tiik iikni nvhums, iimnd, wkd.mkhday, januauv h, ion. MOB 7. Mannheimer's January Clear ance and White Goods Sale! Starting Thursday, Jan. 9, and Ending Saturday, Jan. 25 A Notable Event which Means a Great Saving to Everyone. Some of the Reductions are Listed Below. t 1913 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. 4.1 in. Swiss Flouiuinjjs nt .. $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 yd. 27 in. Swiss Klouncinjjs ut 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c yd. CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES. We challenge the equal of these values. 2 to H in. Editings nd Insertions 5c yd. l to 4 in. Ed(iiiKS and Insertions 7jc yd. 4 to (J in. Edgings and Insertions 10c yd. !i to 8 in. Edgs.and Insrtns. 12;-J 5c yd. 18 in. Edgings and Insertion? 20c yd. Linen Torchon Laces, during this Sale 7Jc, 10c, 12c, 15c, 25c Ecru Mercerized Laces, during Sale at . 5c, 7;c, 10c, 12Ic Hurleigh Long Cloth, this Sale 16c yd. 50 Doz. Canvas Gloves Knit Wrists While they last oJF V PER PAIR. J Simpson Full Count Calico 5c Per Yard Men's Neckwear Values to 50c at 25c Men's Underwear Herklcy Cwnlirie, (or this Sale 13c yd.' n , A - Linwcave Lawns I2;c, 15c, I7:c, 20c;Cotton ileeced, garment 45c Blankets on Sale Gray, white, tan specially priced 75c, 95c, $1.15, $1.35, and $1.85 PILLOW SLIPS AND SHEETS. Our Special Cases, 42x00, 15c 11 value, at SryS' Our Special Sheets, 81x0, nt 71c Mohawk Cases, 42x30, at 18c Mohawk Sheets. 81x90, at 83c Pequot Cases, 42x80, at 21c Pequot Sheets, 81x00, at 95c Turkish and Huck Towels, during Sale, at 10c, 12Jc 15c, 20c, 23c 1 Special Prices on Curtain Goods, Scrims, Table Damasks. REPPERELL SHEETING 9-4, bleached or unbleached, special for this Sale, at... 26c 1 0-4 bleached or unbleached during this Sale only 38c Hundreds o f Bargains all over the store. Men's Flannel Shirts, Sweaters, Work Shoes, Waists, Furs, Ladies' and Children's Coats, sharply reduced to effect an immediate clearanca before inventory. MANNHEIMER. BROTHERS THE DEPENDON STORE. LSI Fffl LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. J. I. Keyes expects to leave Friday for a short vUlt to Brattle. Tfco Kveu.lng Five Hundred Chili will mrei Willi Mrs. W. W. Faulk tier tonight. The tfuhscrlptloa Oauclnx Club will hold a dance at Bather's hall Bslur day night. lra. J. i:. Bawhlll Rave at her tinmo Rsturday nlsht an Informal tmrn dance, followed by supper party. Dr. and Mra. F. II. Thompson have returned from Hnlnu. Mra. Thomp son's mother returned with her for u vlilt hero. Mra. F K. Martln'a alitor. Mlia Winifred Hcolt, of San Francisco, la visiting the Martina, and wilt remain probably a month or more. Paul K. I'eloraon returned Mon day night from bis old home at Frl day IUrlor, Waab., where he went to attend the wedding of hU aliter, Mlaa Annie I'etcraon. The part of tho bin electric a I en o! The Ilend Company advertising light and power h.ia beei taken down and will be put up bv the now light cone pany at Ita onlco. H CyiV l7 JJLitbVI ttuQQQQQQ AjyV" L IV jp J) car CI my Qtt of tait uear JM vent ifiAouoi without uA- ixishina uiy h6me,'Lut jm yoina to ay 'this: a? owe duy to mu chitdten, to a ivc them a nicety uA I niihed home, and of do feet aihamed when J,tUndl come in, 4 !' I athavcJuAt Lccn toakina at iame ntu uAn. K.iuAe. o7iey took io attractive to.'mc thattttoUf.h't Aot of new . thina ana oracrta tnem enx. ro-A. - ' Siirt my tove to UoL and kiii the kCSffllci'tai e, ( r - - : nt QtwauA iouAririct(, "P, S.xJafmoit fofiaot to telt yov of louah,nf ,,.,,..--.--,. . au- . 5" U.vl . ) " ' . ' ' .WHdre'Yoiir Dollar Dooa Its Duty. ' . l.loyd McOIII or 8prlngfleld, Ore.. hai accepted a Kltlou with the Oft I riiariuary an phartnncliU He la an O. A. C. man where ho wai a fraternity chum of Joe McKay. Mlia Alice lllack of noieburx li expected thla week to vlilt her all ten. MIm rrle lllack and Mra. W. .. Faulkner. She will be accom. panted by her kfrlend, Mlia I.uty Drldfici. It la reported here that Dr. 'II. Fer- rell. who went Kut recently on a vlilt to his old home, waa iharrled at Cartervllle, III., on January :. I'artlcuUra of the event have not been received. Fletcher Kdward. ho ha n dry Unit homeitend eight miles aouth. oait of Heud. Is eiithualaitlc concern lug the' poMinilltlci of fl.x railing, having had Hplcndld muccom with ex orlmenta with thla crop. Tho llnptlit Woman's MUslonary and Social Union will meet with Mrs. J. II. Miner next Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 2:20 p. in. Subject, "A vlilt to Our Asiatic Mlu.iuv" leader, Mrs. U. D. Ketehum. All friends are weloomo. The contest or J. II. Miner against Mrs. Carrie IC. Swafford oC.l.aldlaw, Invnlvlnff hnr IArtrr crnllll tlf lltO acres near l.aldlaw, has been decid ed by the land office la fuvor fif (Mr, Xtluer. Testimony In the case 'waa taken here beforo Commissioner Ki lls recently. The fv Oreaon Almanac. nublUhetl y the state, has been Usued nd,pri sons desiring copies sent to Kaitern friends should forward the adde.ses to C C. Chapman, Immigration. iiKent, at Cortland, and he will give them lit tentlon If mention Is made or the fact that thla notice was aeen In The liiiiii.iiin It. H. Oould. who returned Satur dA from Kwtttle, U establishing his office In tho quarters ronuerly oc cupied by the First National mini. It. E. Koon will have a desk In the office and tho back room, facing Ohio sticet, w 111 I occupied by the South Portland Crushed Hock Co., the sow- er contractors. Vrnnk Perclv.il was In Uend ev. eral dnri last week. A party of Knoudltes had a breakdown noar hl Homestead unit Mr. rorcivai nitcnea his team to the auto and brought It to town. He reported snow three feet doen In ulnccs. Returning to Ills Home, ho hud to walk, using his ttoroed wuu wiucn vo pacg leeu. . .. ,. ,' SS.HjjJ. i French has! tAkVn a ttiaao on UfeTsouth Itairorthv. Satljer store fooniand will niove Into these excel lent quarters In a short time. A par tition win ne put in, k. a. auuer oc cupying the north half of the ground ioor with his store. He moved hla itpek last week from the building ho taa jieen occupying on the adjollns !i:jm&4LM CONGRESS WILL SIDER G, S. ON SETTLERS ASSOCI ATION FORMED Plan Contemplating Active Manage ment of the KeKrruntlon i,j Settler mill Financial Aid From Ntutc Seeuift to IIjvc Support. Ono of the most Important matters that will be coukldercd by the Irri gation congress that convenes In Portlaud tomorrow will Ik the affairs or the Columbia Southern irrlgatln segregation, adjacent to ltldlaw. J. K. Sawhtll, secretary to the Central Qrfgon Dereloimient League, and V. A. Forbes; lien'd's ' Representative In theLegislaotiire. will address, the congress on, this topic, and J. N. U. Cerklng, with perhaps another Laid law tuau, will bq ,u attendauce. ThV plan ""thAt ' w.lp be Ured by bawhlll and Fobe Is, essentially, tnat whjch ya oijUlned In. las, week llulletln, which n'oa been ap proved by the settlors, on theitgre g'allou. ' t llrlefly, the plan. contemplates the forluatluii of an "in .gallon dlstrlot," meaning that tho settlors themselves tre to handle aggregation affairs and complete construction. An effort will be mado to rfet tlnauclal back ing by the loan of state funds. I.ands that can bo Irrigated other than those already poasetssltig' adjudicated wa ter rights, are to be thrown open to settlement under the public land aus. giving contrnctholdera prefer ence rights lu acqulrlug thorn.. Corporation Is Formed. Last week a settlers' association was organlxed at -l.aldlaw and appli cation made for Incorporation, with a capltul etock of 13000. The shares aie to be or ISO, any owner or 40 acres or lesa bejug entitled to one share, but no one, to bo Allowed to own more than two sharea.' The, association plani (o ask the lahd 'board to' turn "the lesrexutlan nxor lQt.lt, arvtuUeau 'ltythe Katt contract having been abandoaetl a" few days ago. The association con templates changing the locution of tho present heudgate and the partial reconstruction of the main canal, It being alleged that there la a waste or about 20 per ceut or the water .C4rrluJ,i'aBdttuaUtUUkwtt4tcv.xa'uV4K cut In half. Outlook N PromLInjc. There Is every Indication that the proposal for. the formation of the Ir rigation district will be met with fa vor by the Governor, legislature and land board, and It also Is probable that a scheme whereby state funds may be loaned for the financing of the project will be consummated. However, should such a scheme rail or a feasible alternative, agreeable to the men on the ground, not be forthcoming. It la Mr. Forbes' Idea to urge that the entire segregation be cancelled, and all unoccupied land be thrown open to settlement. Much or Interest la expected to come up In connection with this mat ter, at the Irrigation congress, and The Bulletin has arranged to have a special report ot the proceedings, which will be published next week. BRINES BDET0 BEMO W. V. McCabtoa's Wife, a Tennessee, Girl, Like Central Oregon. W. C. McCuliton returned from Portland Sunday, bringing nut bride, who was Miss Vivian Yoakum of Memphis. Teon., whom he married at a pretty church wedding In Portland a week ago Sunday. The couple will lire for the present In the house for merly occupied by "Mac" In Park ad dition, and later will build an at tractive bungalow. "Does Mrs. McCulaton like Uend?" said the groom yesterday when asked how llend compared with sunny Ten nessee. "Well. Indeed she does. She says It's the prettiest placo she's ever seen, and Is delighted with it." Mr. and Mrs. McCulston spent tea days In Portland .where they have many friends. 11 HELFi HARDWARE TCH5PgeCTADj r'fs I COAT i swats 1 Hooks ez LOCKS 1 IA?H Iwitj Itacks IjcrwjI H AC J J pzz. Ujsr SftgM i- TV tf HOOKS LOCKS U'g; " '"'" ' iinni y jUagr ! I 1111 I tSi. NA1L.S 1 WE HAVE EVERY THING YOUWANT HARlWARE! WE COULDN'T TELL YOU IN A WEEK EVERY ARTICLE WE HAVE IN OUR STORE. REMEMBER JUST THISi IF ITS HARDWARE TV' mVt; 1T. WE Gr$E FULL WEIGHT. STULL MEASURE AND A FAIR PRICE. . . s s ? A I WE WANTTSEE YOU IN OU vTOXE MORE THAN LwSkuse.Hardwore Company