THK liKNIi IlUUiKTIN, 11KN1), VK1NK8IAY, JANVAHY in, I0M. 1'AOK S. 61 116 teachers, S7 male and 89 female. According to the tnbulnttonu Crook county has nn area ot 7,778 square inlloe niul n populatlou ot 9,315, giv ing nn average population of 1.3 per sons to a squaro mile. However, n there aro now actually nbout 1400 residents In the county, this Inst figure Bhould lie Increased to 1.4 nnd oven nt that there enn ho no complaint Uf crowding! Tho Alnmnnc classifications show the followUiR apportionment of Crook county ncrenRo not patented '. Indian reserves, 208,303 ncros; forest reserves, l,31&,63r; public lauds, 1,- t , .102,001: state school lands, 1 0,300. ' ' ' 1'rlvatcly owned: Cities nnd towns, o . ,. I, ill,ur.0; cultivated, 70.9S0; uucultl Dnt Onnrornlng State Compiled J"; M8. lm',rovci,( W7l. Under Chapman Makes a nlunhlc Publication of Universal Interest Some Rxtrncts of IaiciiI Import ALMANAC IS A MINE OF FACTS CENTRAL OREGON GETS ATTENTION The "Oregon Almanac," Just Issued by tho State Immigration Commis sion, contains a vast lot of valuable nnd Interesting data regarding tho state. Thoso who desire copies or wish to have copies sent to friends In tho East, should address C. C. Chapman, at the Commercial Club, Portland. Below aro some abstracts from the Almanac, ot special local interest. Transportation, Oregon Trunk Railroad (Hill sys tem) and Deschutes Railroad (Harrl man system) enter tho country from tho north and traverse tho central portion to Dend (ISO miles from tho Columbia river and their connections with two great transcontinental rail road systems), and afford the pro ducts of the Central Oregon Empire an outlet to the markets of the world. Auto stage lines from Dend and other Important trade centers iu tho county radiate in all directions. Extension ot railroads from Hend to south, cast and west, and construc tion of other railroad lines Into this region Is In Immediate prospect, and, In some Instances, actual construc tion work is under way. Water. Deschutes river. Crooked river, Metotlus river and numerous other smaller but mportant streams, trlbu. tary to the Deschutes, the main drainage artery, afford an abundanco of pure mountain water for domestic. Irrigation and power purposes. The maximum discharge ot the Des chutes river Is only about four times the minimum. This river and its tributaries are capable ot developing over 421,000 horsepower. Lands Surface: In the main it consists ot fertile valleys, broad plains, and easy slopes to the-mountains. Soils: Volcanic ash and silt (mud or fine earth deposited from running streams or standing water) of excel lent texture, light gray In color; greatly Improved by use of green fertilizers. Highly productive ot small fruits, hemp, hops and other agricultural crops when irrigated. Approximately 260.000 acres of arid land now In process of Irrigation under the Carey Act provisions. Im mense area of public lands, suscep tible ot cultivation under dry farm ing methods, open to entry under provisions of enlarged homestead act allowing 320 acres to the person eli gible to entry under the homestead laws. 3S8. Total number ot acres 4,7, 920. In other words, Crook county Is almost exactly tho slio of Con necticut, nnd Is larger than Now Jersey and Hhudo Island combined. -- SCHOOL NOTES A new class wilt bo organized In tho first grsdo next Monday. Chil dren who aro now six years old, or will bo six before March 1, will bo received at this tlmo. This will bo the last opportunity tor beginners to enter school this year. As opening exercises In tho High School. Professor Shouso has been reading various articles on English government and about experiments In surgery mndo by Dr. Carroll. A largo number of boys from the lower grades have been enjoying the rnr treat of good coasting on the hill near the school buildings. This Is examination week In tho High School. Tho fuel supply was exhausted Monday, but moro arrived that eve ning in tho form of cordwood. As the saw dIU not arrlvo early enough Tuesday morning tho Janitor was seen chopping tho wood Into more convenient lengths. TKUHKllONNK OOKS 'IHY" (Terrebonne Oregonlan.) For three days past tho people ot Terrebonne have been up against a water famine owing to tho fact that Jack Frost got busy with tho engine In tho pump house and inserted a small piece ot Ice at the end of tho piston rod. when Fred Taylor at tempted to start the engine Tuesday morning the bit ot Ice objected so effectively as to cause some of the essential part of tho engine to part company, rendering It useless until new parts could be obtained, A telegram was immediately dispatched to the supply house at Portland but the parts are stow about putting In an appearance and yesterday Messrs. Wilder and Nceley went Into tho blacksmith shop and repaired the broken part so as to bo of service for a time. HAWMlMi IS SOI.II. (Sisters Herald) A deal has been pending for some time and was closed a few days ago whereby J. P. Duckctt purchased tho Interests of E. M. Ashmoro In tho Duckett and Ashmore sawmill. Tho title of the new firm wll be the J. P. Duckett Lumber Co. This mill was established In Sisters last March Average value of farm lands and has run almost continually since $17. M, an acre cultivated and un cultivated (U. S. census 1910). Industries. Lumbering, livestock, (sheep and wool) and agriculture. Principal crops are hay (both grain and grass) rye, barley and oats. Cattle, sheep, horses and swine are raised exten sively and profitably. Crook county Is the home of the Isrgest blooded sheep ranch In the world. Highest awards for dry-farming products at National Dry Farm Congress at Spo kane. Washington, 1910, and Colo rado Springs, Colorado, 1911, and at International Dry Farming Congress t Lethbrldge. Alts.. 1912. Bend. Altitude 3,600 feet. Southern terminus of the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railway lines. On the Deschutes river, which affords a plentiful supply of water for domes tic use, Irr'gatlon and power pur poses. Located In timber belt; two sawmills In vicinity. Principal in dustries: Farming, lumbering, live stock. Surrounded by many large! Carey Act Irrigation projects. Alfalfa, J clover, oats, wheat, root crops and small fruits are the chief products, I Large area of arid lands In vicinity subject to entry under the Enlarged Homestead (330-acre) Act. Irrlgo., ted area adopted to dairying, bog raising and all kinds of hay crops, j Water and electric lighting plants! are under private ownership. Has high and graded public schools and churches, Woman's Club, Orange and ' numerous fraternal organizations. Among the 34 Oregon counties Crook ranks 4 In area, 20 In popu lation, 10 In wheat production, 14 In' oats, 11 In barley, 2 In rye, 10 In po tatoes. 8 In hay, & In alfalfa, 21 In clover. In tho amount -' timber Crook ranks third among all Oregon coun ties, with 2,024.231 acres. In Crook county the number of school children between the agea oft 4 and 20 years is placed at 2,424, j wiiu a iuiui eiirumueui ui i,uui The number of acre feet of water Jq tho Deschutes river at Henhum Falls capable of Irrigation is placed at 1,100,000. Crooked river Is credited with "250,000, Tumalo creek With 80,000 and Squaw creek with q;q00, making Crook Counfy's total '1-J8AAAn anra faaf flint nt thjWAff tire-slate being 4,990.000-' With tt-j meagre population Crook county has that time. Much or the lumber has been marketed at Redmond, Terre bonne and ether points on the rail road. ..Mr. Ashmore Is attending business college In Portland. SISTERS MAN IS INVENTOR (Sisters Herald.) Samuel Wlehl, who lives about three miles south ot Sisters, has ob tained patents on several Inventions that should make him all the money bo ever needs. A suare trap made to set on a log that lies across a stream or canyon and Is used as n bridge by wild animals; also a dead fall trap for use of trappers or any one troubled with wild animals, either small or large, are two Inven. tlons or Mr. Wlehl's that will make quite a difference In the trials of trapping. Mr. Wlebl has also se cured a patent on a sheep apron wbfch will be found very useful for use of sheepmen. CHURCH NOTICES Methodist Kplacopnl. Rev. E. O. Nowhnm, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday nt 11 n. in nnd nt 7:30 p. ni. Sunday school nt 10 a. in. Kp worth 'Longuo nt 0: in p, in on Sunday, Choir practice Thursdny nt 7:30 p. m. Thoro will bo special Presbyterian sorvlcoH ut the Btnr Thuutro Hunday conducted by tho pastor. Preaching at 11 n. m., subject, "JcsiiM nnd Ilia Enonilea." Thnro will bo specliil music, thu Misses lllaok nml Miss llrldgon will sIiir a trio and tho choir and orchestra will render n special number. Tho Sunday school will meet nt 10 o'clock. Ross Fnrnham, Superintendent, WATER WAtJON FOR DAIRY. Thursday Gcorgn Jones went on tho water wugon. The wnter supply nt his Pilot llutte da'ry ranch gave out. tho cistern going dry, nnd as tho Irrigation company could not get water through thu cannl for some days ho came to town nnd borrowed tho wnterlnR cart from tho city, with which ho took a load of water to tho dairy . THE REST HARDER SERVICE. The reputation of lnne & David son's barber shop has been Rallied by tho best of service In their line. Satlsllod customers aro constantly being added to tholr list of patrons. Aro you one of these? If not, It will be to your advantnRQ to Join tho crowd that Is served by this popular shop, located os Oregon street across from Lara's store. Adv. FOUNDATION RECIPE FOR DIFFERENT CAKES A recetpo for cakes which may be used as a foundation for nU kinds Is given In Domestic Science Circular No. 2 Just Issued by tho Oregon Agrl cultural College. It is ns follows: Ilutter tt cup or 0 tablespoons or other fats. Sugar m cupa granulated or 2 cups powdered. Eggs, four whole. Milk cup or cup water. Salt U teaspoon. Four level teaspoons baking pow der. Flavoring, 1 teaspoon, Uio tho butter or fat firm, and add tho sugar to It and mix well. To this the yolks of tho eggs aro addod af ter beating them until creamy. The baking powder and salt aro sifted Into tho flour and this and the milk aro added alternately to the first mix. ture and beaten to a smooth consis tency. Tho egg whites beaten stiff are folded In then, tho flavoring ad ded and thoroughly mixed. A moderate oven should 1h used In bsklng cakes. Tho addition of spice will make this a spice cake, of fruit a fruit cake. GOOD ROADS TOUR. Tsxan Maka Auto Trip From Dallas Is 8an Antonio. A good road nutomnhlle tour was participated In by alwwt a hundred farmers and rancher nt TeH It started nt Dnlla and ended ai Hnn An tonlo n week Inter The trip wn pro moted by the Farm nnd Itnnch J no nml or Dallas, and the purtoe wu to Im press upon the furmety the Imi-ortnni-e nnd value to them ot pmperly con unified niirhwny. The trip wn routed with a view to shnwltiu Iit contraM the difference lw tweeii a good roiid mid a lnd one H ran throm-h -entnil Ten nnd turnup plnres where good mint nrv unknown. Prize were offered to the NintMint ot Jl.nm. whbh was divided Ini" nir-e of Wfl, tS nnd H fur touring ear (Old f.V) for ninnl-mit A tnipnr run wn also awnrded to he car coming in first rvgnrdlvHM of clans Bouses to Hslp Build Roads, ll I reported that a legislative men, urr has nv-ently een eimm-d In .Sen Mexico whlrh provide Unit any promo ter who atage s prizefight shnll paj Into Ihe county lrenurv n license fee to he turned over m the Mute roar rand H the flchi I le Itinn twenti round the promoter urn! puy n per rent of ihe cro receipt with a mini mum of rr U the flcht I more than twenty round the prntwiter ar r nnlr-rt to pn7 a fee id itl. There's a world of satisfac tion in the possession of a perfect rsnge one In which you mty re poie every confidence and obolulelyiic that your cookint andbtklnf wlllhetfonc jutt s you with. You may depend upon Ihe Monarch Malleable Range lo five perfectly lallifaetory lervice every day for year and yean. The Monarch doe not require nearly s much care at ordinary raofc and cotfa much let lo operate. You'll futilj be pleated with the Monarch, flBBisjpajBjBjBjsiBjrsQmBTVaWawnjgjgjffjfjt p.l!IMIMiWlwimigHiBM Jfenaxtk Jm Mil ill IT ' Bend Hardware Co. BEND . PLBA8 FOR TllH 80H00L I CHILDREN. A steam bollsr has Its safety t vslva and a boy has hi. You I can sit on th safety valv of a T team boiler If you ohoott, but you are an awful fool If you do, Out what l I It w have batn doing until quits recently but sltllno on the safety valve of th boyf Th boy' esftty valve I his play. Bit on that, hold It down Hard and you will have troubl. Qlv him th guttir for a playground and nothing lie and you will have crime a a mttr at court. Jacob nil. Whtro I thr an acre glvn to childhood that it may glory In aport and grow into phyiioal and moral manhoodf It I for lack of (rath air garden In our oltl for the little on that w have to many mall htadtton. Samual Brown Duryea. The unlvaraal Impull to play I a dlvlntly ordered thing. If God give the Initlnct. man ought to provld th playground. Jo Ian Strong. Th control In will managtd playground la largely of th mu tual eonttnt kind, It Is that con trol which obtains throughout wall rgultd tooltty th con trol of public opinion rather than th control of lthr fore or (tar. Dr. Luthtr Haltty OulleW. THE NECESSITY OF SCHOOL DISINFECTION. Tho llullotln tins for salo n now swinging typewriter stand. Can bo attached to any deak and Is n linndy nml convenient olllco llxtiirv. . i Appllcnilon For flmxlnit PeriultH. Notice la hereby given that nil np pllcatlonn for purmlls lo grnio cat tle, luirt nml Mhtiop within the DEH CIH'TEH NATIONAL FOREHT dur ing tho season of mill, must ho lllud In my olllco at lleiiili Oregon, on or heforo February 30, 10EI. Full In formation In regard to tho grilling fun to be charged mid blank forms to bn used In making application will liu furnished upoli request M, li, Morrltt, Supervisor, 4fi, iH, to For Eczema Dae a mltil snolhlllg waah that Instantly stops tho Itch. , V bnvn unlit ninny other rm1li for akin trouble but none that wwcuulil pr. tonally, ursntio a wo do llie 1,,I, Ii, at (its'i vvaviiii u U 1'raavtllHloil. It I linn 1). D. D. Prescription Pntterao.i Drug Company, Medical EpH Qlv.a Flult For Halih Safeguard. Having regard to the constant recur feme uf epidemic mining school chil dren and to Die fntlurv or all existing preventive measure, routine dMnfec tlou of schoolroom hould le given a tburnugh trial, any Dr. J T. A. Wnltrr In the Amerlran City. In the alienee or this pniautlonary nieaure the In fective luateriul dlffucd by children In the uurvwglllxed Ntuges of icrtalli In f if tlou dlt-vucca mut accumulate on the schoolroom dour mid constitute a standing menace to the health of pu pit and teachers ullke. Comvdlng that the major part or school Infection Is due to direct contact, a certain propor tion U alo due to tbe liibulatlou of bacltllferou dut. Routine disinfection was Introduced Into the elementary schools of Great Itrltatn In llJ7. An experiment extend ing orer a year was carried out by the Ilucklngbamahlre education commutes with the view to obtaining reliable data as to the effects or routine disinfection. This ronalatrd In comparing tbe at tendance at two group each ronsUtlng or twenty-four nvhool. or which one group hud iM-en dMiifected and the other not. Tbe reult showed an ap preciable superiority In the nltendance at the dMtifcctcd school over tho at the nondlslnrcctod wtiool For school dtluftH-tlun the liquid apniy method I preferable to that of runilgnllon. fnr three reiiwins. It cots le. ll Injure nctunl conflict lctwccn tbe dMlifcclnut n lid the Infected mate rial, and If prevent dut fmm rlln Al the clo-r of eiieh day the clHro.mi floors should le thoroughly iiiolHiened with an vttlrU-nt germicidal Million and the tick mill scut wiped with n ilofli wrung out or the nme prcpnrn tlou Once n week tbe ine should te extended In Include the wall to u height or six nr seven feet itlive Ihe ground, nnd once a quarter the class room should be thoroughly sprayed from floor to celling. . OUTLINES CITY'S NEEDS. Spoken Chamber of Commerce Pre pare a Working 8chdul. The Municipal Journal reports that tbu HK)knm- chamber of commerce lias outlined the following topics fur dis culuu nt public meetings: The placing of shade trees on resi dence streets and their maintenance, uduptlou or artistic styles or bridges nnd approaches, artistic nud practical schemes for river bank Improvement, erection nud supervision uf statuary. fountains and other ornamental works In purl; nnd nt Intersections or boule vards and thoroughfares, consideration of u uniform incihod for cleaning nnd sprinkling streets, uttolltlou nud re moval of all obstruction to streets nud sidewalks, more artltlc gas and electric light posts and other public utilities sltiititi-d In nr encroaching upon streets nnd public plncc. regulation or billboards for (lie purpose or their gradual diminution, especially In the residence dlstrkls nud more effective armugemenls or street Hunting. Tills h very comprehensive review or Improvement need. pratarvatlon of Afltd Treat. At a meeting III MiissnchUHftts one nr the speaker wns Christopher Clark. for a fiiiurtcr of n century tree warden or Northampton. Mr, Clark ha lived lliere for eighty-one yenrs lie told the iiudlenre bow much Ihe people prized the iigeil tree plnntcd by the first settlers, lie staled that over twenty barrel of cement had been used to stop the decay mid till the cavUle or u single large tree. Will other towns please sit up nml take no tice? In yeurs to come they should hnve streets lined with glmit trees. em b one valued nt nt least 1.000. Fu ture residents will then gladly spend 04 hundred nr two dollars to arrest decay ' in one HHter plant your street u full thls'seasou, ' ' 1 HARNE SS SADDLERY FARMIIA1PLEMENTS BUGQIES SEEDS We enn mnke you nny kind of Hnrness.'or repair your old set H. J. Eggleston llsrness Msnufsctursr. FOR SALE The best grocery business, in the best lo cution in Bend. Stock, fixtures etc. for stile, store for rent on a 2 1-2 year Icnse. An exccptionitl opportunity for some one to step into n thoroughly established business doing about $11000 n month. Everything complete in every way. Up-to-dute fixtures throughout. For full particulars address the owner P. O. Box 50, Beml, Ore. . In New Building I wish to announce that I have moved my store into my new building, where I will be plensed to receive my old customers, and all new ones will be cordially welcomed. I will carry a full line of groceries, having placed orders for a large stock, and popular prices will prevail. Ever the same old reliable . A. Sather 1 Your Fire Insurance placed with us will always be written so that your protec tion will be complete. There will be no expiring of policies without your knowledge. M. S. LATTIN Bh CO. FIRE LIABILITY BONDS IVJst