The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, PART TWO, Image 13

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part two
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tlaan9M - :
Immigration Puzzles Uncle Sam
Government Experts Must Study Out Best Answer to a Great Question A Problem of Difficulties and Hard to Solve
I'min llm poverty stricken hovel of
llitsstit mill lior kindred I'niiiitrlo, fnmi
(ln plague ridden tllnt rlrtM of Southern
lliirupo I lin United Mtntns Ik claiming
iiiiiniiilly Imr toll of Ignorant mid llllt
eraln Immigrants, Cnrcful it Ilia do
purtmnit inny Im to safeguard tliu wel
fur ii of our tuition, watchful Ur dim
erous rlmrHrlorrt of tint Mark Hnml
nml Klnilliir organisations, mill con
tinually resorting to iliHirtntlou as a
priilcrtUn nmnaiiro, still tlm 111 try in
filling ii i wit It timloslriihle, ninl them
seem mi wu.v to chock tli flow. The
problem of immlgriitliiii In relation tu
It effort iimiii tliu fnt lire of our conn
trv li o mi tl'Rt 1 1 1 1 t sooner or Inter lie
come mi Issue, fur llm fart mm revealed
lit tlm latest statistics are abtrmlng.
A generation ngn our imputation was
ncreaiing steadily with mi rumim! In.
flu t of immigrant from Ocrniiuiy,
Menitdliinvin nml the I'tdted Kingdom,
attracted by Hip free land offers made
Iiv I'nrlo Hum nml llm unbounded oj
Hirttinltles for betterment These Iim
migrants were of llm sternly, sober
rlss, well educated (in a rule iiimI litntr
mg a er low percentage of Illiteracy.
Front nun to four ir cent represented
tlic niiitiluT of illiterate, while their
llirtfl imtdo tlmiii well tiidit within n
fi'tv eor. Now tbe situation I mm
plelely changed, ()f the .f)On,(KK fHr
eigttera who annually seek our shores
tlm great ttiajoilty room from ltuuda,
Austria, Hungary nml tlMly. I'onr, op
prrd, with no dinner for betterment,
tlmv listen to tlm siren volee of tlm
unscrupulous agent Mho l willing tu
psv their fri iifrM tlm wmh, for llm
tiU of tlmlr lirnmHt pxlcti'tici ntnrti
thorn Im tlm fnro ninl limy rnu rti no
rlmtifn fur n otn tn. Tlmv limti'ti
to M-nt Ut ktiotvn i'll fr tlm vaj(iiti
hoH of a lirlKhtxr linrln. Kniin 13
to -tS tr frtil of llmui nrt IIHtrmtr.
NVxrr IkIm hml nHytlilHg In thn oM
foiuilry, Ihoy hvn not Imrnnl how to
mult tlmlr wy hi-rr. Many of them
nr fit only for day lalHir
If tlipmi limnlKritiit wottlil waiter
ipmt tlio country ami urttltt In thn nirnl
ilmlrif't tlm pinlilwn woiihl Im Ipi
i Ci
Divorce Mill May Slow Up ?
East Worried Over Proposed Action by Nevnda Legislature
a I nf vtim ha gone tip from the
ir.'tr ' nvor the sudden mm on nee
'in ni thai the Ut UtfUlalur of N
ada way nM a law ilnrlMK It ifMWMt
"' esUaJlag Ike reetiUe re
uirenmat fttr illvurnnw frM sis
irx.nt h to a year. ror without Kew
and ii divorce eoloay tlm wealthy Hite
i.i. or the eoaatry will bo up aglt
it. If the legislature doe pose lb
i1Ii.ii. law there will be a rush la tbe
heart healing bwaiaee up to the time
tlm new sjHweMre ges Into effeeU
Wler thai nbntf I'Htbably Ike cry,
'On M Metrical "
It is easy to i magi mo the effort of
urn It it meaauro un the wounded hearte
of the rlelt. mpm, tttr locUMee, thtt
tune for the mw wettr to go Into ef
(1 i JnHuary I, IHII. Ibtail hIiw
th Ihreadbttre will iwtbleMly sttapnad
'lie jiartie will Jiantea tu tlm ctmflne
it tlm friendly state. Ollmm tint
ready to sonp will yield nt hmcx tu the
ciwmr, wblle many rtiplMrmi nn
dronwwl of will he Mililmily eTeetnl
and their prlnela ettrrlwl awny with
llm niHilnr ktroMiu of (Htilgritnls to
Khiio. And nfter that, "On to Mux
Nttvndn ha lung (men the mixvu. of
wounded hiNtrls. In fuel, lnee South
Dnkotn Inereiiwd tlm renideiire requlrn
fluent for dUorrn Newula ha dune
nUiut till the lionrt nieiidlng buslmwi
for the country. It hit lioeonm in real
lly mi nrt, mid tunny hiuo mlnpted it
as n spoclnlty mid Hindu It their pro
ftHislnii. A pretty society belle decides
to try nmtrlmony Just for fun. After
n couple of mouth slm decide that
sho dntwii't like It mid tlm doctor la
enllixl'lii to iiinkn mi oxmiilimtlnti Into
the condition of Imr lieurt. Ho find
a small silver lu it mid extract it. Ilttt
tho wound tlimt left widens overv tiny,
nml nfter n twelve inoiitli Im piused it
gep-j wide open uml tho rod blood
ooxom mid spuria until there I no lovu
loft In tliu poor heart. Tho doctor ltd-
Tho benutiful story of the lowly Nn
nronu ns brought out in Low W'nllnco'it
grettt masterpiece, "lien llnr," must
Imvo u splendid Influence upon tho
plnyor who participate in its produc
tion upon the stage. Tliu plot of tho
Itoulso Huff, who hit been plitylug
tho part of Tlrtuli bits rufimed to sign
it t'ontrtirt for nnothnr senson, Sho
snys sho will retire to n cloister uml
spend tho rest of her diiys In religious
itetiliislnii, Horn of Itomnti Cntbollu
parentage ami religious by nitttiro, her
troiilil(nniiio. lint in out of tlmin Itavn
liitrvly pmoiiuIi niuimy tu lirlnu tlioin
uitroim tint wntor, mul they nrn roin-
pcllivl to ntoi vtlmm tlitt alili toi, Ho
tlm RriHit dtliHt of thn Krmt tiro over
run with it foreiu'i ionilHtlon, Yimiuk
woiiifti nml u'rl Ihwoiihi thn proy of
wliltn hIhvo nfoutit if tlmy Imvo not ill
ronily Ihmmi iiiiminrnl by tlm fori'Uu
in-iMit, whllH tlm nirn wmnlrr iiliont In
nwtrrii of (ittipltiytnitiit lit thl" lutnl of
irutnlim. lulling tu flml It, tlmy Jmlt
Working for
iM a change nf climnte and suggests
a high, dry iillltitde for about six
miiHlhs. Neada offers the requiretl
rarefiratioM of nsnae, nml furtberteore
there ia a sanitarium at ltetto kanwn
aa tlm ilivrce colony, which haa the
nttwt resaarbable record of cures ever
heard of. Ilnadred eater the aani
tariutn 0vtry year Had go away cured
Tbo loogest treatmeat ever rncoriled
km just a little over six Months, while
the great Majority go away completely
cured at six wont In and oae week.
The bell Mthwlte to Imr physirian '
advice and tlm treatment begius.
ftMrroaaded by others of similar ail
meat, with the syiKtthy 'of ktad
frleads and the gentle eare of colony
speeialisU, her reenvery is ropld.
Kvery day ahn tan tell by her breath
Ing that the gap In her heart is clon
ing up. At the end of six months tho
eolany physician glvos her a little pin'
ter with Instructions to wnr it iijkiii
her heart. It is the court's decree of
divorce, She suddenly finds that not
a truce, of thn terrible wound remains
nud she goes back to New York for an
other trial.
If thn Nevndii legislature pnssim the
bill tho divorce business Is going to
suffer. It Is snd to think of the effect
such n moHsure will have upon tlio
wounded hearts of tho nrlstocrney of
the country. Kxperimentnl inntrliuony,
onn of the noldtwt Institutions of our
nation, I sure to receive it setback that
wo miiy never recover from. I'ttrther-
ttiore, Mexico nitty get some of our
wenlthy eltlicns six inoiiths out of
every year, l'or with our snnitnrlnm
shut down we Imvo no other high, dry
clltnntn thitt will do tho business. The
cllmntt) of lteuo net upon tho ruptured
lilood yessels or thn henrt very imieli
tho snitiu ns n green persimmon does on
your lips. It puckers them nil tip so
you luirdly know you Imvo nny. Tho
United Hlittiw government ought to
titke n bund in it mul stop tho threat
ened fiction on tho part of Novndii.
jmrt in thn grout piny hits served to im
prest! tuoru strongly the beauties uf
tho unselfish life of the Muster. Now
she Iiiih decided t lint the lifelong desire
for quiet religious lift) shall bo grati
fied lit tho elosn of tho present senann.
The Incident disproves the theory that
the stngn uml nil connected with It nro
bud, It proves tlmt out) enn inlnglo
with tho iissorlntlnns of tbo stage nml
still retnln solf-respoct. It proves t)mt
u good plity Is not without Its Influ
ence for good. I
llNRf. " t 1
k ' " Sfi 1 OUT ati'm strong enough
?$k- -' jcSSlii, I TOCARCYIT MY5E.LF.' J
I MISTER? J A1 BWH - ? -
bts,, Ffmmkmsimam. 9r-"c
'Kxm.wm naroaiw. .fem . . &&
fotjcTGssYsi mmvmm?- - - :-&.j?&b
thn wliolii country by their own nnr
row horlron, nml tliiirotittiiit, miurrhy
mnl rrlinti bifomu tlmlr iortlou. Tluxu
who ttrn forttttiHto nriouli to miettru uin
ii ynifii t ivo up tlmlr pi'imlwt mnl
KHri.! tlmin I hi ck to n brotlmr vr frlo;tI
that Im tony taltti HilvaNtnKH nt thn op'
HirtntiltlHtt lit tlm now country. Ho tlm
population I IniTi'imltiK, not from tlm
limreHHo In birth rati) nrtiotii; our own
Hiptn, bill by n atMHily train of mi-
iltolrnblt) forolu'imrit.
Himself and Us and Not Others
The Marriage of
Helen Gould
The marriage of Mis lieleu Oould
whose wealth I est I mate. I at ilO.uOO,
000, to P. ,1. flheiiard, whose fortune
la comiHtratlvely iaslgalfictfat, is aa
other lllustrntioa of tbo attiUhle of
Mies Gould's entire life toward money
oad all that goes with it. Known
throughout tbo country for her aihaer-
oua philanthropies and her latere! i
the affairs of those less favorably sit
uated m life, bar selection of a liro
partner without taeaae is nut surpria
ing. With wealth sufficient to de
mand H place in society, slm has pre
ferred to step Into the places of the
lowly, there to lend it hand personally
wherever her assistance could bring
cheer or eootfort to tbo needy The
list of Iter philanthropic include
many enterprise for the betterment
mid uplift of her felluwmen. The V.
M. C. A., the reeeue home, the teue
Htuttt districts nil have felt the influ
ence of her diameter n well ns her
money. Sim Iihs been prominent in na
tional nffnirs for thn Imttermont of
her sox, and Ih everything undertaken
has been nn Inspiration for the better.
Jump-Ojf'Joe, a Famous Landmark on the Oregon Coast Which Hat Recently Disappeared
This famous rock occupies n unique placo In ludlnn legend, It Is related that from. Its top Imlinn Joo hurled
himself to tloath ns n sncrlflco for the life of his white sweetheart, Nltn, upon whose head had doscended tbo
wrath of tho trlbo for visitations of onrthqtiukes nml storms. Tho story goes thnt Nltu, upon lonrnlng of tho sac
rifice, Imrlod herself from tho rock with Joo, thus fulfilling tho prophecy that tho two would meet In Varndlso.
Tho rock hnii been a landmark until n fow mouths ago, wheti It Is reported to hnvo been destroved In t severe
storm that swept tho const near Jfowport,
Nor Ii llltlcrnry thn only faftor. A
largo itiitjority of thw- lmiiil(rnt
roinii from fi'fr ami iihiih ridden nv
tldim wlmre oorrrnwiluiK nf jxmla
lion mul lout tent ion to MtiillatioM ar
a roHitaiit wenar to lira It Ii mnl life.
Maay rnttn of Kurop ar mttrft attno
Itilely titn from yellow ttvtr, bolwnle.
plaf(H mnl kindred dlfwftfw. Th
geniiK of tlm ielllenre are earrlml In
llm raiptl elothin of tlm immigrant.
(Continued on jaine four)
ighting With Wooden Bullets
Baffled and Humilatcd, Beaten at His Game, the Turk Is Victim of His Own Dishonesty
It is related that n war iorreiKnd
cut in tbo lbtlKaao, white picking his
way among ski In Turkish soldier nfter
a bard battle, came upon same cart
ridge en see and was moved to givo
tbem a eloto esnwinaiion. He fnand
that tbo ease was of steel and tbe pow
der apparently of good ijuality. but tho
bullets wore small pierce of iated
wood. Upoa inquiry be found thnt
these cartridges were furnished for
practice shooting and bml evidently
been mixed, through mistake or doaign.
with the regular army bnlleU.
Ih tbe light of late development in
tbe Itnlknns the incident may be taken
ns symbolical of the entiru struggle of
Turkey far the matntenancn, of ber Ra
tional integrity. Forced Into a war by
her own arte of cruelty, with dissen
sion within her own ranks, without
the urgftnitntiuH that should keep ber
army tho feorleee fighting ttincblan it
onc wns, slm has been fighting rith
wooden bullet while tbe enemy met
Imr wltu the best weapons of modern
warfare and a united jwrpoce. Today,
beaten and humiliated, Turkey is still
Eastern Women Strike-Joined by Men
Labor Diiturbancc in New York Bring to Light Conditions
in the Working Lives of Thousands
I'or nereral wka pant Niw Vark
lian Ihh in oplHaival beaHm of tlm of l.W,Otio Krmat worker nml
tlm eoaearreat atrtktt of waiter la be
tula ami rtwtnnranU. TJiew atrikea
Iibto lieea HMMt obalinat a ail bav oil
ritl mnel yiMjthy, ImUi from etbrr
uaiiHtti anil from porMM onUHiie the in
llntwcf of la Imr. Ttm lrK nmmbtr at
womhii nml t involvml la probably
In part redjKumltdo for thl, or the
eondltioii of many of thiwu wiihmmi la
vary rlf to the itarvntloii lints. The
efft of hunger ami rohl hove lieen
notHHMtbln in rj'lto of effsrtu to yivo re
lief by the itnbl(hlnK of tlepota for
the distribution of rlotlilnK and money
ami tin.' opening up of freo luneh room.
Thn itrlker demand better jtay and
tbfirtr houri, bonidaa n uenoral Irtter
ment of ranitary eomlltiomi in fnrto
rlea mid rentniirnntti where tlmy are
ilueh inflttpnro linn been brought to
brnr upon legiilator and fity olflelal
looking toward the lietterment of eoa
ditlerm lu the trade afTtwted by the
Kurment worker' itrike. Bx-I'renldent
Moosovclt nnnounretl that the ozeen
tlvo committee of the Progremlvn
party Mould unc It Inllueneo in the
let(llattire te reenre the ercation of
minimum wage bordi in the garment
In ipenklnj; of the eomlitio4 amess
worker In the garment fartnriea, tlm
head of the International Ladiea' Oar
ment Worker I'nloti eaid, "They are
wor paid than the workera In any
other occupation I (mow of. Olrl on
lenvlnc lehmil will lie employed iu the
white good fnrtory at fl.AO n week.
In air month they will get nn advance
of fifty cent n week and in another
nix months another fifty ernta a week.
It U a year or two before thoy can
earn W a week and they eldom reaeh
S a week." Another leader ay, "In
canes where the manufacturers chargo
the. girl 3.r cents a week each for elec
tric power, the boisc make money out
of It, for IS cent a week would pay
for It. In many cnw they ehargo the
girl -10 cent ench week for thread, yet
clinging to the forlorn hop that some
thing will yet Intervene to save ber
from tbe ignominy that will result II
sho is forced ta givo p Adrianefrfo.
Six hundred years ago Otkmon ap
peared oat of the Knot and tot nv bis
power. For three centuries thereafter
tbe Turk maintained their ower
through their daring and fearless sol
diership. Tkea came three centuries
of decay, and for tbo post hundred
year tbe Turkish government has
maintained its existence through tbo
auffernHse ef tbe power and nut be
cause of nny merit nationally. Tbo
countries that Turkey has eouquered
sho has regarded only n plunder, giv
ing no thowght to their development
and lose to their right. Thoy have
been regarded only as a source of
tribute and have boon rolled upon
many time to furnish the moans
wherewith to fill the depleted coffer
of the Sultan. Denied freedom of re
ligion, freedom of education, freedem
of anything, those dependencies have
crouched In foar before the threats of
their twister. With such a polley.the
thi thread i lewn Into garments which
tMoma the proiNtrty of tho mnnufae
tarer. Ih priming sfHaea the printer
might b well bo compelled to pay or
tbo ink."
T)i aitaation wns rendered morn
erltiaal by the strike of waiter, n fleet
lag HMHy of tho hotel of tho city
' afe and restaurant have suffered
heavily because of iniudielcnt help, and
MHnn hare threatened to ongago no
groea HnletM tho striking waitors re
torn. Scenes of rioting in and about
several cafe have been reportcl. Tho
dining room force of the T. JL C, A
joined the striker and many of tho
hotter house ore affected. Scenes of
rioting were enacted on the street, and
eeial police protection was found
necessary in many instance. One case
was reported where tho life of a pro
prietor un threatened unless tho do
tnands of his employe were granted
In all tho activities of the restaurant
striker, Miss Kllzabeth Ourley Klynn,
the young organizer, has been n moat
persistent champion of her cause. In
one of her addresses she urged n new
attack in order to bring tho employer
to term. She declared that much of
the food served In the restaurants was
unfit and urged her companions to make
public their knoweldge of conditions la
thn kitchen.
"I want every waiter and every cook
who knowa anything About tho adul
teratlnn of foot," said Mis Flynn,
"about sending back food refused by
one gaest to another, about highly fla
vored sauces to disguiso unfit food, to
come to headquarters to make affidavit
as to tho rotten conditions in the kttcb
ens to be sent to the board of health
and to tho newspaper. If guests know
one-half tho thing you know they
would not daro to go to one-half the
hotels and restaurant in this city. We
want to tell Mr. Capitalist what kind
of a place bis nico dinner come out of
A nieo cup of coffee coming out of
mott kitchens Is like a nice lilly com
ing up out; of a mudholo. Yon may
have to work here, but thoy havo to
eat out there."
Ottoman has engendered tho utmost
bitterness and hatred. For a genera
tion be has been molding tbe wooden
Imitate that would some day lye used
in defease of his national integrity
Within ber own army tbe result
the same. Military service under tho
Saltan brought the worst of abuses
Kxery MueeainuiH in required f sen.o
seven years. Itat a no record of ixrtbs
is kept, many ostapo service, wlnlo
others nro forced to enlist a second an 1
third time. No one serve who ran
pay. A picture of modern military life
i given in "La devolution Turquo"
aa follows:
"Quartered in nn isolated garrison
ef Kurofe, Arabia or Africa, tho prt
vate is left without pay, without
clothes, without shoes, without broad
Tbo ministers, tbo prefects and tbo of
fleers steal the appropriations, rob tho
commUsory stores and oven tho ar
renal. Half naked, hungry, smitten
with overs and syphilis, tho unfortu
nate soldier i forced to bngnudago or
revolt. In a Mohammedan district bo
goon hungry a long time before robbing
the inhabitants. In a Christian dls
trlct oah garrison is a pest for mile
Tho Turkish soldier is not loss bravo
today than in the post. Timo after
timo ho has remained at tbo front
when weakened from lack of food be
cause tho organisation at headquarter
did not send forward supplies. Mare
than ono defeat chalked up ngalust
the Turk was brought about by this
means. And hero lies another cause
for tbo decline of the Ottoman empire
Dissension wlthiu the ranks of tbe
government has soned to thwart manv
plans. The young Turk against tho
old, education and freedom fighting to
supplant tbe ancient traditioua of the
race, patriotism ngniust anarchy have
disrupted the nation for decades. Tho
policy of tbe Sultan and his advisers
bus been molding tho woodan bullets
that aro now so iuoffcotlvo against
their enemies.
During nil tho years of treachery on
tbo part of Turkish rulers thero occa
sionally rose up mou of sterling worth
who looked to the future with oyes thnt
saw tho conditions existing today Of
those MUlbat l'aaha stands ns tho ono
pre-eminent example of ' wisdom and
statesmanship. It was he who gavo to
tho nation tho constitution which timo
and again camo to tho aid of Turkey's
rulera when Intervention by the row
era threatened to sot things right. But
Turkey wns not ready for the const!
(Continued on page four)