The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 08, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    TAQR .
gaK.g.Miir.1 .",f
cables. Sororal months ago tho In
stallation of wow tfolen and other
much needed local Improvements
worts announced, but never material
Ited. r.
-i1mliittrntlon U Applauded nntl
IIiuiH For W.r Arc IMctioil
Social l'untutcs SujxboMwI to
Increase lntcivt In 'Oluli.
That tUere Is a lively fcml autfstun'
tlat ttttorot Ih the Commercial Club
was evidenced Thursday night when
more than 40 men turned out, elect
ing officer (or the ensuing year and
taking part In a meeting that was
notable for Its solid Interest and
Jack of "froth" and wlndlmtw.
The present president, vice presi
dent, secretary and treasurer, U. M.
l5tra, Clyde McKny, II. V. Skuse and
lti It, Gould, respectively, wore re
elected, after the meeting had gone
on record heartily endorsing their
.good work (or tho year, Its greatest
Accomplishment being the liquidation
tot a debt of about $1000, placing tho
club almost debt free. J. V. Keyes,
3', S. Hudson and Ward Coble were
ccted directors.
Considerable discussion concerning
plans for tho year were Indulged In,
Anally resulting In the appointment
of a committee of three. Sawhlll, lat
tln and Putnam, to oraw up a sort of
platform of club activity, to be sub
mitted to tho club for approval.
While soma present urged tho
adoption of a more strenuous cam
paign. It seemed the general opinion
especially among the oMlccrs that for
u short ttrao at least the quiet and In
expensive work of caring for corre
spondence (1800 letters were nn
avwered last year) should continue
until larger (dans can be formulated
and the money to nuance them can be
assured before It is attempted to
jdace them in execution. The offi
cers are united oposltlon to any
onlnrgemont of activity that will
again put the organization Into debt.
Make Social Feature.
A plan to Increase opular Interest
in the club which nwt with consider
able favor Is that of giving more at-.
teutloo to Its social features. It Is
Second Occurrence of TliU Kind on
the Arnold t'niml.
Another wnVfiv on the Arnold lr
r'gutlnu cnual occurred last Thurs
day, about midway between the Des
chutes river canyon flume- and the
alretrh of Hume put In In tho summer
of i'JlJ. when the "bottom dropped
out" of the canal for rotno distance.
The onve-ln last vrt"k had been ex
acted by tho officials of the company.
there- being a cave under the cnual
at Uit polut. It la likely that the
entire tract will be Hum! ho fa to
prevent nnf further mishaps of this
tnd. The work will bo done In tho
spring as ta an wtMther permits. It
Wing Impractical to dudertuko the.
Job now.
. For Sale.
Urome tufkeys for sale by Mrs. S.
A. Putt, llend. It. K. 0. 4I-1&P
FOIt SAI.B 160-acre relinquish
ment, with ICO ndjolnlug; nl.o other
choice locations. Address 1'. C.
caro llutlctln. VAt
FOR SAI.K 40 acrca of choice Ir
rigated land southeast of llend, eith
er improved or unimproved. Price
and terms attractive. Also water
right to SS acres under tho North
Lateral Irrigation Co. Ed Halvor
son. 3"tf
FOR SALE Motorcycle, or will
trado for horses or cattle. H. P
Smith. Mend SStl
40 ACRES, 7 miles east of Uend.
20 acres under cultivation, 4 -mom
house, barn,, water right and deed,
for sale reasonable, or to trado for
Uend houto and lot. Address Ilox
159. Uend. 4 4-7p
H ACRES, 0 mils south of Port
land, on Oregon Electric, buildings
and Improvements; will sell or trade
for llend property. Address Hot 1SU
llend. 4 i-7p
FOR SAI.K My owner, good re
linquishment. lfiO acres; two miles' to
railroad station: partly Improved;
water on place. No real estate man
need answer. Inquire "Oniiir," ut
llullettu oBlce. 4 In
For 1 1 cut.
FOR KENT Furn'ahed cottage of
four rooms; modern, having electric
proposed to have a club room, possl. "" " oie' ,cl" ' ?"'lJ.v JH.
J.u. ....! .... with n wvM a.t location; postesslon can lws given at
with ,M.r,mi.i rhni. n,r.. it If desired. Inquire at Uullotlu
... . .. . ..... ...-- I. 'oBlce.
ing uenevea luni uio iiuan lutumo
from the operation of the equipment
could be made to care for Janitor ex
pense. With the small membership
fee of I2.G0 and the dues of but $1
a, month, it is expected that such fea
ture would bring many men into tho
Among tho recommendations that
will be made by the committee are
the following:
"We believe that the activities of
the club should be devoted chiefly to
the location of more people on the
farms that are tributary to Rend, to
the betterment ot the conditions of
those farmers who are already lo
cated, toward the establishment of
llend as a distributing center, and to.
ward getting manufacturing enter
prises to locate In the town. The
Commercial Club of Uend should also
take an Initiative and active Interest
in all the broader questions of devel
opment that have to deal with the
Central Oregon country.
"We would further suggest that
.nil moneys received from members
for dues be used exclusively In the
payment of the fixed operating
charges of the club such as manager's
inalary, rent, light, heat, postage, etc.,
lund that it It Is thought advisable by J
;ine uoara or directors 10 ao any spec
'lal advertising work, that the inbney
ffor such purposes be raised by dona.
'Hon and placed In a special promo
tion fund, the expenditure of this
special fund to be under the super
vision and direction of a committee
iippolrul from tho subscribers to
auch fund.
"The committee further advises
special attention to these matters;
'hotter roads noar Uend; Pacific High
Wray locatiou; increase of demonstra
tion farm work,"
'Twenty Men Working, Completing
Concrete Flume and Excavation.
Work on the new power house of
the I). W. I-. & P. Co. Is making rap-
Id progress despite the cold weather,
and Foreman M. J. Dunlelson is keep
ing about 20 meu at work, and ex
pects to add to the number as soon
an complete plans for the building
are received from the manager, K.
US. Sillier, now In Chicago. This is
expected to be this week.
Already the concrete flume, 100
Ifeet In length and 18 feet wide, has
Jieen completed, some 300 cubic
vatds of concrete being laid. Much
of the excavation for the new con
crete building also bast been done.
lly the use of steam pipes difficulties
'with freezlujV have "been minimized
The Pioneer- Telephone Company
Vjll Immediately put In u number of
hew joles va Wall and other princi
pal streets, says Manager Pope, and
yesterday. George 8. Young did some
engineering work preliminary to
their placing. The present wires on
FOR RENT Good pasture. Tele
phone or call on Dr. P. II. Dencer. Otf
FOR KENT Improved Irrigated
land in Powell Hutte district. - Apply
to G. A. McFarlane, Redmond, Ore
gon. 43tf
FOR RENT Ten-acre Irrigated
tract near town, with bouse, out
houses, etc. Enquire at First Nat
ional Uank. 29tf.
FOR RENT Sir rooms second
floor of my new stone building on
Walt street, steam heated; will rent
singly or entirely. J. il. Uean. 30tf
TO LET Four comfortable rooms
centrally situated, with light and
water. Very reasonable. Inquire
Bulletin omce. tf.
Lost week wo told youobout our ninth rogular sale This wcok wo will quoto a few prices to you;-
Special in Blankets and Comforters
Silkoline covered comforters, silk bonier, wool filled. Regular $0,80, Special $4.09
,. i' Silkoline covered, sivtcen border, mixed filling, llujruliu SI M), Special 3.48
i Silkoline covered comforter with fancy pattern, Regular SH.fll), Special 2.68
, Fancy plaid blanket, all wool, silk binding, full ii'.e. Regular $7.80, Special 5.48
An all wool blanket, full size, fancy border, Regular 81.73, Special -. 3.78
Large size- cotton blankets in fancy colors, exceptional value, Regular 8-.00, Special , 1.59
Wluie cotton blanket, (Hx70. Regular SI.!!.?, Special , 1.19
Cotton blankets in tan and white, Regular 81. '-3. Special 1.13
Flannel Shirts.
$1.73 Values, Special
12.30 Values, Special
Jl.00 Values, Special
JJ.50 Values, Special.
1.30 Values, Special
Hats and Caps.
$:U0 Values, Special $2.4fl
2.73 Values, Special . .
2.00 Values, Special .
1.73 Caps, Special
1.23 Caps, Special
1.00 Caps, Special
Heavy Wool Sox
00o Values, Special , . 52c
83c Values, Special ..'..- 48c
80c Values, Special 44c
10c Values, Special 32c
H3c Values, Special . 29c
A few left in
Chinchillas, Coverts, Zebelino, See Them
Remember we give JJ&C Green Trading Stamps pSS
on all cash purchases. This is a strictly spot cash sale. Positively no goods
charged at sale prices. All mail ordciN promptly filled.
The Store of Better Values"
WANTED y woman with Blrl 8
years old, ixsltlon as housekeeper.
Mrs. Nellie Evans, Redmond, Ore. 4p
WANTED Relinquishment from
owner. In Powell Unite, I,aldlaw,
Deschutes .or-Tfrrebonno districts,
reasonably. Address N, care Bulle
tin. -' c 43-C
For Sale or Trade,
. TO TKADE-rSEli aWWHei H.
T. 17 8.. R. 13 E. 33 Irrigable acres.
Water rlsht fully paid. Will trade
for property elsewhere, preferably
Western Washington. E. I Spencer,
1321 Cth Ave:, Tacoma Wash. 4lp
- '-T 'tr fix-
-- f4-
M. U. Coe will hnve cut (lowers
for sale at Mrs. Herring's Saturday.
Mrs. Nellie Wrlicht returned Idft
night from Portland where she had
been visiting friends.
The Sunday Oregunlan contained
two excellent pictures of the new
First National Hank building.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ilrlnkley hate
gone to housekeeping In the bungs
iiv formerly occupied by the Oyer,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Ewlng Martin,
Miss Scott, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Skuse
and Ward H. Coble spent the week
end at the Stanley ranch.
Work on the Presbyterian church
has len delayed somewhat, the very
cold weather making II tinadvlajble
to finlih up tho plastering.
There wilt bo n meeting of tho
Presbyterian choir and orchestra on
Thursday at 7:30 p. in. at Mrs. Lu
cas' home. Mnrlon Wlest, leader.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stunts return
ed Saturday night from Portland
where they had been for it month,
Mra. Slants receiving medical treat
ment. The., Afternoon I'lvo Hundred Club
.was entertained last Thursday by
,Mrs,..j; Edward 1-nrson. Tho host
ess for the next meeting will be Mrs.
C. H. Corkctt.
John Steldl left this morning on.n
trip East, which will Include a visit
to his parents In Minnesota
rIro spend n few ttrcka nt Hot
Springs, Ark., taking the baths for
coiigive pi ore time
and attention to the
t individual sitting and
to group work. Step J
I in and see samples of t
aiii- wnrtf nnrl ttn t
WW. .WW. X..X ...w
I tasty mountings on
? display.
View Work
Elite Studio
"Tale Of
Two Cities"
A Three-Reel Feature
Film Reproducing ,
Pickens' Absorb
ing Novel at the
Miss Corn Sather gave a danro on
Saturday evening In .Satlirr's Hall In
honor of her brother John. There
was a large number of guests and an
enjoyable evening was spent. Krappe
was served.
Tho young men and women home
from college for the holidays return
ed Saturday and Sunday, except Miss
Angle Young, who did not go bJck
to the 1'nlverslty of Oregon for the
spring term.
The Presbyterian Ladles' Guild
met Friday afternoon with Mra. A.
I,. French. Considering tho Incletn.
out day .there waa a larg attend
ance. The next meeting' will be with
Mrs. O. C. HenklH Wednesday after
noon. February 5.
Tho Hod and Gun Club shoot on
Ho will New Years day was very siirceMfiil
One turkey miis put up. Iteing won
it) .M. J. Main, who rutin tied It to
the club to be shot fur agnli. Regu
lar shoots v bo held by tho club
members as often us thn weather Is
Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Todd and chil
dren, Miss l-cla McKay and C. O.
Seward walked down river to the Ri
ley ranch Sunday morning, taking a
number of pictures as thny went.
They arrived at their destination In
time for a dinner of fresh pork, W.
I), McRay. who lives on the ranch,
having butchered two largo hogs the
day before.
li, I.. Fox was In Prlnevllle sever
al days last week winding up his af
fairs as deputy sheriff undxr Hal
four, who has retired. Mr. Fox re
turned Saturday night. He said the
local position, for which he was not
a candidate fur reappointment, was
being sought by I". itivn Frank El.
klus, the new hnnrf. ha not H an
nounced his np-xtlnte.
Illshop Robert It. Paddock of thn
hpl-ico-Ml church oamu hi- Saturday
night mid conducted services Sua.
Uy, Dr. (lorby turning over the usu
al Presbyterian service at the Star
Theatre to tho visitor. The blshop'a
sermon took "religion" for Its topic,
and chiefly concerned the simplicity
of It. Sunday evening he Ireachml
at 1-aldlaw to a large congregation
Howard V. Dyer, husband of Kusha
A ,Dyor who died last wek, bis an
Interesting document which ws th
property of his wife. This is a grant
from the United States to her grand
father, Jesso Osborn, made In 1831
and signed by Andrew Jsckson as
President, dredlng 1C0 acres In Hen
dricks count), Indiana
Star Theatre
Tlftrsday, and Friday
First Show Starts at 7:45
-I .. $ N 1 ifff J Jt jr wuarwM 1
rrt- "a i-VY-v-t SV. v - H.TSMinu
fly " I tW' 1 "KW? WHtr,tmn
I h8J Yjaj',,r P v JS"- which rvmrs
I OU OUOlllU GCC Ivfl 7II1C Hon. n4 rock. U ll, h., ,r,,gf, ,n. t,t,ntH, ,),nUlI, J ,','r
irro.indlng.tiecowtinouiiUln.rtfullouiMUlHf,n.Ur. M Ju.t lh pUc
can Ix purchiwd it j4 oo xr icrt on ey ttrnn. The iu
fn, . ..vsllnn IH VIM, I. nnlw .lilill ( wl Vn.r, ftM l.til
............ ........-., .. ,.........,, ..., .,..,.., ,,.,..,, ,. ,,.. . iiiinuni ay.itin, IHQ (itntl hoHI, loo til ..i.,.i
oitrchanillMUrc, a OntcUHliocry sudlcnl UIlt, an txcttlcnl nwtpapcrlhc f. I'liif ntr Haunt. In) on r ik. ...... . """ I
co...inarcUt cluU In tit Ulr -auU Ihl. club, by Ihr way, haa II. own pioucf ly inrt lhj Jjiil twttinAihhJoHtnuihSS WV1"
Thcr-llhrraitiall aaw milKlo Ihtticlnlly'ofU fiuc. whl.h Uju.l lhlislouliigoVlhtt"MnilKlni "nTOlUB. 'huaiuill l'".1' hWV
Unn here, Theft are 100.I epenloaa In tnanuructuilns aud other 6u.lnM llnca here. In e.tuca Uoual nuturi 1 1 ' 5 Wnf I. .! .?. 't1 w!"J
a Unacrc Kh.wt park b. the heart of the Uoii. and now leachea up In the twellth sra'te. A Calho ie chuKh ,-?!,TMT,,..,Lh
lhl.prln.auilolherhurcbeearepUniiIiltor.ubll.hllieni.le.. Lt Hue lui over IlabUi ttil ?ie ho,--'' b,'1,l here
Qwnehi b.TtXience4 to de.op; an4.wbll.Upe would build a sl alud cil0 The bla ami SfO Uhff r.hUi2K i JJ,.r..rh,tB ,h
aloaa UIJ and n-ainulif . wJ siFed-hy , The vl liaeUofl.rnWr trlbuury lta flat ii"l5 stoat buU.I V S.i "Z.lJi fi?.1 'Wr,?"
coming of the two tug railroad eyitiut to l.a fine, which will be toon, development In and around li PlS. JiiVi- ..if'. V,h h
cm be reaehrd via Of.Wi ii. r , O, W.R AN.andU H. Mye. Yoii can atake money by "luylsg proWriv fl-V wiL . ffP1,1, u '"
railrude. Olhera are doing ft, wby not VOUI , WAKK OH lojht fw'llul a aolid. Wen'loVitrVwwJ Tla one oj 'ihe iiw..i' .ufi' i "." of,U,
of the Norlhwl 1 bound to grow rapidly and that properly .values vlllcllwb aajordlnaly. Vrlee. now from l 0.1 u! ThlJ-;,.t .tt,l"n
roil a few dollar per month on each tot You. don't uIm the money, but you toon nciut(e,iluebf propeuy; Vrlle TodaJ- ir ' 1 '!'''
nrn.ui. a,.uf . whii guuu ug reiereucee, wanieu in ill paritortht U lilted Slain,
UAdmission rrl5c and-l
i iiT-si t m msxssoisii wsf