The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, PART TWO, Page PAGE THREE, Image 15

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Clarence Darrow the Man
Labor's Foremost Champion Faces Los Angeles
Jury in Second Trial '
An nu ttf torninth of tliu trial nntl
conviction of tho MoNnmurii brother
ami tho ubotiiont ooiivlction of 3.1
nlloKoil eouaplrntor eomo tho second
trliil of Clnronco H, Darrow for brib
ing a Juror In tlio MoNamara cno,
Darrow wan ncimlttoil on tho former
elm run liorlly aftor tlio termination
of Unit iiiomurablo trial, and tlio open
liii; of tlio second mark anotlior clinp
tor In that dark itory,
Mneli of Mr, Darrow ' Ufa htm boon
spent In tho Intordit of tho laboring
man. Tlmo anil again ho hai eomo to
the defense of ioiiio ioor unfortunatd
who win without tho mean to ilofoml
hlmiolf proporly, III counoetlon with
thn tlofoiiao of Moyar, liny wood iiml
1'cttlhoim In tho Coatir d 'Alone coun
try In Idaho brouKht out evory re
source of tho man and itomonstrntpil
hU fltnos a a criminal lawyor. It
win (oiiio tlmo liofora ho would can
unit to tnko charge of tho MoNamara
ilofonse, hut oneo In thn gnmo ho
foiiKht ovory Inch, and whan ho found
that acquittal wa Impossible socuroil
confession from tho principal In
thli grunt crime. In tho blttouies of
thl trial, charge and counter
charge wore hurled at each other by
opiolnK counsel, and among these
Milwaukee Road Open
Into Moses Lake Country
Branch Line Now Tap District Which It Rapidly Coming to tho
Front. Much Activity Manifested in Land, and Glowing
Reports of Immense) Fruit Crops Aro Received
It. II. William, preildont of the Chi
cngo, Milwaukee It 1'uget Round Itall
way, ha Just received In hi Heattlo
offleo ovcrl (ample of apple and
grape grown on a twenty aero orchard
hi tha new Mote Lake dlatrlet cil
of Wenatehee. The owner (ocured 10,
000 boie of apple alone from hi
raneh during the aeaton juat paat.
Tho Milwaukee road hn completed a
branch line Into the Moae Lake dis
trict, which I now lu operation Into
tho town of Neppel, nnd teveral proj
ect ara under way for the reclama
tion of large area of land. Itecent de
velopment In thl now fruit-growing
section have resulted In considerable
activity an the part of the railroad,
who recogntie the district a a future
feeder of considerable Importance, The
(lrcat Northern Hallway ha surveyed
n out off from It main Una which
passes through tho center of thl re
gion. Iteport of the lnrgo crop raised by
those who havo already fettled In the
Moses Lake country have aroused much
Interest hero, and a large number of
Heattlo people have become financially
Interested In the district. Ono firm I
just now placing on tha market four en
tire section of theso land, which are
Irrigated by mean of pumping plant.
Tha entire dlatrlet I underlaid with
sheet water, and in act It wa tho re
cent dlseovery of thl water which
caused the groat activity In tha ills
triet. Now settler are going In by tho
It I alleged that Owen Johnson, who
la o fond of describing the Impish
trlek of his schoolmates at Lawrence
villa nnd Yale, wa not any too good
a youugster himself.
Anyway, tha other day tho alumni of
the Morse Hrhool, which Johnson oneo
attended, held a dinner, and Johnson
spoke, ftnld hat "I suppose that I
wa tho worst boy that aver went
through Morse." He expected to hear
the customary "Aw I yra twice a
bad," from everyone. Hut to a man,
old pupils nnd former masters, thoy
shoutedt "You werel "Chicago Hco-iird-Itrrald.
Neck to Neck for Possession
of Eastern Oregon Territory
Tho fight between Hill and Hnrrimnu lino fur possession of Kastcrn
Oregon presented many Interesting situations, Kntering tho cootcd terri
tory by tho Deschutes river canyon, tho rhul railroads (uhed their linos of
construction down cither lido of tho river, ono ciimp being ahead ono day
and tho other tho next. Tho abovo illustration show tho two crow running
aaaHBkiiirtv. M
EISHHiHHfeitak iMtf iffir i iriW
iW "'bKk--l25HwK-5sctbM
ssssssssssM. ' iViIHHHIIssbsbbKsssH
SHBiLl&&t fflisaaaaaSaSSsH
In the Deschutes TJVer Cannon
nock and neck, tho Ilarrlman line on tho oast ldo of tha rlvor ami tho Oro
gon Trunk on tho west, Many difficulties In construction woro oncounterod
and considerable litigation resulted becnuso of tho narrownos of tho can
yon at several point. Tho lines now
tlio omplro and construction Is still being pushed,
Dnrrow booiituo Involved In tho al
leged bribing of juror, January 20th
tho flrt venire w drawn and tho
procc of mnklng up n jury begun.
It In a trying moment in tho llfo
of Mr, Darrow, Guilty or not, ho
come to tho bar of Juatlco after a
long and ueceaful earoer before that
self tamo bnr and mint submit to tho
gtuolllng tactic of tho prosecution a
ho ha often applied thoie tamo tactic
to tho dnfondiint, l'aat tho prlmo of
llfo, with tho hardest of life' battle
fotiht and with tha prospect of
pnMing hi rumalutng year In quiet
riitlrnmont, ho I called out to faco
charge thnt, whethor they are proven
or not, will leave n car on hi nnmo
forever, l'or thorn will bo (omo who
will rofuao to bollovo him Innocent,
regardless of tho outcome, Tho mean
Im ha necumulatod during tho year
of toll will go, much of It, to clear hi
nnmo of tho tarulth, and whore seemed
to Im thn hopa of onto or tho balance
of hi allotment of year, there mny
bit want, lonellnot and toll. Without
considering at all tho question of hi
guilt or Innoconce, tho elreumitance
cnll for sympathy, for tho accused
can not oscapo a certain amount of
hundreds. Hegnrdlng thl new coun
try nnd it prospect Ira D. Edward
of Wenatehee was recently quoted a
"I have never scon any orchard in
tha Wonatcheo valley superior to tho
uno I hno juat visited In the Moae
Lake region. The orchard referred to
Is the Tlehncek homestead. I (Imply
mnral at the magnificent fruit they
have grown there. The tree ara now
six and seven year old and they aver
ago 12 to 10 boxes to tho tree. Last
season thero wa harvested on thl
place 10,000 boxc of fancy apple,
which brought 11.43 per box net
through tho Wenntchoo Fruit Orower'
Association. The orchard produced
about 0000 boxe of Jonathan alone.
Thoy ran fully 00 per cont extra fancy.
Tho lr.o wa better than four tier on
the average.
"I'eoplo In other district have no
conception of what they aro doing In
tha Moso Laka district. Canadians
from across the border seem to be ap
preciating tho district more than thoso
of us who live nearer to It. Between
1.1 and 30 sections of Moae Lake or
chard land have been old to Cans,
dinn In tho last few months.
"First thing wo know wo folk In
Wenntehca and other part of the
Northwest are going to wako up to the
fact that wa must pay about twlco as
much for acreage around Moae Lake
ns It I selling for today, Thero I a
great opportunity In thl country."
President Tnft Is n busy man theso
day, getting ready to turn over tha
key to tho Whlto House.
Champion McCarty will not fight
Jack Johnson unles tho public. do
mnnd It, No dnngor. Tha public I
too much Interested In keeping tho tl
tlo In whlto hands.
Mr. Henry Clay Frtek ha begun tho
construction of n t3,OOQ,000 residence
in New York City. Mr. Frlck could
doubtless llv n euslly lu a 1200,000
house nnd let tha poor havo tho beno
fit of tho bnlnnro.
oxtond several mile Into tho for-
On the Flathead Reservation
Passing of tho Indian in Western Montana Marks
Epoch in Northwest History
Tim storj of thn Inrontl of eoltlo
mnnt Into thn 1'lnthend Indian reserva
tion In Wen torn Montnnn form ono of
thn wont Interesting, If ono of tha
smlilcst, clinplcr In the conquest of
tho Wot, Hnd bernuio It mark tho
grmlunl crowding not of n poacoablo
tribe of nntlvo Americans from tho
homr their fnthor have claimed or
gancrntlon, nrnt tho consnquont thruat-
Itig upon them of a civilization thoy
did not Invite yot wnlnomod. l'or
yenr tho I'lntlmitl, or Boilsh Indian,
shared tho Hitter Hoot valley with tho
whlto men, oven going o far a to
protnet thorn agnlnst tho attack of
oulftlila tribe. It wa thoy who nut
fnur expedition to fit, Louis to Induea
tho missionaries to eomo and tell thorn
of tho whlto man' medlelno after Ig
nsco I,( Mousso had eomo at the head
of a band ot Iroquol with tho my
terlou fnltli. Tlireo of these oxpedl
tlnn wcra never heard of again.
Ilrnvn and fenrlcs warrior, they yet
trcnird tint white with mora eonald
nrntion thnn the nvcrngo tribe.
1 Tho country In which they grow up
lis rich in the grandeur of scenery, with
jn wealth of tradition and historical in
cident. The valley ana ulll abound
in retreat, each with It own myth and
story. Wonderful waterfall and lake
aro to bo found ovorywhero, adding
charm and mystery to tho ono-tlmo
haunt of primitive man. Now the In
dian nro nslug nnd tho footprint of
hi outward path ara being obliterated
by tho vineyard, tho orchard and the
field of grniu. Thu the ambition of
tha white man I gradually encroaching
upon tho Indian land, nnd a peacoablo
coercion I being used to Induce him
to retreat farther back.
r'vi year the Indian nnd tho white
man lived In poaco together In the Bit
ter Hoot valley dradually It filled up
with Immigrant from tho Kait, and
the dnrflcld treaty wa drawn up to
Induco tho Indian to retire Into tho
afcQvrViiS . ri4MSRanBA nJi lSKrrflPVirpaSBKRP PaftVrillsH
sssjngr 3I1," ; rPIHsBHtsH3i "iWrJc '-IsMsBB
ftH2SHRifc' " WpMrf jfnjAdMrr , "-VvIWdjI
BKW. '--- ' . 5 ?9laMMymMkCaM3
BvKSSISHISt-2&. ' v . j t M.t . . TT -JtvOT. . m
rk?' hR- k - MmmtkmmmwtmmmmmWk '1JimT Si5plTWSHaMHBMMBTBBBBBaB
rXttwlHiHfiSl? JiHaW'7Mllf3liiDtS
ISBjSSSjnSaSS Mk BajhL ll NS X- HrLmmmmWBLwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmLmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Shaw Explains Water's Value
Irrigation Expert Tells the
In lnging tho praise of Irrigation
una must not lose sight of tho fact that
oftentimes tho greatest returns from a
pleco of Irrigated Innd result from
feeding tha entire farm product nud
tnklug It off in tha form of dairy
product nnd meat. Thl commands
particular nttontiou at present in vlow
of tho high prico of beof and tho ac
knowledged scarcity of It In tho en
tire country'- Western Irrigation has
demonstrated it offectivenes nnd I
still lu It Infancy,- It romnlns for
farmer and fruit grower to find how
tha beit returns mny bo realized from
It application. Professor Thomas
Shaw, n prominent railroad agricultur
ist, emphasized tho vnluo of dairying
and stock raising on Irrigated lands in
n recent address boforo tho Oregon
Irrigation Congress. 'While hi remarks
aro applied to Oregon In particular,
thoy cover tho subject In its applica
tion to every irrigated district in the
West, for tho gcuornl principle prevails
that whero water is brought on to land
It best returns mny bo realized from
an Intensive application of tho profit
arising therefrom, Profossor Bhaw
says iu parti
"In no lino of production can irri
gation rondor n bettor return than In
furnishing food that will bo turned into
milk and other dairy products, meat
and wool, For tho growing of thoso
products tho door of dovolopment
stand open. In no Una of agricultural
production I tho cbnnco to mnko good
money better or ovon as good.
"Tho reasons for tho stability of tho
livestock business in tho futuro are
many, The Increase in the number of
consumer for meat and dairy products
Is proceeding at a much fastor rate
than the animals which produce theso
product. Tho samo line of roasonlng
Jocko vnlley, Knvoy of tho govern
mont enmn with tho doenment for tho
chief signature, but Chariot win ob
durate. Ill protecting nrm hnd often
been bnred to keep tho white within
hi vnlley from danger. Tho IJIttcr
Hoot vnlley hud been tho home of hi
nncostor for ngea and ha would not
sign any paper renouncing forever tho
right of hi trjbe to these land. Tho
pension offered him nnd tha freedom
of roaming at will were corned. lint
Arlce, war chlo, elected by tho full
vote of thn people, found tho mercenary
motive In hi heart and accepted tho
term thu offered him, supplanted
''harlot a chief and moved with a
forge pnrt of tho tribe Into the Joeko
Mi I ley. rhnrlnt tnado a trip to Wash
ington and entered hi protest, beg
ging for tho privilege of staying in
tha land, of hi father. Hut hi re
quont vn unhreded. A few year later
nil tram of tho Indian' possessions In
thl valley ha disappeared.
Now tho Jocko vallriy i filling tip
rapidly with white. Now tha Indian
the JocJ(o Valley of the Flathead Retervattop
I naked again to mnko way for tho
white man in return for tho bribe of a
mall patch of land that I already hi
own. For though tho Flathead Indian
t still n part of tho FJsthead reserva
tion, ho i not the Indian of old, Tho
younger generation enro little for tho
encroachment of civilization, but those
of tho old day who ara still alive view
with regret tho passing of the day of
their youth. A tlmo goes on tho young
men offer less resistance to tbo white
man's way nnd even wclcomo hi
Tho Flathead irrigation project I
ono of tho many effort of Uncle 8am
to bring tho rose out of tbo hungry
soil. It contemplate tho irrigation of
152,000 ncrt-s in tho Jocko, Mission, Lit
tlo Bitter Hoot nnd Cama valley on
tho west side of Flathead Lake. Of
thl amount 10,000 acre of tho Jocko
valley will bo watered by means of a
Western Agriculturists of Best Methods to Bring Results
may be applied to wool and poultry and
tho product of poultry. Tho statis
tic published by tho United State Do
partment of Agriculture make thi
claim absolutely certain.
"On tho irrigated lands tho oppor
tunities for growing swino aro superla
tively good, Thl I more especially
true -when tho swino aro grown in
connection with dairying. It follow
from tho abundnnco of food that can
bo grown which Is exactly adapted to
tho need of the' swine. No pasture
has over been produced that will meet
their need in better form than alfalfa
or that will produce so much food per
aero, and whero can alfalfa bo grown
better than on tho Irrigated lands of
Oregon t It follow from tha furthor
fact thnt thp grain that produces tho
pork of tho highest quality, such as
bnrloy and field pons, may bo grown in
tho first form on theso lands. Tho ell
mato also favors such production. Its
cqunblo nnd mild character favors the
production of two Utter por year from
tho samo dnm should this bo desired.
Iu areas with cold wlntors it Is scarce
ly practlcablo to grow profitably two
litter In one season,
"Pork thus grown should not cost
tho producer moro than three cants por
pound. It cannot bo grown moro
cheaply in tho best section of the
corn bolt, nor can tho corn bolt pro-
duco bacon of equal quality vrith Ore
gon, Tho conditions for growing pork
of tho hlghost quality on the irrigated
lands of Oregon are at least as good
as thoy aro in Denmark, and Oregon
has a groat lead in the natural rich
ness of the soil and in the equable char
acter of the climate. Why should not
Oregon soon become an exporter of
high class baconf
"The irrigated and irrigable lands
ytem of canal nnd lateral directly
from tho Joeko Itlvcr. Almoit no
reservoir aro needed for thl dlvUlon
nnd thn work ha an tnr progressed that
evernl thousand nrre nro now tindor
the ditch. Wnter wn turned into tho
ennnl and lateral In 1010 and wa
illtribiitcd to a many of tho Indian
desired it. Tlio remilt I apparent
from tho luziirinnt growth to bo found
whero water ha been applied, Several
thnMMtnd aero In the Minion valley
worn nlv) brought under tha dlteh dur
ing tho samo yrar. Hlneo 1010 addi
tional ncrcaga ha been added each
In tho Mission valley 113,000 acre
will eventually he supplied with water,
whirh will bo assembled from all the
air mm in tho vicinity. A lerle of
reservoir and a connecting coder
mnnl will atoro up the supply, which
pumping plant will bo developed at
.Vowpll dnm and will bo conveyed Into
the several division by high-power
line. Fifteen thouannd ncrc will bo
Irrigated from tho I.lttlo Bitter Root
Itiver and Sullivan Creek, and in tho
southwest part of tbo reservation the
f flow of Cama and Cottonwood creak
win uppiy oooo acres.
The soil of the Flathead reservation
in clay, forest loam and gravelly loam,
and respond quickly to tho application
of water. The rainfall in this district
I often ample for the production of
moat form of vegetation, and tbo do
mand on canal and reservoir will be
Inconsiderable in those season. Where
irrigation ha been applied, however,
tho results havo surpassed even tho
hopes of the moat sanguine. The val
ley hnve been coming to the front
steadily during tha past few years in
tha variety aud quality ot their agri
cultural product. Completo and in
tensive development is only awaiting
tbo completion of the system of canals
that wll distribute water over the 152,.
000 aeres.
havo sivoclal adaptation for the produc
tlon at low cost of dairy products,
whether milk, butter, cheese or tbo by
products of tho dairy, as aklra milk and
"Good water, so essential in dairy
husbandry, I abundant in all sections
whero Irrigation is practicable in Ore
gon. This follows from tho fact that
tho water conies from living streams
that in nearly all Instances are cradled
in tho mountains. Tho relation be
tween puro water, abundant in sup
ply, and high quality in the dairy
product is so close as to be inseparable.
"Tho Oregon dairyman baa a great
advantago over dairymen, for instance,
who llvo in climates that are less
equable. Ho is not handicapped by
such heat In summor that comes to
tho South nor by tho cold in the win
tor that comes to the North cast of
tho Hocky Mountalus. To the Oregon
dairyman tho equablo climate brings
much advantage. It enables him to
prolong tho gracing season and it call
for less expensive shelter. Some per
sons cherish tho vlow that the man liv
ing ou Irrigated lands, whose holding
is usually limited, has qot room on
which to grnzo his eattlo, but they fail
to consider that tho production of irri
gated lands in pasturo is quito as large,
relatively, as the production of the
samo in hay,
"With the price for dairy products
as thoy aro and as has been shown, it
is not probablo that they will be less
in tho near futuro. The dairyman on
irrlgatod land should reap a very
profitable return. With truth possibili
ties within reach of the Oregon dairy
man it will bo greatly to the discredit
of Oregon farmers if tho state con
tinues for any considerable period to
be a purchaser of dairy products."
2,000,000 Acres
Pf (o lh jln,
Yl W. JO to Cfbti .,whX
OaU, barter, flat. Mf, tic
In proportion.
fW Inltni Cllntll.
Lmni tot J an Ctap Pajrmtnl Plan
Low ' mwMwiws' Ettfnhnt
on M and rtl TueMar ath month.
Wr( or (all for detail.
J. If. CINCT, JrlmmlifihnD-pr
CM U St. P R? -rutrt Sound liim
ro SAM A choice 10-ncro tract of
apple land In Hood Itlver Vallsy, OH
mile rrom ally. KUvatlon about
lM foet, almost level. ITice. 11.(00.
Bay termn lo parly who will Im
prove, for further particular, J
ilre It IJ o. I'oat Offlce llox III,
1'ortUnd, Oregon.
$5 A Month
ask ua
Send rm Free Boollct
Has Liiocokd Dirrroxiiouj
In Two Heights:
DELMAR - 2 in.
REXTON - 2 in.
THIS is the new straight-front
shape. It does meet close be
cause it has thcLlNOCORD BUTTON"
holes. They are only in
are so protected where the strain
comes that ihey don't tear out.
retain their style and fit to the cm!l
The DELMAR, because it's baked
and so shaped in the baking by our
special Vertiform Process, has the
vertical effect so much desired. Has
ample scarf space.
CEO. P. IDE & CO, Maker
Potitand Branch
Portland, Ore.
Always the
Now better than ever
RATS in the Cellai;
MICE in tke Pantry
ROACHES in the Kitckem
Nothing la more dlsagreoablo than a
borne Infested with vermin. Destroy
them with Stearns' Eloctrto Rat and
Roach Paste, the standard extermi
nator for more than thirty years.
It kills off rats, mice or cockroaches
in a single night. Does not blow away
like powderst ready for uej nothing
to mix. This exterminator Is sold
under an absolute guarantee si mosey
back if It fail.
Sold by drug-flat and ajeusral stores
everywhere or sent by ttxprcM Prepala
on receipt of price. Be sure to ret tke
fenulne; Ita and 11.00. Steams' Bleo
rlo Put Co, Chlesso, I1L