The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 19, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    i i i Piij anii; fJiwm
tub nfexb' liiuMitf, nfcyrf, uMiriftfobXiS .ihbit it, iei:
"AilHt'ulliirnl Cunrrrriirc" at I'nrt.
Iniitt Ignored (Vntrnl Oregon, Hajra
! lit Hunter Hpeakrm Wnnt
AKrltiittiiriil Hill lo Ileiieflt.
'Tortlnni! In buoy laying plnnn for
Alio agricultural tlavulopmcini of lljo
mvxIv," aalil I). K. Iluntor. who io
(ilrnuil from that city Hundny nlnht,
In imnkljix of the "agricultural con
fotoneo" nt Ilia Coiiiuiorolal Olub,
i puicii nn ciiiuiinuu. i no iniurum urn
4aw iilutropolla In taking hi atntc-wlda
4lurulnimunt wna cuiiiinoiulod IJy him
but Mr. Iluntur ixrtt aiirprlan
ilmt clii IaiiiU niul Krnlii-r(tlliiK
rtcvltvtl practically no nltuiitloii,
"Thoro wna nliuut flvn liuura of
tnlk,' contliiuoti Mr. Hunter, "unit
ntott of It mlKlity kooiI, ton. Only
J hoy confined tliotimolvcM to fruit,
string henna, prune nnd thu other
proilutfa t lint grow In tho Wltlnui-
ttto volley. With thn deception of
T. II. Wllrox, who urKcil that inoro
iittmitloti ho paid to wheat niul Icaa
o lhou things which, Iwi declared,
already overdone, onn wotilit never
havo Rticaaed thnt Oregon extended
ihii of ho Caacadn mountain."
Tho imrpomt of tho meeting won
to iIuvImi wnyii ami mean of taking
mivanlago of tho roomily en
wctod iigrlcultiirnl rxtciilon hill,
.which provldea that tha heneMa of
(ho agricultural college mny Im Ink
'li to iho farm, Itiitond of tho farm
,-r being oiillxcil to go lo thn col-
Iokc Mr. Hunter characterlted tho
rcmarka of C. I.. Hmltti, ngrlculliir-
trl of tho O.-W It N Co,
a inoit valuable of tho aeaaloii
Hum hill Henri Telegram,
The followltiK tolegrnm wna rn
rehwl from .1 y. Hawhlll, norro
tty of thn Central Oregon DuvoN
iuiirnt League, from I In nil
"I re rut exceedingly my Innbll
It v lo attend tho vxtonilon confer-lip-
lodny. I mn to explain thn
provlilnna of tho hill to nhotit 300
fAriurm In talillaw tonight Farm
ir of Central Oregon nro n unit In
MlrmaiulInK tho Ix-notltn of tho hill
.) !x made available upon thnlr own
'Initiative. They nro circulating po
,tltiona rniiitliiic tho County Court
to npproprhtto neceiuiniy futiria and
thr AKrlrulturnl College to funilati
a. m. niul 7s.10 p, tu., nt Btnr Tliontor.
Hiilijocl, mornliiK, "Tho Nature of
thn ItvNurroctlou llody," Huhjoct,
ovonlnct, "Hhnll wo Know our Vrlotidn
In Honvoti, If ho How?" Hunilny
ttcffool nt 10 n, m, Hohr KrirnlinM,
Humtny Rcrvlcea! Toncliora tnool
liiK nt OiOO n. m., Hlblo re lion I nt
DM6, PrimchlnK nt 11:00, Ilrothor
hnod meeting nt .1:00, Young I'oo
pln'a innotlng nt 0:30, I'ronchlni; nt
7:30. WediiMdny ovonlnf. prayer
IrtnotliiR nt 7:30, Thurmlny ovonliiR
choir iirnojlro In thn church nt 7:30.
Friday nftnrnoon Tonchnni TrnlnlnR
CIam nt 3:00 In tho church, Friday
ovnnlng tha Unltod Chorui Club
incuts tt 7)30.
1ornl pconlo nro urprlod nt tha
QUICK remiilA rcrolrod from ilmplo
buckthorn hark, Rlycorlnu, etc., an
mixed In AdlaM-kn, tho Oernmn nv
iiondlcltlR romody, The, J'Attornon
J)ruB Co. utntc thnt IhU (IniiHo rom
ody nntlAoptlcltcn tho dlKeitlvo nyii
torn nnd draw off thn Impurities no
thoroughly thnt A BINOI.i: DOOIC rn
IIovoa sour itomnch, rrr ou tho
Rtomnch and constipation IN
- ---
I- KJlKMONT..Mirclt 17. Mr.,,nnl
Mm, A. B. Hnwk havo Koiio to I'ort
Innd for two or throo wceki,
A surprise, party wan given at tho
homo of Mr, nnd Mrs, McCallum In
honor of Mr, nnd Mr. Cnlinhan and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Oak Heeler Inst weok.
j'romont looked llko n city Inst
Bnndny when o many homcatond
ant worn camped horo.
l'noplo nro coming fnit from tho
Hnt, hut then) U nothliiR left in
tho wny of homoRtonds around Fro
mont or Fort Hock, and they nre so
Iiir farther enst.
A. J. Foster, county assessor, was
horo sovornl dnys recently.
J. II. Fox Is thu dentist of Fromont
nownday slnco ho axtrnctod for K.
F. J'enrcn n tooth which has been tho
cnuio of Mr. I'cnrco's troubles for
Rorno tlmo.
Mrs. Allco Hooter took hor son
Oakland Titnlly "out 'to Ilond lifkt
Monday and returned homo Thursday.
I.Ut your farm and cltjr property
ivltli me. I will make nn liunrst
efTort to sell It. C. V. HIIiVIH Adr.
II ,vv
if rcmsr
II ' Hi mi
1 'nn th
Jl Ilillltlni-WWlH iRllll. IMHHRR1HIII I
Gtieap Electric Power
o Manufacturers
-. v
Mrthcxlltt l.'ilcopnl.
Ilr K. C. Nowhnm, pastor, Her-
tcci every Hundny nt 11 a. m nnd at
7 30 p. in. Hundny aohool at 10 a.
'in. Kpftorth IaRtio at G 46 p. m on
Sunday Choir praetlco Thursday at
i 'Dp m I'rayor nivotlnR Wodnes
lay at 7 30 p. in. Junior League at
a p m tltiuday.
, I'lenbytcilMii.
There will ho npeelal Knstor ser
lres ou Hunda), March 23rd, at 11
1 V' ---
Ice Cream
Spun Sugar
Ordtr Early.
Only Half an Hour from Town
iODERN business men nnd farmers
havo ceased to measure distances by
miles. Minutes servo instead. "Wo
nro just half nn hour from town,"
says a fanner who lives seven miles
out nnd owns nn International car. "I went to
town today, starting half nn hour nftcr tny
neighbor went by my Rito with his team, nnd
I passed him Just yvhera the main street pav
f ne bcRina. Wo visit ovcry friend within thirty
miles, hear lectures, sea entertainments, havo
n better time ia every way since I bought an
International Commercial Car
An Ohio business man says "When I nm
using my International Commercial Car tho
expenso is about the samo as with a team, but
when it ia not in uso it Is not eating, and,
therefore, costs nothing. After a year's experi
ence, I find tho repair bills to bo no mora
than tho bills for shoeing, harness repairs,
wagon repairs, painting, etc., and there is tho
ndded advantage of getting around three times
as fast."
When you own nn International Commercial
Car you make the trips you u?cd to neglect
bocauso you did not vht to take tho horses
from their work. It can bo used in all sea
cons when tho road is passable to horses. The
wheels nro high enough to give amplo road
clearance. Solid tiros give good traction nnd
eliminate many tiro troubles. Tho cngino is
simple nnd powerful. It will pay you in many
ways to know till about tho International Com
mercial. Car. A letter brings full particulars
with many interesting facts and figures.
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
Ibe Bend Commercial Cliib
stands ready to aid any bona
fide enterprise that will locate
here, flwe can help you get a
location and cheap power. Tell
us what you want and
we will tell you w"hat we have.
Ito Bend Commercial Club
i 4
' 14 lj
-' t fsv
t a a.
K V ' Hi
fftlW, Rillitlt. prt
.nn.riA. M.riUOf Our
srbiv mm
win mb4 ooitpAia our
r. ttlmM ttiLk
The Following Office and Other
i .
Supplies ar.e For Sale at
The Bulletin Office.
Itrt M of Crook County, 91.00.
I'Rnl lUankh, li nnd 4 ccntu cadi.
Tomuhlp Pint llookn, 'M emu rncli.
UnilorwxKl Tjrtotrrllcr ItlblionN, blue nml black, 75c.
Tjrjx)rltrr ('iImii, black anil blur, letlerhenil niul
IcriiI nIio, i alirota He; also pencil carbon In Inrjco sheeta,
JO ceuta each.
Photo MullriH, kinnll ami larRc klze, UJJc and Re,
IJoml l'iixr, nil rolom and aUtw,
i'lipcr for titkliiK cnrlxin coi(m, ,
.MiJlUBcrlit Covera, prlntl nnd imprinted.
Application to content blanks.
Koft lead penclla.
Itecclpt Hooka.
Iteitt Itecelpt lUwikn.
Two rollN, 10 jiikIh encli, profllo paper, nt bralii.
Monthly Tlmo ItookM,
C,'nnllMiml, white iintl eolora.
Cooking Outfits for Families
'r i
1 Electric Disk Stove
i : - . a
1 Electric Coffee Pot
I Combined Toasfer aricl GrllU,
. rr 4-
1 Small Baking Oven. a " .
hhpbb i ii ii . T- ii ., ail aalvt
The above outfit will do all the; cook-4Hg',feiw,'a,--small
family, at low cost.
Lasy term-?. INo charge ror installing.
13 3a
, MtSI
ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS delivered tit your
on request for 80 days free trial.
Bend Water Light & Pof fitiipaiy
. !i iMjf
Th6 Bend Bufletm
, hlUnHil IWUn ,
. rIUrU Mrkl I.IIM. .
wrfu tattit Sm4 M Mad U Wl. Mf twlM.
wkIM m4 nntn Mm .tot. Tiwn tWlwlK'
i i
tl r Hw fc4 l(iW4li Q4Hla 0I4.
k'dlll Ih
XAT A(UU7UttH BKfiirV 4,
t BU KooJiiuru, iinnoM