
Crook County, Htato of Oregon, or
U served within any other County,
within this State, then within twenty
days from thu date or tho service of
this summons upon you, or If not)
sorvud within the State or Oregon,
then on or before Thursday, the 8tli
day of May, 1013; and you aro
further notified that If you rail to
appear and answer for want llmn'of
the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you as prayed for In the com
plaint on nin herein, to.wlt: That
the bonds of matrimony now uxWllug,
between you and plaintiff be forever
dissolved and held for naught
This summons Is served upon you,
by publication thereof In The llniiii
llullcllu. a newspaper of u'ouural cir
culation published at llend, Crook,
county, Oregon, fur six suociavo
wveka commencing with tho Issue of
March 19th, 1913, ami ending ltli,
the Issuo of May 7th, 1013, by order'
or tho Honorable O. Springer, Coun
ty Judge or Crook County, State of
Orogon. iimdo and entered on tho1
12lh day of March. 1913.
Dated and published tho first tlmo
March 19, 1913.
2-8 . Attorney for Plaintiff.'
Hoofing of nil kinds. Hopnlrlnjc
promptly done.
- Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spouting,
Cornices und Skylight.
Sanitary Plumbing
Promptly Attended to,
Pnstelflce llox No. 171
Offlco on Wall Street
with Chas. Hunter
and Pool
Flnonnl fopulnr Lino of
Robert Blackwell
Wall Street, Dend, Oregon
Estimates on Wall Pnpor at J
application Portland Prices
Cheapest nnd Best Wall Pupor
Samples In tho county.
Get My Prices.
Shop on Ortgon Street,
Kr of IH tchulct Uuuk
Clover Leaf Dairy '
1 'i
v and we will deliver ,
S. L. STAATS, Prop.
r t u I,
W wv viWU.