PAGE FOUR Alaskan Dog Races Thrillers Sporting World 'Knows No Mora Exciting Event Thnn Con tests over Snow and Icy Trails Tho world of sport furnishes no tnoro exciting contest thnn tho dog rncc of uorthcrn Alaskn, True, tho entire course l not vlslblo from any one position nnd tho finish Is often devoid of nn exciting climax. Vet this is no deterrent to racing fnndout nnd tho start of every race Is tho scene of excitement, while tho entlro population turns out at tho finish to hall tho victor nnd console tho loser. nnsunecment thnt the first team will start nt 2 o'clock in tho morning Is tho signal for a general lighting up of houses nnd a peering out or Heads. When the bugle proclaims the start of the first team, the streets are thronged about tho judges' stands niiil every nvnilnhlc balcony is fairly alivo with humanity. For tho trial of strength and ondurnnco Is on, tho prise is thousands of dollars and many bets on tho race are recorded. Greatest of all tho races Is the All- Vlaskan sweepstakes, 412 miles In length over .1 difficult trail. Across the peninsula from Jvome to Uandie, from ltering Sea to the Arctic Ocean and return, the trail leads through canyon and over mountain, a tortuous eourso fraught with unexpected and unseen dancers at every turn. Tho rsccrs know nothing of tho weather that will greet them at each new stretch of track. Today tho sky Is clear at Nome, tomorrow tho city Is wrapped in a bliarard. Tho start may be made under sunny skies, while 20 miles out tho teams may bo forced to seek shelter from tho blinding storm, The snowilldo comes unannounced, burying dogs and driver or sweeping them into the canyon far below, from whence ascent moans the loss of hours of time. If not serious iujury. 8now blindness may visit dogs so that they cannot keep tho trail, or, their feet may bo torn by tho sharp ico. Any of a hundred disastrous events may hnppen to rob a contestant of tho coveted prize. For days before the appointed start bookmakers are busy reeording bet on the race. Saloon which, in tho far north, are moro like clubhouses than anything else, are tho scene of great exeltetncnt and the telling of tales by veterans of tho trait. Every man has his favorite and the rclatlvo merits of huskies, wolves and mama lutes play no small pnrt in the gen eral ditousslon as to tho outcome. On the part of tho racers themselves, the ontest represents far moro than mere speed. The experience, endurance and tpjick wit of tho men count heavily, while tho selection of dogs la a mat ter of weeks. Canines aro selected and tried, rejected or set aside for further trial. Another team Is brought out and put through a system of cull ing until tho required number of sturdy croatnrcs, selected tor strcngtn, speed and endurance, is definitely do termined. Then follow trips over the trail, trials of speed on short courses and tests of strength on difficult grades, until, when the day arrives, enrh contestant enters with tbe best material thnt his cxperleneo has been ablo to select. Every p recant 1 11 u is used to protect tbi life and health of the dog. Tiny moccasins nrci carried to place upon wounded feet; dark or green colored veils aro at hand to protect the dogs from snow-blindness; leef, mutton and soup serve to nourish and strengthen these intelligent creatures on whom so much money is staked. For tlC winter trail ii dangerous and too many precautions cannot be taken. Ofton dogs and driver are found starv ing end nearly frozen within a mile of their own camps. In one of the great races a gale drove a driver and his team out upon Bering Bea, where they were compelled to upend tbe night in a driving storm. Brown's roadhouse is known as the "House of a Thousand How-wows," beeanse the entire number of entries in one of the races was compelled by a bliz zard to stop for IS hour at his sta tion. Yet, it is because the most dar ing courage is required for these con tests that they eomniond so mneh In terest The world admires such feats of sterling manhood. Tho race from Koine to Candle and return was inaugurated in 1008. Be eanse of tho great expense involved and the extremo hardship of tbe course, support for the venture was slow at first There were ten entries in this race, which proved one of the most exciting of the series. The teams were started two hours apart, which was found to be a mistake on account of tho great variation in tho weather Tho difference is so marked thnt oven between two teams tho trail for ono might bo decidedly easy whilo for tho other almost Impassable. Now but in minutes is allowed to elapso bo tween starts. Alaska Is still talking of tho wonderful final spurt mado by Scotty Allen In tho first race, whon tho last TO miles was run In I) hours nnd .tU minutes, Scotty won tho race In 1PM iiml has ' since been one of tho factors with whom tho winner has had to figure. Telephone connections are kept up between nil stations along tho course and the progress of each team is re ported hourly. Tho grealer part of four days Is consumed In tho race, Tho fourth day tho streets again swarm with people to watch tho fin ish. One of tho rules of the raco is that all the dogs must roturn. If one is inenpaeitoted it must be car ried in on tho sled nnd any that per ish must nlso bo brought in. Thus the skill of tho driver in earing for his dogs becomes nn clement in the raco, as well as tho endurance of tho ca nines. More than ono contest has been lost because of tho low of dogs, The .Solomon Derby over a course Militant Suffragettes in Riot English Women, 'Betrayed" by Frontier, Bcconio Trouble somo Political Factor in England Militancy among suffragettes In l.omloli hns ngaln assumed nlnrmlug aspect, I. oil to bollevo that tho prlmo minister's cabinet would present tho suffrage amendment beforo parlia ment, militancy has been singularly ipitet for somo tinio past. On Jnnth nry 27 Premier Asipilth announced that, although ho desired to fulfill his promise to tho women In the pre sentation of this bill, tho knowledgo thnt It would havo nn chnnco of pas sage forbade such a course. Mm. Km ellne l'nnkhurst, leader of tho mill tout faction of the suffrage move iiiuut, declared at oucn that tho with drawal ut tho bill was tho result of a conspiracy of which l'rotnler As iptith had actual nnd positive knowl edge. "Tho answer to this treach ery," said Mrs. I'ankhurst, '.lis mili tancy." So, tho window-smashing campaign li on again in earnest. Women mid their sympathisers throng nbout the fashionable streets and pay as little rpeet to tho costly plate glass fronts of high-priced jewelry stores as to tho fonr.paned side-lights of the less pro tentlous. Mail boxes have again como into prominence ns tho special ob best drivers the north affords. ACTRESS TELLS HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL . ...II.. I . J..-A l.-..- .... v..-. I I . . . .. .... ' . ui iw i-K nn jiii. wru vuiiiuvu-u. jeets or attack, tno militants drop John Johnson winning with his team ping ncids Into them with disastrous o Siberian wolves In six hours, ono (ifrocta upon mall matter. Street and one half minutes. Hcotty Allen ' ,poeehc sero constantly to stir np como in fourth. While, not tho great the flnmes of discontent "and to widen est race of the north, thts derby ia tho breach between contending fac one of tho most exciting and calls for( ti0IU 0f the suffrage movement. For speed on tho part of both dogs and thoso who favor a quiet campaign man. An nverago of nearly eleven j through an awakening of public senti miles an hour for six hours Is a reo mont rlvo no svmnathv to tho mill ord that only the best trained teams tants. Attempts havo been made to can make. The dangers nnd hardships' forcibly enter tho house of commons, arc twrhaps less than thoso of the n netlon that called Into requisition long race, but the skill required taxes' Mtra K,iar,u of police and resulted In wio txiiruii' uuu itrauim u i several arrests. 11 is said mat inns- label I'ankhurst, said to be tho brains of the movement, is in London direct ing tho movement from some secret place. For decades tho women of Kngland have been fighting for equality of suffrage with tho men. Their cause has gained steadily during recent su (Trace with the men. Their cause has The following complexion bcautlfi- ..nincd steadily durtne recent rears. or -is- recommended iy vaiesica sur- ytom igsfl until 1912 every suffrage att, a famous actress: bill presented has passed the House "Ono in my profession has an oxMJJf Commons until last year. In near traordinary opportunity of finding out , y PVory instance tho majority has thr- best there is in complexion beau-1 beon sulwtnntial. hast year tho ma tiflers. U was a long time beforo I jorlty against it though slight, re found something which I could call a'voalcd the truth about tho suffrage rval bcautlfler, aud I had to figure, movement, according to those opposed It out and make it up myself. Tho I to militancy. Tho militant movement result was really astounding. This began iu 1003. From that year It has1 is tho formula: been carried on with varvlni; decrees. "Lot half a pint of water como al- 0f ferocity, finding a climax last year' most to a boll. Add two tablespoon-1 n window smashing and mail box fills of glycerin. Keep stirring, whilo; tamicrim: enmnalcna that far eclipsed . . . m . ..!" -.- adding ono ounce or untone, until it 'nil other efforts of th l all dissolved. Then lot cool. If the cream is too thick to pour easily front a bottle, thin it down a little with moro hot water. Tho cream will be white and satiny. After bathing in the morning, hold a wet, hot towel to the face several times for several mlnutos. Itub this cream on the en tire face, liberally. Let the cream dry on the fare, Itcpcat this again nt night. Any good druggist will sell voii an ounce of zintone for not moro than fifty cents. "There is nothing I could buy ready made that I would care for, after using this. I use it on my bauds, arms, shoulders and my face. Kvery red spot, freckle, all muddl nen and sallowness vanish, and leave the skin as pure nnd solIess as mar ble. Kvcry woman should use it. Tho remit will very soon show itself." hint that tho torch and bullet may follow unless tho voto Is granted. Tho movement is assuming gigantic pro portions, although lit somo quarters militancy has served to mako ene mies. The Women's Ductal and I'olltlcal t'nlon. from whoso ranks como tho greater number of militants, Is a pre tentions organisation. The central of lice, located In the, Ntrnnd, comprises 9!l rooms and furnishes employment fur 110 person, all under salary. Hero "Votes fur Women." tho olllclal or gan of the militants, is edited, and from this point directions for tho campaign go nut to tho 103 local cen ters or organisation. Tho place Is fast becoming famous because of tho per sistent fight thnt is directed from within Its walls. Occasionally a copy of the paper goes out of the print shop with blank leaves, tho printers leaving, thren whole pages blank In one edition fur fear of prosecution. Tin light Is at times bitter, for Its generals are crafty nnd fearless. Tho outcome of tho struggle for suffrage Is very much In doubt. The militants are making tunny enemies by their tnetles, nnd yet tholr ranks are continually elulmtug new addi tions. The "peaceable" faction of tho suffrage movement refuses to have anything to do with the militants mid n division constantly exists ho tween them .Militants have gone to such oxtromes ns to hurl hatchets Into tho prima minister's party, Tho lives of members of parliament havo boon threatened by fanatics, Tho chnnco! lor of tho exchequer, (l)nvld Lloyd fleorgo, has been threatened with po lltlcnl nnd social ruin unless ho throws his Inihionce for nn Imtiiodlnto passage uf n sulTrngo bill, Bo the war goes merrily on, whilo In tho United Blnles tho sulTrngo movomont U steadily gaining ground through the medium of pnccablo agitation. Aspects of Cattle Production Helping the ed Cross BTBTBBTBBTBTBlHBm. .a.BBH bYbTbTbTbTbTbYbTbTbIbTbTbTbTbTbBM' BBSt- ' atfl2&SL AB. BBI Ju g jSjfp jsaSjgBBBBI BBABJ I t b.L,a9sPATBH aSkc hSXNQntBBTaTaral lNBBBBBHBBBBBfe. W s3SBS Tim wond's cattle production and population havo a very Important In lliieneo upon tho entile feeding busl iit'ss, nnd n clear conception of world wide Influence will nld In forming a correct estlinato of conditions. nongraphic Distribution Thern are it proximately 1110,01)0,000 cattle In tho entire world) In tho United Htates there are (estimated) 71,000,000, or nbout 1(1 per cent. However, consul erlng type ami slso of niilmnls, it Is estimated that the United titates pro duces one third uf the world's supply, Hallo of Cattle ia Imputation The United Htates contains ,77 cat tie per capita j this in comparison to -i.!27 In Argentliio and .IU In Italy, llntlo of number of cattle to area in this country Is 8.1 cattle per square Mndnmu Htn (irouitrh, in behalf inllo; llelgium 101, and I'anaila 2. .f , urn tan lied I n Hocicly, for Decline uf American ftupplie - isome time past has been soliciting Hhuwii In exports mid marketing at, funds 111 America to be used Iu aiding principal points, exports have since! the lutlknii soldiers. Itefoto her mar 11)0(1 shown a steady decline nnd must rtago, Mndnitie (Iroultch was Miss Mn siirelv cease unless production In hel (lurdon Duiilop, of Harrison County, creases. West Virginia All Habit. The telephone girl from the city was fishing one day during her two weeks' outing in the country. Some one from another boat called. Mel lol" Jutt then she got a bite. "Line's busy." she answered. Country Gentleman. aingerbread Nat. Put one pound of brown sugar, one Kuud of honey, and tho grated rind of hnlf a lemon in n saucepan over the fire aud lot simmer well together, lie- uioie from the fire, add a fourth of a Miund of butter, one ounce of ginger, 0110 teaspoonful of mxla and-twopounds of flour, lloll out thin, cut Into rounds and bako alxiut twenty minutes in n slow oven. K, I. ! When wator has splllod on a valu ablo book lay a blotter on each sido of tbe first wet leaf and Iron until dry with a medium hot iron. lie kind In behalf of the suffrage movement This ram palgn had its effect upon the House members, for they refused to support tho bill they had willingly endorsed in previous years. As a result of these violent measures a number of the leaders were arrested and three of them wero sentenced to nine months' terms in prison. In support of the militant move inrnt it is pointed nut that every Movement for rights in the past has lice 11 accompanied by similar, tactics. The American colonists gained free dom from taxation without rcpresen Ration by means of demonstrations such as these. Universal suffrage for men was gained in Kngland by the im of the torch nnd the bullet. The suffragists who have ndoptod militant tactics declare they will use rocks only so long as they are effective in bringing nbont the end they seek, this declaration bearing the ominous I BBB h. Vfll mSBH bBB nmoDGirriitc , C " tt s ' r L ' Yl . A I a r MM 11 II M,s- 111 I 11L 7-r.tsfr V" 53EH -"- sx vot,, -fa&zckS 1ttf itm. innzz, 0kMo.Qi.JKU- (stALttMz yiwidc, t&ufttft'd'HSt 'TKOCC'cfzuzy, Land Opportunity $1.50 an acre per month buys 10-acre farm, that will make you Independent for life Located in Moses Lake Valley, east of famous Wenatche district. For illustrated booklet.addresa HALLETJ BROS. Dopt. M IOO Pike St. SEATTLE, WASH. 4) U a O 4-J a g. p a 1 . CO We want you and each member of your famtlv to c'r,n't a CUP o'Ae Best Coffee ever roasted since the Arabians discovered this King of food beverages The nm.( eipcnsive modem roasters operated by skilled coffee ciperts ara preparing in Portland a coffee that should bo on your table. The goodness, ilia rich aroma of the best Ixrries, is kept In the roasted K'sln. Dy a process that has been perfected recently, it Is potsibU to serve In the cup the stimulating coffee essence that Nature planned for the benefit of man. The corfee berry is ground, but still retains the strength that males it I lie cheering, stimulating cup that quicksteps a man toward his daily duties in the morning and btings comfort to his after-dinner rest. Wc know that you are anxious to know the name of this Coffee Write your name on the coupon in the corner, and mall it right rtout btfarm you forgtt It. Fill In the number of persona in your family, and by return mall we will send you, postpaid, without any cxptntt to youtitlf, a cup of cofftt for tach and tnary one of you. Of course we will slso send you the name of the coffee, If you uKint to tltkU your palutt and makmyour ttomach happy, fill out the coupon at once and send to & . k&: VSC'v CZKTUMUti KiiwUrrwdm. J-'-$A and potf.paid a cup ol V-" 0vS M Cofte for a familr ol, proot ;"! fiS OtTO' jm Mr -r- . " A &&J Straight Results, Coffee Dept. Inter-State Publishing Co. Failing Building Name. 'Wti&& XO'o -.r. -x& PORTLAND, OREGON Address. The Bread and Butter Question: Thick and Thin Order $1,000 Meal tty EVANSON BID YOU jH (LASTfllGHT EC2YiTAKt311000' f5 L 3 HIRBLINGi BWNG ) PA80HI' (lOOYCARSL EVER hrsfe DREAMED yoU CT 6BL VE& VLffex ' i lu-J (u$ A THOUSAND ( "NMPT",T ) N THC cT WH 1 n J