TIIH IIKNI) HVhl.KTlX, JW.SU, Wt'.USlMDAY, JANVAUY in, IDf!t. rAOK . m i i: m t tin,. 'Hill. Inii-n. Mm iiiimH iiiiml i' lo, i In i 'til In unit) Mi.' Mil nm. niiij III., In ": oft N tll r t :lit I In lilt K iU r.l 'I. n i If. Kl II Ml ' f ' II F . ROOD ROAD ENTHUSIAST SENDSLETTER TO CLUB oil, c, w Timii in'i ri-" riiii'HN I ,10 Willi' lo Cnllioi'nlii CiMiiiiiricliil ' IIimIIc. HiiIMIiik 'I liflf Alii. i Uul, 0. W Tlmtrlior, llio nrtJent yorlior lor tin) I'nnlllc IIIkIiwii) niiiln ihroiwli Ciiitiul UroKon malum) of lliiniiKti tlio Wllliuiiollii Millity, Iiiin wiUUtn Hit' Commiiuilal CIiiIi iitkIiir lli.inl oltlxotiM In wrlto fiilliornlii com liiarflliil IhiiIIk to chIImI tlmlr itlil, Col. 't'lintcluir'H lutinr, wrllii'ii from nu cnKlniiur'H vmitp uii loiitt, la mm fu. llH. "I Imvo illaeowml Unit l.oa Aiiko. n fmora tlin vnllny rouio lionturliiK lti inoiiiilnliii rnllior tlinii Uih oumu riPiilo. Tlila In ilMlnrtl)- In our fnwir. I linw iloclilt'il lo " to I.ON AiikcU'H to millclt tlmlr nlil mul In n turn In nlil llinin In tlmlr iluiimiiita IBfure Hi" MiKlalalurn. In follow tlin iilloy rniitu to Hacrainimto mul IliHiii'o to Klnnifltli Fnlla mul Cimtriil VHivkoii It will lirltiK Um AiikuIvm ir.o inlll'd nonrur I'ortluml, It i vury naturnl for tlifiu lo fnvor our roulo vlmii llni nmttiT la hroiiNlit to tholr jitttintlon. In vlow of thn cliungo of of tlin altuntloii, ou limy kindly aumt (tm In thn mliJrniK'ii Iwlow In Aloud of Ulilco, Orovllle mul Marya lllo: "riccrnlnr)' Clinmlmr of Commerce "U AuxoU'i, I'rcano, lUkanflolil, Cal. , "If any liavn written to C'tilru, Oro lllo mul .Mnravllli, lull your uoiln lo wrltn lo In AtiKnli'n, Krcano mul HakorafluM. Am I Irnvcl an xtra MOO in I lot to nlit tlin n'0ilo'a a'tiuao, I nm aiiro )ou mul your cltl ii'iia will i Kind In do Oil inn ell for .oiir city nud country. ' ro.MINO HACK to iii:m. . A forinor riilduiit hero, who, think Ink tliPto wild n lii'ltur place, recently old out nnd moved nwny, wrltra lo V frloiut lirro h follow i: "I nm Kind I en u ililuk of hiiint) dour frlondn In wrllo to, oripcoUlly dint llvo tit llutid. hH ilrNrmt nixit In III" not III Wo OREGON METALPH00UCTI0N lui rcimiMl Oiiltiiit of ((l,, Hllrer, Copper mid Irt'iul. I'nr mivi'iiil yours there Iiiih hoon n iltclhio In tho midiilllu oiitimt of tlui Hliiln of OniHon, morn eapnolfllly In IIm koIiI mid xlln-r, Imt iirnlliul- lllll) M'llllllH for 1 1 1 L' MlwiW I hill IliU Iiiih iiutv Ikmiii olii't'ktnl. iii'ciirdliitt In Cluirli.H (I. Vnlo, (,f tho trnllod Htiitun (InnliiKlinl Hurvii), Tim inlno mnnrl of tlin uro) for Mill hIiowdiI uii outiiul of (iolil viilued nt ns,1,l07 mid !ft, M I million or Hllwir. Tlu lirnllniliiiiry ri'turim , for Itil'i ludl- I'Mlu tlmt tin, Ori'Kon ylnld wim nl.out (i;ri7,(Htli In koIiI mul Hi!,!if,l ouhcoh or nlli or, n iiiurki'il nilvniun In tlir ullviir oiilHil. .Mori-ovnr, Ilio Miiiult nm nclvud nlioiit 100,000 iMjiiiida of ioiHr, i.oiiimri'il with H.'l, r.i il iKiuudn In mil, mul :iN,000 ikiiiiiiIh of loud MlinriiiiM (horn uni no ylnld of Iniid In (I'll, Morn tilutoiM nro litdnu work vd tlinii foriimrly In OrnKou, iiuiluly ly hydrmillc inrthodM, Tim Kniilo ot ore In tliu iliH'ji inliif luu ln'mi inuvh lower thmi formerly, nltliouidi inoro of It Ih truHlod. Tim liiHnrltiK of Urn nviirnKo lonnam) vnluu In duu lo tho lurKi) iiunulllli of old tiillliiRD IiiuiiIIimI, tholr nvoriiKO yield IicIiik tnkfii with tlmt of thn uuw or In mukliiR up tlui totnl mid nvoniRo vnlum. Tlin I urn out producer of Rold In Ori-min U llnknr County, a linn hooii tho cnko for Momn inrn, I'dIIowIiir In ordor of rnnk nro Jonnphlno, Jack, on, (Irani, l.mm and Malhuur conn lli'i, Hint-tin cnuutlci of thn Ktnto nro now pniducltiK eold, Jooplilno IohiIIiik In Urn proiluctliiil of plnccf Rolil, unit llflkur In tlmt from denp tntni'N, In Mlvcr l'tld llnknr county hold flmt rank. Moil of tho oro In Oregon la milled ,rry llttlo of It In liiK uhlppi'd to anieltei fur reduction. Nollher thn noulhweatern nor thn nortliwrntcrn counticn of Oregon nro priuliirliiK iu iiiucli gold na n fow yonra iiro, iilthoiiKh tho callinHliid flKtirca for ll'i: ahow tlmt mnno l'ttli- ndvmiriiiiieiit U In iiroKn'aa. Th HtHlo Imdly ncciln thn nil out of rapl lul to open mid develop lla ileiip-inln-liiK propirllit), mmi) of which nro lliK Idlo for wnut of uiuana to plncc utti In Cttllfnrnlii. hut If nil of C'hII- rU U like- 11.1a. I don-l wnnt nny , B ,,r,ciu tandlni;. 1 1 UmA I would I o linppy: An noon I eon Kt my tiling airnlgliHiiifil up hern. I nm coming hark to Ini) ium h llllln lllllMO." miwn I'liiM.vu.i.it vi:iiiu.(j. ' Mr. mid Mm. John K. Hymi nlloud oil tli wedding In I'rlnevlllu on New Vimr'a eve of II. 8. Ulmon nud Mini I'uy llnldwln. Tho brlilo l n daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mra T. M. llnldwln of rlnmllle and tho groom la from ftoneiitirg After n u milling trip to California, Mr. nnd Mm Dlxxon will -felurn In thla rouiily lo live I -Ml IS I.IM'AI. SI'llNI'.ltV. In Urn Jmiunry Uaue of "Country I. Ifr In AnmrlcM." one of tho couu tr)'a largmit nnd moit lnwutlful miignxtuea, U n picture nIiowIdk nuto moldllala In tho Coutrnl Oregon plun llmtKir. Il la ncoumimnlod hy tho follow Ing test: "An oxperloneo never to lm forgottrn la a motor trip through the )ellow plim foolhllla ol Urn Caionde mutitalna nvur Ilcnd, Oregon. There la no undorbruali, heuru no forcat llroi, nnd an auto en ii he driven mi) where, whether there In ii road or not." CITATION". In tho County Court or tho Htato of Oregon for Crook Comity, In tho inuttor of tho Katulo of I'nul O, Velatnd, Dncoaiod. To Clocta Oliinii VoUtml, Irene Chrla lino Volalnd mid Olnr J'orry Vol Mtml, tho known liolra or i'nul O. Volatud, docenacd, nnd to nil tho unknown holm If miy, of I'nul O. viilatuml, decenaud, (IroetlUKi In IIm iiitmo of tho Htiito of Oregon; You mid rnch of )ou nro hurohy cited mid auminoncd to nppeiir on Moudn), tho .Id day of I'uhrunry, lHI.'l, nt 10 o.rlock In tho forenoon of nu Id diiy, nt tho County Court room lu I'rlnnvlllo, Oregon, and then mid lliiirn ahow miiM, If any thero he, why nu ordor for tho anlo of HSV4, Kectlou (3r), Townalilp (18) H., ItmiKo d'.') I'-. W. M., Hhould not ho iniiilii o John Hteldl, ndmliiUtrntor of Hit 1 it eatnte, na pni)od for In tho liotltlon of aald iidmlnlHtrator filed horelti, VltiioH, tho llonnrnhlo II. C, Kl. IIh, JihIko of tho County Court of tho Htiito of Oregon for tho County of Crook, with the aoal of mild Court af fixed till 24th day ot Decomhor, 191S. Atleat: Wurron Hrown, County Clerk. 42-45 tho NKV of NWi of NKVi of NW, tho NI3V of NKVi of NWU, Hoc, 24, thn im of HW of HKU, tho H of NK'A of HW of 8BU. tho W4 of HKV of Htjy,, tho WV4 or i:a of hi: t or m:u tho hea ot NK of Hi: '4 of HUH, tho KVi of HI.V4 of HK of HK, Bcc. U, T. 21 H., 11. I 13.. W. M.. 140 ncrfl nn 1-llcutlon of .lumen I,. Ilonaon. (A I 'i- i-inii, uwgon. lat 0-731. Tho KVj of NIJ' of HI3V4, Urn HW of HKA. of HKW. tho HB4 or NV4 of Ni:(i or HK'A. ftKVt of HB, the HKV4 of HW', or HKU, tho HK'A of NK of HU'V. of miVt, Hcc. 11, T. 21 H.. II. 10 K, 8f, acrcH, application of Hcr horl .1, Klnloy, of Dnlluirt, Toxna; Mat C73B. Tim NliH or NK or HWV4 of NK, tho WV, of NBV4 of IIKKTOIIATIO.N TO I.NTIlV OK MXIIH I.V NATIONAh KOItlMT. Nollco la tiorohy given tlmt tho Innda described Mow, embracing 393.80 ncrca, within tho Drachutca National Korcat, Oregon, will bo auhject to aet tlomont and entry under tho provis ion of tho lioinealend Inwa of tho Ifnltcd HUtea and the act of Juno 11, 190S (34 HUt. 233). at tho United Htntes land olllco at hakovlow, Oro gon, on March 4, 1913. Any acttler who waa actually and In good faith claiming any of aald landa for agri cultural purpoura prior to January 1, 1906, and nan not abandonod aarnc, ha a a preference right to make n homeitnnd entry for tho landa no tunlly occupied. Hnld lunda were Hated upon tho aipllcutlona of tho porno n mentioned below, who hnvn n preference right aulijnct to tho prior right of any audi aottler, provided hiicIi aelller or npptlcnnt la (tunllfled lo mnko liomeatead entry and tho prcferenco right la exerelncd prior to March 4. 1913, on which date tho Iniuli will ho aubject to acttlcmont nud entry by any qualified peraon. Tho landa nre aa followa.Tho NU'U of NB,, (ho H4 of NBU of NW'U, tho 84 of NWV. or NBW or Nvy, J5; HWU or NHVi, tho KM ot NV of hwh of Nny,, tho nk'4 or swy, of HV4 of NEW, the W',4 of W14 of HWy of NB, tho NW of NW of NVy4 of 8B. tho NV4 of NBW or flW'i,Ntt ofHK of NBV4 of HWH, tho N of NWH of HWU, tho KH of 8BH or NWH or BV, Hcc. 17, T. 22 8., H 10 K 82.r,0 ncrea, nppllcntlon of Ooorgn T. 8ly, Jr., of Inpno, Oregon; 1,lat C-754. Tim NM or HWH of NB, tho NW of 814 of HWH of NBH, tho 8WU of 8BH or HWH or NBH, tho 84 of 8WH or 8WH of NBH. tho W NBH or NWH or 8BH, tho WW nwh or bbk, tho 8H- of w? 8WU of HUti. thn HU t,t JtVVI . r- "- -- rm J ---w - tm " - rm " HBH. Bcc 3, T 22 8 II. 10 B., 87. bp acrea, except a atrip 30 feet wide along the west aldo of tho SWHof NBH, nnd tho NWH of NWH of NWH of 8BH, Bee. 3, tho not nroa being 80 3G ncrea, application of Wnl domnr Chrlatcnaen, of Lnplno, Ore gon, Mat C-7C8, Approved Ooconi bor 9, 1912. 8. V I'roudnt, Aaalat nnt Cornmlaaloner of tho General Land Office. 42-4S Sellinp; Agents for Aubrey Heights t ' " "i The most beautiful resi dence property In Hcnd. Only 0 to 8 blocks from business center on cosy terms. Fire, Accident and Liability Insurance. Surety Bonds. All classes of Ileal Estate. J. A. EASTES Oregon Street. MX Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY T1NN1NC1 AND fcurnnce Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornice and Skylights. We Deliver the Goods n ir ii i .ii i mm BUS AND DRAY LINE LIOHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend. Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOXJ - Under New Management. THE PILOT BUTTE INN I BOND'S LEADING MOTEL Is now In charge of J. F. Taggart First Class Service and the Comfort of Guests, is Our Motto. FREE AUTO Between Hotel and Depot. XC I'i.miTTf.aT Every Day in the Year Through Train to Portland LEAVES BEND 6:30 A. M. ARRIVES PORTLAND 5:30 P. M. MB352K3HMMK'- RIGA hTruhkRy CENTRAL OREGON IIME DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR LIMITED TRAINS Seattle Minneapolis Denver TO Tacoraa Spokane St. Paul Chicago Omaha St. Louis Kansas City AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, via the North Bank Road, Northern Pacific and Great Northern RaIN ways. Fares, schedules and details supplied on request. W. D. SKINNER, J. H. CORBETT Traffic Manager Agent, Bend. a "I' '"i IB" 3 "1 4 X k i :m' V , 1V- 0 -y ayumm.i o - -., . t . jv- Jymm-wtntm j u A ''Sit THE BULLETIN rannF - prints all the Official County News i r & M J It Also Covers All Central Oregon News Thoroughly Every CaatwJ Oregoai Shoul j be Sult&criJbf $1.50 a LYear. 80c for Six Months. Send It To Your Friends t vr. y .1 i . ."? . Jv . "Aumiv, IXU