tiii: np.Nn nui,i.irm, hkni, wkdnkhdav, januauy in, ion. l'AGK 4. til THE BEND BULLETIN QKOItOB PALMER PUTNAM Editor and l'ubllshor. U. N. HOFFMAN MkiiARlng Editor. An Independent nowspapor stand ing for the squnro deal, cienn uuai new, clean politics nnd tho lct In terests of llond nnd Central OreRon. Ono year $1.60 Six month 80 Threo months.. co All subscriptions are duo nnd PAYABLR IN AUVANCB. Notlco of oxplratlon will bo mailed subscri bers and If renewal Is not made with in reasonable tltno tho paper will bo discontinued. Please notlry us promptly of any chango of address, or of failure to re ceive tho paper regularly. Make all checks and orders pay able to Ucnd Bulletin. WEDNESDAY. JANUAUY 15, 1913, SOMKTIIIXO TO THINK AUDIT. The total ira of Orrgon, Ot.lHK. 184) acre?), ti Kvatrr than all the ncrenRO planted to wlieat In the en tire I'nlteri States -tl).5t.1,(M)0 arret. (U. S. Iepartment of Agriculture, Year Book tail.) IS IT ADVISABLE? It Is a very pretty scheme, this one of "Investigating" tho Deschutes. It Is proposed that tho state and the na tion get togeher and put up J 100, 000 to bo spent In surveying the i low er and Irrigation possibilities of the entire river with a view of utlllilng every drop of water to the best ad vantage. Same of tho proKsed tit! Izatlou will divest this territory of Us horltagu of power and take It scores and even hundreds of miles ' away. But there Is no objection on that head for the Deschutes has oftcr enough for all. The objection Is this, and It Is n very fair one: How long will the great scheme take? You who have had experience with the leisurely methods of state and federal proced ure, how raauy years do you think will elapse before even tho informa tion necessary to commence tho chi merical enterprise will lie obtained? And how many moro years will pass before tho state will bo able actually to do anything with its gigantic proj. cct? It is eminently Just that our great river be utilised to Ita fullest capac lty."The greatest good to the great est number," Is the soundest of all slogans. Hut do the lwople of Ore gon favor tying up a mine of un equalled potential energy for politic ians and dreamers and red-taped of ficialdom to play with? And what of this "narrow conser vation" pol'cy at which the Portland Oregonlan and Oregonlans in general have hut led wo many Just anathemas? 'How often have they scathingly at tacked the efforts of "the landless L'ast aud the treeless Middle Uett" to tie up the resources of Oregon, nnd yet here we see the same men and the same organs that become hys terical at the very mention of the word "conservation" proposing that Central Oregon's greatest asset, the Deschutes, be sowed up in the tight est kind of governmental reserve. It is a colossal conservation scheme. ill Is putting Into local practice the very methods which Oregonlans de cry when Easterners try to foist them upon Oregon. One section of the state, politically the strongest, pro. poses to gag the resources of another section. It is tho story of national 'conservatln revised and adapted for homo use. v Sane conservation is admirable. But let us Brut be convinced that this scheme actually Is practicable and ad visable before the Deschutes river Is slielvud lor a half cozen years. A Mid Is the hand Is worth two In the bush. lias the eminent Mr. Teal ev er seen this pioject at first hand? Has our utute engineer, father of the - comprehensive enterprise, ever at W tempted anything even remotely ap proaching It in magnitude, or Is lie quite certain that all Its details will work out? Will tho lava fields hold water? Who will pay for the thous ands of acres of valuable timber and grazing lands which It Is proposed to Hood Whei are the millions of dollars to come from? Will these questions be looked into now, in moderation, or will they re. ' mnlu to crop up ten years hence after a decade In which the, Deschutes has remained a dormant,'' useless stream, Its. magnjflent opportunities fpr de velopment locked up unapproach ably? Tho question can bo asked with out the possibility of Us being laid to local fear or Jealousy. For Bond Is amply protected bo fnr ns Deschutes power Is concerned j even the Oregon consorvnUonlsta cannot snatch nwny water power that Is actually being used, nnd there Is enough such to cnr for Bend's needs for oar. A HATlSlUCrOUY OIT1.00K. Tho nununl Issue of Duns Uevlew. tho conservative nnd nuriuirntUo Journal of flunnco nnd trade, covers the uctlUtles of 1912 In n thorough manner, nnd bases predictions of n substantially prospermia now jenr upon tho cxccllont record of the old. An one who Is Inclined to be skepti cal concerning the outlook (s recom mended to read tho following ab stract from tho table of contents; In a ery brief way the titles of tho articles hint at the satisfactory con dition that prevails: Boston reports nn exceptionally prosperous year. A banner year at 8prlngflotd, Mass. Another record year for Worcrstor. Ocnornl progress and expansion at Providence. Improved conditions at Buffalo. Conditions In all lines better .at Philadelphia. Substantial Improvements at Pitts burgh. Notable development nt Baltimore. Becord-breaklng volumo of trade at Atlanta. Trade expansion at New Orleans. Trade letter than fair at Louis, vllle. Notable activity nt Columbus. sons tral after Ohio. All lines active at Cleveland In 112. Conditions favorable at Indian nKlts. Unprecedented expansion nt Mil waukee. New records made at St. Paul. General Improvement at Mlnnc- aolls. Kansas City reports improveu business. San Francisco's most successful year. Another record year nt I.os Angeles All lines show gain nt Portland. Seattle reports marked expansion. Activity tho feature at Tacoma. Steady expansion nt Toronto. Mnrked expansion In Iron nnd tWIM" steel. Hecord-brcaklng crop production. THIS BARREL have for the use of our customers while having their Clothes Cleaned and Pressed here. No extru charges. HARRY WYSE With A. L. French. i Overturf-Davis-Miller Co. Shingles Mouldings LUMBER CEMENT Building Material Overturf - Davis Bend, Oregon. The absurdity of tho last govern ment census Is well Illustrated In the "Oregon Almanac" rocontly Issued by tho stuto Immigration commission llond'n population Is given nt R30 and llndmond'a nt 800. A renlly accu rate census taken a few months after tho "tlCtlclM" nbHiirdlty showed moro than 1700 peoplo here, whllo now It Booms fnlr to Bay Ilia number Is In excess of 2000. Evidently the ltodmond ehumcrntor was n moro nctlvo Individual than Bend's. Every Oregonlan Is sincerely sorry tor the people of southern ColKnrnln where prnotlcnlly the entire citrus fruit crop has been destrood by frosts, eutnttlng enormous flinticlnl loss. In stteli Instances compari may be unkind, but n Central Oregonlan onn't refrain from remark ing that for n land where people sometimes complain of the fiosl Cen Oregon gtts along prctt well, all. The Bulletin hns arranged for a special news aervtco covering the full activities of tho Legislature, and will also publish tho full text of Gov ernor West's message. Tho Bulletin ban Itecn iletlRnntril by the County Court of Crook County In puhlloti oMrlntly nil the proceed ing" of the court. By " J T3 1 , W,H Jan. 15, 1913 t. mmM u Dear Friend: We used to have the worst kind of bread at our house It wouldn't rise. The cook said we didn't have in our house the right kind of flour, so Mamma changed her mind -and for a long time now we been making our bread out of White Sprague flour. It costs $1.30 a sack Your friend, Jacob P. S.-They keep White Sprague flour at McCUISTON'S GROCERY a $ i - Miller Co. LYTLE Start the New Year right by paying TEN DOLLARS down on a lot in Lytle Addition. By paying that much more each month, this time next year your lot will be very nearly paid for and its value will be a great deal more than what you will be paying for it. Just as sure as there is no question as to the wonderful future and growth of Bend, so there is no question as to the great increase in property values in Lytle. Now is the time to take advantage of that increase. Call or write for de scriptive booklets. Bend Park Company 4,"55 Empire Hutlriiiitf, Seattle, Wush. First National Dank lluiltliiig, Rend, Oregon. OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY jMimiaJwun mm If You Want Good Residence Lots Business Sites Irrigated Land LAROE OR SMALL TRACTS, 320Acre Homesteads AND RELINQUISHMENTS, investigate what we have to offer. We have the best on the market, at the best prices and terms. This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are the best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly. JWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have something to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you. Oreg. Investment Co. tJSKj,timr RLMUR NlSWONfinil W. H. VAMlUVliKI' jLjujar,g,; eg , , x "Kgsraapgs - n rnzs-sra Wall Street, Bend, Oregon i