The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGR .
Forced Sale to Raise $ 1 0,000?
Before March 1 st it is Absolutely Necessary for us to Raise $ 1 0,000. This is not
a Matter of Choice with us but an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. We are not Anxious to
Sacrifice Our $25,000 Stock of the Cleanest and Best M'd'se.
-. . . , .
In Central Oregon, but we cannot help ourselves. We are forced to it-r-it is simply a case of "get the money."
And every article in our stock must help us get it. We have had sales in the past these were to claim up
our odds and ends and to move surplus stock but this is to be the greatest of them all. This is a FORCED
AND THE PRICE OF EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STOCK IS CUT TO COST OR BELOW. We simply must turn this stock Into money. "Tis an ill wind
tht Wows Rototfy good." Our necessity is your opportunity and the careful, economical housewife will not let this sale pass without picking up many of these bargains
10,000 Bargains at $1 Each
1 "nil1" ii- it i- ' ! .'.I'aasi a a a ail 11 ! tch
jioo" 1 $ioo
II !
i j. j.- i-i '
Men's Wear
Hravr Wk Mows ..r O for 31.00
Cashmere II 00 -...... . .4 for 91.00
Fancy LUle Hoe 4 for 81.00
Fancy lloc, 73c quality 2 (or $1.00
Heavy Cotton Mixed Hose O for $1.00
Vicuna Underwear 1 for SI. OO
Natural Wind Underwear 1 for 91.00
AH Golf hlilrta, 81 .23 to $2.00 81.00
Neck Tie. 73e quality 2 for 81.00
All Ho ft Shirt, $1.23 to 82.30 81.0l
All Kalikl I'anta .-. . .8.00
Heavy Wool Sox for 81.00
Ho) Worlctl Union 1 for 81.00
!o)M Com Sweater 1 for 81.00
Men Union Suit ...., 1 for 81.00
All Mem Gloves at . i j 73c on the 81J0
Dry Goods
Calico, fast color 17 yd. 81.0O
rreeale, 13c quality H jrd. 91.00
Chambreyw, inequality ,H yiU. 91.0O
Serpentine Crepe 7 jd. 91-00
Columbia ".hlrtlng 10 ydt. 91.00
HrathcrhlAom, all colon I J (It. 81.00
White Outing 11 yd. 81.00
Fancy Outing 11 ydt. 91.00
hllkollne, fancy 8 yd. 81.00
CrosM liar Nainsook, 12)$c O ydt. 91.00
Cru liar Nainsook, 17c (I yd. 81.00
7-3, Wide Shcctlnj: .".... .0 )iU. 81.0O
01 Wide KlieelltiK I dn. 81.00
All Linen TohcIIiik 1 1 yd. 81.00
All JJncn GIuhh TowcIIiik 10 yds. 81.00
Tan Mix HlauketN 1 for 81.00
All I-adle and MUnch Con Ik 00c on the $1.00
Ladies' Underw'r
Florence Union Unit 8I.OO
Lonjt Hlecvo Itlli Vrt 2 Tor 81.00
Children Union Hull 2 for 81.00
Iridic Wool Tight 1 for 91.00
Columbia Oat It fur 81.00
Violet Oat ... i. ... ., .7 for 81.00
Ntnndnrd Tomatncv .0 for 9I.OO
Htnndard 1'can II for $1.00
Standard Hiring llenui It for 91.00
Yt'lohan Milk I.'! for 81.00
I to ii ml lp (leaner 12 for 81.00
laundry Soap ...... .2:1 for 81.00
Wild lloke Hoap !.. II for 91.00
Den Drop Watli I'otvdcr 3 for 81.00
j ll r -.
Mica Axle Greanc, llh .,,...,. 1 1 lor 91.011
.Mint Axle (irrae, Mb. ,.,...,. .3 for 91.00
IVarllnc , . . , ,0 for 91.00
10 ox. Irf'iiinn F.v tract ,1 for 91.00
111 ox. Vanilla INlrnrt . , . , I for 91.00
H in. Vanilla, I ox. l-enion IMrnrt. , . . $1,00
H ox. I,ciiioii, l ox, lunllla Kurort 91.00
I ox. Kttrartfi, Aortcd, , ,3 for 91.00
Itnrehlt Macuronl 0 fur 81.00
Toilet I'aht II for 81.00
Apples ier Imix , , . .81,00
rink llean. IN lb. .., $,00
Coffee, 0c quality, t IIm 91,00
Coffee, U3c quality, i IIm. ..,,..,.. A 1.00
ColTre, 10c quality, it lb. 91.00
(ilooi Htarrli t:i fur 81.00
Celluloid March 10 for 91.00
Children's Shoes
Value from $1.23 to 91.73 for M1.00
All Men Hhoc ill ....... 3c on the 91.00
All I .oil lew Hlioeit at 73e on llm 81.00
If you don't come early some of these bargains may be closed out. These prices will bo good as long as the stock lasts. "The early shopper gets the best bargains."
Men!s Wear
Corduroy I'anta, fttAT value. . ?$2.18,
Corduroy I'anta, 82.7.T value. . . i$2.28
3 Much Duck Coat, lilanket "
Lined, $0.00 Value $I.2H
Tan Whip Cord I'anU, $2.73
Value $11.10
Flannel KhlrU, $1.75 quality. .$1JIH
$5.0O l'ure Wonted Km eater. .$3.03
$1.50 l'ure1 Woratol iwraier,'...
$3.30 l'ure Wontted Hh eater. .$2.'H3
Dry Goods ' . .
Cotton ltlanket. $1.83 kind. . .$1.00
Comforter;), $2.23 kind 81.18
Comforter. $3.00.klud $2.10
Camp 'lUanketa, '$1.33' kind. .".$1.12
Hats nji Caps .
$1.00 HaU ..'...'.. .'. 9J1.03
i&J?M Hat ., $2.73
9,J.OO Hata .;...(J ,...,. .,,.$2.4iV
82.00 llata '.....,'$1.13
81.30 Hata ...., 8 .03
All $1.73 Cap.. i tt, ...... ....$?. 10
All $1.30 CapH .,'. $1.13
All $1.23 Ceiia ....J $ .03
til ll fiiuu . - ft
tH flW '
Flnl-tMnjr llfufi 10c kind , 7c
FinUhliiK Ilf'alil, 3c kind..,..'.. Ic
Ijadles J lose KupiMirter 23c kind. .10c
Ladle Hom Kupporter SSc kind.. 2:1c
Children HOc lloe Hupportcr. . ,2:1c
Cldldrena 23c llofce Supporter. . .21c
Hlhbons, 40c kind
lUbtwnii, 23c kind IHc
Itlblnii 20c kfnd . . . , 10c
lllblioni, '13c kind ...; lie
HibhoiiN, 12 Uc kind Oc
HlblrK loc kind. 7c
Illbltonx, 3c kind , , 4c
Stock 'Halt ROlti sack. .......... .:ic
Uynter Khell, 0 llw. for, . . , . . jt25c
Candle, per doz. 21c
'Wliol HplcVn, pey iwckaue. 8c
1'otat.oex, per hundred ..,..,,.. ,(IOc
Carrotx, jter lb 1c
Turnlpis per lb 1c
Furlna, 10 lb auck. . 20c
Graham Flour, 10 lit Mick 20c
Hye Flour 10 lb hack. ,.' 20c
Whole Wheat Flour, 10 lb unck. ,2c
Hlerry Itdle Oat 1 Ic
Kjtcrry I tolled Oatx, liirxu. , .
S perry Flakeil Hominy
Kperry Flaked I'euM, ..... 2
KclloKK" Corn Flajin., amall,
Cream of Wheat
Cottoleue, medium , .
Crcco, mnall ,
Crehwi, medium
Tea, 30c quality
Ten, 00c quality
CooklnK Oil, H Kil
(f'oldcii 1'oppy Hyrup, k1.
Golilen l'oppy Hyrup, )i gal
Golden I'oppy Syrup, )( kI
Ncctor Hrips, Rnl. , .
Vector l)rln(, Ji pal
.Vector UriM,v 2a. ,
White Lilly Hyrup, ual, . , , .
White Lilly Hyrup, 54 K"l.
KlnuforiI- Htatch, 0 lb box
Jlottle ItluhiK . .
Gllletta llox IIIuIiik
i,..ii in.. i.... if ii. i.
jiiuiii)4, 7 in m4,
Deviled Meut, Miinll
Deviled Meat, largo ,
Corn Ilecf . . . ,
Lunch Tonjjue
Vienna HnnnnKf
. ... 10c
for 23c
,'I for Sc
. ..
, . . ,20c
, , . .38c
. . . .liOc
. ,..o:ic
, . . .i)2c
. . ..lite
. ...hoc
. ...18c
. .
. ,
I Of
Crockery and Glesswear
GUm Water l'ltchrrx, (10c kind, . IHc
White Howl and I'ltcher $2.00
KlUtl i .ta91lN
White Dinner l'latea, per act U.,H0c
White Lunch I'latco, per net, H,.70c
Decorated Dinner l'latea per et
of a ,,.., 02c
Decorated Luiirh l'latea er
net of a Hie
Detornted I'ia l'latea per act 0.,72c
Heavy Hotel l'latea, nil Ixcnv,...H0c
Decoratetl Jap Tea I'ota 73c klnf,4Hc
Hyrup I'ltchem, BOc'klnJ IIDc
ItoKeni Nickel HlUer Kulvca arid
Fork, act $:t.lM
llran Uruuilo Clocka $2.23 kind $I.IH
Enamel Wore
Kvory Artlcla It Ounrantcpd 4-cont
ware nnd p'( the very l)Jatiulfy. -
Tea 1'oU, 73c nlM. .,,;, 32c
Ten I'oIh. $1)0 nle (10c
Coffee I'ota, 73c alze ,.32c
Coffee I'otH, $1.00 nSo. .,.'. . .:.0c
I'llrherx, 30c le. . , , v le
I'itchcm, 73e ln. . . .' ".' .??ff2c
I'ltcher and Waih llotl
8 1. ."HI nlte
IIMl I'iiii, 81.73 hlxe. ......
DUh Fan, 81.30 n
Handled Hletv I'an, 00c le.
Wanh lumlii, il3e alxe, ....,
Ilerlln Krttlrn, 113c slxe , . , .
Ilerlln Kctllea, 43c hlxc , .,
Ilerlln Kettlea, 33c nlw?,...
Colleudera, 30c nlxa
Flo l'latea, 20c alio
()fTeo Fota, Nickel Fin ted..
Tea. I'ota, Nickel Hated ...
Tin Cupa
,.8i. in
..8 .UH
, . . .20c
, , , ililC
. ...iltir
. ...Hie
. . ..Iflc
, . ,33c
HIiikIc' Hit Axr , 78c
Double lilt Axo OHc
Hlnxla III) Axe Handle 0c
Coat Hooka, Jer (lo 10c
Honp Hlmvebi '..'.' 3c
1MJ.Ii Mopa 10c
I'otato Mitkhcnt , 10c
Hhclf HrarkctK He, lite, 10c
Common Hint licka 21c
Inside Mortice I-ock , , , .fl.'lc
Iwinteni Globca .......He
Scrub HriiHlicH, 20e kind ........ I Oc
Discount on the
Knit Coats
for men & women
best over mode
TABLE Is ulwnys
full of Interest to
the CQrcful buyer.
Don't ml8 ncclnn;
It during thla a!o
T .7.1 I
4 t W
t W m WM rmy If MwMAWlWmmmmmmMmjJp
&WM--'-; f,