TIM HKNI IlUM.KTltf, HH.VP, WKOM'JiDAV, JAfcl'AIty fi, 101.1. VAam , Mat 0-730. Tho NBVi of NKV Of HVV of NB, tho W of JJB of 8WV4 of NBU, tho B of NWVi of HW of NKH, the NBW of 8W Of BWU of NB'. tho WV4 of WJ4 of HW of NBVi. tho NV of NV of NWH of HB, tho N'4 of NK of 8WH, N4 of HK of NBU of HWU, tho N4 of mv of 8V, tho Ktt of BBVi of NWV4 of 8WV4. Hcc. 17, T. 22 8., It. 10 B 8Z.&0 ncrc. 'application of Oconto T. 8ljr, Jr., of l.ap'no, Oregon; 1,1st C-7G4. Tho NVi of BW', of NB,. tho N4 of 8V4 of 8W4 of NB't, the 8Vi of 8(3 K or HUT of NBU, thd BW oT 8WV, of 8Vy of ,NBV4 tho WH of NEW of NWU of 8BW, tho WV4 of NWVi of BB, tho 8V4 of NWV4 of BWVi of BBVi tho Bi Qt 8WK of 8B, Bee. 3, T. 22 8.. It. 10 E 87. iiO acre, except n strip 30 foct wldo along tho went Hldo of tho BWUof NB, and the NW of NWV4 of NW" of BBVi, Boc. 3, tho not area being 86.30 acrea, application of Wnl demar Chrlstcnson, of Lnplne, Ore Ron; Mat G-7G8. Aiiproved Decom l.cr 9, 1912. 8. V. I'roudfU, Assist nnt Commissioner of the Oonorat Land Office. 12-15 -tf.slssSfSBEtMLliii - AVTJHnMp5JjHBBBfcB2zfc .i'?"?ar&bflBSBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfliBA tlpi fain ? KijBlJMPwBBfcSSz1! EAST AND WEST MEET Walter McCormnck, Famous Grand Opera Tenor, makes Friends with tho Blackfect Indians from Glacier National Park Th Fast ami thi wst ram toRMher In a rather striking ami unusual fsililon at thi rrrrnt conrert glvm It thoHt. 1'aill Hjrniphony Orehrstra In tlit AuilUnriiim nl Ht. Paul. Tha Imllsns attwlr.1 tlir concert aa irtirsta of I. W, lllll and wrrn wrry appreciates not only of tlio splendid snlns sunR hy Mr, MrOnrmac k, hut of tho rather Intricate and hlgMirow tjrpn nf nrrhmtratlnn rrndrml hjr I'rof. Itothwcll and hit well 'known orchestra. Chief Krnl HIk Top, In nsffrring to tha mnrrrt, (aid ha rnjojred It ftrj much "hioio of It u Just lika Indian musk. Tlio Indiana applaud! long and loud at llmea and attracted nonaldrralrift atten tion tlirmsclrns. Wlilln thn rllto of Ht. I'aul were present In e?enln( drraa the had nothing on thn Indian, who wero re ry rlahoraUly alUrrd and carried them aelrM with dignity and com. After tho concert, thf Indiana were Introduced to and photographed with Mr. McOirmaek aa shown In tha picture ahorr. Thsy extended him a cordial inrltatlon to riaft their natlre home, (Ilacier National Park, Montana, next summer. SAWHILL TELLS SHOWS CENTRAL ORECJON WAS POPULAR lM(un KrrrrlMry (fall Attention In lliiMrt!iiice nf tlirnp AKrlrilllurol At'tiiK nil (VmtrtiMnt o lllitli I'rlrrd I'rult IjiiiiU. II)' J. B. 8AWHII.I. pec rotary Central Orrgon Develop- nirnt lamie. (Written rapcclnllr for The llultullti) Thla helng tho flrat year that Cen tral Oregon waa roproaented at thn Und ahnwa In the Hast aud In fact tho flrat year that Oregon aa a atato haa made an effort to be reprcatuted at theao rct ahowa. It la no doubt a nutter of gener.il Interest to know iiomo of tho reaulta and experience! thnt wro obtained there. Central Oregon waa represented nl the Minneapolis show by a strict l local exhibit Installed by tha Oro. Kon Western Colonisation Co., J It. Btlnson of I'rlnevllle beta In "Imrgo and ably assisted by Mrs, 8tln on The OreKon ft Western ex hibit consisted alnii'sl entirely of (trains and grnssoi. Thla exhibit took all the prltea for the brat dls (tin)' of foratto crops at tho Minneapo lis ah I.eou J Chapman, secre tary of tho Ontario Commercial Cmb, was also very much lu evidence with om of Urn very best dlsplaya of ap ples In the cntlrn show, Thn Oregon atatn exhibit contained n sample or two of almost every product that can id xroMii hi tho temperate lone. I'rof. Thomas flhaw of thn flreat Northern Itallwny tuado tho attte in nut after n visit to the Oregon luoth that Oregon vn eapablo of n .treator variety of agricultural prod duels than any other atite In tho l-nlon. I, W. Kill proma-acud tho Oregon stale uxhlbll to be the finest ttihlbll Hut he had evr aeen at any land shot. O. W. Ire)tag of Ore Ho ii City had charge of the Installa tion of the exhibit at both the .Mill Neaios and Chicago sIiohs and was on hand at all times lo sing tho praises of tho Willamette valley. Tho writer used bli best efforts nt both ahowa to let people know a few of lAe wonderful resources of the Cen tral Oregon country. Not AH Fruit Und.. The greatest benefit that the stnte of Oregon In general and Control Oregon In particular received front the'land ahowg was In dispelling the Impression that prevails throughout tun Bast that Oregon had no lands to offer the prospective aettler ex cept high priced fruit lands. Tha quality of the gralna and grasses shown In the exhibits demonstrated that Oregon not only ranka Brat In the quality of Its fruit products but that she U destined to bo a strong competitor for honors In gralna and sjrassoa. The class of aottle thatr e must look to for tho settlement of thn Cenral Oregon country Is not the type to wh'ch fruit Und literature will make nn appeal. It It capable of proof that the same amount nt ! money Invested In the production of I livestock will brltiR greater returns I than It will If Invested In tho bestl fruit land that I ex out of doors, J W hove In Central Oregon every condition that goes to tho proiucMon nf high class meat and dairy products and wo should dovoto more tlmo and energy to tha exploiting of thla branch of our nglrculture. People Don't Know. Another Important lesson as a re sult of attendance upon the land shows was tho fact that the great majority of thu (a-vplo who nro look ing for homes In the Northwest aro entirely unfamiliar with conditions as they exist. This makes It Imper ative that wo devote inoro of our en. ergy to the taking caro of the settlor after lie reaches us. Tho facfthat wo wern making an endeavor to es tablish demonsttatlon farms In every community to which tho now asttlcr can go and get reliable Information ns to tho beet methods and best crops waa a very telling arnument with all of tho prospective settler to whom the writer talked. Central Oregon has demonstrated that profitable agricultural crops can be produced and II 'e now demon strate that wc are ready and willing to do all In our power to assist the new settler to gel started when he comes, complete settlement of Cent ral Oregon will be accomplished In a very short space of time. The keen Interest that was shown by tho visitors at Loth tho Mlnnoap oU and Chicago showg In tho Cen tral Oregon country and the fact that many of the largo colonltstlon com. pantes are now Investigating the pos sibilities of thla section aeem to In dicate that we will have a larger In flux of aettlers next year than we have had before. Over 70,000 attended the Minne apolis show and over ,250, 000 visited the Chicago show. The land ahowa have lost much of the novelty that attracted visitors In previous years and from now on tho attendance will be made up largely of peo?! Inter ested In tho back to (he farm move ment The personal contact that Is pidilb'e at Mich place at the land fhowa Is the most nffcctlvo kind of publicity. It is to be hoped that or eryono Interested In the development of Central Oregon will make It u liotnt to sec that this section Is prop erly represented nt the land ahowa illicit will bo held next year. iH tapgaMBBSHBjBBnBsgsjaa f FHkflgsBsBsBv aBsH1 stlflVglbBaHkBBLlBBSs4BsBKlAkgSkJ IH IPwBhS .vSiB' j jjiaWPggggKkT1 gaM' HgggBtfialsfciliBiaiaM SlffiHiiB bbsMa aHalHBBlBafiU'H lawifBBHBBH jSffifa jjLftVMWff v HwBPMBbBs cH HiKBE?.asWflBiKH Psi mBHBMbVsW 't it V3Kxlmkx iiuersiiTgtf' HM HlflHHHBftuflHTj HHHitt TBI BBaLBlBLaBBBBTBBBBV 1 sWaffPPE rtTv!1 IlyK fWTti i nfli JtJfEiBsaaaB H W HuEwitfKBElBxsM&i&& SbPilB ' tlaaaBrTHBBtWTwtH 'iHf ' 5f5?T'ivSBilB' rjuKJttX ' jBrV ' -' ?" ' 'TPgaaaH HgSSe W v U.t - 0lp6HBBBWlFtknBlB?i' m v'W-lrjBgaM3EWL2. - ' wy sCHteaBBgaBsl IMIt.M MJAXH. I am negotlatlnR with a large cor Itoratioii with ample funds to enter thla district and niako farm mort Kgo loans and dealro to secure a few good applications to submit for con sideration. If you desire a loan call and see me. 11088 KARNIIAM Attorney at I.aw, Old 1st Nat. Dank Did. Ilend, Ore. UKHTOKATION TO K.VTltV OK ja.VDS IN NATIONAI, l-'OKKST. t Notice Is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing: 393.86 acres, within tho Deschutes National Forest, Oregon, will be subject to set tlement and entry under the provis ions of the homestead lawn of tho United States and the act of June 11. 1906 (34 Stat.. 333). at tho United States land office at Lakevlew, Ore gon, on March A, 1913. Any settler who waa actually and In good faith claiming any Of said landa for agri cultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, haa a preference rlebt to make a homestead entry for the landa ac tually occupied. Bald landa were Hated upon the applications of the persona mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such aettler, provided such settler or applicant Is qualified to make homestead entry and the preference right la exercised prior to March i, 1913, on which date the landa will be aubject to settlement and entry by any qualified person. The landa aro aa followa;The NWU of NBVt. the SH or NKH of NWU. the 84 of NWU of NBU of NWU. the NBU of NWU of NBU of NWU. tho NBU of NBU of NWU. Sec. 2t. tho SK of SWU of SEU. the 8V4 of NBU of SVl of SBU. 'the Wtt of SBU of SBU. tho W'V. of BU of SBU of 8EU. tho SBU of NBU of SBU of SBU. tho E',i ot ai.y or shh or hku. sec. 1J, T. 34 a., it, k., w. .m., no ncrea ap. l-iicaiioii oi jninen i tieuson, cr I i i 'no. Oregon; Ust C-731. Tho BVi of NBU of SBU. the SWU of NBU of SBU. tho SBU of NWU of NEU of SBU. &BU of SEU. tho SBU of SWU or 8BU, tho SBU of NBU of SWU or 8BU. Sec. 11, T. 21 8.. R. 10 B.. 85 acres, application ot Her- oert J. Kiuiey, ot Ilalhart, Texas; Selling: Agents for Aubrey Heights The most beautiful resi dence property in Bend. Only H to 8 blocks from business center on easy terms. - j Fire, Accident and Liability Insurance. Surety Bonds. All classes of Real Estate. J. A. EASTES Oregon Street. OREGON AT THE NORTHWEST PRODUCTS EXPOSITION I Tha itate of Oregon was fully repro tented at tht Northwest Products Exposi tion by the tlnest collections of fruits, grains, grsaics and vegetables that tha ttate has ever sent Ksit to an Industrial and agricultural tkow.laTcUrif of the booths were Messrs. O. B, Freytag ot Oregon City, J. B. Sawhlll of Hotvl, and M. J. Duryea of Bugene, Oregon, . AH three gentlemen wero prominent speakers at banquets given by tha Min neapolU Olvlo-mnd Commerce Association. during tha course of the land show. Thousands of booklets, leaflets and fold era ot handsome appearanco were dis tributed, to the land seekers who crowded tbe.hqw.(luriiuj tha entire two vreeka.. L Roofing- of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY T1NNINQ AND, Furna.ce Contractor . Guttering, Spouting, Cornice and Skylights. Every Day in the Year Through Train to Portland LEAVES BEND 0:30 A. M. ARRIVES PORTLAND 5:30 P. M. j&ZcmK flnrnniiTriiiiii ihl ffinrrltnxil iUrlvIIM lUIlllii HV vlWiirlisMVOsRLUUii IliUlill I mli SaTjf'lMiOJis CENTRAL ORCi LINE DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR LIMITED TRAINS TO Seattle TocofM Sjtokaae Mirtneafolk St. Paul Chicago Denver Omaha St. Loris K&utsacCky AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, via the North Bank Road, Northern Pacific and Great Northern Rail ways. Fares, schedules and details supplied on request. W. E. COMAN, J. H. CORBETT Gen. FrU & Pass. Agt. Agent, Bend. MmMmmmmmmmmmmimmmftmmmM S sh The Bend Bulletin, Bend, Ore.- . Gentlemen: -. . " r a Please discontinue our'advertiae ment for the present. Wo are receiv ing more orders than ve can fill, and want to catch up before ve go after more Very truly yours, BEND MILLING & WAREHOUSE CO. C. I. Bozell, Ugr. i ' ' '". I'fftl'lA 2 In Under New Management THE PILOT BUTTE INN -.' BEND'S'LEADINQ HOTEL Is now in charge of J. F. Taggart First Class Service and the Comfort of Guests; -is Our Motto. FREE .AUTO Between Hotel and Depot. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE liqht' and heavy livery. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY IIVERV C Bend, Oregon. LON L. FOXl J. Hi WENANDY I ' t s S S !