The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, PART TWO, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 16

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    M iiimumi;,nTMUWi:iiiBTf..j imhhiiiiii m
Snake Venom Cures Epilepsy
Texas Reptiles Furnish Sequence to Years of Experiment for
Relief of Dread Malady
Follow Ing closely upon the announce
ment of tho discovery of a euro for
tiilterculosl comes the information that
I ho vononi of tlio rattlosnako has a
destiny to fulfill ns a euro for epilepsy.
Tho discovery of this uso for a deadly
poison in credited to Dr. Ilnlph II.
Spongier, whose experiments seem to
have proven tho benefit or. tno venom
tn these eases. The story of this dls
cox en is told by A. Bt, George Joyco
nt the Technical World Magaslnc, and
presents an Interesting phase of tho ef
forts of science to combat this dread
The explanation of its action is not
entirely given, but so far as known it
acts ttpon tho blood In such n way as
tn lengthen tho period of coagulation.
Mood clotting has been known n tho
rnnse of fits, and the discovery of n
successful remedy for this condition is
n itself of wonderful valuo. Accord
ing to the story Dr. Spnnglcr has sue
ceded in his experiments In increasing
tlie tune from two and ono-hnlf nnd
three minutes to between fi-o and slv,
the normal period for coagulation be
mg seven minutes. So far Dr. Spongier
has made about 3000 injections In 110
patients, nnd considers that all of them
have been benefited. Cases are re
corded in which tho frequency of epi
leptie attacks has been materially re
dured One initanco is told of an
eleven year old school girl who had
taken injections of tho venom weekly
for seven months. At the beginning of
incut she was able to nttend school I
regularly and had suffered only three
minor ntlneks in several months. It '
is stated that In every enso treated "
there has resulted not only a decrease
or complete disappearance of tho at
tacks but a building up of mind nnd
bodv as well.
The discovery of tho effectiveness of
this xciiom came about through nccl
dent. iDr. Spnngler was experimenting
with tho suhtnneo In the treatment of
other diseases when ho heard of an nl
leged euro of n Texas epileptic after a
rattlesnake bite. Tho experiments he
gan and he noticed an appreciable ef
feet upon his patients, tho number of
attacks decreasing almost at once. Tho
venom Is secured from Texas rattlers
nt considerable danger to the collector.
The snakes nro usually selected when
torpid from heavy feeding, and a
leather laseo Is thrown about tho neck
While one man holds the thong another
pries the month open with a spoon or
small cup and the pressuro of tho fangs
in tho dine of tho cup forces tho venom
from tho sacs.
Scarcely less Important from n scien
tific standpoint is tho discovery by M
!isntul of a "cold light" which very
nearly approaches the long desired
light that the name implies. Science
has as vet been unable to produce
strong light directly from mechanical
power without employing heat, nnd tho
discovery of the new light is n step to
ward that most important cud. M.
DIssaud applies electrical energy dl
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AnU A L . .. ii 0 . . . " 'LS j&iJJsi Sfo 7
V VHyvwv -pe LIWLlrtsyZ&US
XJ-. Jf 9&.G f 4t t tf . . tr
c. tsULvruyt evrvw
the treatment she had three attacks in v , ft Mn ,0 ,nt nnd (1,ffu,w
a r L..b I Kab tdil t I . r a
twentv four hours. After hor treat
Fighting With
Wooden Bullets
(Continued from page one)
Intion of Mldhat rasha, and it found
favor but for a few years. Its author
became tho subject of" its opposcrs'
vengeance nnd died by tho hand of an
assassin in his prison cell in 1SS3.
Trior to this dato, when tho powers
were upon the point of stepping in, tho
constitution was revived and interven
tion staved off. Later the same thing
happened, the constitution proving an
effective remedy for nbuscs time after
tunc. Yet its period of existence was
always brief. Talk of the partition of
Turkey frequently was rif Bnt tho
powers found In Abd-ul-Hamid a clever
schemer. Oermany wanted a railroad
in this direction, England in that;
privilege was continually being sought
by the powers, each with her own pe
culiar purpose. ' Abd-ul-Hamid was al
ways ready and played one power
against another in such a way as to
baffle attempts at reconstruction of
the national policy.
In June, 100S, England and Russia
wcro about to stop in with a program
of reform in Macedonia which they
were prepared to enforco If necessary
wth arms. Thon the revolution of
Noting Turks took place and tho con
stitution of Mldhat Pasha was diten
tonitwM Again this forgotten instru
men served to stave off intcrvontirtn
ct t vrn soon again forgotten. In
JOH' a member of tho party of Union
and 1'rogree addressed Ins copatnots
and referred to this document. He re
ioid V.J them that the constitution gave
ual rights to Mussulman, Christians
and -1! citiseM, but further stated that
Fti li a guarantee was Impossible, "for '
f rt nt all llin luilv Imr it cxhumm! tn '
all our history, tho sentiment of
hundreds of thousands of true believ
its is opposed to it." Tho reafflrma
tion of the traditional policy of their
fathers had its effest', for the soldiers
were quick to sateh the spirit of this
address Tho massasres that followed
wero as terrible as many of tho forrnor
attacks uion Christians.
So with this seesawing back and
forth lietween the old regime and the
progressives, with a cry for education
on the ono band and a cry for its sup
pression on the other, it is not sur
prising that Turkey, upon attempting
to atom tho tide of wrath that mani
fested itself in the present upheaval,
should find hor bullets inoffeetlve
against the enemy. Should the war
drag on with the Young Turks in eon-1
trol, or should the old regime still play
for time in the hope that something
will turn up to save for Turkey tho
kev to he national integrity, Adrian
ople, the outcome, though perhaps do
layed, cannot but bo against the des
potism f a rare that has failed to
keep up with the paeo of civilization.
For Turkey is fighting with the wooden
bullets of her own molding.
tho light thus concentrated by means
of a lens. It is said an ordinary water
faucet will supply sufficient power to
operate tho light. If this is true two
purposes will bo served by tho new
light. Electricity will bo brought
within tho reach of many who cannot
now afford to uso it for lighting pur-1
poses, for the slmplo uso of water from
a faucet furnishes tho minimum of )
cheap power. In Its replacing of the
kerosene lamp in the rural districts it
will bo a boon to the farmer both from
the standpoint of cleanliness and
greator convenience. Kurthormoie, the
heat generated by a burning lamp,
which is no1 ineonsidcrnblo factor on a
hot summer evening, will bo done nway
A Dry Time.
An old negro tenant approached
his landlord one morning, doffed his
hat and said:
"Doss, yo-all knows dat ole red
cow I've been plowin'? She done
wen dry. I lak- a little money to
git some rations "Country Gentleman.
We want you and each member of your
familv to drink a cup of the Best Coffee ever roasted
since the Arabians discovered this King of
food beverages
The mot expensive modem roters operstrd by skilled colfrr cipcits aie prcpsnnii m
PoitUnd coffee that should be on your Utile.
The goodneu, the rich aroma of the belt kept in llio roatted urniit. Ily a pioecM
that hat been petfected recently, it it pottible to terve in the cup the itimuUtinK colfee ettence
that Nature planned for the benefit of man.
Hie coffee berry it ground, but ttill rctaint the tlrenuth that makea il the cheeilnu.
atimulating cup thai quickitept a man toward hit dally dutiet in the monilnu and bnnu
comfort to hit after-dinner rett.
We know that you arc anxious to know the name of this Coffee
Write your name on the coupon in the corner, and mail it right now btfot yon tor ft it.
Fill in the number of pertont In your family, and by return mail we will tend you, pottpa'nt,
without any cxptnt to yourttlf, a cup of cofftt tor taeh and twry ont of you,
Of courte we will alto tend you the name of the colTee.
If you want to tickle your palat and mahtyour ilomoci
happy, fill out the coupon at once and tend to
Kimiljr mttl m
and port. paid a cup ol
Cotfrt for a Umilr ot
fn ' JS
v r '-.
v - J .
- JC " I.
Name .
fS. -A
Straight Results, Coffee Dept.
Inter-State Publishing Co.
Failing Building
Kenorri Duns Luz Mendez is in Wash
ington to send the winter with hor
father, who is minister to the United
States from tho Contral American ro
publie. The young lady has been stay
ing in I'aria tor seiernl months and
will now rosido on fashionable Ilhodo
Puzzles U. S.
(CnRtinucd frniii page one)
The rliw ipiarters of steerage UMitt In
fht-ir ilmtrilxitiua. The children be
. ..nit- iH(x-uIatl und Inter mingle with
Vnifrii-an rhildreH'tu the patblie Mkools.
What will he the affttrt u(ta our jmb
li srhool system, now reeawnisod by
riry rountry hs the btwt In the worhlf
i tli our strict rjuraHtln rule In
uc of leas iaHeroD disease we con
trol their spreading. The prttbleta
would be for greater with bubo aie
plague or yellow fever , the subjeet
for riuHrantine.
The jwsaport system ia vogue in this)
country is the muaHs of considerable
fraud prartieatl by lmmigraHU. Every
ar h large number of iMfiMirta to
AmerivH are issued by eiubaMiee in for
ign wipitaU laiiol upon naturalisation
certificate or certlftoil eopies of the
sumo prettmtvd by ritimnt of the re
aitective. eooutrie. The amliasMdor
iiiiHiit refuM! the Htiort for tho ovl-ilem-H
nf citliunnliip u before him. A
few uustlon are nkel and the taper
signed. Thus thousands of foreign
ers gain ndiulttnnee into America upon
forgrxl eertifientwi of eitixenship. For
it it h simple matter to obtain a certi
fied eopy of tho original eertlflsato In
this country. A small fco Is .paid by
tho Italian who rwy ho tins lost his
original nnd the copy is produced, It
is forwarded at once to his country
man in Italy with Instructions a to Its
use und the passport is Hubacpiontly
IftMU'd, Ho tho question of tho immi
grant's fitness for eitizenshlp Is bo-
tliousMiids of uudesirables find en rhnra-ttr clause tn tho bill, wlikli was
tranre in this manner, eventually stricken out Tho clause
Vet the United Statos government Is provided for tho presentation at the
waking up to tho seriousness of the port of entry of a ehnracter certificate
priililmn. The immigration bill, Uon ' from tho home govsrniiiout. Itut tin
wlnrli CongreM will pass during tho i provision would have worked to de
present session, provide fur a more priu us of tho mare desirable imtnt
rigid examination of undesirable atmraHts, fur in Kusala, for iHstaiire
the ptirt of entry. Oue imtorUnt pro lotorv .lew it eMilrril uadetirablc, nl
vision call fur a literacy txt that earn-' though muny of them are worth of
pel ability to read at hmtt thirty tho beet this ewuMlry affonls. Kuatia
wont of some laaguag or dialect. ' could, by an eserritti of the rharaeter
Liberal as this provision is, it Is au ' i-ertificnte power. witkkoM those who
improvomout uver the former, it Is'wouM make simuI citlwut and issue
sasumtMl that a pttrsan who eaa rad .certificate f ehnracter to tho whom
this mocli eau learn to read the Knglisli . she did not raio Ui retain. There i.
language. Our sehuoui, with their eom-1 aeerthelee, a fallacy In mr system of
pukmry eduentlun doetrlnee. will take kaudliug immigraMt in that we have
rure,f the younger generation If the prevention of the assembling ef for
pru i si on it proirly onforeeil. I ihorlty given tnr restraining undeir
Much tl i umion prevalltnl over the able at the port of emiMirkiitlitn.
(Jlilckcn Mnlnd rilling,
Tnlto cold eimked elilrlmit, rojeetlitg
nnv dr skin ur fat, mid half ns '
irisp ei'lot), a lllllo tiiliiiied oiiluii nnd
nnine seeded green pepper If nit hiind
run llirmigh food elmpperi mid ennugh
luilled dressltiK fnrin n pnslo and
nproiid mi llhernlly.
Hulled Ham and HgK I'HHuk.
Take eipml porllmis f lmrtt bulled
eggs and lean Intuit, udd n few sweet
pickles und run through food chopper.
Mix ipille soft with some thick boiled
ilrensliig This Is mi ncniioiiilenl fill
ing, ns II may be spread ipille Ihlu if
bread Is uoll bulteri'd,
Oake iltrlps,
Make n lllllo hatter uf any sort and
Ihiu It so Hint II will pour entlly over
it buttered tin Hake In n ipilsk oven,
lie fore It tins time In conl off cut In
i'eii strl mid brush enrdi mio over
Mlli white of egg nnd scatter ehoppol
nuts on tup. Mronn sllgtitly l oven
I.ndv fingers mn) be sulMtltuted
Novelty Handwlches.
fse different kinds of bread and
cut ulth fancy cutters, such as hearts,
stars, rounds nnd ersrents fill with
sme cri'iimy filling ntul lay In rows on
plates, decorating each uith a little
beet heart, sprig uf riley or other
little figures of red and green peppers
nr bulled carrots. There an' many nice
little vegetable cutters In llio market
that lend themselves well to all kind
of ornamenting. All remnants of
bread eitu he used for pmldings, niUK
timst or dried fur erumbliig.
Alexsinler Hslad,
(lei from the grocer a smalt round
head uf lettuce for each permm, what
are called "second," that I, heads of
lloatou lettuce from which the outer
lone lme been removisli these cost
alHiut A renti. Wnth the heniU and
with a smalt knife ent a round place
In the tup of eneh nnd then cut down
and around wMtll center l remorl.
Ienlng a eup; Into this Hlt a few
halxed while grns, seed removed,
and with them a little grapefruit pnlp
and er Just before ten ing with
Trench dremlng Iiv each little salad
on n dark irrccii lettuce leaf when you
erte It.
drape Juice Kponie.
Hufleu one tnbleienfHl uf grnnu
latrnl gtdatlu In one fourth CHp uf cold
uuler ami dissolve by setting the cup
In a dlph of hot water, add une eup of
grnpe juice, the Juice of one half a
lemon and a generous half eup of
sugar; stir iinlll auger it dititvcd,
then set In Ice titer lo become chilled
Heat the whites of two eggs drv, then
add the grnc Juice mlJture, gradually
beating It Into Ike whites with egg
heater. When ntl has been added ami
mixture will "hold Its shape" turn
Into glniMm. Tinlth with whipped
cream, condled violets and ttrifw of
angelica, putting on the cream with
Hi be
merits and demerits of the proposed
Island avenue, where the legation islyond the jurisdiction of the immlgra
eslablished. itiou officers at Hhi port of entry, and
Fertile fruit nnd alfalfa
lands iiist opened to settle
uieiit in Mote Lake Valley,
tuttt of famous Wouatehee
fruit district. Hettlor poimIhl'
TVs bill further provides for inter-
nnl Immigration office with a view tn
n distribution of Immigration to tho
farming districts nf the c mm try and n
no Mwer nf elimination except nt tho
wrt uf entry. There I very little an-
idgfiert in the large centers of pojuila-
tiou In the Atlantis regions. Tho
; opening up of tho l'aimma canal will
go a long way toward nettling tho dis
tribution (piostlnn, for nt present tho
Pacific const gets only tho Chinese,
.TuKineso nnd Hindus,
Medicnl men lit Ruropo are watehlng
iruii iiitiriet. Miuiior coming' ,. . ....,!. .. h
in by the hunilriNl. Unusual with professional eiirlonlty this flood
ehauces for proaperlty. 41-00
an nt-re pur month makes you
of low-class humanity from tho densely
populated and dltoativladen section of
tho owner of a 10 acre tract Kurope. Thoy freely predlet that tho
that spells Independence for
life, (jrowers iimke from H0
to $1,000 per aero yearly.
Other run do a well. Our
free booklet give full infor
effect will very soon show Itself in tho
American people In tho form of a
plugiie that will rouso us Into action.
The United Htnto government Is ho-
motion. Writo" for It. Ad-1 ginning to wnko up to tho enmo fear,
dress- Dept. R, Hallett Bros., I nnd tho Immigration law nro duo for
100 Pike Bt,, Seattle, Wash, j radical change In the very near future.
1 ., J
slw Fle"ftaftavaftavTfBai
v -.
Miss I'riini'et llceve, who four year
ago was playing in tho Oaiely Theatre,
Itoudon' foremiMt musical riiinoiln
house, accepted uii offer at tho con
elusion of hor engngement tlieru which
brought her to Amerlcn I'ormerly a
musical comedy star, Mi Iteevo is
now appearing in legitimate ilramu, a
change she Ims never regretted,
The Bread and Butter Question :. Thick and Thin Get a Meal Nearly
( i HAvr r ewotciM money Isom swell feed now ReMeMBciwLF iMiJ. I ves weARentws I I Tonight lilf-'''''''''"WWM(PBH(BH