The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 08, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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tiji; iKjtn nvhWTW "BM. wkuskhday, janimhv w, mi??
I '
One Old Man Supports Family
of Five on Llltlo Patch.
Tht Cut of Charltt Dllgtr, On Arm
d and Povirty Btrlcltsn, n Example
of What Thlt Form of Charily Will
Do For th City.
la tncnnt lot Knrdriiliiir irontnlilJ
I'rnctlchl cxpurU'iicu lina shown with
cut n doubt tlint tills la n real charity,
Helping other to help thetnaclve I
ono of th lett movement ever In
augurated In tbl cuiititrjr. "or firteyn
unisons tiivn and women, aged. Ill or
, 4lout of work, hate the wolf from
v tli iliKir by tiothltiix nior tlian a llttlo
i jilot of ground tlint would otlwrwlne
1 tmrtf gone to wnatn.
llgurci euk for themselves. Tli
fnct ground nllolliil by the I'hlhi
dflpliln Vnmiit Ut Cultivation in
Hficliittmi netted nbout $.".. I CM) to 412
fuuilllca iltirlmt tht iiiKt seimon lmws
llmt thu work U xuirlli while. Accord
I UK In Jaine II I lit. the uerlnlcnd
rut. mid Cburle Horn, til assistant.
l!ig n'ta3aW Ms3 PKW1
Wlo. f&RSBBBVSjra
ELHHku jMWWaiflaliiiii
Kj!.aafc.'- VirL4aV. XWir2 J
aaJlLnaT laj'f MKKMLmi
a YtciNT vnt annum.
tbe avernpe pnitlt to n family amount
to ahout I.V). S4HII bate IM tlion
iiiln, but oilier bnre tW and eriQ
more at the cloe of tbe etuon. A few
ran atipply tbrlr own table with m
tnbleo und Mill be KiO lo tbe eood,
One man at leant linn Hupiorted n
family of tire mi hi little patch, and
When he Drat took chnrKu of the irnr
den he didn't know a Ihtmt nboiit the
work He U Churleo linger, old and
nne nrmed. of I'hlliidvlphln. Ill ituf
den l nt WyntienVId
HIlBer Niicteedrd IhrollBli pemerer
ancv. I.tery imiriiliiK lietwceii April
ImI 8eplellller he etitlld lie round Ht
bin miniature fHrm aUiut n o'clixk In
tbe moniluK. and be kept tultlnc cutitlji
nally until ft o'clurk lu the afternoon.
He tin a little nhiiuty on (be Krt'imdn.
and here be prvmtvd hi fxd and
atorrd til recelnbleH.
There I hardly iinytlilnu thn U In
enon lu tbe fecetable line Hint timid
not be found on llllcer) imleh. iud bo
in Juxtly proud of bin imp. Lnnt um
iuer he bnd Htalov. tonintoe. itiru,
string tieauN. Ilmu lieiiii. lettuie. puinp
Clim nnd cabbiiKe. DurttiK tbe bnneM
eaiou be needed tb iiBHlataucv of twb
men to bundle hi croi. Jt wn n fn
miliar lbt nt that time to iee llllccr
ylutf nlonit Ueorce'a hill pubtng with
(ili one hund hi wbeellmrroW plletl
(iiKb with eatables. Beveral tlmw tbe
prod in e wn hauled nwny by u bor
and wiiKon. llllKer I" ulrvndy known
(wr the line vecrtuble b produce and
Las no trouble lu uettluv cuMomera.
nrmliiK wo; a mystery to U(lfer all
yenrn ago. II lost hi a.rm In a ntiT
road aci'ldtnt jind bad dltflculty jn er
corlnjr employment Then thVeardtn
Jn offervd tp biro. Tbla ,bppd o
tep hltnaelf. bin Vtf. bis widowed
JuuKbtr and be r children. Tb frund
children assist In supporting tb rata
lly now.
Wnny otlier men (iaTf foqnd their cs
rnirleiir on tliee unrdcu to be beliV
fill. Heveml bhve obtnlned (Kwltlon In
the forentry reserve, while othew ImT
(ecu red furma of tbrlr own.
Thin outdoor work Ima nlno provel of
greiit beneOt to the iiutueroun mutbvrN
und children who huve been eneiified
In It for IickIiIch prorldliiK fresh vepo
tables fur the Inhle they Imve rei-elved
plenty of Kood exercise, wlilcli meuiM
Kood hviilih.
Town Doom Philosophy.
If you ure u kicker nud set the ahnil
pwa of fnllute lu everything thut I
propoMed to help the towu. for hvaven's
Mike go Into miro xecluded ciiuyon nud
kick your owu sbndilw ou tbe cluy
punk nnd give the men who nro work
lug to build up the town n chiiiue. One
nuif fiiced. hollow eved. wllllllnc. cnrt
lug chronic kicker cuu, do Kiqre to keep
tuvny builuesn nnd cnpltnl from a town
fijnn till the drnftri, abort crops, cblncb
biigx. cyclones nud bllxturd comblacd.
CWUIte Hull (111.) Resliter.
NiW York Chltf Asks Co-operation In
Mtduolno Conflagration.
Tlio fallowing npii'iil linn been acnt
out hy .liiHi'iiti .IoIiiihoii, flru coinuils
tinner of New York city
Flro In ii mitiiriil clement Even the
bent flro lighting form In tlio world la
n Cnnute, vnlnly romuiiindlrig It to
stop, wlivii once n eoiilliignitlun InWri
full swny ovit n city. Yet we miiihI
light It unceasingly mid cork to reduce
to n mere possibility the great, nil
destroying Ire. Every llro. however
amnll, la n potential cuiitlngrritlori.
Hlliro the beginning of tlio puld depiirt
incut In New York more tlinu GOOMIQ
Arc buve Ik'vii put out Our city still
atiinda, It stand liecuiisv of thr vIk
Intict). awlftncs and courage of our
Now let u together seek to reduce
tin iiwfo.1 loll of lire nnd property. It
rnn Ik dune hy enlightened (iirefiilneaa
In your penwiwl nnd Iiii1ihi hnblt.
Mere thoughtles-uic wltli matches,
clcnr nnd clgiircllf muwa enortuou
Iimc IM iia begin to trout the luntrb
tlimwer na w trent the herdlr uplt
ter. Dentil followa the cOUrae of each.
Join with im In our preventive ef
forta, nnd tench your children Hint fire
I not n plaything.
Coiiio, too, with the flro department
In I, rriiMfiitn uitilnuf tut Wiitlnrliun.
which seta one fire III four. Fight with
'u ilKiilimt Ins law whlrti permit In
aiimtKo roiiipiiulea to olTer nu Induce
tueiit to nrsou In the form of n policy.
NOTK'i: til-' fONTHHT.
Depnlmrent of tint Interior. Utiltnd
Htntc l.nnd omen, The Dnlle.
OreKon, Deciiilier i!.1, I ill 2.
To (JwirKO I). O'Nell, of llend, Oro-
Kfin, I'ontiHitee:
You nrii Imniliy uotllled that G, A.
IttitT. who kIt' core K. K. I'nrknr,
llotid. OreKon, na his pos(ollco ad
dress, did on Nov,' 23. 1013, fllu lu
this ofTlcu IiIn duly corrolxirntcd np
plication to contest and seuuru tho
cnucelliitlon of your homestead, en
try No ... Herlnl No. 07574,
Hindu Nov 14, 11M0, for V4. section
C, township 20, K., rniiKu 1C, I-:., WIN
Inuiiiltu Meridian, nnd as Krounds for
his contest ho alli'Kcs Hint said
(iiorKo D O'Nell ha never estnli
llshed resilience uKin said land, that
lie hits ti'ivcr cultivated or Improvod
thu snir.s
You nre, therefore, further noil
fled that the said allegations will bo
taken by this ottlco rs bovine been
contested l-y you, and your ald entry
w be cnuculvd thureuuder wltliout
your furthtr rliiht to be heard tharo
In, either before this office or on ap
peal, If you fall to file In this office
within twenty days after the
I Ol'llTII publication of this notice,
as shown Mow, your answer, under
cntli, specifically meeting and re
siHindltiK to these allegation of con
test or If you full within thai time to
fllu In this olllco due proof that you
' have served n copy of your answer on
ttho said contestant either In peroon
'or by registered mall. If this service,
la made by the delivery of a copy of
!our answer to the contestant Jn per
son, proof of such service' must b
'either the said coulestant'a written
acknowledgment of ills receipt of tho
copy, allowing the date of Its receipt,
or thu ntThlmlt of the person by
whom delhered; If made by register
ed mail, prouf of such service must
consist or t no nmunvu or trie person
hv whom the copy was mailed statiug
when and the postoRlcu to which It
w-fiN mailed, nnd tht ujtldalt must
'"U Bruotnpanlod bv the postmaster's
' rvcjjit fr tho letter. '
You sWild stale In your answer
the nme of (he postolilce to which
you desire future notices to 1e sent
to you.
I g. AV. MQQKH, Ituci.ter.
! Hate of first puuTlatnin. Jun. 1,
IS 13.
Date ol second publication Jan. 8,
' Date ot third publication. Jan. 15,
Date ot fourth publication, Jen. 22,
Department of the Interior, U. B,
Land Offlr at The. Dalle, Oregou,
IVrember 10th. 1912.
I N'it'ce I hereby given that Nells
i Audvrsuu of llend, Oregon, who on
'January Mb, 1009, made desert land
'entry No. 02181, ror NBUNBU. ec.
21, nnd W'&NWU, section 22, town
ship 17 south, range 12 east, Willam
ette Murldluu. baa filed notice of In
tention to make final proof to estab
lish claim tP tbe land above describ
ed, before II. C. Bill, t'. 8. Commis
sioner, at Jib office at fiend, Oregon,
on the 8th day or February, 1913.
Claimant name g wltneaae:,
Archie Pnttle, Adam Kotxman,
Lbarle l)oyd, Walter Daniel, all of
llend, Oregon.
43-47 C W. MOOHE, Register.
Your Druggist
Stops That Itch
If you are suffering from Ccrifma,
rorlasla or any otlir kind of vktn
.rouble, (Iron Into our storo for lnlnnt
rllef. We will guurantoa you to nop
llmt Itch In two saoonil.
We have old other remedle for kln
trouble, but none that we could recom
mend a highly n thl. a mllil wauli uf
Oil of Wlnwrtirt'vi) Thymol and u few
other Ingredients that have wrought
such wonderful cures all over th coun-
This compound Is known a D.D.D.
prescription for Eosema and It will oool
nd heal the Itchy, burning skH aa
nothing else can.
Of course
n n.n. iraic
other drucitlsts
rresorlptlon go to them If you
can't com to ui but don't uxcept some
D!rPrent substitute.
But if you com to our stpre, we are
ocertulnof whut D.U.I), will dp for you
k.. . nir vnn n full alia bottle on
ihl uorantee: If you. do not find that
It tokea owny the Itch AT ON
costs you not a utnt
N'otlro la tmroby given tlint tho Inndn
descr bed below. emiirnciriK nz.iu
ncrea, wllh'n thu Diischutea & Krn
rnont Nntloiml Koresla, Orogou, will
ho subject to sottliiiiMint nnd ontry
under thu provlsloiiN or tho home-
nt nnd Iiiwh or tho United Htntoa nun
thu net or Jiiuu 11, 1000 (.14 Ktnt.,
23.1), nt thu United Mutes I mid olllco
nt l.nknvluw, Oregon, on March 4,
KM. 'I Any dottier who wan actually
mid In good fnlth claiming nuy or
Hiild IiiiiiIh for agricultural iiurposeN
prior to J mi ii n ry 1, ISO'S, nnd nna not
nbmidoiied snmo. Iioh ii prnferniicn
right to mnko n homestead entry for
thu InudN nctiiully occupied. Hnld
InndN were listed Upon tho applica
tions of tho norsons moiit oned below.
who huv n prcfvrmicu right subject
lo tho prior rlgnt or any sucii soiuer,
provided such settler or applicant Is
qualified to riiiiko homestead entry
and the preference r'ght I exercised
prior to March i, 1913, on which data
the lauds will be subject to settle
ment and entry of any suollrleii pur.
ron. Thu lauds are ns follows: Tin
KA or HWi ol BWW tho N of
NWli or BW!4 or 8WV4, See. 34, T.
21 H., It. 10 K.. tho KA or W!4 or
NH'U. Bee. 3. T. 22 H.. II. 10 K W.
M , except a atrip 30 feet wide des
cribed a followa: iieginning nt
point 20 chains north and 20 chains
wost or tho center or Kec 3. T. 22 B.,
It. 10 );., uxtaudliiK thencf) K teet on
each side or a lino running YV. 10
chain to thu plnco where thn end of
thu atrip closea on the houndnry of
tho tract listed, thu nut nren being
04, 60 acres, Bald tract was listed
upon thn application or John Frank
lin llogue, or I.nplne, Oregon; 1. 1st
G-7C2. THO HKVi or .NB',1 or Ki
or bku, tho bi:u or ni:u or bi:4.
Bee. H, T. 32 B It. 10 K., 12.50
acres, annl'catlon of John Anton
Kuriibnch, of I.nplne, Oregon; Mat
C-707, Tho BKW ofHU or NKK,
the BUU or BWU or BKU or NBV4.
tho Bicu or NKii or bi:u or nbu,
bee. 11, T. 21 B It. 10 B., U ncrea.4
application or U II, Clow, or iJiplne,
Oregon; List C-7C9. Thu K14 or
BBU of NV4, the BS or NBU or J
BW'U. tho HBH or NWU or BBJil
or NWIJ, tho BV4 of BWU of BBU
of NWU. tho NBU of NWli of
NBU of BWU, Bee 3, T. 21 B., It.
10 B., SO acres, appl entlon of Daisy
Davis, of llrrlem, Idaho, l.lst C-771.
Approved December 9, 1912. B. V.
Proud fit, Assistant Commissioner or
the Oeueral l.nnd Office, 42-4fi
Not leu Is hereby given that thu
lands described below, embracing
060 68 acre, within the Deschutes
National Forest, Oregon, will be sub
ject to settlement and entry under
thu provisions of thu homestead laws
ot the United Btate and tho act ot
Juno 11, 190C (34 Btnt, 233). at tbe
I'nftcd Htntea land office tt Tbo Dal
les, Oregon, ou March 4, 1913. Any
settler who wns actually and in food
faith claiming any of said lands ror
agricultural purposes prior to Janu
ary 1. 1906. nnd has not abandoned
same, has a preference right to make
a nomestead entry for the land actu
ally occupied. Bald land were list
ed upon tho application of the per
sons mentioned below, who havo a
itreference right subject lo the prior
rlgbt ot any aucn seiner p-oviueu
such settler or anvllcant is Qualified
to make- homestead entry and tho
preference right la cxerclsctl prior to
March 4. 1913, on which date the
lands will bo subject to settlement
and entry by any qualified personj
Tlio lanus nro aa inuowa: tne
NWU, Sec. 3 (jr. T, 19 B., It. 14 E.',
W. .M.. 103.44 cere.' application of
Mary B. Plonske. of Redmond. Ore-.
iKon. Mst C-663. Tho BWU. 8eo,
19, T. 19 H., It. II t., 1UJ liu ncresj
application or Yviiiiain a. uoiuon. or
iteuroonu. urvgon; ,l.isi o-.ui. me
NBU. Btij. ii. T, 19 8 , It. 13 B.. 100
acres, application of II. A. Jnrrard. of
Iledmond, Oregon; I.lst C-70&. The.
NWU. Bee. 19. T 19 8, H. 14 B.,
103 64 acrta. application of l.ewlo
W. Davis, of Redmond, Oregon, I.lst
C-700. Approved December 9, 1912,
8, V. 1'roudflt, Assistant Commission.
er of thu General Jand Office. 42-4S
Notice la hereby given that tbo land
described below, embracing 390 acres
w'thln tho Deschutes National For
er.t, Oregon, will be subject to set
tlement and entry under tho provis
ion of the homestead law of tbe
United State and tbe act of June 11,
190C (J" 4 Stat., 233), at tbe United
State land office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on March 4, 1913. Any settlor
who was actually and in good faltb
claiming any of the said lands for ag
ricultural purpose prior to January
1, 1900, and ba not abandoned same,
hns a preference right to make a
bomeatoad, entry for tbe land actual
ly occupied. Bld land were listed
upon the application of tbe person
mentioned below, who have a prefeS
ence right subject to the prior right
No Pinheads
Every soul lu our shop know how
clothes inuifb tiuog, W aro craiy on,
sun slid lr, ?
Bead Steam Laundry
"Put Your Dud I
In Our Sud" I
of any such settler, provided such
Hotllm- or nppllciiut I (unlllled to
mnko homesteiid entry nud tho pref
erence right I exorcised prior to
Mnrch 4, 1913, on which dato tho
IiiiiiIh will bo subject to settlement
nud entry by any iiuitllfled person.
Tho Inuils nro nu follow: Thu BV4
of BBU of BBU, IhnBWU of BBU
of BWU, tho BBU or NWU or BBU
or BBU . tho BBU or BBU of BWU
of BBU, Bee 34, T. 20 B R. 10 B
tho B of NWU of NBU, tho B14
Of NBU or NWU or NBU, tho NBU
or NBU or NWU or NBU. tho BMi
or nwu or nwu or nbu, tho
NWU or NWU of NWU of NBU,
Bee. 3, T. 21 B R. 10 B., W. M., 70
ncrea, nppllcntlou of Margaret Mulli
gan, euro Mrs. R. U. DeCotircy, Rend,
Oregon I.lst 0-713, Tho B"4 of
U, Bee. 24, T. 19 B R. 13 B ICO
acre, application of Ioren Ii. Robb,
of Redmond, Oregon; Mst C-720.
Tho NBU or BBU or BWU. tho KA
or NBU or BWU. tho BBU or BBU
or NWU, the BA of NBU of BBU
of NWU. the HVj ot NWU or BWU
or NBU, the BWU of BWU of
NBU. the BV4 or BBU or BWU ot
NBU, tho B'4 or BWU or BBU or
NBU, tho NWU or BBU. tho WA
or NBU or 8B4, tho NWU or BBU
or BBU, tho NU or BWU or BBU,
Bcc. 35, T. 20 B R. 15 B 1C0 acre,
application of John Kotxman, of
llend, Oregon: I.lst C-725. Approv
ed December 9, 1912. B. V. Proud
fit, Asltnnt Commissioner of tho
General I,and Office. 42-4C
I. O. O. r.
Renil Lodge No. IMH
Regular Meetings every Monday night
Visitors welcome.
Ralph Spencer, J. B. Engcbretton,
N. O. Secretary.
l. OF A.
Pilot Rutte Camp No. 9794'
Meet every Tuesday In Bather Hall.
Visiting Neighbor alwa) welcome.
B. A. Bather. V. O.
N. 1. Welder, Clerk.
LOIICi: NO. -103
K. of V.
Meets every Wednes
day evening at 8 p. to.
Knight welcome.
In Cattle Hall, E. A.
Esther llldg. Visiting
M. A. Palmer, C. C.
N. P. Smith, K. R. & B.
A. F. JC A. M.
Meet on Thursday on or be
fore tbe full moon of each
month. Visiting brother
nlway welcome.
J. D. Davidson. A. M. Lara.
W. M. Secretary
Itcgjlar meeting' held y Rend
LodKe No. 8&7 In Bather' Hall on
tho' first and third Thursday evening
each jnonth. Visiting member ol
order always welcome.
J. II. MINER. Pre.
Rend Lodge No. 208 meets every
second nnd fourth Friday evening,
Bather' Hall. Visiting brother
and sisters welcomed.
Regular meeting on second and
third Friday eveplngs at .Bather's
MRS. A. a LUCAS, Oracle.
MRS, A. ORCUTT, Recorder.
First Class
J. J. KLEIN, Proprietor.
and Pool
Fino an1 Popular Line of
Robert Itlackwcll
i Wall Street, Bend, Oregon
is nt an average elevation. 100 icet
above the city of Bend.
Commands a charming view of the
city of Bend and the surrounding
15 minutes walk from business
center. Lots 50x110.
Bend, pre.
Carter's Wood
keep you
See mc when you want wood.
F. M. Carter
The Wood Man.
Hw United Warehouse
Bend,, Oregon.
; i
Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles
enstofBend. Our trees are the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will Catalog free pn request. Come and. see
our orchards and nursery. Qflice address, Prineville, Ore.
LAFOLLrrra nursery co.
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly.
Washington and Mayer
Shoe Sold.
Wall street, Bend, Ore
t W. E. PARKER & CO.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
1 We carry the largest
4 stock of goods in Ccn-
t tral Oregon. Jobbing
promptly attended to
If tn hTt n taTcatlca er aay
pattnt matter, write tmmedUltly t
W. W. WKIGIIT, rctttcrrl attoraty
Loan SsTratt B!dtWhlBttonrD, C.
. .. . . ., . -,
. t. , i-Wjl t-J Zll - ' T-T -"
l, ), 9, iy lt
'v-4 JVJJV"1 '' . iivrs