The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 15, 1913, PART TWO, Image 13

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    1 I
yf The bend bulletin. (K
IIISI) nil'(.i)' UIDMSDW JlUV 15. I'M."
F'Ot R P(,s
Railway Bridge Across Crooked River
Central Oregon
Science Battling Against Science
Methods of Inflicting Death Employed by Murderers' Who Keep Pace With Chemist and Detective
$ '.
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nMr daJMlll-i-P'H!-
"'1 he science of murder" rather
.111 oiiiiiioii title. Yet Hi true tig
ii'dtancc it Jut now bursting upon
the ciciitifir anil criminal world. It
.. the new menace that mint lr met
liy the inot astute mind of our
era, it tin even now attained an ex
tent of activity that in appalling, and
lu canicil police officials in the
l.irge citic to call into conference
tin hen! nclcntlfle talent they can
find The chemical laboratory lm
heretofore ticcn the agent of peace
officer In detecting the manner of
n man' death Hut here come a
death that leave no truce whatever
Men n away in mortal agony, and
Ihi explanation of the came I In no
vwiy determinable Men die in the
fimily home surrounded by the home
hold, and the word goes out that
death reunited from natural cause
'I he patient had contracted typhoid
from drinking impure water, ami the
order of the health department goe
out that the well of the city mutt
be cleaned and the city water he
subjected to a scientific tcit to deter
mine the origin of the trouble. Hut
it e other member of the family be
uin to dron off from the same dls-
' c ic and at lat it became apparent
ift.11 iiic miaic 11 iu lie nciueu iihjii
ll. t only surviving heir. Typhoid
fever wa the came of death
Men are stealing the typhoid germ,
men arc buying the typlioid germ,
men are using the typhoid germ to
accomplish their end. Whyr lie
came it leaves no trace behind it
Ih.i bridge 1. .nc of tie ' igh tin 'ge , ( the world, being :.-') feet
above the river UK) feet higher thai the d :::e of the Mlnucnta Mite
Capitol 'Hie Crcnkril Utter I a sin il' stream draining a lirge area of
the great ( Oregon plateau '111 potr.l 11 about fifteen mi'ex from
it coulliiciur with the wonderful l)c Iiute Kiver 'lite illu-tration 1
an except 011 dly good one as depicting (he difficulties encountered by
the great railroad Hi opening up llrw termor) in the Northwest, and
stand a a iinuniment to modern engineering
I hi a rri nil conference in the cor-
oiur' office in Chicago murder a
a science wluili ha leaped in (treat
bound ahead of organised effort
toward detection of such crime was
pictured to county official by crim
iuolngut arguing nerd of a "science
Scientific killing of human being
mi manner almot impossible of de
tection were described to the amazed
official by Professor Walter S
Haute, wltoic chemistry ha for
tear ro 11 limited the poiton murderer.
He told of the modern murderer's
having found in the scientist' ba
cillus a weapon equally deadly with
the knife, the gun and the ordinary
poison without the telltale traces of
the deed. His hearers shuddered at
hit vivid portrayal of present day
murder wider cover of science. He
was backed up by Dr. Ludwig Hek
tocn, another authority.
Or. Ilektoen and Professor Haines,
with others, comprise an advisory
board that the coroner ha taken
unto himself, and each of the ex
ptrt has volunteered his services.
Tl-cy propose to act as a consulting
staff for the new science bureau,
which will fight murder along the
same expert line followed by mur
derers. Harry Olson, chief justice of the
Municipal Court, who is also a mem
ber of the coroner's advisory board,
offered a little sensation of his own
in the information that criminals are
; actually in the market today for these
deadly bacilli produced by scientist
"Of late I have heard of different
instance where suspicion character
have attempted the purchase of ty
phoid germs," the judge told the
county commissioners. "What did
they want with them, and if those
germ were used with murderous in
tint what means have wc of detect
in; the guilty ones? I admit that it
offers a difficult problem in any
event, but we must equip oursclvc
in so far as possible to fight such
crimes "
It wa just along that line that
Professor Haines (minted hi wonder
ful word picture of the modern mur
der with its "sure death" and "im
possible of detection" features. He
took for example the typhoid germ.
The murderous dagger and death
dealing arsenic were shown as weap
on alMindoncd in favor of the safer
capsule loaded with the life destroyer
that work slowly but surely. Steal
thy "doctoring" of foodstuff wa
pictured a the method supplanting
the old-time waylaying of victims.
Then the already shivering county
commissioners were introduced to
the secret of the horrible "cobra
death." of which science yet knows
but I'.ttlc They learned how man
might tlic in a few minutes of ex
cruciating agony and leave not a
single explanation of hi death.
"It i just such deaths that science
today must combat if the rapidly
progressing scientific murderer is to
meet with any opposition from law,"
Mid Professor Haines, in the course
of hi trip through wonderland for
the county executives.
"The cobra death, at It has been
called, can be inflicted upon a per
son without his knowing it The
cobra dipped pin can convey urc
death, and a horrible one at that,
with the slightest scratcha scratch
almost so slight one would not no
tice it.
"Post mortem as they are con
ducted today will show absolutely
nothing a to the cause of the death
Science U just entering upon that
field which will bring about possi
bility of detection of the cobra death."
Half of the deaths that come to
(he attention of the coroner's office
require scientific explanation, accord
ing to the statement of Coroner
Hoffman, who summed up the argu
ment before Mr. McCorrnick and
hi colleagues.
"In the absence of chemists and
the necessary apparatus for the sci
entific investigation those unsolved
deaths go down on records as 'un
known cause' cases, and the criminals
today are making capital of our in
ability to ferret out guilt," said the
"It doe not seem possible, but
neverthelc ft has been figured that
crime is operated on a higher per
cent success basis than is the legiti
mate business of the nation They
actually figure that a larger per
centage are successful in crime than
in commercial ventures."
The Panama Canal Dispute
Question of Eiomption of Coottwiie Vrticlt rromTolU Aromc'i ContltlrmMn
InUrcit on llolli Side llio Wot or
Investigating the Money Trust
Congressional Committee Brings Out Facts Regarding Control Over Money by Small Coterie of Men
A the tune .ipproailie for the
opening up of the Panama Canal the
question tif exemption of coastwise
ieU from canal toll i becoming
uhhc and more a nutter of agit
lion. The Itrilith government, rely
ing n 1 miii what it coiMideri it treat)
right, i making a strong protest
against such exemption, and there
are statesmen In this country who
recognise and support her claim to
a hearing in this particular.
Ih an official letter to thtt govern
ment by Sk Edward (irey. Hri(ih
minister of foreign affair, the por
tion of the English government l
rlvarly niltotirtrouly set forth. The
ilocMment i written manifetly in a
friendly spirit, yet contain the en
tire spirit of Hngland's objection to
the I'aimiiiM Act Mr. Cirry claim
that the Clayton-Hutwer treaty of
IHM) wa an agreement between Ui cat
llrilaiu ami the United State that
neither of them would independent!)
build or operate the Panama Canal;
thai Grrat llrilaiu agreed to the tub
.liliitiou of the I lay-Puncfote treaty
for the Clayton- Hub er treat) 011 the
ditinct undemanding that the ship
of all nations, including the United
States, ilionld be treated on ritial
leim: that the exemption of Ameri
can eiwutuUc cel from toll 1
not treating all nation 011 equal
icruit, because it make other na
tion pay more than their .share of
the expense of operating the canal,
and because he fears that under the
guise of coastwise traffic the United
Status ship owner will endeavor to
carry on foreign commerce. If the
Congres of the United State de
cide not to repeal the section ad
mitting American coastwise vessels
tc the free, he urgently ex
presses the hope that the question
may be submitted to arbitration
The exemption of legitimate coast
wise trade from canal tolls U 110
dltcriminatinii against foreign com
merce. If there is the slightest dan
ger of American foreign commerce
masquerading under the guise of
coastwise commerce our own Con
gress should look to the matter at
iiikc Ami if the matter must be
i bmiited to arbitration the Ulutcd
State must keep a weather eye out
t ee that she get an impartial
arl (ration hoard. Mr. Grey doe not
i'gget the personnel of that Itoard,
I and it is difficult to see just how a
, board, could be assembled. Not a
I civilized country 011 the globe but
ha a vital interest in thi canal. It
ih a afe proposition that if the
Hritith government find ditcrimlna
I turn against it in the exemption of
1 American coastwise commerce, so
'doc. rxery maritime nation on the
, globe Then whence will come our
arbitration hoard? The inland conti
nue are few, and some of them we
t would be reluctant to accept a arbi
1 ter.
President Tft ha declared liim
elf in faor of arbitration. "I am
willing, and indeed I would be
1 ahamed not to be willing," he said,
"to arbitrate any nelion with Great
I liritaiu 111 the construction of a treat)
when we reach the exact Issue which
there ix htweeii the two nation
, '1 here need not be any public doubt
on that ultlcct o far a thi admin
istration is concerned. When there
it a difference that cannot be recon
ciled by international negotiation ami
adjustment then vfe are entirely will
ing to submit it to an iintarttal tri
bunal." Cmigrcs is divided o;i the qucs.
tlou. Senator Macon In n statement
based on President Tail's announce
ment .suggested that the United
Statot, if it submitted to arbitration,
could properly ask for a special tri
bunal so constituted as to insure us
uniwrtlal judgment. Senator llurton
said he did not see how wc could
honorably refute arbitration, such a
course being the supreme test of our
faith in arbitration. Senator Towns
end, member of the canal commit
tee, said: "Wc might as well aban
don the Monroe doctrine as to sub
mit thi question to arbitration. I
am inclined to prefer the reconsidera
tion of the canal legislation " Others
arc found equally positive 011 one
side or the other.
Despite the assertions of Mr. J
Purpout Morgan to the contrary,
the American people will be slow to
believe that there does not now ex
it something in this country which,
if it is not in reality a money trust,
is at least an alarmingly strong or
ganization that ha within its power
the control of the money of the en
tire country. The recent investiga
tions into the so-called money trust
have revealed several potent facts,
and in addition have been remark
ably free from sensationalism. It it
a significant condition of affairs that
make possible the control by a group
of JS or SO 'men a sum of money
equal to 3 times the national debt.
Vet such a condition exist, and
Mr. Morgan ami hit coterie of finan
cier actually have at their command through a system of
bank established upon their own
pirtoual reputations for bonest) and
fair dealing.
1 1 is afe to say that the peer of
all financier of today is Mr. Morgan
In hi testimony before the congre
monal committee Mr. Morgan cry
frankly admitted hi ivnwcr to make
or break men by granting or refus
ing loan at critical time. He alto
admitted the system of interlocking
of directorship in the large financial
institutions of the country, thus giv
n.g the Hiucr of control to the small
coterie of men. Yet Mr. Morgan de
clared emphatically that a money
trust docs not exist and is a matter
impoih1c of realization. Vet the
man who, with hi associates, can
control 3& time at much money as
the national debt comes about at
near being at the head of a great
money trust a one cares to sec.
few of the papers of the coun-
tr) have taken Mr. Morgans word
for it and agree hat there is not a
money trust. Hut here comet a man
who has been crushed by it and states
that there it; here, come another
who ay he can prove that the panic
of t(H)7 wa caused by it, being noth
ing else than a manufactured panic
to further the interests of the
moneyed men. The New York Globe
ay: "Only In a restricted and
qualified sense can there be such a
thing a a money trust. A group at
a particular time may gain control
of the machinery of credit and ap
pear to be able to dictate in an arbi
trary way who may borrow. Hut
the process cannot go far without
inviting self-destruction. In the first
plncc. speaking generally, the control
over fund of particular institutions
is revocable at the will of millions
of depositors." This seems to be
the only thing that can really and
effectively prevent a perfect control
of the nation s money.
A smile of cynicism has come from
In gut ml over the statement of Mr.
Morgan. One broker high in the
financial affairs of London states
that he likes to see a man show that
Iu has the means and the ability to
carry out his schemes before he loans
him money. He voices the sentiment
among bankers on the other tide of
the water to the effect that a man's
personal character will not go far
toward the securing of money unlets
hf can show something else besides.
This statement was evinced by the
tcsfmony of Mr. Morgan that he
had once loaned a penniless man
$1,000,000 beeause he believed in his
personal integrity. While it it un
doubtedly true that the moral risk
it taken into consideration in the
making of loan, the public in gen
eral well knows that many an honctt
man has gone to the wall beeause he
did not have the good fortune to
posse real estate, goods or cluttelt
to put up as security for the money
he needed to tide him over a period
o depression.
Hut the investigation into the sys
tem of financial control practiced by
these high financiers will have one
effect above all others. It, along with
other methods of publicity, is open
ing the eyes of the people and will
lead to reforms that will materially
remedy the conditions that are caus
ing increasingly greater unrest each
year. There it undoubtedly a money
trust, and Wall Street it its instru
ment. Naturally the ttock exchange
comes in here for its share of de
nunciation. For this instrument of
high financiering is responsible for
an inflation in the price of commodi
ties that amounts to several hundred
per cent. It is no more nor less
than a gambling institution compared
with which the Louisiana lottery was
clean and white. The New York
World concisely states the truth
about the Stock Exchange when it
says: "There are three monumental
facts relating to the Stock Exchange
that ought not to be fact sixty days
from now. These arc, first, it is not
incorporated; second, it is permitted
by law to practice usury; third, it is
the only place in New York where
gambling contracts arc enforcible by
If the investigations will so rouse
the people that they will demand a
closing of the Stock Exchange ex
cept for legitimate purpose and un
del government control it wilt be a
nlatter of less importance whether
or not there exists a money trust.
It i within the power of Congress
to abolish the Stock Exchange just
a it did the Louisiana lottery.
Casting Out Devils,
A soo.pound football player wat
earning a part of his college ex
penses by preaching every Sunday
In a small village not far away. At
a certain evening tervice three bois
terous youths iu n rear pew were
seriously disturbing the religious at
mosphere The young pastor paused
abruptly and remarked:
"The day of miracles 1 said to be
past. I do not pretend to be able to
work miracles, but I can cast out
And he proceeded to do so, to the
great satisfaction of the congregation.
-Country Gentleman,
Not Needed.
While n traveling man was wait
ing for an opportunity to show his
samples to a merchant in a little
backwoods town in Missouri, n cus
tomer came in and bought a couple
of nightshirts. Afterward a long,
lank lumberman, with his trousers
stuffed into his boots, said to the
"What was them 'ere that feller
"Nightshirts. Can I sell you one or
"Naup, I reckon not," said the
Missourlan, "I don't set round much
o' nights." -Country Gentleman
Part of Boom Containing 20,000,000 Feet of Logs at North Yakima, Washington
The plant of the Catcade Lum
ber Company at North Yakima,
with a capacity of feet of
lumber a day, gives an idea of the
extent of the timber resources in
the Yakima country. Here logs
of mighty proportions lie huddled
together in the pond awaiting the
)uzz of the saw that will turn them
into building material that will
find its way to all parts of the
United States. The scene is typi
cat of the great industry that is
as yet in its infancy throughout
the great states of the Pacific
Northwest The conservation pol
icy of the government has not
halted the rapid inroads into the
virgin forests of the West, and
yet the amount that has been cut
is as nothing to that which still
remains to claim the axe of the
woodsman, With the building up
of the agricultural industries and
the rapid growth of cities in the
Rocky Mountain section, the de
mand upon the forests arc yearly
Increasing demands that arc aug
mctited by the rapidly disappear
ing of the forests in other parts
of the country, The Middle West
is now almost without a forest,
while the South and East have
taxed their sawmills to the limit
to keep up with the rapid develop
ment in building. Yet the forests
of the West are scarcely touched
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