The bend bulletin. -;pfc3WS32: 16 PAGES GROWING mzrz BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913, NO. 45 VUIj. a. OF PIPE IS BEING LAID ON ;U FORBES LINOS ON FIVE' SEWER COMMITTEES IN LEGISLATURE PROCEEDINGS 1 OUT IRRIGATION CONGRESS WAS ACTIVE f a, I Tax Levy of 21 Mills Declared, Many Minor Matters Deckled and a Multitude of Bills Paid Novem ber Municipal Election Co$ts Large Sum Tint county tax levy of 24 mt 1 Im. as announced In tliu tourt proceeding, lv divided in fnlloyvsl Btote and county 17.40 (leiieral roud 3.60 Ituud 1-00 Hitch school 2.00 Library 0M - A reitulnr term of tbo County Court (?f Crook County, OreKou, wim lifKtin and held ut tho courthoiiso In I'rltiKVlllu, In said county and state, u J Mint (try Sad, 1913. I'lcucnt. II. O. Kill. JinlK, prr nldliiKi It. II. Hayluy, commissioner; T. N. Iliilfour, sheriff, and Wurroii Drown, clerk. Whereupon the following proceed. Inps worn hnd. (o wit: Tim r'l9'C Oftbo board of yod vbiwor wna read for the first tlmo lit open court. In tint following roaiU: J H. MoVey ft ftl) V. Hchredur ut nl. 'i C I), rreston et ai, nuan i.isicrci m, J- c W.'llunter et al, L'lla U. Peterson 3 .t nl, Hoary Hlvlus t al, Albert J Moore et al. 3' In the matter or the petition of It. f, 4. Karly t nl for a county road, tbo matter waa continues uccauiu oi uc fectlve petition. In Km iimltfr of the nctltlon of H. I), Mustard t nl for n county roml, Ibn matter as continued upon tbo request of tbo board of road viewer to whom tbo same bad beou referred for further consideration. In the matter ot the petition of Dan Callow et nl for a county road, because of defective notice tbe anmu !U continued. In tbe matter of the petition of . A. Voshunc ft nl for n county road, continued for failure to file nindnvlt oi poning noucva. In tbo matter of the petition of O W. Wells el al for a county road, .Itonrd of road viewer to view out mid road on Feb. 20, 1913. In the matter of tbe petition of J. If. Dnvld et al for n county road, board of road viewers to view out said road on Feb. 18, 19 13. ' In tho matter of tbe petition of Frank F. Klach et al for a county 'road, bonrd of road viewer to view out until road on Feb. 19, 1913. In tbe matter of the petition of J. W. I'eteraon et al for n county rmil. Ixinrd of road Viewer to view out said road on Feb. 33, 1913. In tbo matter of tbn petition of C. I'edersen jt al for n county road, bonrd of road viewer to view out aid rond on Feb 2. 1913 5 in ill" inniivr "i""'"' - scssmont of J. It. Knox ol al, It I or I dered that tho flerk credit tbo aliur- TT ,M It.. .,. 11111 U,l. I, IN in mr w jwii ii'i, r.,,ii amounts' us follow: J. It. Knox. 130; John llurnett. $3 02; llntca & Younu. 13.20. Is tho matter of the double asmi ment of tho 1). K. Hunter itealty Co., on lot 1, block fi, lleud, rebate of f 10.27 (tbo amount of overpayment) allowed. Warrant No. Ii33 for 121.06 In fa. vor of the Northwest Bobool Fixture EXT to what n man enrns.his Ibhhk account is his 'most closely V guarded secret. .absolutely sure in his own mind that his banker is just as much of a confi dential adviser as his lawyer or doctor. We want you to know us and have confidence in us before you decide to open an account at this bank. DESCHUTES BANKING 02, TRUST CO. of Bend, Ore. D. I'HRRHLL, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary . M. LAA, Cashier Dirkctors: B. PBRRRLL, V. O. MINOR, It. M. LARA, Co. wna ordered cancelled, tbe no cbunt for which tliu suliiu h"ud been dntwu IiuvIiik already ben paid. Iij tbo mutter of tho expeure fo tho county Instltuto, It wna ordered tbut tbo report of It. A. Ford be approved. The request of II, A. Fouler, as lienor, for $26 for atnuipa, station ery, vie., for uso In his office, wua Krnnted. Tbe request of Frauk niklns, aher Iff, for $100 for Mump, stationery, etc., for new In Ills office. wii kmiiM. The petition of C. M. Ilvdriold t nl for n votlnK precinct at Deschutes win coutlniii'd until the May term. It nppcarliiK thnt thu Itedmond precinct wna without n Juatlcu of the pence, tbe one elected nt tho jast elec tion bavins; failed to qualify. V. C. Walker la appointed Justice of thu iiuiico to servo until thu next Kenornl election. In th mutter of the petition for an election under the local option law, ut Mvtollu. Oretion, ordered thnt an election an prayed for In said petition bo held February 18, 1913. In the matter or the bill of It. M. Hitler for building brldacs over thu Central Oregon Irrltntlon Company' canal, ordered that tbe county clerk notify ald Irritation company of ald amount and request the pay mom of the aame, I loud or II. A. Foster a ai.ossor, for $6000 with the United State Fl. dellty and Ouarauty Company, ap proved and ordered filed. llond of Tred A. Itlce. a surveyor, for 15000 w'tb T. M. llaldwln and F. II, Fopter as surety, approved and or red flled. llond oi 1'. II. Folndcxter. as coro ner, In tho out!) of $3000 with W. F. KIiir and V. A. llootb as surety, ap proved and ordered .lied. Viewer report load second tlmo In open court and the following: road were deolared public highways: Hugh Uster et al, C. O. I'reston et al, V. Bcbreder t al, Henry Hlvlns et al, Albert Moore ct nl, J. S. McVey et al, C. W. Hunter et nl. llond r Warron Ilrown aa county elerk In the sum or 110.000. with V. A. llootb and a. V. Noble ns sure tie, approved and ordered flled. In tbo following road tbe papers were ordered sent to the district at torney for his opinion as to their val idity: U. O. Hyrnni el nl, 8. K. West et nl, It. A. Merchant et al, V. M. Orb et al. Iteport of county clerk presented showing payment or lounty on 629 eiyote sculps and KG bobcat front feet, amounting In ll to $906.60. In the matter or tbo K. A. Knotta et al petition for ctginy road. loard of road viewer to view out said pr posed read on February if. 1913. In tho uiulttr or tbo claim or Hen ton oounty against Crool; count, con tinued to allow rot investlfttlin or the atuic. In tbo matter of the amount of tbe Ktid of tbe county treasurer waa or dered that a bond of $20,000 would l ample security until further or der or tbts court. In tbe matter or the petition or Klla I). I'etemon et nl for a county (Continued on page six.) He wants to feel I'lopeity Owuv.rn Who Polio Ton- iK-rlloim Miulo at Kpeclnl I'olriU Air Asked to Notify KuKlnrcr. On tho sewer work 200 feet of 12 Inch pipe tins been laid In the nlley west or Wall street running south from Nevada street. Today n sec tion or 8 Inch and !' Inch plpo Is be ing laid on Ohio street. A tho plpo I laid special branches nro plnced for the ptirposn or nuking connections to each property. If tbo proporty owners desire their branch located on any particular point along their property, they should bo ad vise Mr. Koou when the plpo 'a being laid a otherwise the branch will bo placed at tbo moat convenient point abutting tbe property and connection to houses must bo mndo thnro. A new Imller Is being Installed at tbo Intersection of Wall and Ohio street nnd four more steam drill will bo put t work. WOULD MAKEJSHER WARDEN AdtUablllty of liming t'iltlvrr Man n Deputy L'rgeit on AulhorltleN A petition has been circulated re questing tbe state game warden to appoint John Usher a deputy game warden on salary for tho ensuing year. Mr. Usher served last year it a ipeclal deputy, without compensa tion, and has been reappointed on that bnsl for 19K. Tho proposal Is to have him devote all his tlmo to the work, It being maintained that many violations or the game law arc made, and that a he live on tho upper river he ;s well situated to handle the work. A. F. Bh Ire man, at llend, Is a warden now. It Is not proposed to deposo him, but to add another warden. Mr Usher I now engaged In con structing n fish way around the falls on Fall Illver, for tbe atate authori ties, to permit trout to get nbovo that point nnd Into what la believed Is an excellent stretch of water ror spswn Ing. Ho propose to ask the atate to finance tbo destruction of the "fish trapa" by blasting out tbe rock at tbe bead of tbo rails. Here hundreds or fish are killed Illegally each year. PRISGILUSJAVE FUN Club Will AImi (Jle Program at the Star Theatre Saturday Night. Tbo Prlscllla Club met with Miss Arrlo Illsck Monday evening, Mis llc lllack and Miss Lucy Ilrldges being guests. At tne New Year's irtii4uei a prophecy telling what each member would bo ten year hence was read, and Monday tbo various young ladle took tho parts which that prophecy bequeathed them, 19 participating in the entertainment. That many kind of future lie before these llend :.l was Indicat ed by tho diversity of their roles, which Included a prima donna, a mlsslouaryY n botanist, a lecturer, a circus performer, a lawyer, a count ess, and other. In the course or tho evening, rerreshments were served. Tbe Prlsclllas will give so mo spec ial singing 'and dancing at the Star Theatre on Saturday night. While their exact program Is being kept a secret, It Is known that they nil will appenr dressed aa old maids. HARDWARE ? We "spare no pains to supply our custom- j ) ers with the best in all lines of Hardware. If you are particular about QUALITY ) I .of goods you buy, join our long list of S I satisfied customers. i I BUILDERS' SUPPLIES a specialty. S N. P. Smith ) Wall Street S Willi Ioral llcprrwiilnllce I'roml- ni'iit In l'rwceelliig, Central Ore- Kou to (.ct Hlinrc of Attention, KTATI5 OAI'ITOL,, Balom, Jan. 14. (Special to Tbe Bulletin Yes terday tho Legislature met and today tho law makers got down to business. In tbo appointment or committee Control Oregon and llend come off with flying colors. Iteprestptatlve V. A, Forbes baa been placed on five committees, tbe greatest number oc cupied by nny one Itepretentatlve. Mr. Forbf-a la chairman of tbo coun ties committee, and la a member or the committees on Irrigation, public lauds, revision or laws and Joist rules. A telegram received this morning from J. K. Bawhlll, tecretary or the Central Oregon Development League, who Is at Salem, auaounevs that "we will bring home tho bacon." The "bacon" In which this section Is es pecially Interested concerns better Irrigation laws and state aid ror tbe Columbia Southern project. RAILROAOJANTOQUIT A. A. More, l't 7(1 Year Murk, to lie Itetlred Kon. A. A. Morse, the veteran special representative or tbo Harrlman roads' traffic departments, was here yester day, bidding an official farewell to tho territory. For Mr. Mono bns passed tho 70-year mark aud is to be retired at once. He has been with the roads 26 yean, almost en tirely on tho Pacific Coast. "Going to quit now, but I can out run Wilson here," said Mr. Morse laughingly, rcferlng to E. J. Wilson, local traffic agent. And Judging from bis appearance be might, though I Mr. Wilson Is more than a quarter or In rnttirv vnnnefir. .., .,-.- , WEATHER HAS BEEN Itod Spell Contlnne Hehe an at Other Place. The stormy weather ba continued through anotber week locally, and It begin to look ds If all records ror this community will be broken ror rough treatment by tbe elements. It has been a bad mixture or rain, snow and slush, and sarao sunshine thrown In to accentuate tbo badness or the bad days and nights. Tho storm ha prevailed nil over the country, however, so Uendltes are not alone those who have fe,t tho effects of old borets and bis cohorts. Tere has been no piling up ot snow In the Deschutes canyon ns was tbe case a year ago, when railway traffic ws tied up ror n week. In the Cas cades In Washington both the North ern Pacific and Great Northern ronda nnd tbo Milaukee line as wee have been blocked, the anow being as deep as 40 feet In place. KLKCTION IS POHTTONKn. Duo to an error In the nattcos that were posted calling for n special elec tion to vote on the question of Issu ing $40,000 bonds for the construc tion of n unit of a blgn school build ing, tho election, which waa caHsd ror the 20th, will cot take place. Now notice will be posted at once, and te date or election set probably about tho Cth of February. Carey Act is Censured and Substitute Plan Pre sented A. O. Walker and J. N. B. Gcrklng Were Among the Important Speakers The net result or the Oregon Ir rigation Congress held In Portland last week sectn to be about as fol lows: Unqualified declaration that the Carey act has not operated success fully and presentation of a substitute plan whereby tho settler can give a first mortgage and secure Immediate title to bis land wore contained in resolutions adopted. A resolution urged the state Legis lature to provldo funds for tbe Im mediate relief of settler on tbe Col umbia Southern project. One of the most Important and the shortest resolution provide that no reclamation project be open ed for settlement until the water Is ready for distribution. This would prevent such disastrous results as those experienced by the Columbia Southern settler. Hosldence requirements on Irri gation projects constructed by tbe lteclumatlon Service were declared unjust and unreasonable and action was urged that will allow water user 25 years in which to repay the government construction expense. Adjudication of tbo water right under the Central Oregon Irrigation Company's project, which was the subject of an addrre at Friday's meeting by Iter. A. O. Walker of Al falfo, was asked In a separate set or resolutions, which recited "that ac tion along this line be taken at an early date and that land holders un der the above named project be re quired to speedily clear said land and bring same under cultivation and put tbe water to beneficial use." Legislative appropriation or SS0, 000 to be used wltn a like amount FERRELL-BURM WEDDING llend 1'liyt.lcLan am lUlde on Honey moon Trip Through the South. Tbe Evening post of Marlon, III.,, a copy of which Tbe Bulletin ba re ceived, contains an account ot tbe marriage ot Dr. II. Ferrell on Janu ary 2. The bride was Mis Kate Uurkbart. daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Uurkbart, and the ceremony was performed at the family renl dence at 4 p. m. The Post says: "Tbe marriage that took place on Thursday here followed a romance which began several yesrs ago, or while they were young folks. To claim his sweetheart and mike her bl bride, Dr. Ferrell made a lose Journey, coming from Head, Ore., where for four year he has been and where he has established an ex cellent Ho left this coun ty almost Ave yeare og going Wet to seek a benefit for his rolling health. He found It and not only found health but round professional success In the new country. During his absence correspondence betwetn tbe couple continued but It was not until all plan tor bis return and ror tbe wedding bad been made was It known to their relatives that their marriage was a happening or tho near future. He arrived here a few The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOI. Prldnt C, A. BATHER. Vlc frldnt O. B. HUDSON. Chl.r CUplUI fully pld ... S3S.0OO Stockholder' liability S2S.000 Surplus .... . 810.000 vLsJy Y YOU HAD A FIRE TONIGHT JL WHAT VALUABLE PAPERS would I YOU LOSE THAT COULD NOT BE J REPLACED? If they were stolen how would you obtain new ones? Rent one of our Safety Deposit Boxes and be indepen dent of thieves nnd fire. We have a special vault built exclusively for storing your valu ables. It is fire proof and your box cannot be unlocked except when you are present. They rent, according to size, for $3.00, 55.00, and $7.50 per year. Come in and let us show you the vault and boxes and tell you all about them. TSk FBtST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: u. C COB 8. A. SATUAK C. 8. O. M. FATTRKSOK H. C. KLU3 already promised by Secretary Fish. or of tho Federal Interior Depart ment, In Investigating irrigation and power projects, was advised. J. N. D. Corking of Laldlaw sup plied one of the features of tho con gress. Concerning bis talk upon the Columbia Southern project, Tho Oregonlan say: HI earnetnet and his sincer ity as be told of the almost titter boplessnes or tbe Columbia Southern settler appealed to everyone. "The Carey Act has been a fail ure In our country," said Mr. (Jerking. "It appear to us that It Is opersted largely in tbe In interest of the promoter and tho people looking for a big rakcoM, "The promoter havo sent ad vertisements ovor tho country showing how tbe state I back of these projects, when, In fact, tho state Isn't back of them at all. People are Induced to come to tbo state under false pretense. They go on the land not knowing what conditions they will have to meet there." He charged that tbe state baa shirked It responsibility If It la back of tbe Columbia Southern project. "I nm not a lawyer." he con tinued, "and can't tell whether tbo state Is duty bound to back It or not. I certainly believe, though, that the state I morally obliged to give It aid to those people who have gone onto this project, when, tbey were given reason to believe, and Justly so, that the state would aid them." day since and not until after bis arrival was tbe wedding date an nounced, and then to only the near est relatives ot tbe two. " His bride is tbo daughter of one of the section' ost known aad moat highly respected citizens, a man who, until recently, was for many years a leading merchant'of Marlon. She is educated and refined and has always enjoyed tbe close friendship of many. "They departed soon after their marriage for a visit In Florida. New Orleans. Texas. Los Angoles and San I Francisco and other places ot Inter est, after which they will go to llend to make their future home." CROOK GETSJ15,879.25 Apportionment of State Levy for Counties In Announce!. Tbe apportionment of tbe state levy of fl.lS2.214. 48 among tho various counties has been completed. Tho Central Oregon counties- aro cared for as follows: Baker $ 27.277.7S Crook 16,879.5 Grant 9.S99.7& Harney 9,282.00 Klamath 18,500.00 Lake 9,268. CO Malheur 12,291.50 vLKjJ' WSJ fil J7 (lSjJ) HUDSON JKt iivrTi