The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 48
The bend bulletin.
i :
lmlilneiy Will Ho Installed nt Onri'
t nml Plant 1'nl In Operation Cows
Will H Imported Prom tho Wll.
nitirtto Valley (or Parmer.
I.aldlaw Is to havo n chcoso fao-
i t tbrv
, This mornliiK John II. Winter loft
, for Portland, where lio will purchase
tho mnchlnurjr for tho now enterprise
1 if which ho li owner. He will also
ko to Corvitllti and probably nthsr
S lllatnetto valley polnta to buy cowi
for Importation to tho Uldlaw conn
try, ho having received orders from
local ranchers for 0 head, An ex
pert cheese linker will bo employed,
tho machinery Installed at onco and
, the factory lint In opratlon.
At a meeting at Uldlaw Saturday
tho final steps In tho undertaking
were put through, and an cnthuslas-
,' ttc Interest on tho part of avoryunn
affected wui shown. In tho vicinity
or Ijildlnw HO cowi havo been ar
ranged for. all of whose milk will h
turned over to the cheese factory.
In tho (llt country thero are 100
cowa whoso ownera am Interested In
tho ichemo. and In thai territory
collection of the milk will bn mado
by wagon. Kven without addlllou
to this number, by Importation and
otherwise thero will do sufficient
milk, Mr Winter estimates, to turn
out about 300 pounds of cheese dally,
The farmers will pay to tho factory
threo cents a pound to cover thn cost
of making and marketing tho cheese.
The milk will be tested and the -enterprise
conducted on what Is prac
tically a co-operative basis, although
I... nwn&..lllll M ltM .!. fflltlllttl
- V WWHVI Pl,, I.IV ,.-..t ..
exclusively in Air. winter uauua.
Au Immediate benoflclal result of the
new Industry -vlll be the proosed
, Importation of cows; these will Imi
purchased by Mr. Winter and paid
for by the farmers In milk, thus giv
ing a big Impetus to the development
of this Important and profitable aide
of farming.
While It Is expected thst a consid
erable amount of the cheese will lm
marketed locally, probably most of
It will be shipped to Portland or
distributed from Itend. All that Is
,. not used In I.aldlaw will bo brought
here, tho I'n'tnd Warehouse Company
having arranged to handle the prod-
net for tho factory.
Mr. f-nmun Will Put up Mriictiirr
on Lot .Veer the l'lolir Mill.
Having outgrown Ita present
quarters, tho llnd Steam Lvindry Is
preparing to occupy Ita own building,
which will bo constructed by J. Kd
ward Larson, the proprietor, on lot
12 of block 1, North Addition. This
. of Ben i, Ore.
You Are Invited
Onco each week wo pay for this spnco' for
the privilege only of Invitlnp; you again to bc
como n depositor of our bank.
Tho pcrsXn who reads about ua fifty-two
times a year taught to know ua at least fifty-two ,
times bolter thnn if ho had rend of us but
once, Tho better ho knowB ub tho more apt ho
Is to like us and our business methods.
Your account, largo or small, Is urgently
solicited and respectfully Invited.
of Bend, Oregon'.
D, PRRIUJLL, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
B. M. LAA, Cashier
locution In just lit front of tho Hour
Tho building will bo Co by 40 feel
In slxo mid will fnua mist on the
nlltiy which runs west from Wall
Htreot and thou turns north. The
lot In 60 font wide ii nd Mr. Larson
will Imvo a 10-foot spnco on tho
north side of tho building. Tho
structure will ho woll ventilated and
lighted, making excellent quarters
for Inn nil ry work.
Mr. Lnrson will binvn Saturday for
Seattle to place orders for additional
machinery, which, whon Installed,
will doublo tho capacity of the plant.
Among the now equipment will bo a
large n'Miglo.
U'nrk U In In, started lit onco on
the building mid Mr. Larson hopes
to have It completed enotigu to movo
III by tho first or March, Mr. Larson
bought (ho laundry from Mrs. Mato
t-iirku'imd n llttln over it year ago.
The business wan started hero in the
summer of It) 10.
l'orbr Hugge-it Change" Crook
County Will Have Thrre Terms of
Court If l'roNial Is Pamed.
BALKM, Fob. 4.- 8peclc o The
llulletln) Iteprescntatlvo Forbes or
Crook county has suggested an
umendmont to tho Columbia South
ern bill to tho effect that naif Instead
of all tho appropriation asked be giv
en now and the balance lu 19U. and
to make provisions that the land now
having adjudicated water rights can
not be assessed further. While It
was Improbablo that any such assess.
menta could have been mado legally,
the proposed chango will do away
with any criticism of the scheme on
that head,
The passage of tne bill through
tho House seotna assured, and ks all
Kastern Oregon men are pulling to
gether, and Wesley Smith and Mir
Thompson are doing their best for It,
there soems good reason to believe
that It will get through the Senate
as well,
A bill has been Introduced by Mr.
Forbes giving Crook county three
terms or Circuit Court Instead or
two, aa at present, and also one mak
ing It a felony to give checks without
having money In tho bank to meet
Aa the session la now hair over, the
llend Iteprcsentatlvo la anxious that
any ot his Central Oregon constitu
ents who havo requests or suggest
ions got them to him at once, If any
action Is to bo aecured.
Tho Oregon Journal of Portland
ceentlv published a giddy story re
counting the adventures of four llend
virtu who have taken up a home
stead In the southeast country. It
recounts that the Misses Mnrkel are
"holdlag down" n homestead, most
successfully, but goes en to add that
another young lady, now a local
school teacher, Is also iovlng up,"
which Isn't so. And aa a result tha
bona fide homestetudors and the
other ono are camping on the trail
of whomever sent In that article,
seeking dlro vengeanco.
Lumber Manufacturers Here Get What They Have
Been SeekingChanges Affect Shipments
to Omaha, Denver and Salt Lake City
J. II. Corbott, Joint agent or the
Deschutes and Oregon Trunk roads,
at llend, on Monday received a tele
gram from railroad headquarters at
Portland stating that still anothor
reduction In Hnsthound freight rates
on lumbor originating at Nond has
practically Jteen decided on.
Tim reduction In question affects
rates from hero to Omahs, Denver
ami Salt Lnlte City. As regards tho
two first named, thoy place llend
lumber upon a footing only one cent
higher than that originating at either
Spokane, or linker. The Halt Lake
rate, ita reduced,, places llend ono
cent higher than Bpokane but four
cents higher than linker. Tho fig
ures or the proposed reduction are aa
follows: Omaha, old rate .DO, now
rate 48; Denver, old 40, new 34;
Salt Lake City, old 37 A. new 34.
The ratea do not go Into effect un
til they have been Issued by It. II.
Countlss, agent of tho Central
Freight Association. After action
thore, the next step will be the publi
cation of the tariff, which will an
nounce the lowered rates and set a
date at which they go Into effect.
In The llulletln last week It wns
stated that the reductlona In rates
from llend lo Minneapolis and Chi
cago were to bo three cents; this wna
incorrect, aa the proposed reduction
Is two cents, making the new rato to
these points 43 and C3 cents, re
spectively. This change, aa that
mentioned above, will not RO Into ef
fect until finally passed upon by the
Eastern authorities and tbo publica
tion of a revised tariff.
There Is no doubt that the propos
ed reductions are the result of oc
tlvltlea on the part ot the lumbermen
who have promised to Install large
mills here, and who, it la known,
have been negotiating with the trans
portation companlea for several
months. Those who are watching
developments In this line with special
attention are Jubilant over tho course
affairs are taking.
"Tho railroads would not inako
any propositions to lower rates un
less thero was somo Inducement,"
they argue. "In other words, If
Hem gets a reduction, It Is pretty
plain that somo guarantee or ton
nago must have been forthcoming
from the mill men. And that meana
mill construction In tho near future."
That the reduction to the South
west, which seems certain, Inasmuch
as no notification or this would have
been given tho local agent unless It
waa to materialize, meana a great
deal to local mill men, la admitted by
J. P. Koyes. manager ot tho Ucnd
Company and representative or tho
H rooks timber interests.
"Would tho construction or a di
rect Kastern rail outlet from llend
tend to Improve them new proposed
rates?" Mr. Kuyes was ached.
"I do not aeo how they could," waa
the reply. "With tho exception of
those to Salt Lako City (wo can't net
In there even under tho proposed re
duction, and that la one of our very
best fields) tho new rates, It seema
to me, nro nearly what we havo been
working for from the first. Yes, you
We spare no pftins to supply our custom- ?
y ers with the best in all lines of Hardware. y
J If you are particular about QUALITY )
C of goods you buy, join our long list of s
i satisfied customers. ?
N. P. Smith
. yvaii otrcct )
may say that when they go Into effect
the biggest forward step toward tho
establishment or mills horo yet ac
complished hna been mado. It also
means thnt so far as local milling Is
concerned It matters little If that
southeastern railroad builds or docs
not build, although of course It would
bo of great benefit to llend, and no
doubt mny bo cxpectod In tho vory
near future."
Italdlicadetl .Man Nays Wig Is the
Only Hure Cure.
"Wanted A balr-ralsing story by
a bald man,"
That was In tho "want column" of
Tho Hullotln last week. This letter
came this morning:
"To tho Kdltor:
"I notice In your want ads that you
need a hair-raising story for a bald
man. I am baldheaded and have
tried about everything, Including
some hair-raising stories but they did
not work. The only sure remedy la
to get a wig.
"A sunscRinEn."
Dend Representative Has Tilt With
Muttnoaiati Man.
BALKM, Feb. 8, Iteprcsentatlvo
ifagood of Multnomah county, a Dem
ocrat, -was denounced aa "unfit to alt
within tbo legislative assembly," by
Representative V. A. Forbes, during
the session or the House this after
noon, and ho virtually gave the lie
direct to what Mr. Hagood bad aald
on a vetoed bill In which Forbes was
interested, and aald that "If It la true
that Hagood represents Governor
West at thla session, the Governor
made a bad mess or hla choice."
Having previously spoken, Hagood
did not replyi aa be bad delivered a
long hero talk for Governor West,
Dr. Harry Lane and George Chamber
lain, who, he aald, havo been placed
In their vorloua high positions largely
through tho opposition of Republican
Legislatures and Republican city
The discussion was on tho bill, ve
toed by Governor West at the last
legislative session, providing for the
granting or tltlo by the government
to certain awamp land settlers.
Forbes declared that the bill waa
ono which should pais, and it finally
did pass, but not before thero had
been much discussion, not altogether
confined to the bill Itself.
KntarReuient of Local Distributing
Activity Follow Change,
Enlarcemcnt of the scope or bus!
ncas or tho United Warehouse Com
pany was effected Saturday when a
deal waa consummated by which the
warehouse company tfdcea over the
Central Oreeon Rrokerage Company,
the distributing b role era go business
which hits been conducted from llend
for more thnn a year, recently under
tho ownership and management of
Ward II. Coble.
Mr. Coble enters tho employ of the
warehouse company and hereafter
will devotn himself oxrltislvoly lo en
enlarging tho growing distributing
business already cen'crlng at llend.
In connection with Its new develop
ment, the t'nltod Warehouse will In
stall a cold storage room for meats,
distribution of meat products of the
Union Meat Company being ono of
tho most Important branches of tho
local brokerage business. In nddl
tlon a large stock or 'ho various line
Handled will lie carried in the ware
house. Mr. Coble's office, formerly
In the First National Hank llulldlng,
will bo at the warehouse.
CoinmltlCfM See Site or Proponed Dam
and Will Ak For Joint Appropria
tion Fur Investigation Work.
THE DALLES, Feb. 2.-Tho United
Mates government and the states ot
Oregon and Washington will each be
asked to appropriate $00,000 that a
detailed survey and thorough inves
tigation or the proposed Columbia
river power project may be made, aa
a result or an Inspection made today
at the prospective dam site by Joint
committees representing Oregon and
Theivisltora were greatly impresa
edbythoinarrowneto of the river.
Hcvtbaventlro volume or water or
tbe'Cqpftn'bla paasea between walls of
rock. iuO feet apart. Suite Engineer
Lewis said he waa certain that Ore
gon could dtapoae of Its 300,000 con
tinuous horsepower developed and
its additional horsepower available
only eight months In the year.
He suggested that each atate and
the national government Jointly raise
$150,000, the amount needed to con
duct the surrey.
Governor West said be favors th
appropriation being made, and the
committees from tho two states said
they would unanimously recommend
the appropriations to their Legisla
tures and to the government for the
purpose of making a detailed survey
of the power project, whose estimated
cost Is $23,000,000. It would take
one year to make the Investigation
Mr. Lewis thinks.
Colonist Fares Go lata Effect This
Year on March in.
The period of colonist rates from
Eastern points to the West begins
fifteen days later this year, extend
ing from March 16 to April 15. The
ratea will be tho aame aa last year.
$30 from Missouri river points and
$33 from Chicago. Stopovers of 30
days will be allowed on these tickets.
This reduction In rates will bring a
large number of homeseckcra to
Uend and Central Oregon, probably
the biggest number ever known.
The railroads arc this year also
offering homescekers' round trip
rates, these being on sale the first
and third Thursdays In each mon:h.
Theae allow prospective settlers to
come out and look the country over
and return to bring out their fami
lies. The tickets are good for 25
daya from date ot sale.
IFe First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOH. Prt.ld.nt E. A. 8ATHCR, Vie PrstUUnt
O. 8. HUOSON, C.hlP
CUplUI fullf paid ... SJS.OOO
atMkhold.r." liability - S26.0OO
Surslu. 8IO.0O0
Wo are prepared to make loans
or either Irrigated or dry land
farms, for three or five years
time, where patent has issued.
If interested see or write ua for
ConiprcMol Air Outfit will Ik)
Put on Job and Tunneling In
ta Ite Tried In ' the Deepest
Trcnclie Local Men Ilusy.
Laat night It. K. Koon, construc
tion engineer for tho city, returned
from Portland where ho had been ad
justing the final matters with the
sower contractors and arranging for
tho continuance of construction by
the city.
This morning tho atcam drilling
outfit working In tho alley west of
Wall street was again put In opera
tion, and about 20 men are working.
The second boiler. Installed at tho
corner of Wall and Ohio atreets, la
ready to use, and will bo started on
Monday, the two drills to be used,
with It having arrived today. Work
will bo done on Ohio street wltk
Arrangements have been made to
get a compressed air drilling outfit
in from Portland, and this la ached
uled to arrive In a couple of weeks.
With the steam drills all working,
about 40 men will be employed and,
when the compressor Is Installed thU
number probably will be about doub
led. The fact that hand drilling has
been found uneconomical has caused
the engineer to abandon that method
At the outset all work will be dono
by day labor, until the exact-cost ot
handling the different Items Is estab
lished, after which every effort wilt
be made to let out piece or station
work. A trial will be made la eomo
of the deeper portions of the trencbr
of tunneling; that Is, Instead of open
ing up tbo ent're trench, going down
to bottom at Intervals and then con
necting the holes with a tunnel along
tbo trench bottom.
Last Saturday, walls tho Boy
Scouts wero around their clubhouse.
Oscar White, about 13 years old, who
waa ekatlng on the river, went too
near the edge of the lee and broko
through. Cal Smith and Floyd Cole,
scouts, heard him cry for help and
Immediately crawled out to where ho
was clinging to the Ice. They got
hold ot hla arms and "snaked" hint
to the shore The scouts soon had
a fire built to dry the clothing ot tho
unfortunate boy.
The aermonlc lecture by Dr. Oorby
at the Star Theatre laat Sunday
afternoon waa well attended, and au
able discussion of socialism from, a
lllbllcal standpoint was -given. Next
Sunday afternoon at 3, Dr. Corby
will speak on "The Sacredness of
Courtship," his discussion ot the
theme being ot physical and mental
fitness, affinity and the secret of a
happy home. ,Mts Marion Wiest
will sing.
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