The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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. . . ,-.... --.i wIibhi which M
Bcbool hero Is getting along vory
nicely under tho supervision of
Charles U McCarthy. Seventeen
lnijilla nro attending.
Everybody chopped and hautcd
wood for tho school Saturday and
got up enough wood to last until tho
sun shines on both sides of tho
Tho homesteaders would Hko to
see a store In this part of the country.
The settlers are expecting to have
some now roads In these parts from
the new county offlccre.
About eighty antelope were scon
hero a few days ago on the claim of
Charles H. Genung.
Mr. Garrett Is out on hla claim and
Is busy cutting fenco posts. Ho will
do eomo fencing this spring.
Tho old atockmon hero aro all
talcing the prlvllego of buying 160
acres for pasture for they see tho
open range ts going.
There are a few very good relin
quishments out here and some that
are open to contest.
PINEIIUKST, Fob. 3. George
Couch haa tho contract from the
Farmers' National Telephono Com
pany for hauling tho poles for the
line that Is io extend to Ilend.
Mr, Roy Garrott left tho first of
last week for Portland whero she will
visit relatives. Mr Garrett will
leave soon to Join her.
A. McAllister, who disappeared
from his homo abou: a month ago,
reappeaied Monday, savin? he has
travelel through California Hit saw
nothing as good as Central Oregon.
Mrs. F. V. Leverens. of Tumalo
spent Monday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. It. Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson made
n business trip to Bond Tuesday.
Fred Wilson was a caller at tho
8mlth-Scott ranch Tuesday.
The M'tscs Hasselberg and brother
attended the reception in Laidlaw
Thursday night.
Charles Spaugh and I. . Wlmnr
went to tho Tumalo after wood this
James McUermott left Monday for
Spokane, Wash., whero ho expects to
get & position In a foundry.
J. II. Nichols haa been quite ill
at his home two miles north of here.
Mr and Mrs. George Snyder went
to Laidlaw on business Thursday.
John Haaselberg went to Laidlaw
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. L. J. Wlmer Is visiting her
son, I. E. Wlmcr, of this place.
CRESCENT, Feb. 1. V. J. Mor
rison and W. J. Merkel of the John
Schoeder Lumber Company of Mil
waukee were in the vicinity of Cor
ral Springs this week In the inter
ests of the company. George Prltch
ard, driver for the Wenandy Livery
Company, brought them up.
Frank Hamnor camo in from hi
land. Friday As tbo road I'M not
been brokon since tho recent storm
he came In on skis,
C. C. Randolph was In town Thurs
day on business.
Thomas n rack on put up about 35
tons of ice this week,
W. V. Cryder, U. S. forest super
visor, left Wednesday for Portland.
Earl Austin took him as- far as La
' ,
lr,iand Mrs. Joe L. RIngo and
two children left Tuesday on an ex
tended tluslbess trip, to Portland and
Hans Zimmerman started out this
week fpr Fort Klamath, taking the
mall for the 'families at Reaver Marsh
who have bn unable to get mall
slnce'totue line In November.
HAMPTON, -Jan. '8. ffunday J.
L. Owtn caught and killed a curious
little animal which there Is a great
diversity of opinion in. naming. Some
say it is an ermine, others a weasel
and still others are frank enough to
confess their Ignorance. It Is a little
larger than a mouse, body very long
and slender, has fine silky hair and
vblte claws.
A. T. Shaver's well drill outfit was
moved during the past week to A.
T. Frame's homestead one mile east
of Hampton P. O.
Mrs. 1). R Dunn and Mrs. Lucy
Hicks have been on tho sick list tho
jiast week.
Sp far the parcels post law has
made little difference In the mall at
this office not over three or four
packages being received or sen., In
one mall and these of ordinary flee.
The recond month of school closed
last Friday with an average attend
nuco of 97 per cent in spite Of fho
severe Weather. There, aro eight
pupils k enrolled at present and, all
takoan actlvelnterest In their work.
Sunday two large freighters passed
through on their way to Hums. Tho
roads havo been nearly Impassable
for two weeks and thoio outfits loft
llend ten days ago.
DESCHUTES, Fob. 3 The farmers
In thn vlrlnltv of Deschutes held a
second meeting at this placo for tho
purpose of completing tho organisa
tion of a co-opcratlvo creamery. Tho
officers elected were: H. C. Mlsol,
prcsldont; Rasmus Potorson, vlco
nronirinnt: Olaf E. Anderson, secre
tary-treasurer; H. C. Mlsol, Rasmus
Peterson, A. C. Moad, J, A. Chaso
and Olaf E. Anderson wore elected
directors. Tho undertaking Is re
pAlvlnir tho co-otioratfon of all farm
ers Interested and It Is predicted that
llttlo tlmo will elapso befora actual
work on the construction of an up-to-date
creamery will bo started.
Sunday afternoon a union Sunday
Bchool waa organised here. All of
tho 30-odd people who wero present
nnthimlmitleaUr nleitucd thomsolvea
to tho support of tho work, and tho
following officer were elected! Sup
erintendent, C. J. Lovcrett, formerly
of Dend: assistant superintendent,
Mrs. a. W. Hall; secretary-treasurer,
Miss Nettlo Cast.
CLOVERDA.LE, Feb. 3. Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor and children of Sisters
attended tho church services hero on
E. M. Pray and Harry Howes havo
boon putting up ice the past week.
Miss Forney of Sisters and Mlw
Hawley spent the week-end with Mra.
Rev. II. F. Harper it ill hold servi
ces at tho school house ovecy evening
this week.
E. M. Pray made a business trip to
Redmond Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. "Wright of Redmond
made a short visit to Cloverdale, rail
ing on Mr. Wright's sister. Mrs. Tem.
Harry Hewes has gone to Ilend to
take charge of tho culinary depart
ment of the Wright Hotel.
The choir met wun Mrs. Tomplo-
Ed Froyer In digging a well strucV
rock and Is having to blast It out.
Foster, who, with hts family, recent
ly made a visit to Northern Idaho,
came back well satisfied with Cen
tral Oregon. Mr. Fostor Is ono of
Oregon's pioneers, having come to tho
Willamette valloy rrom Idaho In
1870.. After living in tho valley 30
years, Mr. Foster and family moved
back to Idaho where tney lived two
or three years. They then decided
to move to Central Oregon, locating
ten years ago on the place where they
still reside. Tho first homestead cot
tage has given way to a large and
comfortable ranch houso and out
buildings have bcon added from tlmo
to time to shelter machinery, etc.,
while a new barn Is being built. As
the ranchers cleared more land each
year and the amount of grain raised
was correspondingly larger, Mr. Fos
ter decided to bring In a threshing
machine, which waa evidently a suc
cessful venture, aa the small separa
tor was soon sold and a largo separa
tor and traction engine were bought
to handlo the acreage of small grain
that Is continually idcreaslng. Last
year he threshed around 70,000 bush
els in tho Powell Rutte country, be
ginning the season August 4, which
wss 23 dsys earlier than any prev
ious year, and hauling In the ma
chine October 17. Mr. Foster la
lavish with his nralse of Central Ore
gon, with its healthful climate, and
remarks that he would rather be a
hobo In Crook county than own tbs
best farm In the slx-months-ln-the-year
It Is rumored that William John-
sbn'VlHjJ' traded his ranch here for
(own-property in Redmond.
J. I. Jones is fencing the J. D. Dav
idson bbmestead,
Fred and Ed Persson are finishing
fencing on their homesteads prepara
tory to proving up.
N, G. Appel returned last week
from Portland whore be had been
the past two months.
Ranchers here haa an opportunity
to fill their cisterns with clear water
from the canal last week.
r 4
FORT ROCK, Feb, 2. J. D. Gul
Ick, who has been visiting in Coour
D'Alene, Idaho, the past three
months, arrived homo tho first of the
W. H. Washington of Portland,
who has been looking over the valley
with a view of locdtlng, returned tp
his home Monday and will return In
tho spring, ho said, with hla family.
Elmer Groves of Christmas Lake
wasobuaIn.esa visitor in this burg
Thesday.- .'" ;
8.1 N. Hill, who has spent the past
threo mouths In Georgia, returned
homo Friday. After an absonco of
four yoars, Mr, Hill did not find hts
old homo statu as ho thought It
would bo and says the West Is tho
placo for him. His brother, J, U.
Hill, returned with him.
Miss Harriott Allen toft by stago
FTlday for Portland whero alio will
spend tho ronmtndor of thn winter.
William Stintton, who wont to tho
Willamette valloy last tall to spend
tho winter, returned tho other day.
Ho said ho prefers tho winter horo
with Its cold ulghla and warm sun
shiny days, to tho continuous mud
and rain of tho coast.
Since tho rabbit drives commenced
thero haa boon so much bad weather
that tho drives havo not boon well at
tended. However, thero havo been
nearly 3500 slain. On Fobruary 13
tho threo sets of wires aro to bo com.
blued and thero will bo a monster
roundup of tho "Jacks." Visitors nro
Invited from tho surrounding neigh
borhoods. FREMONT
FREMONT, Fob. 3.- Tho McCoy
brothers havo returned to Fremont
nfter being out on a trip to Ilend for
two weeks.
Mr. Strausor. formerly of Madras,
has returned to Fremont to lire on
his homestead.
Fremont baa a new attraction slnco
Grovor Doll and John Calvort havo
their new steam englno for sawing
E. F. Pearco has moved hla house
on tho corner near Fremont. It
makes quite an Improvement on tho
E. P. ranch.
LA PINE, Fob. I Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Masten and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
RIngo went to Rend last Wednesday.
Tho Commercial Club will glvo a
danco on tho ISth, and prizes will
Iw awarded tho best lady waltxors
and for costumes.
Mrs. Ralph Caldwell and brother,
Frank Rccso or Walla Walla, Wash.,
loft for Rend Saturday evening on
route to their homo where they were
called by the serious Illness of Mrs.
itecco. As a dance "and been an
nounced about a week Iwfore. Ralph
took the responsibility of entertain
ing the crowd of dancers who had a
somewhat more unlet tlmo than
usual but nevertheless oreryono had a
good time.
Mr. Grnzlor has returned from a
trip to Ilend whoro he had gono after
tho dipper of tho Muskrat, one of tho
machines that has boon most active
on the Deschutea Land Co.'s ditches.
Cheater Holllushead and Jim Ren
son went to Rend Friday to file on
homesteads which havo been allowed
by the forest service. They returned
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ctow has been suffering from
an nttack of asthma for the past two
Tho freighters have been having n
harder tlmo hauling south, slnco the
heavy snow of two wcoks ago, than
for several years, and tho roads don't
seem to bo. Improving. The old set
tlers say there U moro snow this win
ter and tho poorest sleighing they
ever saw at this tlmo of year.
Claude Renaon and father wore
compelled to take In their trap lines
In the Paulina mountains aa the deep
anow had driven tho animals to a
lower altitude.
Guy Peterson was transacting bus
iness at Redmond and Rend the last
of the week, returning to La Pine
Walter Chrlatenaon haa been driv
ing stage to Silver Lake as an extra
while the roads are n such bad con
Mr. Kimball of the U. 8. Geological
Survey -wan m la Pine uataraay ra
the way to Crescent.
4WVe -'
LAIDLAW. Feb. 4. A large num
ber attended the skating here Satur
day evening, there being several from
Dend and Deschutes.
Leonard Rarr and Miss Stuart
spout Sunday with Mrs. Swalloy.
Dr. Coo of Rend was called Sunday
to seo Charley Swalloy, who was
thrown by a horse and hurt. Tho
doctor had bad luck with his auto
and Ryron Cady took him back to
Uend In a buggy.
Mrs. Alllo Maker spont last week
with Mrs. Ryron Cady.
James Patton was In town Monday,
Miss Nollle James loft Saturday
for tho Wlllametto valloy to Join her
parents, A party was given her oi.
Tllursday night In tbo Odd Follows
Mr. and Mrs, John Cunningham
of Rend passed through Laidlaw on
Nell Ray has returned from a visit
with his sister In Portland.
. Mrs. Harter received word from
her sister-in-law, Mrs, Collie, that
she stood tbo trip to Spokane, fine.
James Ilenham was In town tnva
hi,. Deschutes ranch Monday' j
Vrank Dayton catne in from tils
Se .-
sawmill on tho Motollus rlvor Bntur
dny with n load of lumber,
Mr. Yornon, a Sunday school or-
KMiltor, waa horo Sunday In tho In
terest of this lino of work.
Mr. Fisher mado n trip to Culvor
Saturday, returning Sunday,
Alfred Monro and wlfo of Doachu
tea wore In town Monday.
Mtsa llarclay and slater nnd bro
ther teft thla morning fpr Washing
ton stnto.
Miss Lola Marlon Is vory 111 nt her
homo. Miss Josto Crawford has al.
so boon sick.
Frank Wallace was badly hurt
while coasting, hla anklo being se
verely sprained and tho tog torn In a
number of places.
- -
REND, 11. F. D rob. 4 James
Glmmel died at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Elder Saturday. Tho In
terment waa Sunday afternoon In Pi
lot Rutto cemetery. Mr, Glmmol waa
born In Canada nnd was 73 yoars old.
When young ho married and had a
family of threo children, but through
sickness ho lost both tho children and
hla wlfo In ono week, Slnco thou ho
had been a wandoror. He had mado
his homo with Mr. and Mra. Elder
for tho paat two yoars. Mr. and Mra.
Elder wish to thank their nolghbors
for their kindness during tho sickness
nnd after tho death of Mr. Glmmel.
Mr. and Mra. E. J. Titus have re
turned to their home In Wesley, la.
All persons Interested In taking
ovor tho telephono lino now known as
tho Denccr lino aro requested to bo
present at a meeting to bo held at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hooch on tho evening of tho Cth.
O. C. Cardwoll was tho lucky own
er of a cow that presented him with
twin heifer calves Monday.
Tho Ladles' Juniper Club in no to
with Mrs. R. M. Elor tho 6th.
- --
Hl'TTE, Uko County, Fob, 1
On January 17 n basket social waa.
given at tho school houso. All tho la
dles camo with baakota well filled I
with delicious eatables. Tho first'
part of tho evening was spont In play.
Ing games. Mr. Ilartllng acted as
auctioneer of tho haakets nnd In that
capacity did such good work that 3S
was raised. Tho monoy will bo uaod
to buy a dlct'onary and window
shades and to paper the school houso
About thirty flvo pcoplo were pros-
Selling Agents for
Aubrey Heights
Tho most beautiful resi
dence property In Bend. Only
C to 8 blocks from business
center on easy terms.
Fire, Accident and Liability
Surety Bonds.
All classes of Real Estate.
Oregon Street.
the Fash! Ai8trity
U.CXlL'3 It a W r&.'Ui
MhhImIM b to UUZL
uj ftlelfaer l,ae
WW !. B
-Zw-bUaMltrelmM ef fiwtitoiM, Bukb.
war. uixMiiif iMft rlnrlM. ni mm
t lk-f-irla ad mntr4lnf Mm
r (am, rhr w Mora Um to ef
Ik MWMt lMlrnt ml th rlMiU4
McCAU, rAlTfinNH In Met! Ijm.
McOALI, rArmnNn tMnmu frf
rt K nt rimplkttr and tcoooiar, Oolr
Th HiblUhft nt MrOALIB will nwiul
UinnaarHlt t dllnr it In lliarnilnf
mmilha In otd.f bi krp HtCALIA ktiid
nit rlmukUra lv all oUitr wmiMn't
manuliiM at mny prim. Ilawavar,
llr()AMK u ool to fUt fatlUrelf
wUi l.oa
Tx M -! t r MfT,H TtHtrw ff.f
frnm jrmr Hn4 ropy ot McCALL'U, If you
tularin qulrkl,
Till IWUt CWTAXT, 2M WM 17b ft. Km T4
KfTK A.kloff.MarMcrAII Snuln.
ImI r--tM c MifM a.4 vr mO bt.
Mra tulrM ! t" W' .
' aprvimnuo(0nr
nerwtra urown dh.
ereiiit. mrrzn
ron io cents
t wtU t4 olpld oar
t.rriBMiui . . a ia
fa. Kuirittr '' t !
I t- r.lWW. -l bum . , IN
TarUtht tMLM tur t4t
Wrttt UUt I Sn4 M tttM U kflr Mr Ut 4
sMkUj ft i In 14 Hf "Nwi (IUn," t
- :r:v-:vni
William Regan wont to Ilend ro
Tho heaviest mall on record nrrlv
nd In lluttn tho other day, Parcel'
Mflt la g'vlng tho local pnntmnster
nnd mall carriers plenty tu do.
Tho lluttu Sunday solioul tins Just
changed Its hour of mooting from !!
tu tho afternoon to 11 In tho morn
lug. It la hold In tho school house,
A Jolly taffy pull took plnco nt
Mrs. Hhroy'o on Snturdny nlghd nnd
about US proplo oiijoyed tho ovunlng
thero. At 11 o'clock supper was
Junnlo Carroll, who tins been Rick
for several wooks, Is now nblo to sit
---- . ----
DRY LAKE, Fob. 4. Hnow la two
feet deep huro on thn svuMgo and
there Is promise of plenty of .iiola
turo for tho crops this suiiuur.
Tho school nttondnuco tin bcon
good notwithstanding tho unit won
thor. Thn attondnnco has am.iuoI
IS tho pnst month.
George Murphy ts Imlldlu n log
cabin on hta humestend.
It has boon rathor hard i cattle
ot tho range on account of tn. snow,
Nlcnkmon havo had plenty of u y to
feed, howovor.
N. N, Kins haa the Inrgeat number
of hogs ot anyono In this community
and they aro doing nicely. They nro
There's n world of satisfac
tion in the
ntrttct rini-ofli
pots every conlhincandholulttr J'!
thai your cookinl and biking winncuonc
juit at you with. You may der-tnd upon lli
Malleable Range
to lva perfectly atltfactoryitrvlc 9rf
day for yrara and ytara. Tbs Monarch
dot a not rtquirt ntariy at mucn car ai
ordinary ranfc sad coiti much lata Io
You'll iar(t b pleated with the Monarch.
Bend Hardware Co,
We Ouarantcc Our Product
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
"The Bend Creamery"
Headquarters for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
(Jood Roams
Frcr bua to
and from trains
---- .4,4.
Doctors Use This for Eczema
Pr. Evane, nx-CommlsslonerofHaalth,
sayat "rhara ta almost no relation tx
twatn akin dlaeaaea and the blood." The
akin muat be cured throuali tho akin.
The germs must bo waaliad out. and o
aslve have lon- suo been found worth.
Ijae. The moat advanced pliytlnlona of
thla oountnr are now aareed on this, and
are preaoriblnc a wsali of wlntorarttii
thymol and other Inaredlenta for eoitma
and all other akin dlataaaa, Thla com
pound la known as U.D.D. rreacrlptton
tor EesemSj r
Kin rnland Inst year on tho JotinJ
Cunningham plnro,
0, A. llonulson was In 1""l.iwni,;i
n fow days. Ho hn been work ug mi
tho sowor construction nt Ilium-
Henry MoVUtlo report" Hint 'io hiiA
struck water In hi" well at 138 foot
but Is drilling fnrthor In order to iW
ii plentiful supply.
A notlcti hna boon poatod nt "M
P, O. stating tlmt tho Kiivorniumit Iim
granted thn petition for tho estab.
Ilalimonl of a poatofllco at Dry lnk.
rj.,1 nn iirinv hiiu n..'.. .--
.- - .-!
PLAINVIEW, Foli. . linnrynoiiw
mnohor has traded hla ranch '"'h"
Mntt Ktitoch livery :nblo In U'd- ,
moiid, Mr. Schumacher lias led tlift
barn and h and hi" wlfn and chil
dren will visit In Colorado and 1ex.
Mrs. Pulllam spent tho latter part '
of tho week visiting with her dniigli
tor, Mrs, John McKlniioy, In HlalorA
Mr. and Mar. J. Adams of Culvor ,
who havo boon visiting with 'Mr. ami
Mrs. John Ktrahin for thu last wok,
returned homo Monday. 1
lllll llardt was trading In BIslerulQ
Saturday. 4
Mr. Btraltin and wife. Mr. Adams
nnd wlfo, Ellen Crawford, Hd, (Hear
mid Clifford Htrahm wore dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ulltolt Hun,
day night.
possession of n
in which vou mV r-l
Special Attention to t
Transient Travel j
Oiod Meals
All arrangements mado for persons J
detlrlng- to go south and east of hero
.--, t ----
...I?lr.,t0,m"' h well known akin apt
ij n iJ t5I,u"'i '.'.' "' convinced that iM
y-l'.V. I'reaorlptlon la aa tnuoli a apeollK"
;---" uuintno tor malaria,
nave bten preaoriblnv th D.D.D. roniadfj,.
fhl ?!"". u wl" k ftwy the Uc
... ..,ui you appi it,
Tn tmtii m .a . l- . v. n
win do for you that wo will bo si1)
to let VOtl hlv m tl t.nIH. .H .... .,.
anreo that It will 'coat yon nolhlns uo
.- Wu .iuu mat n aota roe WOfK, (
PottoMoa Dtiig compaay.