THU 1IK.NI nUfiMSTIW, 1WI), WKItXKHDAV, JAM'AtlV ttfr 1018. PAar c. itril "tCfr IJL NOTES vxt.msmz IUVKRSIDC lA. o IUKJJDW (WHENCE SOLICITED z V, j "I $JA ttgjl ,''- kjlk nnd in wit. lw ntul bounty, nnd It was found Hint tlio young innturcd from a month to nix wooka cnrllcr tlinn tho clitekn of tlio orlliml brood bred trnljjlit To ut tlio Itlnckn to their prciwnt perfection wan n twlloiw tnik, Mr. Cook pornowlriK for weriiiiteeii your tmfori1 lio rcncliiHl hi IiIimiI, Ho inndc hoth nwo unit mIiiuIo comli from thU coinhlimtloii. Tho lllnck OrpliiKton In or romnrkn hlo vltiilltjr. It In Inrjio, comimct. f ITImm nrtleUi ml Illustration, inuil not ! rfinlnlKl without iKUI ixtinl. Ion. J THE DANDY DLACK onPINQTON. The fnr fumed Dorklnu, which Cm Mr bora from Itoini to Illinium! M II C Iiiin U-vn ktiiK-ketl to Mpllutori liy the lilu pink mUIihhxI Urpluittoii, KUKlniid'H now irnwt populnr i-lilvkon. Cnslniid Iiiin tiinny Turlvtle, both tv nmo nnd lnlo comb, but ho far tho AnirrU-ttii Poultry auMcUtlon tin itilmltttxl but Mini to tliu tmulanl . 0. Whlto. H. 0. Huff and H. C lilmlc. ThU bnd, orluluatcsl bjr the litU AVIIIUiu Oxtk t Orptnuton, KiibIhuiI, wBB wit I'hula tr C. M. lUrnltt. M.iCK OHHXOTOX COCK MUD. la tho tiKMt popular Hiun fnr orleHmt mI uu ItuclUh noII uimI hat it Inrpt fob lowing lu tlil country. All thv atnndard variolic nrv nllkr In urlutit and tm(MiI mid tho lllacka have tunny frtrtitU. A look at tho cuta trlla why. Tboy are o fowl to t proud of, pretty for how nint Imlly for cubs am) meat To niako tho lllnck Orpington n liUek Minorca innlo una Hinted to I.Urk irt ullot from Itarrvd I'lym otith llocl. I'ullfU of thl enrna were then lirwl to a lllnck Ijitii:hu cock wh clean Irk. ThU wn n fine cotnlilnnllmi for escn lhoto by C U. lUrttlta. DLACK onrOOTOX IIKX. plump, bljt brcaatn!, and aa a general purto fowl for rluo grained tneat and big rgga It U hard to bat It ahould bo low In atatur. hara rlrh, glouy, black plumngo; red comb, faco, wnttlea. enr lolxxi: dark err. black ahnnka, a ml tho ulrfl of lu fxit tiould b plnklih white. An a market fowl It U rather largo for tho common call and doc not liari tho buttor colored aklu and trllbya o liopulnr with Amxrlcuii market buyer. OIll'INOTON HTANtJAltD WKIOIITH. I'ound . l'ound. Cock 10 lln Cock.r.l m I'ulUt 1 DONTS. Don't arguo orer trltlea. The man who teeka an argument and pride hluu4lf ou hi argumentative, ability need ouly to arguo mIHi a luffragetto and ho will Onto away to a xcro with' nut tho ring. Don't fall to bo nent. If your good are nloml you look nice, uo trouble about that eitrn prliv. Don't get th Idea Hint any old liutKh of fen them will win at the ruiiuty fair. Jmt try the trick and get llrkiil. Don't think nrery follow who take a look at vnur place U trying to ateal your wi-rvta There la a aecrrt you houldii'l tell-how you fuko at tto how wi well, . FEATHERS AND EQQ0HELL8. Ijt )enr tho country'a egg produc tion rvnrhed nearly in.nrm.(xw.ww. nnd New York city la wld to have ued'l.nou.oijo of thoae. New York ataiida nlnlli In egg production, but la far uhoiid on nog, When Hurry ttleglor, near Hunbury, I'd., mitered hU hnulioiiao ho found nil hi chliMn'Hii dend nnd Htrotched boaldr tftrin Hfveii dend wenael. Tho weiiacla killed nil the hti. nnd (hen took a drink of polxoiicd water tluit had been acreeiied oiT, Thl llltlo unuwigu lnip til (lend cull aipieexu through un luch llll'dll. A fuwla grow old their tendeney I In iinike fill of feed rutlicr tlntii egg or uieiit. I why you aeldom mt hen over two yeura old on paying phiuM Tlio Hm-lety for the I'rorentlon of Cruelty to AnliuiiU U wngliig wnr agiiliixt xipmli rnUera who ahlp live m I imlw to iinirket lea than nix week old, They i'IiiIiii iiinnr Hipinb nUirve to dentil In iriiindt mid Mhnuld not be shipped under xIj week nf age, rUir enil I'eiiiiHjIiiiiiln breeder biito boon arrexttil mid fined Kug bought In nN-n market fnr pre serving often Mill IdfuiiKo of vnrlou nue Mini hocmie they are rimmI, bud and Indifferent. They nearly alway contain hnyinow nnd hogiieii egg. A woman In Connecticut who hud n f ii li ry for dogx, and kept only IWx) of them, when conipliilut wna made ngaluxt her, rctullnted by dlKMlng of the dog and atiirtlug n guinea farm with am old guliieti helix. Tho kicking neighbor dcclnre thexo beat tho kljU. a Ixiller fuctory and then aome. If little turkey are free from lice nnd fed lota of protein they will not drag their wing and wilt In the heat. Culling tho flight feather U unnccv. wiry and cruel. When a York (Pa.i chicken thli tole aeren fat hen be left bla at brclln In the coop, and by a peculb nrnaineut on the handle It woa at on traced to him, ami be wna aont to Ja A farmer doe not put up a very go AdvertUement when he feed chlcke In market, haa com In their crate a mill fowl with packed crop. I agalmt the law to aell fowl with f crop In aome atatea and ngnlnut r htiliica Ki I Icy anywhere to do It. The llllnola extierlmcnt atatlon no devote twenty acre to poultry ai haa recently flnUheil a now poult hoirno 120 by 'M. The atate are gro unlly fnlllug Into tine, but It take long time for anme of them to know good thing wlmii they w It. Automobile drlverx kill thoiixand chlekciia on the country riMid nn many aeem to delight In It A chau feur told ii that he killed wvhii dog twenty-two clilekeii and -nt w man to the hoMplial. all In one auin mer. I Where water drop from the envea Into n yard where duck are routined the tpuck iiulrkly get buay with their aconp ahoveta and dig about the fniin datlon and often epotl tho wall, Wa. ter nn roof and land ahould run away from the xniltry yard and not Into It It I not ulniplr necvaxarv thM a man know chicken to aiirreeit, I7 muat Iw n liunlii) mnnnger tn dlo of pgga nnd poultry to (ho bent advantage and nlxo n good buyer to gef hi feed right If he haa auftlelent (nnd to raUe hi grnln he tmixt know how In fann If, Ye. It take brnln, brawn nud UxNlle nnd then ome. Qutir Dlt Prom India. In "Omen and Hiiertltlon of Hoiilhern India" lidgur Thuraton, the author, any: "On one -rBlon, when I wna In enmp at I'nlinhntnro. the oddea iln Ixirerai, being afruld of my evil eyo. refuxed to Hie a new kiln of brlrkx for the new club chamber until I find tak en my departure On nnottur m-cnalon I caught hold of a ladlo to how my friend Dr Itlvera what wcro the fra grant content of a jt In which nn oddo woman wa cooking tho evening meal. On returning from a walk we hoard a great notae proceeding from the oddu men. whd had meanwhile re turned from work, and found the wo man eeated opart on a rock and aob blng. Hhtf had heen ezcommuntcated. not becauxo I touched the ladle, but becuuo ahe bad afterward touctiod the ".L m mjr Selling Agents for Aubrey Heights ttmni i - Under New Management. THE PILOT BUTTE INN BEND'S LEADINd HOTEL la now fn charge of J. F. Tafirjrnrt Flrat Claaa Scrvlco and tho Comfort of Gucsta, Is Our Motto. FREE AUTO Between Hotel end Depot. - We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barloy, Oata, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. Tho Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOXI J. A. HacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. Every Day in the Year Through Train to Portland LEAVES BEND 6:30 A. M. ARRIVES PORTLAND 5:30 P. M. MOlMMRt I g" " - liatf CENTUM. OREGON HNE direct' connections FOR LIMITED TRAINS Seattle Minneapolis Denver TO Tacoma Spokane St. Pawl Chicago Omaha St. Louis Kansas City AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, via the North Bank Road, Northern Pacific and Great Northern Rail ways. Fares, schedules and details supplied on request. W. D. SKINNER, J. H. CORBETT Traffic Manager Agent, Bend. 3S3 ac Ttjl 1 5 P j " THE BULLETIN "j .. y. , prints all the f w i Official County News It Also Covers AU Central Oregon tyews Thoroughly Every Central Qrcgonlon Should be a Subscriber $1.50 a Year. 80c for Six Months. " ' ' ' T Send It To Your Friends I 1 ' !. ) 4b r I" ' t ; fV-f ,"m j3 Mfc it piMwrt HMmjMM K i." I m p If