The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 22, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
' h .
i i ft
NO. 40
MciiMiro I'milde I'nr Completion of
llw Columbia Knuiheiii by llu IVo
of Had 1'iiinN, I'mler I Hi t.
(Ion of (lie Water Ibiiit'il.
A hill lo npproprlitdi f&OO.OOrt In
stale fund to carry to completion
tint Columbia Houlhuru project hit
Immmi ilrnwu up nml will bo presented
t tint Legislature. If adopted II
would iut Into effect tlio
most far reaching rooliiiimtlon iro
grum over attempted In thla Unto.
Tim Mil I Intended tiH n statu ub
ulltutu for dm Caroy Act. tliu working
of which umlor federal mipurtliloii
wuh so hltturly condemned ut tliu re
cent Irrigation congress In Portland.
I' title r It i) provision (hi; state
would ut once advance tliu moituy
tifeded nnd tho iitntii water board,
creiited In lUOli, would llnUh tho re
iliiiiiiitlun of hoth tho lamlM Included
In Oregon desert Hut No. 13 mid prl
vnto land In tho Columbia Bout horn
jirojcct. Tho money U Intended
eventually to lm paid hack dollar for
dollar by tho settlers, with an nddl.
tloiint & for uach nrro In tho project
to no Into tho tato reclamation fund.
To Iniura thin repayment It Is set
forth In tho hill that n valid Hen In
favor of tho ktntti shall vxlst against
each aottlur'a tract until tho taut cunt
ha boon paid.
Till money It nit to ho paid In
within IP year, with In tenia on de
fern d payment at 0 per cent biiiiii
ally There U aim to lm fixed by the
(Kiard nn annual rnulnleiittttctt fee.
In addition to all this, further lo no
euro tho state against lo, each pur
rhaser of tho private land In tho
Columbia Houthoru project mint glvt
the atatu n tint mortgage on hi prop
erty ai security for tho payments un
der tho cuntract.
Karh purchaser will acquire n pro
i i.i. I.....I ... l.u
ayatein to bo trantforred lo tho Dot
tier with tho wnter rlghta, n a inn-
jorliy of tho land are fully pld for.
Km 1 1 ii ro to pay prlncliwl nnd Inter.
em promptly for x mouth after
pro,H,r nolle, may roault In ni,ll..!
Hon of tho eontrart by tho Uiard,
which may rnopon tho land fur entry
and roaoll tho water rlghta, though
tho board la to lm dUerotlon In
grunting oxtanaloim to doaorvlag por
To I'erfert Tllle l'lrt.
Tho malutanHHeo feoa from the,
ttlr urn to bo M1 In maintain-
Ing the projuct. whll funda aro to bo
dooltHl In tho general fund of tho
atato until hII tho alato'a uxponMi In
Iho project hnvo been paid. After
that additional money received from ,
thla aourco la lo go lo tho reclamation -
To aupervlio tho onutriictln nnd
operation of tho reclamation work In
tho project, tho witter tonrd la di
rected -to appoint n project engineer
nt n anlary left to Ita dUerotlon ton
ITTIBXT to what n man earns, his
11 bank neoount is his most closely
guarded secret. He wants to feel
absolutely sure in his own mind that
his banker is just as much of a confi
dential adviser as his lawyer or doctor.
We want you to know us and have
confidence in us. before you decide
to open an account at this bank.
of Bend, Ore.
I). l'KRKltM,, Frcsldcnt V. O. MINOR, Secretary
It. M. I.A1IA, Cashier
fix Ills plniiM miiM ho approvud by
tho IiuiikI.
Ileforn wpik I begun, however, tli
board In dlrcclod to tnko fltoiw to per
fect title of tho stale to tliu Co
Ill m ill ii Houthoru project.
Tho $600,000 iiiproprlHtlon oar
I bid by tliH hill In to hornnio Itumodl
tvy nvnllHbU out of tho mUIo'h gon
oral fund,
Omii of thuKu Instrumental lu frnin
Itije tho hill wm .1. N. H. Urklitg of
I.hIiIInw, a promlnont flic urn In the
recent Irrigation eongros. Mo wn
In conference several day with Oih
nininlmrii of tlio Home Irrlnatlon ooin
mlttce, of which J. T. Illuhlo of Uhir
tllla cuuiity Ik chnlrmnn. Othor
inoiubora of thla ootniiiltto are Korbn
of Crook, IIoiiihii of llirnoy and Mai.
hour. Jlltcholl of Haltor mid Hmltli or
Htrte anil llrnn CoiiiIn, Kepnrnfed
Kltflit Yenro, I'lnd Kntli Oilier In
Camp IV w Mllen I'lom Tomii.
Thin old world tftilah aometlmca
aeouia prntty hlK U not to large, after
all. Tho uncortalniy of evenm nlno
him nu IntciedliiK (Ido all It own, na
tho follow InK lucldckt, reported to
Tho IliilU'tln by V. J. Tain, tervta
to llliutrato.
In a iiiountuln (own of North Cnro
linn, Wllkeaboro, about 38 year no
a baby tioy wai tKiru-ulto a common
occurrence thore. ly dlllRnt nura-
liis and uttuntlon ho crow to bo u
man. About tdKht yean aro ho be
en inn Infected with tho waudorltut
a very bad idlment ainonK Tar llceli
and wt out for tho WVat. Ilo
"pulled up" In HrltUh Columbia,
whoro ha reinalnvd for no mo time,
but bavin no miuatle projenaltlv
jind longliiK for a chance of nry,
ho "hit tho plko" for llend, arrhltiK
on Novotnber S lait. Thlt wa Stove
Among tho folka left behind by
Htevo waa n yoiiRgo.' brother, I try an
Comb. About n week ago Htevo waa
cutting wood a mile and n half outh
of town. For all no knew, hit broth
er waa buck among tno laurel i.jhIi-
anil riiuuuuiiiiiiiuiu ui wiw iiiuumimiu
Only a abort dUtaneo from whoro
htova wan, tho llend Company had
men ut work burging, and nmong
them wna llrytm Comb. During the
. lf..... .... ......! ...wll
"'"""" ",w" '""" " v"' "" " "'
,!"' '""" "".
iMid liutantly ho riteognUed hla rein-
mvo wiiom ho nail not ntmru rrou "
con In eight year. Omid forxufie
had ted thorn to the name apot after
Hiiflo 4000 mllN bad KoparHtod tboin
for your.
AntO:r w-laeldnt In thla eon-
netl'.o waa that both mn wwro In
nu,ird to eowe ii Hvid through
uuraluit laaaeil by th QniI Nuru-
em Hallway.
The Union Chorus Club which was
meiitly orgnnlied la getting ntnrted
well nnd there la prouibo that Ita
ofTorta will roiiult In giving the town
ome iK'ttKr alugerM. There ire now
twouty-foor persona enrolled, and
good regular uttoudaui'o
Delnys of Existing Arrangements to be Done Away
With Engineer Koon Will Boss the Job,
Which Will be Hastened to Completion
After a sorlea of apodal comtnltteo
iiieetliiKH mid mooting of tho City
Council, u wtH docldod early thla af
ternoon to cancel Iho urrougeiueiiia
at pieaont oxUtlng for tho conntruo-
; tlou of Itond'n auwr ayatem nnd for
tho city to tako over tho woru, com
pleting It Itaolf.
Tho docliilnn waa mado nftor
thorough oxaruliiallou Into tho altu
utlcn. It waa developed that tho
contractor, tho Kouili Portland
Cruahcd Hock Company, nro loalng
ii in n ey nml would bo utmblo to com
picio tho Job with any antUfactlon or,
nt tho rate they have gono tliu far,
within aoveral oar. Inveatlgntlon
allowed that tho organization wn not
tlnnnclnlly ublo to put through the
work, It being practically luovltablu
that the beat that could bo hoped for
by continuing preneut arrangement
would bo to dally along for a couple
of month, after which the city would
find Ittclf with the work but llttl
further advanced than It la now, nnd,
probably, with auiloua litigation
pending with tho construction bond
ing homo, lu tho event of forced can
cellation. The fact of the matter nro that
ery yard of rock tho contractors
huva moved to date with day labor
hm meant loia to them. So, natur
ally, they have done nway with direct
employment of lalior and have let
.:rythlng poailblo to aub-contrnc-tora.
One result of thla method ha
been that local la'jor nnd American
labor has had no fair chance at tho
work. Also, the "tub" themselves
hnvo found that the? navo been mak
ing no money, and after this It would
bo noxt to Impossible to get moro of
them to tackle contract. However,
a naturally tho contractors wore try
ing to do tho work as economically
a possible, their employment of
subs" can not be criticized harshly.
Tho arrangement places Knglueer
It. K. Koon In direct chargo of tho
construction, as ho nlrendy waa of
tno engineering, subject to tho super
vision of tho council and tho sewer
From tho progress already made,
the exact cost of excavation has been
pretty well established, and It I
found that tho worK oan reaaonably
bo expected to lm completed within
tno original estimate.
Tho city cntera upon tho ret of tho
Job with these advantage: The
work already completed, at lot lo
the contractor, represents a gain to
It of about 1Q00; further, this has
boon by far tho most difficult portion
of tho work, aud ho been attempted
under tho moat adverse wtMlhor con
dition. Secondly. In the arrange
ment Just perfected the elty further
benefit from tho faet that tho con
tracting company gtvoa It tho free use
of all It equipment now on tho
ground and that ntready onlortnl, un
til eomplotlon of Iho Job. This,
reckoning In drills, boilers, etc.,
mean n saving to tho city conserva
tively estimated nt $1700.
For managing tho work, Mr. Koon
gel paid an a bail of C per cent of
tho total outlay front now on. A
with tho Information now In hand
It U estimated tbnt tho work can bo
We spare no pains to supply our custom- ?
S ers with the best in all lines of Hardware. 5
If you are particular about QUALITY )
I of goods you buy, join our long list of s
i satisfied customers.
N. P. Smith
Wall Street I
completed under 170,000, thla tnouna
n feo of approximately 3J00 for
practically tho year work, Ilo I
placed under Itoud of $5009 to eoror
tho maximum amount of money that
will pan through hM hand at any
time, dun to payment of labor and
minor bill. Tho council will, of
course, pay all larger bills, a for
merly, nnd will at nil time have full
nccora to nil books, accounts and bus
Inosa of iho construction engineer,
who I to mnko detailed monthly re
port on the progress aud cot of the
Tho work will bo ckwod down per
liap ten day, pending a complete
meniurenient of work done to date
and Inventory of equipment and ma
terial on hand.
After tho actual cost of handling
tho rock has been (Infinitely estal-
llshed, every effort will bo made to
let out piece or station work to
American labor desiring to work on
tho sewer contract on a basla that
will allow them a reaaonnble profit
and will cost tho city no more than
If It did tho work on a day labor bn-
Four powor drill aro In now, and
four others nre on the way. Theae
will be worked to capacity imme
diately, all iKisslhle preference being
given to local lattor. Tho council
desires to push tho work to comple
tion aa rapidly a possible, and as
soon aa good weather will make fur
ther activity economical, uirrange
ments will' lie mado to Install addi
tional iower drill, operated either
by compressed air or itoam.
It. K, Koon will have entire charge
of tho work, under the direction of
tho council.
Tho plan adopted Is the result of
long consideration, and, It Is believ
ed by tho council, Insures tho best
liosslble results for the city, both
In- ultimate economy, speedy comple
tion of tho project and maximum
benefit to loos! labor.
In closing up the arrangement
with tho South Portland people, all
outstanding accounts of tho latter
will lie cared for by them, and full
receipts turned over to tho city, so
that ovcrythlng will be cleaned up
and there can bo no possibility of any
loss to merchants and others, or of
futuro tangies.
Himvntlon I-"ir Structure Nearly
Complrtcx! nml Machinery Ordered.
Work upon Kend'a new power plant
Is being pushtd vigorously and the
excavation for foundation, done un
der contract with Tom Murphy. Is
Hearing completl. n. Monday ulaht
J. C. Iloglc. one of Ketnpater II. Mil
ler's Chicago force, arrlxed. Mr.
Ilogle, who Is an engineer, will as.
"lot T. II. Foley, tho local manager
of tho II. W. U & I. Co., nnd will
hnvo gonernl supervision of tho con
struction of tlio plant.
The building that Is being erected
now will bo 0 by 61 feet, of which
tho superstructure visible nbovo a-
tr will bo 27 by 39 feet, the remain
der being submerged. Tho complet
id building will house four unit each
containing a turbine that will gene-
.nte 3G0 kilowatts. Tho Mrrt unit,
that being Installed now, will eonnla
j 2r0-kjlowatt turbine and generator,
riie turbine la' being hip pod from
York, J'fl., and the generator front
ilhnectftdy, X. Y. The structural
stool will be secured on the coast.
Ifiverythlng that can bo purchased lo
ally fa being bought here.
1-MilhlU of White Orpingtons, Ilhode
Ishiiiil lied and Illnck IanghaiiN
Attract .Much Attention at Show.
Tho poultry show hold last Wed
nesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday at Iledmond proved to bo n
auccees, there being somo 2S0 birds
shown. Most of these wero exhib
ited by (Kjultrymcn of tho county, but
there was one exhibitor who came
with hla birds from Condon.
llend was represented and came off
with a bis batch of ribbons.
Fred U. Huey, with eight White
Orpington fowls, wont to Iledmond
nnd brought back eight ribbons. Ho
bad strong comiwtltloii, but the of
ficials awarded him four blue, two
red and two white ribbons one for
each fowl entered. Ilia entry con
sisted of three cockerels, four pul
lets and ono hen. Tho pullets and
cockerels wore batched April 21 of
last year. Mr. Huey haa about SO
fowls which he raised during tho past
year, lie made his start with a pen
of White Orpingtons liought of Kel
lerstrass of Kansas City last Janu
ary. Ilo haa sold sovernl roosters
for $10 each and haa also got the
same sum for settings of eggs.
Mr. Huey will exhibit a pen of bis
prito winners, together with his rib
bons, at Eggleaton'a harness bop.
Another llend exhibitor at Red
mond waa Mrs. G .W. Shrlnor, who
brought back three ribbons. She
had entered three Ilhode Island Reds
and three lilack Langshnns. Her
Hod cockerels took first pf lie and she
got a first and a second on her Lang-
shan pullet. Mrs. Shrlner did not
tako up jvoultry raising until last
spring, but now has a flock of about
100 fine chickens. They nro
thoroughbreds nnd havo attracted
much uttentlcn.
Tlireo Teacher Now Xeccwutry to
Handle 101 Primary Pupils.
With 101 primary pupils enrolled
under two teachers, Bend's growing
school confionts another problem
which the board proposes to solve by
ompl)ing another teacher and Bat
ting an additional room for tbe uew
Iiy having a third teacher the 101
children can bo divided Into threo
claeees of about equal number, thus
Insuring a far better Instruction and
personal supervision than can bo giv
en under tho existing circumstances.
Whoro tho new class room will be, or
who la to be tho now teacher, haa
not been definitely decided as yet.
Tho teacher now handling tho two
big primary claesea nro Mlsa Sldnor
and Miss Dolaen, the former having
60 pupils.
lEe First National Bank
Or. U. O. COt, Pr.tld.nt E. A. 8ATHER. Vic
O. S. HUDSON. Onhlir
Canltll full mid ... S25.CJO
atockhold.fV liability
Surplus .... . S 10,000
We aro prepared to make loans
or cither irrigated or dry land
farms, for three or five years
time, where patent has issued.
If interested seo or write us for
ISulIdinjr, lei lie of lirlck or Stone,
Will l! located on (Jrrcnnood
Avenue, Ncnr Ocpot, ami Cwt
$.150(1 Work Klnrta Soon.
Fireproof, and withal a handiomo
building, will be the garago which It.
II. Deyarmond wilt erect on Green
wood avenue, near the depot. Stono
or brick will be the material used In
Its construction, and tho cost will Ikj
about $3500.
Plana for the building have been
completed by George 8, Young, and
Mr. Deyarmond has called for btdti
by the brick nnd ntnnn rnnlrnrlnm
I Upon tho bids submitted will depend
Mr. Deynrmond's decision between
brick and atone.
The garage will stand on lots 6 and
7, block 24, W. P. Vandevort's repUt
of that portion of the original town
site. The entire property will bo
covered by the structure, giving a
building 100 by 60 feet In dimen
sions. Along the east side and tho
north end will run an alley, allowing
for amplo lighting facilities. Tho
walls of tho structure will bo strong;
enough to stand tho adding of a sec
ond story, but at present the garago
will be of but one story. Tho floor
will be of cement and the roof of tar
and gravel. In the rear part will bo
a room 50 by 25 feet for the machine
shop, with a 1 2-foot office near the
front entrance. There will bo a wide
plate glass door on Greenwood ave
nue, with double plato glass windows
on either side.
Thero will bo room for storing 16
cars along the two sides of the build
ing Inside, leaving a wide passageway
whero some 15 more autoa can bo
taken care of when necessary. Tho
machine' ahop will Iks large enough to
hold two machines whllo being re
paired. Tho building will be as noar fire
proof as it is possible to make it.
Work will be started as soon as wea
ther conditions will permit Mr
Deyarmond haa ben in the maehlno
shop and auto repair buslnoM hero
for about two years, nnd It was nec
essary for him to quit the business
or get enlarged quarters, and he de
cided to build. He owna a ranch a
few miles from town, but now resides
In lleud. on Greenwood avonuo.
When completed his garage prop
erty will represent an Investment of
nbout 1G00O
l li ci relyVtryvi fkyNliiJ