-a vmxvi ie. TIIR IIUNI) HULI.KTlN, IMJNI), tVKIlNl'MDAY, JAM'AIIY 8, MM. iM: -a C I o sin 0 u t a IP' ir We have decided to close out our entire line of merchandise and go out of the retail business. We desire to clean up the , stock within the next 60 days, and in order to do so we now offer every article in our Racket Store at absolute cost. This is no semi-annual or mid-winter clearance sale it is a genuine cut-to-cost closing out sale. This is your opportunity to save big money in Winter Underwear and Hosiery, Work Shirts, Sweater Coats, Gloves and Mittens, Novelties, Ribbons and Lace, Enamelware, Tinware, Chinaware and plain Crockery, Woodenware and a general line of Kitchen Goods. Come early before the assortment is picked over but first read list of cut-to-cost prices we offer below. Everything goes at cost, nothing reserved. HOSIERY AT COST Mcn'a heavy wool socke, rcgu- . Ur 35c, now er pair ... .9 .20 25c wool socks, now per pair . . .1H 35c wool aocka, now per pair . . .23 Men's 206 cotton socks, now per pair .............. 1m Men's 35c lisle socks, now per pair 20 Ladles' fleece-lined hose, now per pair .23 Ladles 36c wool hose, cow per pair .23 Ladles' 40c wool hose, now per pair . .28 Ladles "5c black silk hose, now 48 Ladles' COc black silk hose. now - .2H Children's 15c cotton hose, now per pair 10 Chlldren'a 30c and :5c cotton hose, now from .... 10c to .12 Chlldren'a 25c wool hose, now per pair 13 Chlldren'a 35c wool hoae, now per pale ! . . . O Infanta' 30c cashmere, silk heel and toe hose, now .22 UNDERWEAR AT COST Ladles' 0c white fieece-llned heavy cotton vests and pants, now each .40 Ladles' fleece-lined cotton union suits, regular 1 6c, now , . , .30 Ladles' white, non-shrinking, wool vests and pants, reg ular 11.20 per garment, cow each , . .83 Men's 75c wool undershirts and drawers, now each ..... Mcn'a $1.30 all-wool undershirts and drawers, now each . . Men's heavy ribbed cotton un- .30, .90 AH w lOceevdopac ,L Wats go t BEND EMBLEM CLUB HOLDS BANQUET FIRST ANNUAL FEAST ENJOYABLE Kongs, Music, Speech-Baking, Excel lent Menu and Unique Decoration Features Make (he Event a Moit Notable One. The Emblem Club of Rend held Ha first annual banquet Saturday night, 20 men participating In the affair, which everyone present characterized an the most un'que and enjoyable en tertainment thus far held In Hand. The host of the evening wag W. D. Cheney, who came down from Seattle to entertain the present enrollment of the Emblem Club. In addition to an elaborate dinner nerved' by Corketts, which Included a menu of seven excellent courses, there was an extensive program of speaking, singing and music which &wMj (lss?J dcrahlrta and drawer, reg ular 50c, now each ...... .33 Men's light-weight cotton under ahlrta and drawers, regu lar 30c, now each ..... . DFvYGOODS AT COST Men's SOc work shirts, now . , .40 Men's 65c work ahlrta, now . . . .no Men's $1.25 bluo flannel shirts, doublo breasted, now OH Men's J 1.25 dress thlrt, now .. .83 Men's $2.00 wool sweater coats, now kttt I t Men's )1.75 wool sweater coats, now l?H Children's 76c wool awenter coats, row Children's 20c mittens, now . . Chlldren'a 15c mtttons, now . . , Ladles' 11.40 black petticoats, now . . . . '. , Ladles' $1.40 wool aviatlos caim. now .30 .13 .10 .8H .00 Misses' 75c wool aviation up, now .30 Mlssea' $1,10 wool aviation, can I now 73 Chlldren'a bearskin cap,. regular 75c. now 4H Children's silk cap, regular, 40c now .23 Sc all-illk ribbon, now per yd, . .01 10c all-silk ribbon, now per yd .07 15c all-silk ribbon, now per yd .12 Regular $1.00 corset, now .... JH Regular $1.50 corset, now M Hoys' 36c overalls, now .23 ENAMELWARE at COST 20c Enamelware 1 qt Pudding Pan, now is 25c Enamelware 1H qt Pudding Pan, now m 27c Enamelware, 2 qt Euddlng Pan, now id SOc Enamelware 3 qt Pudding Pan, now..... 20 35c Enamelware 4 qt Pudding Pan, now 15c Enamelware 1 qt Milk Pan, now .10 .r.i .1H .23 .28 20c Enamelware Hi qt Milk Pan, now 27c Enamelware 2 qt Milk Pan now 36c Enamelware.6 qt Milk Pan now 40c Enamelware 8 qt Milk Pan now OtiMHvUoiltit, CfC ROWE'S kept the banqueters busy until far along In the "wee sma hours. . The songa that were sung at the Seattle lUIJroad Excursion banquet in September were again heard, re inforced with others, and throuanoul tbo evening Hunter's orchestra play ed. The tables and room In the Put nam residence which bad been turned over to the club were tastefully deco rated with carnations, several hun. dred having been ablpped in by the boat for the occasion. In addition to attractive menus, song books and place carda, the decorations provid ed by host, guests and caterer even Included such unique details aa spec ially designed candle shades, with translucent Dend emblems on them, "emblemlzed" Ice cream, and a gen erous decoration of emblem banners on the walls. The speeches of the evening were devoted to enthusiastic discussion of tiend's resources, possibilities and publicity enterprises, while plana for club activity for the ensuing year were considered. COMPLITTI.Nf' I'OIU'HTItV DATA. Four United States forestry em ployes from Portland are hero for several weeks working in tho Des chutes forest office compiling, data gathored from the timber crulso which was made last year In the Sisters country by the government. If. E. Vincent, ranger at Sisters, la also assisting In thla work. The men from Portland are W. O. Hastings, P. S. Fuller, O. Y. naker and W, O. Bproat.. 40c Enamelware 2 qt llorlln Sauce Pan, now .......... COc Enamelwaro 4 qt llcrlln Sauce. Pan, now 30c Enamelwaro 1 pi Lipped Sauco Pan, now ......... 25c Enamelware 1 qt Lipped Sauce Pan, now , , 28c Enamelwaro 1'4 qt Lipped Saucv Pan, now 30c Enamelwaro 2 qt Lipped Sauce Pan, now ......... 35c Knamelwnre 3 qt Lipped .32 .48 .1:1 .1H .20 Q .23 .:to .23 Sauce Pan, now 40c Kimmclwaro 4 qt Lipped Sauce Pan, now 35c Ennmelwaru 2 qt llerltn Kettle, now ............. SOc Ennmclwara 4 qt llorlln Kettle, now COc Enumelware C qt llerllu Kettles, now .:I3 .13 Extra Big Values LARGE PRESSED STEEL SKILLET, regular price 25c; you get an extra big value when you take these at REGULAR 20c MOP STICKS; throw away the old one and get one of these fine new ones for. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmm C6c Enamelware Itlce Holler, now 80c Enamelwaro Rico Holler, - now 45c Enamelware Coffee Pot, .43 .33 .30 Jit .40 .00 .00 .73 no COc Enamelware Offce Pot, now 60c Enamelware Coffee Pot, DOW SSc Enamelware Coffee Hollom now SSc Enamelware Tea Kettles, now , . . $1.10 Enamelware Tea Kettlea now , 45c Onyx Hrand Enamelware Kettles, now ,:U) Yob save Kg money when you buy our cm-to-cot l4HslsS CITY OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED (Continued from first page) large safety deposit box, gratis, was accepted with thanks. On motion of Ford, It was decided to allow Chief of Police Huberts $126 salary temporarily, aa he is now doing practically double duty, serv ing every night up to a. m. It waa deemed unnecessary to put on a night man, which would add some $00 a month to the present expense. The following bills were ordered paid: bouth Portland Crushed Itock Co. ..." $1081.4 H. K. Koon 114.00 Express 20.76 The Dend Co 7,06 H. C. Ellis 30,30 Patterson Drug Co 1,00 U. W. I & P. Co "203.30 Earl H, Houston ........ 4. SO Hoard of prisoner! 4,76 Chan. Btooffler 2.40 F. L. Kulp 6.60 A.A.Allen 2140 flend Hdwro Co 33.40 Hend Hullotln K.CO C. P. Nlswonger 12.60 V, A. Forbes 00.00 8. E. Roberts , 100,00 T. J. Murphy 12,00 Oeo, S, Young , 76. Z& . Total $.637.92 76a Onyx llrnnd Enamelware Kettles, now 80c Onyx llrnnd Enamelwaro llerllu Kettles, now 45c Onyx llrnnd Enamelwaro llako Dish, now. .,.,..,,. 60c White Enamelware llerltn Kettle, now .33 .no .13 .2:1 .it() .13 .... 35c Whlto Euamelwnru Huuco Pan, now , 45c Whlto Ennmolware Preserve Kettle, now , 25c While Enamelwaro Pudding Pan, now 36c While Enamelware Pudding Pan, now . . , inn hi 13c 10c 46c White Enamelware Pudding Pan, now 25c White Enamelware Mixing Howl, now , 30c White Enamelware Dippers now 36c White Enamelware Wash basins, now 20c White Enamelware Plates, now 20c Orey Enamelware Wash basins, now 26c Onyx 'Enamelware Wash basins, now , 20c Orey Enamelware Coll andera, now SSc Enamelwaro 10 qt Dish Pan, now .,,,,..., .30 .13 .20 .23 .12 .10 .13 .12 .40 All Toys left over from Christmas now cut to cost aiwl helow. ' BBBBBSW STORE HPKNll HONKYMOO.N IIKHK. Richard N. Huckwalter, editor of the Cbewaucaj Press of Paisley, with his bride, arrived here from Madras lastWednesday ulght and have been spending' their honeymoon in Hend. Tboy were married at Madras last Wednesday, the bride being Mlsa Edna NIaseq-Oale, n popular young woman of that aectlon. Mr. Huck walter formerly lived at Madras but recently bought the Paisley news paper. TO HOLD POOD HALE. The Preabytertan Ladles' Oulld will hold a food sale Saturday the 11th of January, from 9:30 a. ro. to b p. m. at tho Owl Pharmacy, All ladles having provisions for this sale will please bring- to the drug store early Saturday If possible, NORTH IltHIOATION COMPANY NOTICE. Tho annual stockholders' meeting will be hold at 8 p. in. on Saturday, January 11, at Hunter & Stoats' of fice, Hend, Oregon. JU D. WIE8T. Secretary, RAILROAD T0PRIHEV1LLE? Another Promoter Undertakes to Hulld a Line. (Prlnevlllo Review.) For several days last week we noticed a little, knot of PrlnevJUc 75c Enamelware 14 qt Dish Pan, now , . . 85c I'nauielwart 17 qt Dish Pun, now , SOc Euamelwnrv 10 qt Pall, now 05c Enamelwaro 12 qt Pall, now ,,..,...., TINWARE AT COST $1.45 Washboller, Copper Hot- .30 torn, now .HO $1.05 Wushholler, Copper Dot torn, now . , , . , 03 25c Tin OUhpan, now 1 10c 1 H qt Pudding Pan, now. 15c 2 qt Pudding Pan, now,. ilOc 3 qt Milk Pan, uow jlSc 0 qt Milk Pan, uow 1 16c 4 qt Milk Pan, now 20c tl qt Milk Pan, now ' 20c Tin Coffee Pots, now. . . . 20c Tlu Flour Sifters, now,. 1 16c Tin Palls, uow 20c Tin (Iratrrs, now , 10c Tlu Quart Measures, now. .13 .00 ,OH .00 .Oil .00 .12 .12 .12 .12 .00 .13 .10 .1H .07 .OH 10 .13 .33 .20 .12 .OK 20c 2 qt Measures, now, . . , , . 15c MuRlu Pans, now SOc MuffJu Pans, now 10c Iron Drip Pan, now,.... 12c Iron Drip Pan, now,.... 15c Iron Drip Pan, now,.... 20c Iron Drip Pan, now,..,. 7Gc Cake ur Oread Iloies, now 30c (Jalvaulted OH Can 1 Gallon, now SOc Tin Hread Pan, now,... 10c Tin Hread Pan, now.... Kitchea Hems at Cost SSc Oalvanlted Wasblub. No. now .03 HO .IN $1.00 (lalvanlied Washtub, No. now 26c Oalvanlted Water Pall 10 qt, now , 30c Oalvanlted Watbr Pall 12 qt, now 20 46c Urals Washboard, now. , , ,:to tiOc Olais Washboard, now. . . .113 C6c Double Zinc Washboard, now th 10c Iron Handles, cow 07 10c Caku Turners, uow. , 07 foe Stove Lifters, now 07 10c Htovt Polish, now...,,, ,07 16o Potato Maahers, now 10 16c Egg Hesters, now 10 16o Can Opeoets, now 10 16c Hrasa Scales, now, ...... .10 15c 2-foot Rules, now. ,,... ,10 16c Hair Curlers, now , .10 cltlzcna actlug very mysterious. Tbey were Messrs. Raldwlu, C. M. Elklua, C. Sam Smith, J. IL Stloson and M. E. Drink, aud they covered tho en tire city for several days. They were the committee out for fupds to Insure the construction of n rail line between Prinevllle and Metollus, and we learn that tbey nave been b'ghly successful, securing financial help to such an extent that only $16,000 more la needed, and this amount can easily be raised. The promoter, Mr. Scbeel, has .been advised that Prine vllle and vlclulty have done tbelr Infra jRflff'' APPLES $1.25 box Jonathans, RoiTinn Beauties, Wlnesnps, , Yellow Newtons. Every box picked over and guaranteed. .33 03 no .tin 16o Scrub finishes, now 30c Hcruli Mrushei, now,,,,, 20c Wove llrushes, now, , , , , . 25c RI1041 llrushes, now,,,,,, 36c Fruit Press, now , . , SOc Towel Hack, tiow, ,,.,,, Me Wire- Toaster now, . , , , , 45c 2-lli Duller Mould, now.. 40c Mb Hotter Mould, now, , TAtLE DISHES AT COST We have cut our entire line of Fine China, (llasswarn and Puc lain warn down tu cost. Oct what you need now and save big money V Dot Plain White Dinner Plates. regular 75c, now, per dox .33 flHjlv a flasss raBsW .i Dot, heavy-weight, flower-etched glass tumblers, regular 60c, now per '4 dot , only . ,3k )i Dot., (leuulne Hnvltam! Dliiurr Plaint, llruular 91,30, mm only 92.0H H Dot., ('rnuliio llatllantl Cup anil Saurrrn, Regular 91.30, now only , I.IH 1 62-Plece Decorated Keml-Porcelaln Dinner Set, regular $8 75. now .....,...,., ..93.73 And dotens of similar golng-out. of-buslness prices on plain and faucy dlshrs. 10 V Dot. Knlvea aud Porks, regu lar 6c. now U Dos. Tra Spoons, regular 16c, now 14 Dot, Table Spoons, regular 25c, now SOc Hutcher Knlvea, now,,,, 36c Hutcher Knives, now,.,. 20c Steel Fry Pans, now,... 26c Steel Fry Pans, now,,,. .H .10 .13 .12 ,23 .13 .IK .23 .4H 36c Rteel Fry Pans, now,.,. COe Cast Iron Fry Pans, now. . $1.00 Long Cast Iron (lrlddle Cake Pans, now , . . , .03 Extra Big Value'- One-hnlf Do. Plain Thin Gltiss Tumblers, regular 45c; un extm big vnluc nt per half do. 36c OREGON part, and that It Is up to him to do his. So there Is now little doubt that wo will have a line to tho outer world. It will bo quite a conveni ence. IIUYH Hid CMHKK MILL. William F MeKhtirht haa limahf the Big Clarke sawmill, soma seven , road. Mr. McNaught, It is under stood, Intends to rebuild tb'e milt and equip It to handle about 20,000 tout a dar. Tho nlant waa nanlv de stroyed by flro some months ago, .10 .13 .I.V .IK .23 .12 ,IIH .no .2(1 '5 . 1 1