TTIR IHWI HUM.I5TI.V, HEM), WKDNKHIIAY, IWIlllPAHY li, J0IJ1. VAOK O. INCREASING THE FAT CONTENT OF MILK Tlio subject of frcilliiK fnt Into tnlllc, or, In oilier wonls, (Im IiiIIiiimh'o of feed iii()ll llio IH'I'iclilttKO of fnt it) milk, l miiro or Ii'hm cimfnuliic n rid wo are not surprised Hint our render nt times become perplexed, snys Hoiml's Dnlrymiin, There n ro Umiho who clnlm Hint It is possible to food fnt Into milk. Wo hold Hint It U not possible iimlor iiorninl condition lo innlurlnlly Inlliioiico tlio nuitllty of milk by feed, Tlio tdtiinlliin, n wit see It. U till"! A row kept un iler normal condition receiving n nc Hon In kcupliiK with her mil U pruritic Hon, supplylm: lier with (liu iieci'ssnrjr About jrr bko h Drawn Hurl. Cstllt HrMtUri' soclsllon dvcldnl to gr In lln with Ihs oth. rr ilnlry lro nnl form n nw rrglntr, la L known n Hi "1IK Ulrr o( J'fOiluctlun." for animal of utwrlor nmli Tli rtauli lis tn tatlr'aclury Whit no lh nuinrnal rcnit hv lrn fnile. Ill uvtrsgt Imv ttn Irish sod uAiiar fa vui lily with thomail ly othtr trailing' dairy brtrd. Th Urown Hwl cww lis m cutnbln. l tort of tomillollon. visor, eapsrity unit illilllun Hut will toon plat nr In lli front rank an a profits!)! dairy produttr Tom I'ltylU, tr llruwn HmIm bull ahuwn. I ownd by Wallialla Karma, Hhldltburtf. N V II waa stand champl'in u( hi brtnt at lit Nw Turk atat fair of IHL nutrients for kti-plne her liodjr In good physical condition and producing tlio nmount of milk she la capable of. niakfs It luitiOMllile during the chnnK I iik of feed lo lucrvuko tlio percentage of fat In milk. I.xpvrlmcnt itnllon tried arl ou combination of f ruling stuffs and Jjiivo never been able to cbuiwe the normul itcnciilnff of fat In a cow's uillk. Wo are not unmindful of the fart Hint some feeders liure claimed that Ihejr hud n combination of feeds that would lticrcne the penentsce of fat In n row' milk. On tlila point we twlleve tlirjr nave niMiiterpretrri fnct. mid we mut hold to XUv rcults of experiments conducted by our st tltma. which allow that It l not ttosslble. uudvr normul condition, to Increase the iienetilMge or fnt In milk. Kxpfritnciit stations tm Iwn able through a system of whnt may tn tcriri ed nhuonnnl feeding, n conditioning of the cow prior to calving, to Increase the percentage of fnt In cow' milk. Professor llcltlre of the Missouri ex pertinent atntlnu hna Ihtii able to do Hit wllli dltTcrvtit breed of cowa, With one Jerr cow, which wn lu hlcli condition nt the tlmu of pnrturl tlon. he took nwuy tieurly nil of her feed, nnd the cfTvct wna a tie iirodutitl hleher tcHiliiu milk than iiuruml Another liminme wna Uh u llolatelu. alo In n liluh liindlllou prior to cnlr Iiik. nnd for aouie time nftcr ahc pro duwl milk nlHive her normnl text Ilut thla In the true ieiiae ciilinoi be con aldvrttl ffedlui: fnt Into milk. It l nilher puttlnu mi nnlmnl In condition hr which her milk tempornrlljr cuitulu n higher teriviitni:e of liutler fii. I'Vcillm; (nt Into milk, ua we term H nnd foiialder It, woiiltl lie to tnke n llolatein low, for tiiatuuce. wtna-e ml i tctttl llty r cent nnd feitl I km o Hint It would teat more tle Hitlie j'enr. It would bv it uriNit Ihhui to Hie tlnlry lntliilr If audi it ay mem of fcedltif could ho dlacovereil whereli.r the IIol atelu cow with tier wonderful flow nf milk could to Hindu to prod me the nutillty of milk prodmed by the (iueru vy or tlio JemcT, Thli would wire, Hid fnrmvr a cow for nurlor tp nu Hint wo hnre now. Ilut, na atnted, n normnl ayaiem of fettling hm never been nhlv to produce n pertmitient In creuao lu the purcvutnKe of fut In milk. Wlnttrlng Farm Horata. To set the beat poulble result! I would :lro the borae wntcr lef ore feed ing and have htiu eat hi forase bfor fctdVng Kraln. a the stomach la small and eating hay wilt cnue the ernln to na from It cfor It 1 dliceated. writes W. W. Hunter In Knttunal Stockman. If bay I scarce about half the ration limy tx snved by lettliiR the horses run to the straw stack In the daytime or nilliiit the runnier with slrnw to pick over. About a ton of good bay or Its Kiulvnlcnt ami flftiHin or twenty bush els of ontn. with forty bushel of cur tcorii or Its eiiulralent. ought to keep Inn nvcrnge fiirm borne In uocxl condl- 1 1 Ion throughout the four Idle month between full nnd spring work I would prefer feeding the ont and corn to gether, nnd I doubt whether the itvcr nge fnrmer enn ufford to grind or cook It ho grnlu or cut the liny. I would. a oo ever, recommeuii sumo urmi anu ollimul with tho crnln. Ramsdy For Shttp Catarrh. DlKchiirge rofq the ntwtrlla inny be due tu simple catarrh or cold, nnfl fpr, Hint medicine need not be jrfven. Oood feeding nnd ndenunte shelter nre all that In utHHled. nnd In time, the sheep will get over the attack. He careful to keep the sheep' pens nnd shed or houses clenu, ns Irritating enses'tnny nlmt Induce discharge from the no trlls. JI-ri"Wnnn"i'"WnHrinn THE HOnOEMAN. Tin shoeing of tlio farm home should receive tint an me ntlcii Hon Hint In glwu tho roud liorao or tho trotter, Winter shooluir hIioiiIiI he mottt cnrefully done. To lie up ii horno no short that ho cniinoc coiiifortnhly He down In n uectlleHH cruelty. The Ideel Mtitll Is n Ixix Htrtll. nnd the spine given to It pnya lu tho greiitur comfort of tho nnlmnl. Unless n colt Is properly and liberally fml during tho flint two yenrn of lis life It will novvr at tnln the le or perfect propor tloim Hint tinttiro Intended. Along lu Kebrunry the fitting of nil tho fnrm teams should Im gln. Tho grnln rntlon shouhl be griidunlly Increased nml mnre cierclse glren ercry ilnjr to hiirtl en the iiiusrlc. Tho ilevnloiment of Hie young homo rciiilriiH the exerrlae nf the best Jtidgiiient lu bundling hi in HMH-HHW-W-WHH-l-H-H-H-l-H-r CAUSES OF WEAK LAMBS. Mssgsr flatlon and Cxpoiur Rduea th Cw' Vitality. . Wcnk Inmba nt birth are one of tho moat iK-rplexIng dlfflrullle, the cnuso of which may lw trnciil to rnrlous source, writes W. II. Underwood lu the lown llouieateud. Iick of proper nsaluillstlvo ability on the part of tho IViliniu mnj witiihvii hiu ki'umii w u-t V. ...!.. .....u ....... I, l... ..a... ,! jt tltaa fotus iiit-nt during the stnge of drr.iop. .. ? .V. .,.: "r. ..".:: LI . ... n .Usulin ! '" ,'rr' mm ,J' " nleut mnoiig old ewes which hnve lost their teelli. However. for naalmlln Hon mny Ih brought on lu young ewes through wenk digestive organs, tin Ihrlfllneas la one of tho most apparent e lik-need of jHtor osalmllatlvo nblllty nnd can genernlly be n-uiedlHl In tho cnao of yuiing nulmnls by sorting out and feiMtliiK extrn wltb a variety of foods until tho system retains its nor mnl condition. The cnuse of wcnk lambs a blrtn enn frequently bv trncetl to a too limited rntlon. Many flock owners entry the Idea Hint sheep, unlike tho ilnlry cow, cnu surrlvu on n much nar rower range of diet. Thf Is a very erroneous Impresslou. In order to properly mature their unborn progeny they heed to be supplied with a ration rnrylng In Its conitoiltlon tu as mark ed nn extent as any animal, A ration couiaaed of clover buy. corn stover, ont straw nnd silage. If available, should cuustltule the rangv of rough ness. The grain rntlon should be se lected with caro. Ont, bran, a llttl" corn and ollmeal mnke n good ration. Kxosure lo variable weather condi tions durluff winter Influence the de velopment of the fetus, and In somo Instance It I cause of weak lambs at parturition. When weather Is fa vorable pregnant ewes should have ac cess to n large yard of exercising, but should never bo atkiwed to remain In drenching storms. When the deceit becomes thoroughly soaked from rain or snow the wool fitters mat nnd form a cold blanket, which lower the tern-IK-mturo uf the Itody and retards tho earn m of wnate matter from the sur face. It requires an Incrensed con sumption of food to maintain an even ImmI)' temperature, thus Imposing nd dlllonal Inlair umiii the digestive sys tem, which sooner or Inter weukent. Its ictlvlty nnd Influence In the develop ment nf the felu. Those who desire to nbtnln the high est perccutiigf of strong, henlthy lambs nt birth enn well n fiord to give "I In I intention to the ewe flock dur ing the mtIm1 of pn-cnaiicy. The ra tion should be reglilnrly hiiiI judicious 'y auppllet. It Mhoitld -i.e.i surs-iiit nitrlllon to tnnliitnln the inireut ttoily lu a strong, vigorous couditlnu. mid ilso supply the fetus. Willi h Is under lonstntit development, with provi nourishment. The yard should bo iparlout. dry and. If (KMslhle, with a southern ex iv i ure. The shelter should iosses mwd ventilation nnd plenty of sunshlue and should Ik- kept In such, condition Hint the ewes wilt occupy it froni i liiilee rather limn from compulsion. Th Doardsr In th Dairy. The "iMtnrder" cow-thut Is. th cow which does not pny for tier kcc Is to tho dnlrymuu like n tutllstnne around his neck, The acrub la the cow that hna given dairying nu uufnvorable rep utation. Just why the dairyman re fuses to give up lils old wnyc and adopt such radlcnl changes as nro nio essnry to convert an unprofluble nerd Into a profltable herd baa always been a mystery In dairying. We have never known a mnn who expressed anything but the greatest sntlsfnrtlon wltb hi dnlry oncrntlons when he knew that he was milking profitable cows, imys ICansnH Farmer. On the other b!id. wo nuver kuew n man to speak well of dairying when he knew that his cowm were not pnylng. Tbero are hnn dreds of men slnvlug year In nnd year nut. working hnrd nnd long, who nre keeping n bunch of "bonrder" cows. Exsraitt For Drood Sows, See Hint the brood sown tnke exercise nnd Hint (hey Kvt fiicculi'nt food It Is doubtful If ittiy other fnctur In hog raising Inn brought about quite lis much Injury ns the practice of placing brood own In little pens, preventing Hieui from-guttl'iR. Julcy'roo'ts or RTeeu food hntl citttluRoff their opiwrtunlty for ojerclse entirely. The run of ths pusturo field, or In Hie winter of rye or whent lots, or In full of harvesting peanut,s, artichokes, cowpeun, or of Cleaning up old meadows, nil odd vigor to the sows, largely vp out tne cost of keep and Increase the vitality of the comlug offspring. A classified rid In Tlio Hiillctln Is rcml by liundrtMls nnd 'Orliign tlio nd vcrtUcr gttttd returns for tlio money InvmteO. Mat your fiinii nml city property with me. I Mill innko mi lioncwt cffoit lo sell It. (J. V, HlliVIK Atlr. NOTM'K Will 1,''ATIO.V, Dopnrtiiivnt of tlm Interior, U, K. I.ninl Oltlco nt Tho Dulles, OroKOii, .lununry Oth, 101.1, Notlco Is lioroby given Hint l-Vnnk J, Klkstund of llnud, Oregon, who on November 1st, 100(1, iniiilo homo stood imtry No, 0MJI3, for BKVi, WV4NH14 nnd HKKNKU c, 1, nnd HV'NWVi. noctlon 20, town ship 111 south, rniign H onst, Wll Inmotto .Morlillnn, lian filed notlco of Intention to mnko flnnl thrco )enr proof, to oxtnhtlnh clnlm to tho Innd nbovu dosorllied, beforo II. C. Hills, V. H, Commissioner, nt bin olllco nt Hend, Orogon, on tho 3rd tiny of Mnrch. 1013. Clnlmnnt n nines ns wltueiscs: Knluknor I'. Ilnfiior, John A. Ilntti kn, Uiron 11. Itobb nnd I'rnnk Mas seiiKiite, nil of llcnd, OrcKon, tO-ROp (!. W. MOOHK, Itnglitor, IHIIKCTOitV OK OKKICIAMi. fulled Klntes. President William II. Tuft Vlco President Decerned ifocrotary of Htnto I'. O. Knox Hocrctary of Treasury .F. MncV'oagh Ht-cretary of Intorlor . ,V. U. Klshor Becrt-titry of War. ...II. I- Stlmton Secretary of Commferco nnd I Alitor . . rhrtm Knenl i- ;;;".-""-- "-;; Hocrotnry of Nnvy Geo. V. 8crHry of Agriculture Jan. Wilson Postmaster General . F. II. Hitchcock Attorney Uenorol 0. W. Wlckorahaui Ktnte. Governor Oswald West Secretary of Htnto .... II. V. Olcott Troniurcr Tho. H. Kn Atty General A. M. Crawford Supcrlntenilcr.t Public Instruction .. ! It. Alderman fitnto Printer Commissioner .W. H. Dunlwuy Labor Statistics .. . ... ............ .... , v7, 1 . I lOW Gamo Warden W. !. Flnley State Engineer John II. taU United State Senators , . . . Georgu K. Chamberlain Jonathan Hourno. Jr. Congressmen A. W. Iifforty ...................W. O. liawioy Kctciitli Judicial District. Crook County. J ml go V. I., nradshnw Attorney W. II. Hell Judge G. Springer Clerk Warren Urown SherltT Frank F.lkln Treasurer IUlph Jordan Assessor 11. A. Foster School Supt J. K. Myers Coroner P. II. Polndoxter Surveyor Fred A. Illco Commlsslonera II. H. Hayjey t Wlllla W. Ilrown Hie Courts. Circuit Meets first Monday In May nnd third Monday In October. Probate Meots first Monday In each month. Commissioner' Meets first Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, September and November. llcnd School Dlntrirt No. IS. Directors H.J. Ovorturf. Chmn F. M. Itay Clydo M. McKay Clerk H. K. Allen City of Hend. Mavor G. P. Putnam Heoordcr II. C Rills Treasurer H. J. Overtarf Chief or Police S. K. Ilobert Clt Engineer ....George 8. Young Counollmcn H. H. Allen ,A. h. French .A. S. Collins ................ H. I). Ford John Steldl G. A. Snthcr Juktlecti of (tic Pence Hend Precinct Ward H. Coble Deschutes Precinct ...W. W. Orcutt Help Fight the Great Red Plague Cltiiens of tho state nfo urjred to inform themselves re jrnrding this pIoruo which 'is causing Kjreat sulTerihg amonjr boys and younp; men, and dspccinlly among the innocent girls and women of tho state. 1'arentB are urged to protect their children, and to provide clean, wholesome information in place of unclean misinformation they cannot now help getting. , Send for any of tho following FREE CIRCULARS FOR YOUNG MEN . . . Clrculnr No. 2 Tho Four Sex Lies. Circular No, 9 Sex Truths for Men. FOR OLDER BOYS (13 to 18 years of nge) Circular No. 8 Virility and Physical Development. FOR YOUNGER BOYS OO to 18 years of nge) Circular No. 7 Tho Secret of strength. FOR GIRLS Circulnr No. 4 A Plnin Talk with Girls aboutjthelr Health, FOR YOUNG WOMEN ' " ,' ' Circulnr No. 10 Physlcul Development, Mnrrlage and Motherhood. ' f FOR PARENTS ' Circular No. 1 Tho Need of Education in Sexual Hygiene. Circular No. 3 When and How to Toll tho Children. '. "Circular 'No. 6"A lls'tfbf books for use In thof amlly on Sex, , t , Send 2-cent stamp with your address to i 3 Department D The Oregon State 703 Selling HOlldlng, V Tho Ilullatln tins for snla n now swinging typowrltcr stand. Can bo nttnebed to any desk and Is n Imndy nnd convenient olllco fixture, KHATKltNAIi BOCWTIKH. I. O. O. K. llcnd Ixtilge No. iilH ItoKular Mcatlngs every Monday night Visitors welcome. V. I.. Wing, U Wing, N. Q. .V, Horfmnn, ltcc. Bcoy, .M. OK A. Pilot llutto Camp No. 979 I Meet every Tuesday In Bather Hall Visiting Neighbors- always, welcome. 11. P. Palmer, Consul. N. P. Welder, Clerk. OKHCIILTKH I)I)GK. N O, 1 O K. of P. Meets every Wednes day evening at 8 p. m. In Castle Hall, K. A. Hather Hide. Visiting Knights welcome. Joe In lies, C C. I.. M. Mcltvynolds,, K. of It. & 8. IIKNO i)ih;h SO. Jilt) A. 1. & A. .M. Meets on Thursday on or be. fore tho full tnoon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. D. Davidson, W. M. M. Larn, Secretary FHATKItNAIj l!ltOTIIi:itl!OOI. Itegjlar meetings held by Mend Lodgo No. 897 In Bather's Hall on tho first and third Thursday evening each month. Visiting members of order always welcome. J. 11. MINER. Prcs. FHED HUKV, Sec HKIiKKAIIH. llcnd Ixidgo No. SOS meets every second and fourth Friday evening, athcr'a Hall. Visiting brothers and sisters welcomed. Mrs. I.uoy French, N. G. Miss Lota V. Force, Kec. Secy, HOVAIi NKIGIIIIOHH Hegular meeting on first and third Friday evenings at Bather's Hall. MK8. A. C. LUCAS, Oracle. MIIB. A. OHCUTT, Recorder. THE I ! ALTAMONT j MODERN CLEAN COMFORTABLE STEAM HEAT HOT WATER BATHS First Class DINING ROOM J. J. KLEIN, Proprietor. Board of Health -' l'ort,lanq; uregon- A2fe BEND VIEW is nt nn average elevation 100 lcet above the city of Hend. ' Commands a chnrming view of the city of Bend nnd the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Lots 50x110. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. Winter Winter is Here and Carter's Wood Is what you need to keep you warm. Sec me when you want wood. I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. F. M. Carter The Wood Man. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS We United Warehouse Company Bend, O'DONNELL UNION FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend aft;er oyer thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please .you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. Office address, Frinevlllet Ore. LATOLLE'TTE NURSERY CO, " REPAIRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. Warhlnglon anal .Mayer Shoes Sold. R. H. LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore W. E.PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of goods in Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to P ATENTS VALUABLK INFORMATION FRER If yon ban n IstchUco or y pUnt matter, write ImmcdUttty to W. W. WRIGHT, rr(Ulrr4 ttomjr Loss & Tnut BMf SW Mhlntton JD. C, i i Oregon. BROTHERS MARJCET t T I