The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 15, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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rAGR .
thk nKNn jhxtjLktw, bend, wkdnkshav. mnuahv m, low.
(Cuntluuod from Pago Ono).
rqnd, Tlewors report read second tlmo
nod approved nnd said road vlowers
recommcdlng part of said road only,
it was neciwsary that tho prayer of
the petitioners ho (Unallowed.
In tho matter of tho accounting of
the emergeucy road, report of II. C.
Bills, from Jan. 1, 1913, to Jan. 1,
1913, approved, and ordered Med.
lloport of M. F. Hawthorn, road
supervisor, tor tho months of Octo.
tier and November, In regard to tho
II. U. Ford road, accompanied by re
ort of tl. 1. Meuret, expert account
nnt, verifying reports and expendi
tures of .tld Hawthorn, approved.
Ueport of M. J. Dantctson, In re
gard to cement nnd structurnlworK
lone In th building of tho county
bridge In Uib. No. 12 accompanied by
the rciKirt of II. L. Meuret, expert ac
countant, verifying tho reports and
expenditures' of the said Danlelson,
presented ami report showing a bat.
mice of $US6; ordered that upon
tho payment to tho county clerk for
Crook county road fund of said $15..
S6 by said Uaulelson, that said re
ports Ira approved.
. In tbn matter of tho report of L.
Motke In regard to sundry road work
during 191S, said rnattor was con
tinued said report was not
sufficiently explicit.
Report from April 1, 1912, to date
of Ralph It. Jordan, treasurer of tho
special road fund, presented, and ap
proved as apparently correct
Plat for the extension of East E
street, Priuollle, presented and ap
proved. In the matter of the official county
newspaper for 1913, it appearing that
tho Crook County Journal baa the
largest boss tide circulation within
Crook county ordered that said Crook
County Journal be and tho same is
hereby designated as the official
county paper of Crook county, Ore
gon! for tho year 1913. Further or
dered that said paper be paid the sum
of $240 Kr annum payable In In.
stallmenU of $10, at each regular
term of this court, for the publica
tion of all proceedings of the County
Curt, clalnu, advertisements, notices,
reports of officers and agents of
Crook nntr and any other county
printing, except the delinquent tax
list; and fur the publication of tho
lellnqueul Ux list to receive thirty
tents per square of ton lines of brev
ier type (newspaper measure), pro
vided that la no oaso shall the entire
cost of the publication of such de
linquent tax list exceed $500. All
proceeding. Including the claims
presented to bo published In ono reg
ular Issue, and the entire delinquent
tax list alio to be published in ono
issuo. Farther ordered that In esse
The Ilend Hullctln and tho Madras
Pioneer or either of them, consent
and agre to publish tho Identical
Iiroceedlugji that are required to be
published la and by said Crook Conn.
ty Journal, except the delinquent tax
list, that tbbi coui". pay to each or
clher of said papers last mentioned,
making such publication, a sum equal
to one half of that hereby allowed
the official county paper, payable In
installments or $20 at each term of
this court; aUo ordered that all print
ing above mentioned by the, official
county paper or In The Bend Durie
tin and tbe Madras Pioneer, or either
of them sb ill be from copy furnished
Bald papers by Crook county, and
that tbe cost thereof shall be paid at
the July, 1913, and January, 1914,
terms of this court, by the paper or
papers receiving said service.
in the matter of the petition for
tho vacation, of ceratn portions of the
i'aullna creek and Powell Ilutte road;
Slaemoro road; Ovid W. II. Riley et
al road; tbe same was continued to
lag evIdenefMllouvbgltgkqJvbcEk qvk
allow time for the tiling of the follow
ing evidence'
1st. Evidence filed with this court
of the legal extension and dedication
of Wall street In Ilend, to connect
with the so-called llend-Ialdlaw road
and a dadleitud street In the townslto
of Lytle.
2nd. The. legal dedication to the
public and approval by the proper of
ficials of the municipality of Hend of
a street or highway leading westerly!
irom said extension oi wall street to
ward the preucnt county bridge not
less than CO leet wide at Its easterly
end, to tbe center of the Oeschutea
river, and vto hundred feet wide for
a distance, of approximately two
hundred feet Immedja'tejy ea
of the. fculr of saia river
u map of which ttald strip of land
showing tbn duUllu of said proposed
road, commonly known as Kills ave
nue, has Uxn submitted to this court,
Informally, heretofore.
The- widening of this street, at the
westerly thereof to ono hundred
feet, being fifty feet on either side of
center liua ol said bridge and' road
approaching die same, Is for the pur
postrof providing a means of conven
ient wi for all time by the public
In general to and Into the waters of
tho Deacliutwt river.
Sid. A deed pf an carement or
rjght of way to the public of a strip
of Und not leH than 60 feet wide ex-
tending westerly from tbe center of
tho Derfchutwi river where the same
is crossed l the presepf .conrity
brljg to counoct with a street or are
nue in tbn towuslto of Kenwood; said
rght of wy or wuament to be In full
force and effect until the tiling and
npprovil by this court of plat contain
ing a street or avenue connecting
with the point of beginning of tup
easement above mentioned, to-wlt:
tbe center of the Deschutes river,
where the jnine In crossed by the
present couuty bridge, and Joining by
n! reasonable direct system or sys
tem of ulieutii with tbe present dedi
cated fctioeto of tbe towii3lte of Ken
lwood.. Further- ordorod In said mat-
tor that copies of tho action of this
court be malted to tho following par
lies! Tho D. E. Hunter Realty Co.,
Rend, Ore.; Tho liond Company,
Hond, Ore.; City of Rend, caro of 0.
P. Putnntn, mayor; V. A. Forbes,
attorney for petitioners, Rend, Ore.
Court adjourned until Monday,
Jnn. G, 1913. $
Pursuant to adjournment court re
convened nt 10 "cldiik n. n. on Mon
day, January 6.M913, when wero
present: U. Springer,. Judge, preald.
Ing; R. II. Rnyley, commissioner;
Willis W. Rrown. coimulrstoncr:
Frank Elklns, aherlnVnnd Wnrrvn
Rrown. couuty clerk.
Whereupon tho following proceed
ing wero had, to-wlt:
Road supervisors for 1913.
oelved list nt road, supervisor
poinded bjvJullgo Ellis, and' the
is upun'H tuiuu,
Report of C. R. Henrj. as road sup.
ervlsor In I. No. 2), approved and
bill of $150 Allowed.
In tho matter of tho appointment
ww .m mm.
of a truant officer for .1913. Upon
tho xcconunendatlpn' ot Hupt. Myers
Victor, SJfiaw was nppdjntcd trunHt
officer tfr three JnonftfS dt f 20 per
month. v? v . ' f V "
llond of Ralph 'Jordan m treasur
er for $30,000 offered temporary un
til books may be exported, accepted.
Dond of Frank Elklns. as shorlfT,
for $10,000 and as tax collector tor
$20,000, approved.
In the matter of petition tor coun
ty road by M. C. Awbrey et al, all
proceeding being found regular, or;
dored'tliat the aurve'yor and viewers
meet on February 24, 1913, and pro.
cced to lay out and establish said
In the matter of obstruction of
county 'rosdi Lockard Stage Coui-'
pany reports that the Cove Power
Company are hindering traffic and
transportation by setting poles In a
traveled road; the clerk (s Instructed
i : i i
(Continued on' Page Seven)
For niblwr goodt nnd footwear,
ce It. M. Smith Clothing Co. 4.1.
J. Hasselberg of Laldtnw was in
town yesterday.
Mrs. Will Leverenx of Tumalo was
a visitor In Rend yesterday.
The Laqics" Aid Soalety will meet
a week from today wlthtMrs. E. M.
J. H. Wenandy has received the ap
pointment of local deputy sheriff
from Sheriff Elklns.
J. P. Spencer of Wallowa will ar
rive tonight to mako his homo with
his son, Ralph Spencer.
Lee Davenport last night shipped
a carload of 190 hogs from here to
his Camas, Wash., ranch.
R. II. Deyarmond has moved Into
ono of tho E. W. Richardson cot
tages on Greenwood avenue.
C. V. Silvia has opened a real
estate office In the Sather building
and will deal In farm and city lands.
Paul C. Bates, W. L. Fish and Dr.
Whiteside of Portland came In Sun
day night to hunt bobcats, going out
to the Stanley ranch Monday with W.
P. Vanderert.
II. A. Miller and D. M. Davis re.
turned Monday night. Miller has
been East for a month and Davis
away for some eight months, having
been at Weed, Csl.. working with a
lumber company there.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dwyer. who
have been here since cewor construc
tion work was started, returned to
their home ln,I'ort(and, today. Jas.
McCoy came up'frotn Portland Sun
day and will superintend the work.
Mrs.. W. B. Sellers, Who returned
last week from a visit' to Spokane,
received a message Thursday night
that her brother whote home she had
Just visited,, was dead. Mrs. Wil
liams, . her 'mother, left Friday for
YOU no doubt have often heard that old adage, "When the cat is
away the mice will play." (In our case it is the boss that's
away.) .But the adage does not hold good in this instance.
We are striving harder than ever to make good while he is gone.
He instructed us to cut prices that would net results. Whether this
has been done or not we want you to judge. Look in our windows
at prices never before offered in Bend. You will see many new
bargains every day. Watch for them.
We Can Save You from 10
Your Purchases.
This is our regular CLEAN-UP SALE. We will not carry over any
of this winter's stock. They must be sold to make room for our
summer line. Think what this means to you in substantial saving.
We give i.vT Green Trading Stamps on cash purchases. Positively no goods charged at sale prices.
The Store of Better Values'
The treasurer of the Library Club,
Mrs. P. W. Rrown, reports on tho
Club's finances as follows: November
balance from October. $24.90, re
ceipts for November $33.60, total
$63.40. Expenditures $71.25; over
draft on First National Hank, $7.85.
December receipts. J57.96; Decem
ber disbursements, $36.55; balance,
There will be a meeting for men
only at tbe Ilaptlst church 8nday
afternoon, January 19th, at 3 o'clock
addressed by the Icev, I. I. Uorby.
Subject. 'The Value of a Pure Mind
In a Dlseascless llody." There will
bo a special program of music nnd
all the men of Rend over 14 years
of age are Invited. This Is tho first
of n series of afternoon meetings.
Tho I'nlnn Chorus Club was organ.
Ixcd at a meeting held at tho Ilap
tlst churrh last night, about 20 per
sona Mng present and enrolling.
Tho members will bo trained by Mrs.
Wlgmore. a competent musician who
has recently come to Ilend, residing
on a ranch near town. Tho clui ex
pects to give a concert soon. The
noxt meeting will It at tho Ilaptlst
church Friday evening nt 7 o'clock.
Thursday nnd Friday nights "The
Three Musketeers" will Lo the fea
ture at tho Star Theatre, with an
other reel. Saturday night the
PrUclllas w'll glvo some special mu
sic and singing, and four reels will
be shown. Monday thoro will bo six
or seven reels shown, nnd Tuesday
apd Wednesday "The Coming of Col
upibus," an elaltorato three-reel his
torical production, 'ill be seen.
Lateral Irrigation Co. Ed
son. 3 7 if
FOR SALE Motorcycle, or will
trade for horses or cattle. II. P.
Smith, Rend 25tf
40 ACRES, 7 miles east of llond.
20 acres under cultivation, 4-room
house, barn, water right and deed,
for salo reasonably or to trade for
Ilend bouse and lot. Address Rox
169. Rend. 44-7p
4 H ACRES, 9 mllos south of Port
land, on Oregon Electric, buildings
and Improvements; will sol) or trade
for Ilend property. Address Uox 159
Rond. 4 4-7p
For ItrnU
FOR RENT Good store room. al.
so housekeeping and other rooms.
In postolflce building See F O
Minor at postolllct 45tf
FOR RENT -Furn'shod cottago of
four rooms, modem, having electric
llatror-! lights, bxth, etc, clooa In nnd In good
location; possession can be given at
once If desired. Inquire at llullotln
office. 43
FOR RENT Improved Irrigated
land In Powell Rutin district. Apply
lo O. A. AIcFarlsno, Redmond, Ore
gon. 43tf
FOR RENT Ten-aere Irrigated
tract near town, with house, out
houses, etc. Enquire at First Nat
ional Rank. 20tf,
FOR RENT Six rooms second
floor of my new stono building on
Wall street, steam heated; will rent
singly or entirely, J. H. llean. 30tf
TO LET Four comfortable rooms
centrally situated, with light and
water. Very reasonable Inquire
Hullctln office. tf.
"Caesar," a Itlue Dane, who disap
peared last C. 8. Hudson.
WANTED Relinquishment from
owner, In Powell Ilutte, Laldlsw,
Deschutes or Tcrrebonno .district',
reasonable. Address N, rare llullo
tln. 43.40p
vlll lend to
For information thnt
the return of our dug
For Hale or Trade,
I have a number of clients who aro
looking for Eastern Oregon wheil
and alfalfa ranches, also a 'lumber
who wish to exchange WHAT
DILIIEUT, 10 Washington St., Van
eouver, Wash. 45-l7p
TO EXCHANGE--10 acrw Irrigat
ed land for Rend property or Itmiiwr
Also 160 of fine agricultural land In
Raker county for lumber or Ilend
propertv or Und In Central Oregon
This land will produce wheat and
has 4 springs that run all )ear Ad
dress llox 181. Redmond, Ore ill p
For Hale.
can give more time
and attention to the tl
I H..IJ i .flit I I
IUUIV1UUUI Silling U1IU I i n"a si
to group work. Step jj"
our work and the
tasty niountings
t 'display.
View Work
Copying' ' :
Enlarging .
FOR 8ALE-4-year-oM pony, bridle
end saddle for $35. A bargain. E.
II. Hunt. 45.
FOR SALE-4-year-old pony, bridle
and saddle for $35. A bargain. E.
nt. 45.
OR RALE Saddle horse, wnlcht
about lopo iHiunds, 5 yoars old. L,
Fitzhugh, llond. 40-flp
FOR SALE Ono Jersey cow, will
be fresh about Fob, 1, 1912. Inquire
Evergreen Rooming House, liond.
Ore. 4 5-1 Up
TEHSONAL If the party who
found my umbrella will kindly lose
It In the same place the incident will
bo cloned.
' FOR BALK wi4 of swVi.sec. 15,
T. 19 8 R. 11 E. Willamette Meri
dian, 80 acres of timber closo to R.
It. Address W. H. Heiborg, Elgin,
III. 45-4QP
FOR BALE 160-acro relinquish
ment with 10 adjoining; also other
choice locations. Address II. Q
care" Hullctln. 43tf
FOR SALE 40 acres of choice Ir
rigated land southeast of llond, eith
er Improved or unimproved. Prlco
and terms attractive. Also water
2.r?tr"ttf hl&U&Sl. ACfeuidor . the Notfl
Elite Studio
Are cordially invited to come,
and inspect the Jones Dairy
Ranch. We would like you
to see how our milk is han
dled. The whole process,
from the cow to the bottle, is
open for your inspection. We
have no "Visitor s Day", when
things are shined up for the
occasion. Any day at any
hour you will be welcome at
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