The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 19, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    FAflK .
i - -
(Special to Tho Hend IJullolln.)
LAIDLAW, March 18. t.aldlnw'8
cheese factory started work Monday.
Mrs. John Holt and daughter Kl
da carao In from Hrcowator, Ore.,
Saturday to join Mr. Doll nt this
lilace. Mra. Roll's father, J. N. 8iry.
accompanied them.
Mra. AUlo Ilaker will loavo on
Thursdays train from Ilond with hor
parents, Mr. and Mra. O. V. Wlmor,
of Tumalo. Tor their now homo at
Ashland. Mra. Wlmor haa been con
fined to hor hod for several wooka
nnd It la hoped tho change will bo
lenoncIal to her.
p. M. YV&llnco waa vorr III and
unable to attend tho colcbratton on
with their spring announcements.
Although tho winter haa not been n
aovcro ono, nil ara 'Rlad to aoo tho
Brass coming again, and to dig up
old straw hats.
Mra. pscar Prickctt la expected
homo soon, aftor a six months' vis
It with relatives and trlouda In Colo-
I rado.
Rort Powell returned last weok
from Camas. Wash., and la now nt
tho leo Davenport ranch again.
J. P. llowman and I. P. Hahlcn
got a largo bobcat In tho buttca last
When William Johnson came
homo a fow daya ago, ho found eight
sacks of his aeod ryo missing, with
freah tracks of tho wagon whore It
I had been driven In to load tho grain
on, tolling how tho grain had got
(Spectat to The Bend nullelln.)
FORT noCK, March 1C Plowing
nnd seeding are In lull blast.
Tho valley la full of homcscckcrs.
A J. Foster, county assessor, has
been in this neighborhood tho past
Tho Fort Itock Mutual Tclophono
Co. haa commenced to build a line
from Silver Lake to Crescent. Tho
poles are being put up and In tho
near future this place will have wlro
connection with the outsldo world.
Tho Hotel Fort Rock haa changed
hands. H. F. Wright of this place
will be landlord after this week.
C. F. Itleo went to Portland on
business the first of the week.
Mrs. It. J. West haa gono to Port
land for an extended visit.
Jesse Klrkland. who has lcon vis
iting at Sunset; Wash., catno In the
first of tho week.
C. M. Krdman and wlfo visited at
P. A. O ruber's Saturday and Sunday.
A. Ft. Donohuo, who haa boon
freighting from Hend to a Pine,
passed through hero recently on his
way to hl homestead near Arrow.
Miss -Gertrude Harrison left for
Salem, tho first of the week to visit
friends and relatives.
(Speclaf to Tho Bend Bulletin.)
Pl.NEHimST, March 17. Claudia
and Louisa Trlplett entered school
Monday, making a total enrollment
of 25. With many more prospective
pupils, the school board Is consider
ing the necessity of a larger build
ing and tho maintenance of a high
nchool at this place.
J. W. Dietrich, who recently pur
chased the placj owned by John Has
selberg. moved hla family In from
Kelso. Wash.. Wednesday.
Mr. asd Mrs. Arthur Jackson went
to Bend ou business Monday.
R. H. Baylcy spent some tlmo In
PrlnevlHc this week attending tp
business matters.
Jeno Wlmor sold some clover bay
to O. W. Horner thlB week.
Mlrs Nellie Snyder, who has been
quite III, Is much Improved at this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swisher made
a business trip to Bend Saturday.
Sandel Bros, have rented the ranch
owned by Mrs. L. J. WImer, and sub
stantial Improvements are being
L. II. Root nnd Charles Johnson
have bean wo'VI"? Jbe "ds In tho
vicinity of Bull Greek flat.
The Socialist local met this week
at the homo of Mrs. C. E. Nichols.
a number of Pineburst people at
tended the celebration In Laldlaw
Saturday. "
Mr. and Mra. Jene WImer spent
Monday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Couch.
J. R. Diy of Laldlaw vicinity was
a caller at tho L. H. Root home on
Miss Flora Hasaelbcrg spent Sun
day with friends In Laldlaw.
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
POWKLL BUTTE, March 10. J.
D. Stevens of Bell Plains was In
this neighborhood getting some n"r
sery stock for his homestead. He
thinks fruit will grow there.
Butto Valley school closes Thurs
day Mireh 20. The teacher, Mrs.
J. D. Davldinn. and pulpla will have
a banquet the afternoon of the 20th.
A iHort nrrani will be rendored
nnd toasts given.
Ceorge H'aveus and Ruby Phil
lips will so6n start on an extended
trip through Harney county with a
view toward finding a good location
for cittlo raising. Mr. Havens and
Mr. Phillips came from Alberta.
The ctnal la being c'paned out -In
places where tho sand haa filled In,
prepa.nitor.y J(q turning Ju the water.
Spring work ,1 under way with
the plowing, pd needing going on.
Pot?tQ id.p.ntlnj; wlll foon 1 iete;
gardenHf ro being, prepared ff be
ing well manured; seed catalogs re
ceived some time ago are being put
to use, and meadow larks are here
(Special to Tho Bend Bulletin.)
MILLICAN, March 17. Tho peti
tion praying for n now school district
In the valloy has been granted by the
district boundary board and notices
have been posted calling a meeting
of tho legal voters on March 26 for
tho purpose of organizing such dis
trict and electing three directors and
a clerk. Tho new district haa tho
following boundaries: The south
half of township Id. south range 14
K.. W. M.; south half or township 19,
range 15; township 20. rango 14;
and tho north half of township 20,
rango 15.
A. D. Norton la putting a 16-foot
curbing In L. II. Gless' well. Mr.
Glcsa will move out from Bend
shortly to reside on Ills claim.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kclgor, who
have been spending the winter at4
Albany, Ore., will return to their
claim Tucaday. " "" ,
- P. B Johnson, and Eric Uastcland
brought out another load of grocer-
lea from Bend last Friday,
F. J. Qlndor la orectlng a Iiouro
on hla claim preparatory to moving
hla family out from Bend.
Harry Morrison, who haa boon
visiting his homo folks in Kansas for
tho past several weeks, haa returned
to his duties at tho Mllllcan ranch.
Thomas Moflltt. Win. Todd, A. I).
Norton and Fred Kclgor are Bond
visitors today.
(Special to Tho Bond Bulletin,)
PLA1NVIKW, March 17. Miss Kl
len Crawford spent Satiirdtiy nnd
Sunday with her parents In Laldlaw.
John Ltchestcln. Ralph Limbeck
and Charllo Powolson wont to Sis
ters Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. Strahm woro visit
ing their daughter, Mrs, Ruble, Tues
day. Mra. Fosa of Ccntrnlla, Wash., Is
hero visiting with her brother, Geo.
Mrs. Snylcr and Mrs. Dickey wero
In Slaters Monday.
Some parties from Salom aro In
looking nt tho Guy McCalllstor place
and are thinking of trading Salem
property for It.
Glcavea Strahm returned Sunday
after a two weeka' stay with her
sister, Mra. Ruble, at Slaters.
-- -- -e- ---
(Special to Tho Bend Bulletin.)
TUMALO. March 17. Tho milk
wngon began Its dally rounds today
from Will Fryrear'a ranch through
this vicinity and on to Laldlaw to tho
cneeso factory.
Thero seems to bo sonio advance
ment and demand for real cstato In
this and noarby vlclnltlea slnco tho
Brick is Best
Every dollar spent for Bend
made brick stays in Bend.
Every dollar spent for Bend
brick is a dollar well spent
because it gets you the best
building material at the
lowest cost. Ask the people
who have used our brick.
The Bend Brick
& Lumber Co.
W. E. Scott
A. H. Horn
R. C. Colver
Colonist Fares gs&
March 15 to April 15, 1913 ll illfill Jgl
While The Fares Are Low
The Low pares apply from the following and many other
points in the East, to any station on the O-W. R. &
N. In Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Atlanta, Ga $51.70
Oklahoma City 85.25
Memphis, Term 42.50
Boston, Mass 65.15
Pittsburg, Pa 47.00
Montgomery, Ala 50.15
Charleston, S. C..'.... 63.90
Denver, Colo 30.00
New York City 65.00
Fort Worth, Tex 40.75
Kansas City, Mo 30.00
St. Paul, Minn 30.00
Chicago ,
Louisville, Ky $42.85
Bultimore, Md 54.75
Philadelphia. Pa 64.75
Milwaukee, Wis 36.70
Buffalo, N. Y 47.50
St. Louis, Mo 37.00
Muskogee, Okla 35.20
Detroit, Mich 43.60
Omaha, Neb 30.00
New Orleans 48.05
Minneapolis 30.00
Leavenworth, Kan.... 30.00
$38 00
Tickets will be delivered without extru charge to any
body lit aMy point where Colonist fares apply, upon de
posit; i$th njiy 0-W. IL &)fy. Agent of the amount.
. U ft ?f)U,HU parllCMls'rVdro'p a card to
v.YiV. . V :.:': '
j. n. ujkuci i, Agent u-w k. in., uena, uregon.
fnvornhlo legislation, as thuro hnvo
boon aovornl Rood offers rofusod and
sales mado at Rood figures.
Mr. nnd Mra, P. A. Woolloy spent
Sunday with V. W. Lovoroni.
Mra, Pulllnm and son Jlnnnlo
wero Bisters visitors Sunday.
Mr. lllclianU and family are now
mourning tho death ot a uloco In
----- ----- --
(Special to Tha llond Ilullotln.)
ALFALFA, March 17. From tho
number ot landscokora that havo
boon looking over tho Alfalfa coun
try tho past two weeka It scents aa
If the pcoplo outsldo aro aWakenlng
to tho possibilities ot Ore
Hot beds, Incubators nnd spring
plowlnR aro kceplnk ovoryono busy
lust now.
A larRo crowd attended tho dnnco
at the Molouoy homo last Saturday
Mr. llarnca Is onJoylnR n visit
from his mother nnd brother who
catno from Prlnovllto to spend tho
weok. Tho llnrnea brothers hnvo
rented tho Mackoy homeiitead and
will farm It this summer,
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Schmidt
mado n bualucM trip to llond Tucu
day. Alton Haamussnn Is roimrtod much
tetter, and will soon bo nlilo to come
Mrs. Ocnriso Scott, who has been
visiting rolatlrea In Pendleton, has
returned to hor iomo near ,Uur
Creek llutto.
(Special to The llond Ilullotln.)
IMI'IilllAU March 13- William
Frazcr la again on his honiMtJAd.
Ono of his horses got badly cut In n
bariwro fence the other dn'.
Mr. Harmon Is en his claim. Ho
broiiRht with him 1.1 head of entile,
two teams nnd n Rood layout of farm
Ivan Knotts took dinner with Mr
and Mrs. I'nrsnna one day last week
II. O. IIoruo haa finished building
a larRo barn and corral!.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McConncll and
Miss Hlxby wero Rucsts of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Albert Slovona for dinner last
Tho dnnco which was hrld here
March 7 was a decided success, CO
people being present, some coming as
far as thirty miles. A Itounteotm
supper wan served at midnight and
tho dance was kept up till C o'clock
In tho morning when bruakfaat waa
served and tho crowd wended their
way homewnrd.
William Tldas Is b-fk on his
claim and is ngaln do.njr tho big
improvement stunts.
Mr. Vnnlako mado a business trip
to Prlnevlllo last week.
Kmll Wenger visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Hurley llngue last ?undsy.
Mr. Ncold of Hampton was visiting
with friends here last Sunday .
Warren McConncll hauled n load
of hay from tho Schmeer ranch last
Tsndo & Ring located Mra. Anna
Hill of California on n destrt claim.
A hard-times dance Is announced
for April 1 hero.
Some ot tho farmers are taking
advantage of tho good wonthor and
getting tho ground ready for early
Ivan Knott made a trip to llond
after his seed grain.
The snow Is practically nil gono
now, after lying on tho ground slnco
December 2nd.
Prnmo has hla nop windmill In
A.. T. Bhnvor la. moving his well
drlllo thn Dry Ukb country to drill,
Mrs. A, li. llrlckcy fins ficcit v'lttlt
lug at Mrs, Nolsott Crow's for u fow
Two auto loads of homo-ftookora
woro tu luuniuon valley tins week
looKiiiK for malms,
L. II. ,. Miller haa hla house moved
up to the county well, which Is ou
ttio cot nut or his claim
II. 0. Miller returuud homo from
t'.vud lust buiurduy.
A. I.. Iltlckuy tins ordorod a now
two-uoisopovtur RtiBOlInu ohkiiio to
pump water Irom nls uuw well.
Autos hnvo vncountored very
muuuy roads botwuon Hums uud
uampton during tho punt wuuu, ttio
roHii Doing so u4U that somo of the
autos comltiR from llond woru obliged
to return.
K, lee IllgRs, hns ordorod tho
casing for his well, which la 214 foot
deep and contains warm water.
(Special to The llond Ilullotln.)
CKK8CKNT, March H. Mr. nnd
Mra, Prank Hninuur woro In from
their ranch Monday,
Prank Appling walked from Heav
er Marsh to Crescont this week. Ho
saya that tho road will b0 open prob
ably within tho next month.
Tom McCord has returned to
Odell mVo whom ho will assist tho
stato fish culturUt, Mr. Wilson.
Mr. and Mra. I). A. Jones woro
Crescent visitors this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Joo I., ItlnRo, Mr.
and Mr. C. W. Ixiug, Mltsea Dorothy
Anderson and Icinn ApploRnlo plan
to attofld tho dance In l.n 1'lno But
urday ulRht.
Th0 regular meeting of tho l'lou
eor Hewing Club was hold at tho
home ot Mrs. (I. W, Anderson. Olll
eora for tho coining six months woro
elected by acclamation na follows;
Mia. (I. W. Anderson, president;
Mr. Chnrles Thomas, vlco prenldonti
Mra. 10, 0. ltotirk, trensurur. itud
Mlaa Dorothy Andnrsout oorotury,
A -dainty lunch wna aorvod l flm
duilug loom nnd tlio-tnhlo-wna.tnHle-fully
(lucoratoil with grouit for 81.
(Bpoclal to Tho llond Ilullotln.)
HWNI), 11. P. I)., March tfl. O. M.
Swnuaon nnd P. J. Young ctonrod
till thn brush nnd trimmod up the
troea In front of thnlr Intnl. It
makes a vast Improvement In the
road nnd would bu n Rood lossoit lo
their neighbors.
Hundny Miss Dolln Merrlriold, C.
V. Ilnrto, N'lchnlaa Hoynolda nnd
Wills Nolnud wont Into town horse
back to ace tho bucking contest. In
thn evening Mrs. Jusslo Houghton
aorvnd nn oyater supper ou tho re
turn of tho party. Mr. Ilarlo pre
pared tho oysters. An onjoyablo
ovenliig followod.
Mr, nnd Mrs. P. M. Itny of Hend
and Mr. nnd Mrn. It. M. ICIder visit
vd nt tbu homo of Mr. nnd Mra, C,
K. Sinllh Kuudny.
m. It. Ilowmnu of Prlnovlllo nnd
Ml" 1J .isc'iue? wnt on plenln
Sundny, This Is the (Irnt picnic par
ty from this vicinity thin Menson.
I,nt Snturdny tho (Iraugo held a
most onjoyablo session. Cyrus Wnl
kcr, chaplain of the Stato UrniiRK,
wns present nnd filled the chair.
After tho business session n banquet
wns nerved. Mr. Walker left Hun
day for Opal City on further busi
ness for the (Irnngo.
Mrs. Andrew Moon, who has been
qulto III, fur nouio time, Is Improv
ing. Phillip S. Dnnrer and wife liavo
moved to Hampton valley for the
kummor, ou their homestead.
I A rlnoxineil ml In Tim llulktln N
I read by hundred "lid nrlngii tho nil
UertUcr rimh! rciuriia for the money
There's o world of satisfac
lion in tnc possession ot n
:apcrfrcl rtno on In which vou mv rr
. CI -I." I. ...... 1
pais crcry connucncc nu nioiuiijir
tlul your cooklnl snU tuking will h uonc
juilsi you with. Vou miy depend upon Iht
Malleable Range
to five perfectly sllifselory lervlc evert
dey for yeert and yeert. The M onircn
doei not require nesrly much cere t
ordlnery ranfc and coils much lets to
You'll mrt(j be pleated with the Mon-srtb.
Bend Hardware Co.
- -----
(Special to The Hend flullctln.)
HAMPTON. March 10. Mr. and
Mra. Langford and daugntorn, Miss
Francis and Ruth, were Hampton
visitors Saturday and whllo hore Miss
Ruth filed on a homestead in (ho
Dry Lake country.
Last Thursday bolng Master Tom
Dunn's eleventh birthday, a small
party waa given at his home, Immedi
ately after school. Ico cream, cako
popcorn balls and coffee wero sorvod
and a very pleasant afternoon was
spent by those present.
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons of Imperial
visited with W. T. Harrison's family
all day Sunday.
II. C. Miller returned from Hend
Mr. Jackson and family, who havo
a homestead on the southwest sldo
of Hampton Hutte, aro on tholr home
stead and busy at work.
Fischer Lognn was In Hampton on
business Saturday,
Mra. 1-ouls Miller Is roported still
In a critical condition.
The weather haa been so mild the
past week that several teams wore
soon harrowing in tho fields Sattlr'
day, Tnoao who havo traveled tha
roads Bay they ate aa bad aa thoy
e,vor get In this country and tho
nutos havo dlincutty in getting
HAMPTON, March 14. A, T.
Wc Ounrnntce Our Product
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
"The Bend Creamery"
i en CRRAM
I Hesdquariera for Commercial Men
J lilectrlc Lighted Throughout
- -..
Special Attention to I
Transient Travel J
Quod Rooms
Free butJ'fiVy's .
nd from trains
Quod Meals
A" arrj ngementa rnia..)nr persona J
desiring to go south and east of here
- -------... ....4.t4