Tin: nn.vi) nvtMmN, rin.vn, wmmiHUAY, iwimiunr b, loin. page ; a i t i '&i 1 l h CIPH Oil TREE BEETLE jimbbr may Bq Saved IT IS FOUND Mlowiiiiiirut IHpcrlinent Coiiilncleil III lliiMeru Oregon HIiohh Tlmt It U l'onlhlu Co Check Ucprvdntlon of Theae I (cut met ho Insects. t ' WAUIIINOTON, l"ob. H.Tliu. Hoc- ' rutnry of Agriculture aniiotinuo Hint V, ltivt'MtlnttoiiH conducted In 11)07 mill ID 10 tcf'dutenuliio thu condition on mii urea of more (linn 1,000,000 acre In nurthenaturn Oregon thowod tlmt tlui k 1 1 Hit k of u Inrgu iiunihor of roes hy tin) iiioiintnln plno beetle luitl Jiet going on In thin area since IVOR. It una eitlinntod tlmt .15 ior com of Ilin IoiIko)oIh plno on about 1,000,- 'oU0 ncroa mill CO jor cunt of tlui ma tilted lodgupolo on 800,000 acre ot i tint same nren timt been killed, or n total of ovnr 8,000,000 tree. It waa nUo estimated that 140,000 yellow M'Hiu had been killed hy tlili beetle Mil that tlia Invasion waa moving ,outb nnil aouthoaat Into tliu inoro tamable area or yellow nine. In order to itemoiutrnto ttio prac ticability of tho control moaaiirca Ttteouimendod by tho export on for- i at Insects of tho hureau of nntoinol 4gy, nn area of almtit 00,000 acres, principally In the yellow nine, waa elected In which to conduct a bootlo 'control project. Tula area waa lo calett aonth and southeast ot tho ad vance tmnumont of the awarma of lnpredatlng beetles In order to check 1t. The project waa organised In 1 1010 under n cooperative agrocmont .between-tho hureau of entomology, ,ihe foreal sorvlco ond private owner according to which tho branch of for ,el Inaocta of the bureau of entomol ogy lundo tho Instigations, rccom- , niriided tho method, and gavo In struction, nnd tho forrat aervlcv and prlratn owner furnished the funda for the actual control work whlcTi mhi completed June 30, 1911 In the aprlng and an miner of 1913. S thorough Inspection waa made of thn treated area. A almttar uutrcal- d or olierk area la another forest ra also oxamlued. It waa found ihst on tho k7,030 acrea of tho V ... ..... .1... .......!... f ,..., rirvniiu mm inu iiuiiiiwi ui hvvp 'Mllml by the In sect a had drcreised nm 37,178 treea to -1,098 a reduc- hlou of aZ.tfcO treea -or more than .10 per emit, whllu ou tho untreated ,1, check oron In thn ov.ior foreal thero wan no dncrottHo nnd In one atnnll Iso Intnd nnm tliolncreaso In tho iiiiiiilnir of trooa klllnil wnu two hundred mid forty per rent, Tho nmiilta of thla projoct, undor tnkim na II wii- hlrlctly na n demon Htrntlon, forclhly bring out tho point thill ovon under iinnvoralilo condl tlona of n wnll-etniIIhod mid wldo aproad. dying of treea from Insect attack It la poHtlhln nnd practicable to trout n Hiuall part of audi no nnm, successfully chock tho nprend of tho peat, rmluro tho Ins HO per coul Or inoio within tho (routed nren, and protect Inrgn liodloa of ndjncotit healthy tlmliuri mid they strongly iimphnsUo tho necessity for more ux tnnalvo In hoc t control work to curb (ho eiiorinoua mid preveiilnblo killing of marchiiutnblo llmliur hy hark hoot lea, LIVESTOCK NCWS turnl college toward thin oud, ho helped convlnco tho farluor that ho'd hotter chaugo mid reap thla now Hold." Tho following aubjecta on hog cholorn nro very thoroughly covered In Kxtoiiklon Iliillutlu No, 10, laaudi) In J nn ii n ry of thla year by lown Htntn Collogu of Agrlculturo, Amea, lowu, mid may ho hud (or the nuking. CaiiHo, I'redlapoaliiK Cutiaca, Mnthod by which thu genu runchrn the hurd, Hymptoma, Anpunnuico of hog after ilnnth, dlngnoala, (lonoriil Provout Ivon, Itoatocklug iufoctlvo prolnlana, Heriini pruveutloii, Mothoda of luocu-Intlon. The world' caltlo tiroductlou and populntloir have n very Important In- nuunco uiion tho cattlo feeding bul no, mid a clear conception of world wldo Influence will aid In forming a correct eitlmatn of condition. Ueographlo dUtrlhutlon Thero are npproxlmntolv 460,000,000 cattle in tho entire world; In the United Htnto thoro are (eatlmntedl 71,000,000, or about J4 per cent. However, convld orlug typo and alio of animal. It la eatlmatod that the united Htatea pro- ducea one third of tho world a auiiply. llatlon of cattlo to population The Pulled Htatea contain ,77 cattlo per capita; thla in comparison to 4.27 In Argentlno and ,18 In Italy, llntlo 6f niiintier of cattlo to area In thla country la 23 cattle per aquaro mile, llolgtum 164, and Canada 3, Decline of American auppllea- Hhown In exports and marketing at principal point. l.'oit have alnco 100C hown a atoady decllnn and muat aurely caao unlet production Increase. At fourteen leading live stock market In tho United Htatea, tho decrease In 1913 was approxi mately 300,000 head. In an Interview, I). O. Lively, chler of livestock department of Panama-Pacific International Kxpo sltlou blame tho under production of oattlo tor tho present condition of living coda. Me said- "The hulk of weatont landa nro bet fitted for took grating and tho fanner aold hta birthright for a mesa of cold turkey when ho turned from tho splendid beef production of tho old day to raising gram The produc tion of llvo atock la going to grow In ieapa and bounda for tho reason that tho farmer nnd small ranchman have finally readied tho profit there la In ratal traated ccnlluurd, "fhn goneroiia prices paid for atock In tho open market, com bined with the work of tho agrlciil- llullotln No. 239 entitled, "Hog Cholera mid Provonlloii Horiini" pre pared by K. M. Hayea mid just Issued by Agricultural Hxperlment Htntlon, Uorkeloy, Cnl., should bo In tho hands of overy rnlsor of hoga In tho North west. I'roo coplea of tho bulletin may ho had by making request to the station as nddrcsaod above. Plenty of pasture keops tho hog hoalthy. Professor A, K. Chamberlain, Ag ricultural Commissioner of tho Ureal Northern, rrcently said:. "I have nl waya believed that tho greatest asaut of tho Htate of Oregon la grai. "U'hllo you are struggling with tho dovolopinont of orchard tho fruit landa mid Irrigation projects, there la going to waste each year In the Htato of Oregon grus that haa boon provided by nature, without any aid from man, that If consumed by live atock would produce morn not wealth fur your people than la produced from thn Holds or some state In thla Union that havn three, four or flvo times the rural population ou have In Oregon." section, poultry can Tie raised for fa bid use or layer of egg In all porta of the country, llet-nuao poultry raising Is nn em ployment In which tin) farmer's wife and daughter can engage mid leave him free to attend to other depart ment, Itofuuso It will brlns tho lieat return In tho nhnpo of now laid egg during the winter season, when tho farmer boa moxt tlmo on hi hands. Ilecnusu to start iiotiltry rnUIng on tho farm require llttlo or no capital. Under nny clrciimatance, with proper management, poultry can bomndo with little cost a valuable adjunct to tho farm. uy reaiixeii ino prom mere la in tng lhcstock, especially aa con ted against truck farming," ho 'WHY CHICKENS PAY. " Elotit Aroumsnt In Favor of Poultry Halting by th Qtntral Partner- A wall kuovro Cnnadlmi profenaor at Ottawa, lu reply to the question, "Why I ultry valuable to tho farmerr cave (he following reuaona: IiecauM bo ought by thla means to rotnert a great deal Of tho wo to of hi farm Into money In the ahapo of cgs and chickens tar market. Ilecauso with Intelligent management bena ought to bo all year revenue pro ducers, with tho exception of perhaps two month during tho molting period. Ilecaiua poultry will yield him a quicker return for hi capital Invested than any of tho other department of agriculture. Itecnuso the manure from tho poul try house will make a taluablo com pewt for oe In either vegetable garden or orchard. Tho bird themaelvea. If allowed to run In plum or apple or chard, will destroy all Injurious Insect life. Itecnuse. vhlle cereal nnd fruit can only Iw Burrrxufully grown. In. cyrtaln I GOOD ROADS SUPPER. A Novsl Plan to Ott Monay For lm provsmsnt Work, (f farmer uenwrally would adopt (Iw plan of tin of Luhevk district In Wood loiinty, V Vn., tho good roads problem would be paired. Her a iril road Hopper wo given last year, and the yenr before Inst, and commit loo lot re rtii upolnietl for a similar ulTalr (hi enr Only a small section of tin rnnd eontiertlnc l.tiUk wlib ParkoMliuru riituln to lx Improved, and It I fur this work the prfwtvd of the iiiMr will In nm-d. When It I rntliplfted Hit- l.ulM-ek road will be a monument to the progrnlv spirit of he ieoplf of thai locality, who have ontrilMited time, oionejr and labor for the fiirtbernnee of the work. Retort tii Impmrrnwnt tho rnnd In the win ter was atmiliitely liiiiRlilt, nnd this lm ti-H-n muverttMl Into mil oul; the bt Hnd iiiihi "iibMlimtlrtl mad In Wit- ivmity. Put oiiv of IImi bust lu ih rnilrv siafij, Organist In ktntucky. The li.'rnekeo County Good Hood aasoclatloo ha teen organized In ln ditcah. Ky., tb object being to agttar tbeqnestlnn of Improving tbt highway of Iba county. Thursday, duo to tho lot up In do maud. Tho cattlo dccllno ha af foctod both slieop and hog market and fresh meat business show big losses compared with early JSnusrv. trade. Choice wothera nro down a quarter at f COO to 18,10; owes 15.00 to IG.li'. ,t,nmb market, steady to n shado weaker, tops $7.00 to f7.2C, demand not eo urgont. Uulk of sheep houao offerings during week only modlum quality. i. i r j We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE Light and heavy livery. Hay, Barley, Oata, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. Tho Largest Barn In Centra! Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOXj Every Day in the Year Through Train to Portland LEAVES BEND 6:30 A. M. ARRIVES PORTLAND C:30 P. M. MAHKKT ItKfOUT. NORTH POnTkAND, Keb. 1 Ito celpta for tho weok have boon: Cattlo 1072, calves 1, hog 4C22, sheep 33S1, horse 1G, Notwith standing tho fact that recclpta bnvo been light and comparatively fow cattle wero offered to tho trado, prlcea havo aagged fully twenty-five cento all along tho Una. Prime stcora told $7.00 to I7.7S, cowa SG.G0 to C 76, heifers $7.00 to $7.26 and bulls at JC.Q0 represent a comerva tfxo price range. Downward tend ency to tho awlno trade early In tho week iK'camo chronic by Thtiradny when tho best lightweight hogs aold at $7.60 to $7.66. These price are twenty to thirty cent loner than a week ago. Liquidation baa boon very liberal, 4622 head of awlno lc Ing unloaded hero alnco Saturday. Mutton value received a trimming regonTriink IhrJ CENTRAL 0RE60H IMC DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR LIMITED TRAINS Seattle Minneapolis Denver TO Toco&a St. Paul Omaha KoasasCity S&oiuwe Chicago St. Look AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, via the North Bank Road, Northern Pacific and Great Northern Rail ways. Fares, schedules and details supplied on request. W. D. SKINNER, Traffic Manager J. H. CORBETT Agent, Bend. 2CZ TTM'.-'im.TTiLTiai: I E3f 33 1 t J . - - r r ii . tU 'I I ! , f. J fc '. J Ji , ' i rf i I J 4 ' t & c X xi - THE BULLETIN prints oil the r . j I?- if Official Cbutitf News r ... It Also Covara aiW r ' I i'. 2 I S. All Central Oregon News TKoroughly Every Central Oregonlam ShooltJ ba a SiAscribcr 1 n $1.50 a Year. 80c for Six Montlis. - . . II I I I. ! - II Send It To Your Friends 1,1 1 " i. -1 1 H s i " -Hi i L l Jhy ... a k K4t llliiMtMltiri MA'J . J , ,:, r,s."' . .' ., ..u.fiwB,j. ,u. . .,. -. , . r-ivriiTiiiTrnrr a TTinmn nminninWfiif i i n i.itwi immui) -rr.Tin iv itat v . . k ibj . .j .i'. . ftiak . ji asai i ! . . .m. . -- - . . - -, n- -mmv 'w-w (JIB ii i . ttwyn Ju itii.TfciXi.lfli 'I fr ? .7 tt taBw rrkf ataa