The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 12, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
m, 40
l)iolutlon of IH(j Hyatema Mean
Iflrrgon Kaatern Will Unlit Here
to (Vnnect Willi O.-W. II. A N.,
J Hr I'ortUnd Newspaper.
The following la from llio Portland
Telegram of Inn Friday!
"I'otontlnl evidence haa liven accu
mulated during the last few days
that tlio Oregon-Washington Hnllronil
U Navigation Co. will now get down
to business In estcndlng (ho Oregon
Kitsltrti linn westward across the
, ulnto. It In only n short time lnci
the property of the Oregon Kastiirn,
which linn been aiirveyed from Valo
wmtward to Dok mountnln. won ap
praised and formally taken over by
tlm O.-W. II. A N It haa always been
' nn Oregon Hhort 1.1 no subsidiary,
mid nil work heretofore ha been
' v Hint company through tlm Hall
I.nkw unices.
' With tho engineering mid con-
tru-tlon work now tinder, tlm super-
mion of George W. Iiim'hko, chief
Mutineer of the O.-W. II. & N., plana
i'uv Lcfn worked out for pushing
linn across tho atate as rapidly
as nosslhle.To that end. all kind of
'Hn eying mid engineering equipment
iwi-i outfit have taun dispatched
from here to Vale thU week, and It U
ndintood tltaj n big crew of men
from llnMlikv'a ciftlco will b sent luto
thu field to prosecute the preliminary
Mtrk for much nddltlonal building
the comlnc season.
Jt U believed Important change
in the route to be followed by the
line have leen made aa n reatilt of
,tlie dlMolutlon of tho Harrlman mer
Ker It hat tK-n exacted that the
, ultimata goat of the Oregon Kaatern
Vns to aome point on the new Natron
Klamath Kail cutoff of the Southern
,1'aclflc main line, but with the segre
gation of the llarrlman Parities It la
row almost certain that the Oregon
Kaatern will liecomo arnilated with
tho O.-W. It. k N. exclusively and
will be extended to Iletid and reach
Portland by way of the Deschutes
Itnllroad. N
One of the possibilities of tho fu
ture, It la said, la the construction of
n Joint line by the O.-W. It. & N. nod
tie Houthern 1'ncinc to form a con
nection from llend on th Drachutea
lino to Odell or aome other point near
tl)tro on the Kouthern I'aclflc.
. Jt la believed that n conalderabln
)rtlon of the money which tho Union
Pi "Hie will arcure from the anle of
J tl20.or,0 000 stork In the Houlh-
e'i,r Pacific will be allotted to dovel-1
e'iment werk In Oregon and thei
ooal Men Mi'et Capllllt Wlio
Own Timber In CVntral Orruou.
P. C. Onrrlson roturoed from Port
Jnd Friday where ho went to meet
of 8enJ,
-i i
- You Arc Invited
Onco each week we pny for this epneo for
tho privilege only of Invltlnp; you njralri to be
come n depositor of our bank.
tho person who rends about us fifty-two
times n year ought to know us nt least fifty-two
times better than if he hud rend of us but
onco. Tho better he knows us tho more apt ho
Ih to like ua nnd our business methods, .
' ' . '', ' Kf i,'
Your account, largo or Bmall, Is urgently
solicited und respectfully invited.
v . 'fit f .
of Bcftd,
B. FURUHU., President F. O, MINOR, Scrttary
,.., , K. LAA, CasWtr
A It. linger of the linger I-iltil'mr
Cniiipniiy or Minneapolis, which Mr.
(Hirrlanu reinvent locally. Aecnni.
iiiiiivIiik Mr. lloKHra from tlm Must
was Oeorgu I'rlnco of Ht. Paul, who la
vice prcildunl of thu Deachutim l.tim-
Imr Co., which linn nxtnnalvo holdliiK
In Central Oregon timber nlao, John
K. It) an, reprcaontatlvn of tho com
pany nt llend. met Mr. I'rlnco In the
OreRoit melropolla and they confer
red on bualneaa mntlera.
It waa reported on the return of
theno.two local men to llend that mill
opcrallona would be atarted hero at
once, but Mr, Oarrlion aaya there la
nothing to the rumora aloiiR thla llae
o far aa he liaa been able to learn.
Mra. (Jarrlaon and little dauithter,
who accompanied Mr. (Jarrlaon to
Portland, remained there for a vlalt
with lila relatlvca.
Mlultter KtoHi Tlieiu llefore Any
llauiNKfl ltcoiil( ,nlinnl, Uaual-Ij-
.Merk, Take lltbt at Hlcam.
A puff of atenm, two mulea, a Ikix
of dynamite and a tnlnlator flRurcd In
n abort but excltlnit runaway Monday
on Wall atrent. No caaualtlea re-
an I ted aa the "Jarheada" wore atopped
beforo they had n chance to wreck
the rk and "blow up the town."
F'reuiati l-ouli Doonar, In clmrKo
fo "ateam liollor No. 28" at the In
tnraoctlon of Wall nnd Ohio atrceta,
not up too IiIk a head of ateam and
there waa n poporf. The inulea,
hltohcd to the rig of the Pioneer
Telephone Company, were Handing
nearby, and though uaually very
meek and aafe, got frlaky and mado a
daah to let away from the nolne that
they did not like to havo penetrate
their long earn. HeliiK mere rnulea,
they did not know that there waa a
box of dynamite (SO pounda of It!)
on tho rlK and that there waa more
dancer In runnlnic than In atandlna;
atlll, to they ran.
Thoy were juat Kettlnx Into n good
atrlde when Hov. K. U. Judd, the
llaptUt paator, aaw them and lecamo
a drniuatla peraona In thla iittio ar
falr. llavlnit Keen reared on a farm
and therefore acquainted to a alight
extent at leaat with hla muleahtp,
Mr. Judd voluntarily assumed the
rolo of missionary to thcao benighted
Halaamltes, and while hla colleiKue,
Dr. Oorby, looked on approvingly.
Judd floundered out Into the mud of
the street and waa auccessful In halt
Insc the runaways, before any dam
age had befallen tho tnulea or the
town. Ho aaya ho did not know of
the dynamite being on the rig at tho
time or else ho mluht not have heed
ed the Macedonian cry to "Bton dem
dar rnulea what fo' am runnln' 'way."
A new vet of regulations governing
the sale of lamia under the Isolated
tract laws has been Usued by tho
(lenernl Land Oce. In addition to
the usual showing which most bo
made. tt)e applicant must deposit
with the local land office at the tlmo
he make application, a sum covering
the minimum valuation of tho land,
not less than II.2f an acre. If tho
applicant be not the aucceMful bidder
at the sale, tho amount win tie re
turned to him by the land office, of
IIo.Iiicm DUtrlct Will Have Pole lo
Alley Fln.1 Cble j Vm1mUU
latv I'arrnrrs' Coniianjr I'UnnltiK
to Invade This Territory.
About $4000 Is being spent on new
development work In llend by tho
Pioneer Telegraph c Telephone Co,
In the business district all poles
will be removed from the streets nnd
placed In tho alleys, In accordance
with Instructions .recently Issued by
tho City Council. The now itoles aro
to be of cedar Instead of plna aa
heretofore, and will be 33 feet long
Instead of of (ho 30-foot poles In the
street. Holes havo already been
dug In the alley between Wall and
Hond streets and lu tho alley cast of
In place of the dozens of single
wires Hint were frequently being
crossed and tangled by the wind, the
company linn ordered heHvy cables to
be carried by the new poles, which
will mean morn aatlsfactory service.
About a mile of cuble will bo strung
within the city limits.
After leaving tho alley at Hond
place, the polo lino will follow Wall
street down to Kills' nvenuo nnd tho
ateel county bridge, thetico wcat to
Kenwood, and the llnu to laldlaw
will follow the taldlaw road. Tho
line to tho south will bo taken out on
Fourth etreot probably. Tho line
to Park Addition will go out on
Front street, and another will be run
across the river to the sawmill by
way of Tumalo street.
Tho main aerial lino will bo on
Hawthorne avenuo, running to
Klghth atreet nnd out Klghth to the
Pilot Ilutto canal, thence striking the
present mad to Prlnevllle.
The Farmers' National Telephone
Company la stringing polen along the
county road front Laldlaw, and will
como Into town on Firth street to
Ironwood. Negotlat'ons are now
pending for connection with th Pio
neer corapany'a system, and it Is said
that If satisfactory arrangements can
not be made a central office will be
established In llend by the Laid law
Frank ItohertMin Kent Itcmarkable!
Improvement In Past Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itobertson i
were hero Friday and Saturday, stop
ping nt tho Altnmont. They recent
ly returned from a long automobile
trip abroad. Mr. Itobertson headed
tho old llend Towuslta Company, pre
decessors to Tho llend Company,
"llend never looked better to me,"
said Mr, Itobertson. "The develop.
ment of the last year haa been re
markable. And the best of It is that,
In my estimation, tho next twelve
raontha will hold oven more substan
tial growth for tbo town."
We spnre no pains to supply our custom
ers with the best in all lines of Hnrd ware.
If you nre particular about QUALITY1
of goods you buy, join our long list oP(
satisfied customers. s '
N. P. Smith
.... Mit.ji Mi ,., ... r.t t! 1 r
Three Frame HaUdlng and Hlx Iln
Ineas I'lacee Are Wiped Out on
Hond Htrret Origin of Ware la '
Not Definitely Known.
Property worth nearly $20,000
was destroyed and six places of bus
iness were wiped out by a flro on the
west side of Hond street early last
Friday morning. Three frame build
ings wcro burned. All of them bad
been erected since the fire of October
12, 11)11, which swept over tho same
slto and did 110,000 damage.
The bulldHKH burned last week
were owned by Myers & Wllkoy, O.
W. I-orlmcr of Plqua, Ohio, nnd Car
mody Hros. Tho Mycrs-Wllkey build
lug was of two stories, thu other two,
of one.
Tho plucea of buslnoss suffering
aa n result of the fire, with their
losses nnd Insurance, aro as follows:
Myers ft Wllkey. saloon, lose
I7K00,, including building; Insurance
Frank Daltnn, saloon, loss 13200,
insurance 12200.
li. T. llutts, pool room nnd bowl
ing alloy, loss $2000, insurance
Cnrmody Hros:, pool, billiards and
confectionery, lots $4000, Including
building; Insurance $3000.
It. p. George, barber shop, loss
$300, Insurance $2&0.
Lane Thomas, restaurant, losa
about $200.
O. W. Inrlmer, who owned one of
the buildings, lost property worth ap
proximately $2100. Ilia Insurance
waa $1D00.
Origin of Fire Unknown.
The origin of the fire la not known.
It waa discovered r-iortly after 4 a.
in. and had gained considerable head
way before tho fire fighters could get
to tho scene. A large amount of
goods. Including atocka of whiskeys
and wines, was carried out of the
doomed building and saved. As haa
been tbo caso on numerous other oc
caslons, there was, fortunately, an ab
sence of wind, and this mado it pos
sible to save tho adjoining buildings.
Wennndy's livery atnblo received a
scorching, and being In danger, all
tho livestock and vehicle were got
out to a place of safety. Tbo amall
building on the alley in the rear of
tho burned structures waa saved with
difficulty, and at one time It was fear
ed that the Are would spread to the
new First National Hank building aud
give It a scorching.
No .Mohe Frame Hulldlnc.
Tho owners of the burned build
ings will not put up frame structures
again, they declare. Myers & Wll
key, who own the lot on which their
building was, will probably rebuild
of brick or atone as soon as the in
surance Is adjusted. Carmody Hroo.
have reopened the confectionery part
of their business in the Ilalrd build
ing vyhlch they occupied previous to
erecting their own building on leased
PV ."- . V iM'. -4
Strt .. ......
ground. They are aa yet undrcldnd
whether they will rebuild.
UrHtn & U'llkey nnd Palloji hae
rooponed their bare In alinckK on the
alley In the rear of where thoy for
merly were located. It. I). George
la back In his old aland on Oregon
atreot. hnvlng aaved part of his bar
ber nliop equipment.
At 12:30 p. m. yesterday a fire
alarm was given and the citizens who
had retired were aroused. It proved
to be a false alarm given by a drunk
en man who was having a cold snooze
on the snow nesr the water tower.
He was found by Night Policeman
Houston and was locked up until he
got sober.
HeUtlrra Miming, Woman, "Ilroke,"
Hike For Portland, Heportlng So
Work Here IlccnuM! of the Fire.
"All Head burned up!"
That was tho encouraging message
delivered at .Deschutes Friday by a
woman who had had her troubles out
In tho Hampton country, when sho
explained tho reason she could not
find work hero and wanted a "hand
out" from tho Deschuters;
Tho Woman had n linlmin hnr.l tunV
Story. Sho hail (slln c.-lldl rolntiVMi
upon n iiarnpion Homestead, and last
weeic went out io slsv with timm
Only when sho cot there tho notch.
bors roitortcd that the folks In ques
tion nau abandoned tne claim a cou
ple weeks ago. That uneet titans
considerably. Ily tho tlmo the relative-seeking
traveler had returned to
llend she was "broke." So aha walk.
ed to Deschutes, with tho Intention of
continuing tho hike alt tho way to
Portland. At Deschutes she asked for
a meal and financial help, and when
questioned why sho didn't get work
at llend she explained that tbero was
"nothing doing" because all Dond
bad burned un. which Interfere ut.
rlously with employment possibilities.
llend iook Hest of All to Him After
I'jutrni VIkIu
"I'vo seen a hundred cities since I
left Uend and not one of them looks
half so good to ma as this little old
That was the war John Steldl talk
ed when he atruck town 8unday night
arter a five weeks absenco, during
which he had swung around through
the Southwest, via Hot Springs, Ark.,
to his old Minnesota homes n Demld-
Jl and Alexander. Mr. Btcldl says
tnat tola sprisg trtu sco a reuru
bunch of Immigrants come to Ore
gon, and that everywhere be went he
found that people know about and
aro Interested In this country.
Tho Uend Milling & Warehouse
Company, with t mill at Uend and a
feed store at Redmond, one day list
week sent men out to buy un wheat
among tho Powell 'Dutte ranchers, to
be ground Into flour. They bought
enough to keep the mill busy for two
or three months. The officers of tho
company say they aro going to In
crease tbo capacity of tho mill as
rapidly as poaalble.
1 First National Bank
Or. U. O. COB. Prldnt e. A. SATHtR. Vies Prttld.nt
O. 8. HUDSON. CathUr
Cipttal fullr paid ... S38.00O
'Otocliholdtrt' liability 2S.OOO
Surplus ..'.. SIO OOO
10 1
We.qre prepared to make loans
or either irrigated or dry land
farms, for three or five yeara
Umo, where patent haa issued.
If interested; see or, write us for,
(TW. - . -V
II j ; .
3 m
!?Vv Bl rSc VFv 5BVrBN
Wltlle on Hantlng Trip up Hirer Te
day, Onn la DUchargnl Injured
Man Hashed to Horn Jfero
ami Is Octring AIongAWell.
The accidental dltchargo of a gun
this morning, while H. J. Overt urf
and D. JI. Davis were hunting ducks
from a canoo on the river abovo Har
per, put a goodly lot of No. C shot In
Overturf's right calf and hip, whllo
others struck tho back of his head.
Only owing to tho greatest good luck
was tho accident as llttlo serious as
Is proved. Other shot toro a bolo
In tbo canoe which was "aa big as
a hat," aa Overturf said, and it was
a hard matter to get the craft to tho
bank In time to keep it from sinking.
Darla got to n phono as soon a
poaalble, notifying II. A. Miller of
the accident, and Miller at once got
an auto and rushed up to Harper to
bring the Injured man home. They
reached hero at 2 o'clock and Over
turf Is now at his home, where Dr.
Fcrroll has attended to bis wounds.
Whllo very painful, thoy are reported
as being not In tho least wcrlous.
Yesterday afternoon Overturf and
Davis rode up to M. S. Miller's stop
ping place at Harper, and after re
maining there over night, thla morn
ing went to tho river, taking O. P.
Putnam's canoe which had been
stored at Harper. They put this in
the river near the new county bridge
bolow C. D. Allen'a and thenco pad
dled up river.
Tho accident happened about 10
o'clock, about a mile below the mouth
of apring river. Exactly how it oc
curred la aonewhat hazy, but appar
ently some ducks unexpectedly flow
over the canoeists. Hoth dim
reached for their guns, which they
bad beneath the scats. As Davis
drew hla out. It went off. The groat
er part of the charge went through
the side of the canoe, while a number
of shot entered Overturf's leg and hip
and struck his bead, which fortun
ately was turned away. It seems as
If most of the shot that reached him
must havo glanced off from tho wood
work of the canoe.
The two reached the cast bank
hen the canoe rank. It b under
stood that the paddles are now voyag
ing down stream, and may bo expect
ed at Hend In a day or two, whllo tho
canoe awaits tbo services of a diver.
Neither of the guns was lost orer
loard In the melee.
There are several feet of snow on
the Dig Meadows, and Davis had to
rig up crude skis for his Injured com.
panlon. with which he was helped
serosa to F. A. Bbonquest's house oat
tb main road. When Miller, with
Henkte and Ford's auto, reached
Lava Dutte, he met 8honquest In a
rig bringing Overturf down. DarU
followed with the aaddle horses takea
from Dend yesterday.
H. Ci JMJJ tKj
,. -,-,,.,. -,. ., , .-r j.. ,- .- . Vi
M -J9n ! -!-- 4J LlftSIfi?J6,PS?e.7,5