The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 15, 1913, PART TWO, Page PAGE THREE, Image 15

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Balkan Difficulties Not Yet Settled
Allies and Turks Meet in London and Fail to Agree, While!
the Six Great Powers of Europe Look On and Wait
A an evader of consequence mid
winder out of difficulties tlic Turk
cnnily carries off tlic banner ntnoiiK
(lie niulotu of the world. Hvcry
time- lie Kcti Into trouble lie iikiiwkcs
in louir way or other to twUt about
mill net more than be U entitled to
out of bl opponent. The eel lint
nothing on the Turk when it coiner
to HpperincM Jiut now, while an
ftnuittkc keep the contending ar
mies of the llalknu mid the Turks
upHil. rrprcneulntivr of the nations
Involved tire enjoying conference
in London, and the wily Turk in
pla)ln for time. The nnnlitlce vn
Krecd tn by the allies became Tor
key gave an huproiilon that be wa
ready and willing to accept the teriui
o' the allien, Hut once the arinliiticc
Ha proclaimed, the old tactic of
the Turku came into play, and He
hnd I'.ilm, chief delegate of the
Ottoman empire, lias shown the char
acteristics of Ills race in the skillful
manner In lncli he ban put off the
Much indignation and Impatience
lias been evidenced by the repre
sentatives of the Ilalkau states at
the very apparent dilatory tactic
of the TurkWIi envoy. Time and
again I'ailta hai made proposal un
der instructions from hi Kovernment
that were Impossible of acceptance,
and the allies finally named Monday,
January rub, a the last day of grace
The Only
White Leghorn Farm
in the World
that can make the following
Mum Agricultural Ksperlmeiit Hta
tiii, Hitirm, Conn., Aug. 4, IPll.
To nliimi ran trued t
In thr rittme of our White Diarrhoea
ins tlignt tun during Uio t sr-nsnn,
we have w'wl largo iiihhImt of eggs
from thr ihmk of H. C. White leghorns,
owhwI h Mr. A, M. Pollard. Wo wero
iiimtil,- to dleNr$ rltlier by baelerlo
IiiUichI xniiiiiintioii or prnrllfitl tet,
nut et.denre of ItMnllUry whll dlnr Infection.
Li:0 I'. IlKTTOItll,
hurlrriolngint, cUiefflr-M Helrlitlfle
JcIiimiI, Yale Uniiorsity.
ViofiwMir of 1'otillry llindtnndry,
minectlriit Agriculture Collogo.
All stock have, free rango on HO
acres- We are booking orders now for
lit 13.
KOOH $3,M per 1ft SIS per 100.
The Grandview
Poultry Farm
A. M. rollard, Manager,
Mansfield Centre, Conn.
V . r nl .mil H i White Leg
Imrii rlub.
Mil s,,l I UIVll lllu .ill l vllllOK -
Aloohol, Asphaltum. xunilut, Crsoiot.
russj Oil, Hot Dim, Hot Tar, X.cqra,
Nsptha, Oil, Turynlliit, Any XliiU of
ralnt, Any Kind or Varnish or liliallao,
or any otusr substance, Tliv) will bIiiihI
hiiv illmiiU' w'l or iliy. Iml or void.
Tiny will never xlit IliU or ni'll. Tlio
MitliiK will limt fornvu'. -will not eruiii
lite. kiIII. v i nek. tot or ylelit In imy vviiy
oiuler mi) i'oiiiIIIIoiih
ifCUilly iiuiile lo aupply tliu iviillio
niuiitN ror In iimIion of over forty,
Mi'Hinalilp nml Mlmllur iouiniiteN.
Vulean.Hat Uhavlmr nruitit anrt Invln-
clblt llatr Brualiai, In htantlful pat-
Wrm, wtar louffar and prodnc bttr
raaiilta than all otliari.
Whltlnu Viliima lit iimIich Kor Hulo
John L.Whiting - J. J. Adams
Hruili Manufacturer for over One Hundred
Year and the Larue! in the World.
for the very much discomfited Otto
man In itpitc of the fcclluK on the
part of the allies that n speedy ter
mination of the conference would be
liiotiglit about, even this inuounce
mm had anything but an nccclcrat
iiiK effect on the Turkish govern
mint, nml the allies stated that a re
newal of- hostilities would immedi
ately result from a failure to agree
on terms.
Then another clement came Into
play. Ily a happy coincidence the
ronfrrence of the six ureal powers
of Kuropr Is beiiiK held In Loudon
(intend of some Kuropcau city. Hng
IiiikI, France, Germany, Austria, Kus
ia and Italy are represented In this
conference, and they are ready to sec
that the best interests of Kuropc arc
served in the settlement of thisKrcat
dispute. They called upon the allies
! be slow In precipitating a renewal
of hostilities, pointing out the fact
that the Turk stand ready o pre
cut further peace proposals, which
they Interpret a a disposition to
intel the issue as best they can The
power have too much at stake to
permit of a renewal of hostilities.
It is safe to say the demands of
thr llalkaus are greater than they
hope to realize. It Is doubtles true
also that the Turk' counter proposal
includes a retention of territory that
they have long since made up their
minds to release A startling coin
cidcncc In the demands made by both
factions I the distinction drawn be
tween "sovereignty" ond "suzerain
Will Conviction of Alleged
Dynamiters Stop
Ueeently In Indianapolis thirty
eight labor union officials have been
declared guilty of complicity in the
Mc.Vauura dynamiting activities that
for years have terrorixed different
sections of the country, including the
wicckiiiK of the I.os Angeles Times
building, which deed in all its horri
fying details proved the undoing of
those who today itand convicted be
fore a jury m life United States Dis
trict Court of Indiana
A long drawn nut trial of the Mc
Namara brothers on the charge of
having dynamited the I.os Angeles
Times came to an abrupt and sensa
tional termination through the con
fessions of the principals. Ably de
fended by the foremost legal talent
of the country, it was early apparent
to Mr. Harrow that to save these
men from the gallows was the best
that might be hoped for, as the evi
dence against them was so over
whelming that conviction could not
l- forrH.illed. Consequently theccn
icioif were advised.
However timely the confessions of
the MoNamaras may have been in
viug them from the noose, the fact
remains that through the evidence
iiMiir-nt a) tlil trial, nlilril liv tlip
- . ....- ...-., ........ .. ...-
turn roal McManlgal's stories of
vriiur. hundreds of labor leaders
throughout the United States have
been implicated, justly or unjustly,
in a matt dastardly conspiracy to
wreck business houses, railroad en
itipriH' and other great Industries,
Whether these men but recently
n I , .J.J58B
Missoula Lime
ty " Sovereignty means actual su
premacy, suzerainty generally means
something less than absolute power
The llalkaus arc perfectly willing to
recognize the autonomy of Albania
under Turkish suzerainty but wilt
not consent to Turkish sovereignty.
The llalkaus would make the Sultan
nominally ruler of Albania but with
out the political, administrative or
military power that he would have
;i sovereign. And while the armis
ticc last and the parties thereto are
engaging in disputes Turkey is daily
becoming better fitted tp renew the
stiugglc if necessary. She is in far
better shape for fighting now than
she wa at the beginning of the ar
mistice. Now that the ultimatum of the
allies ha been rejected definitely by
Turkey there it a little note of
anxiety as to the next turn in af
fairs The bone of contention in the
final negotiations that ended so ab
ruptly Monday, the (1th, was whether
01 not Adrlsnople should remain in
Ottoman territory. Turkey renounced
in favor of the allies her rights in
the Island of Crete and promised
further ratification of the Thracian
frontier, but insisted upon the reten
tion of Adrlanoplc. The Turkish en
voy gave as his reasons for refusing
to accede to the demands of the al
lies for the surrender of Adrlanoplc
the feeling on the part of Ottomans
that to surrender that city is to sur
render all they possess for the se
curity of Constantinople and the Dar-
convicted are actually guilty of the
crimes charged Is a matter not up to
us to determine. The penal institu
tions of our fair land enshroud In
their cloaks of misery many a man
who i innocent of the crime for
which he has been sentenced. Many
at: innocent man's life Is slowly ebb
ing away while he Is serving a sen
tence In expiation of the deed com
mitted by another. However, this Is
the exception and not the rule. Sta
tistics will prove that ninety-nine
per cent of the inmates of our over
filled prisons and houses of correc
tion arc guilty as charged
Hut statistic will not show the
percentage of cases where extenuat
ing circumstances, that in a great
mtasiire are responsible for the com
mital of mojt crimes, arc taken into
account. Doubtless these men found
guilty of complicity in the recent nation-wide
business wrecking con
spiracy cmld plead extenuating con
ditions, and if allowed the privilege
very likely could present to the pub
tie in a most sensational manner har
rowing talcs of downtrodden princi
ples, labor contracts broken, the
blacklist, less than living wages,
wives and children forced to the
sweat shop where labor-saving ma
chinery every minute of the day en
dangers life and limb, where children
ore prodded by an overseer to keep
them awake at the looms, where
life's ideals, life's hopes and fancies,
the air castles of youth, the rose
bloom of health and happiness all
arc crushed and forgotten in an ef
fort to stave, If only for a day, the
langs of hunger, the chill of wintry
Lime and Sulphur Solution
Apple and Fruit Tree
Insecticide and
dandle. Tlic allies immediately anncss of the six great powers in con-
MfttiMf! ill At tifTfttitiArt trs f jtMti T nnlrtn 1U mm nnurrt
broken by the refusal, and unless
something intervenes to cause a re
sumption of the conference a re- i
uewal of the war Is likely.
The other element, however, that
is coming into the case is the near-
blasts and the charity of a public
Cxtcnuating circumstances without
number might be cited as justifica
tion for a great many deeds that are
contrary to the laws of both God
and man, but can any one justify the
wanton destruction of property or
the sending of souls to an eternity
fot which they are probably unpre
pared? Certainly there can be no
justification of an act that brings to
an untimely end the husband, fattier,
son or brother he who is the bread
winner of a family or the mainstay
of aged parents.
Charles W. Miller, United States
district attorney, who prosecuted for
the government, said' 'This prose
cution will be a benefit to organized
labor. It will purge it of rough tac
tics. The whole United States owes
a debt of gratitude to that jury."
Possibly tlic district attorney is
right possibly he is not. In any
event, it might not be amiss to sug
gest that it is not altogether within
the ranks of organized tabor that
purging of rough tactics would prove
of untold benefit to a long-suffering
people. There Is plenty of room for
good missionary work In the ranks
of the employer, and If the tactics
ol the latter were purged of their
roughness, if the man who tolls were
given good, healthful working con
ditions and wages In keeping with
the high cost of living, and if the
employer 'and employee would get
together with the idea of arriving at
an amicable adjustment of difficul
ties then It would be a good, safe
wager that such crimes as these men
and Sulphur Co.
Our superior products give universal satisfaction.
Results guaranteed.
Our prices furnished on application will save you money,
Write today for full information.
Carrying tlic Wounded from the Battlefield
'have too much at stake to permit of
la failure In the negotiations, and it
is confidently hoped and expected
that their good offices will be brought
into play to secure a further sitting
of the conference. It is the con
today stand convicted of would Im
mediately cease.
Hanging does not prevent murder,
for the gallows hold out no terror to
the man in whose heart lurks the de
sire to kill.
Penal institutions do not correct
criminals, and in very few instances
docs a man improve through con
finement in prison; as a rule the fact
that a man once wore stripes is suf
ficient to brand him as a criminal
all the days of his life, no matter
what may have been his crime.
So, while the district attorney may
be right in his opinion that the con
viction of these men will purge or
ganized labor of rough tactics, still
the fact remains that their convic
tion will not put a stop to dyna
miting and attempts at business
wrecking. What the country de
mands is a remedy that forever will
cud the strife and trouble existing
between capital and labor, and until
such a remedy is had outrages of
one kind or another will continue.
As the convicted men emerged
from the Indianapolis courtroom, the
group of prisoners stood between
two colossal marble statues repre
senting Liberty and Justice. The
scene was bathed in a golden winter
sunlight. The immense crowds, min
gling hatred with sympathy, looked
up, but were silent, as the prison
ers slowly wended their way to a
dark and dismal jail.
Let us hope that In the trial and
conviction of these men they were
accorded every courtesy within the
gift of Justice of their liberty they
will be deprived.
sensus of opinion in diplomat!; cir
cles that Turkej if stmpiy playing
in order to force Intervention by the
powers, Such an event would give
to Turkey the excuse that she was
forced to yield by the pressure of
outside influences which she could
not hope to resist.
2,000,000 Acres
RtmJr ' ) plow
YMkhJOiabOtxi -U
CM., btilrr. flu. hay. c
in proportion
Firmt Inltni Clirndt.
LmnJ tolJ an Crop Vj-mf Plan
Low far Htmtmtkftt' EltmnUta
on Im aiwl 3rd Tud ch roontK.
Wr o call for dcuila.
J. H. CINET. Jr. ImmlftUa Dtpl.
C, M. h St. P Ry.-PugH Sound Lino
53 H.nrr BW. 102 SUTIU.WUI.
TOR BAXr a choice 10-acra tract of
apple land In Hood Itlver Valley. H
mile from city. Klevatlon about
l.00 feet, almoat level. Irice. ll.SOO.
Kaay ternia to party who will Im
prove. Kor further particular, ad
dreaa It. U. (X. Pout CUTice Box III.
Portland, Oregon.
$5 A Month
Sand me Frc Booklet
Name ,
Always the
Notu better than ever
RATS in the Cellar
MICE in the Pantry
ROACHES in the Kitchen
Nothing is moro disagreeable than a
homo infested with vermin. Destroy
them with Steams' Kleetrio Rat and
Roach Paste, the standard eztermi
nator for more than thirty years.
It kills off rats, mice or cockroaches
in a single night. Does not blow away
like powders; ready for use; nothing
to mix. This exterminator Is told
under an absolute guarantee of money
back if It falls.
Sold by druuglats and general storea
everywhere or sent by XJxpresa Prpld
everywhere or sent by Exprem Prepaid
on receipt of price. He sure to set the
Kenulne 2Bo and 11.00. Stearns1 Elec
tric Paitte Co., Chicago. Ill,