The bend bulletin. Mi, VOL. X. BEND. ORKGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , 1013. NO. 44 1 X IhU : LOCAL LUMBER OUTLOOK BRIGHT WHY NOT TAX t ! OLO MAIDS TOO? Cnstcrn Customer Pleased, nnd Orders Pile Up Labor Expenditure Alone for Milling Adjacent Acreage Runs Into Millions of Dollars For the Inttt month lumber ship ment Irotn llend Iiiivu held up well, with the promise, of great Immediate activity, January ntilpiiK'titn are ttiunlril nl not let lliuri &0 or 6& ir. bringing an average dully re turn (if Kastern monoy to tho town ot ' Jiboilt $700, M 1 Ijo two local lumber com ' panle have order on hand, for east ern shipment, that will keep them working lo capacity for muny inuuths. livery shipment Dint linn gone lo eastern yard linn met with a glowing i endorsement from thu deulei who handle, them. TImimi statement till thn story of tint bright outlook villi whluh bt llend lurnlitT Industry face thn now i year A fact of furthitr Importance U 3 that on Monday two carload of lodge i(ili' plno were shipped lo n pulp mill lit Ownns, Wash. If thu test prove ft tlttfiictory. a expected, It In ulmot KTliilnly that n pulp mill will ho Installed on tho Deschutes near llend. . K:KI,H it .Month (Viinm llrrr. In J ii iniary Tim lleud Company 1 w send uhotit 40 cam of lumber to ililillo western innrhfti). and thn t Uvi'tturf-t)lK-MllltT Company 16. Thn average urt return from each ir, deducting all freight charges, la Unit H0O. meaning that earn tuonth Wiinn $22,000 In being drawn tu llend from thn middle wet to to spent here In labor, mill operation and Improvement. That till paro will keep up, and rolialily Ih exceeded. U shown by thn fact that thn llnd Company ha order on hand enough tu keep It mill ruunliiK to capacity for several mouth, even If no inure came In, while tho O !)!. Co. already ha order for 40 car. In other wordt, thn llend lumlur extorting busliiits la Juit coming In. to It own, Up to the prrirut moat of the shipment havo been In the n a turn of experiment; now the buy er ham letted the local pint) lum ber, have found It satisfactory, and are ruihlnit Id more order to meet the rapidly growing demand all over the country, , The entire situation I most gratl fvlntr. tiny the lurntwr men. One phase of It that will plnase properly twner Immensely I that It practi cally make certain thn speedy In stallation of the IiIk mills, whose lo. ration here hs liven pledged ly thu thrrn companies, the llrookk-Hcau. Ions, the Mueller and the Rogers. For Instance, despite, the hravy ex torting nnd the plled-up order, no company nnd the Hhevlln, Mueller and Roger people. AccordlUR to Clyde McKay there are thousand of acre of lodge polo plno available, that rould he milled for pulp economically on thu Deschutes within n doxen mile of llend, This ncretigu I at present coiiBldered practically worthless, ex cept, perhaps, for terming and bear hunting If the plno cm ho utlllted It would become an euormoti wealth producer. I'lcurt'N (limb I llali. In discussing the promising lum ber outlook, mill Its meaning tu llend, Clydn MoKiiy, local representalltu of thu Muulltrs, said: "To i.iit an Idea of whit local lum bering will mean In thu wuy of a pit) roll, iinil It resulting bene lit to llend, consider these figure. An averuge aero of our plnu ha about U.,000 feet. It cost about $80, In InUir, to get an acre of timber cut and tu tint mill slip; from thu mill lo the car cost about another $00, In labor. That mean $140 an acre In labor, on an average, "Now, how muny acre nre wo urn will be milled at llend? Tho llend Company ha about 3000, Mueller 30.000, llrook 30,000, Itoger 30,000,. Bhcvlln 130.000. That a a very conservative estimate of the stun already owned by com panies that will mill here. The total 1 313,000 acres. Multiply that by $140 nnd you gut $39.fc30,000. that ultimately will bo spent here In labur. "Hut you're not done. It' safe to say there la half a much again now In private ownership that will milled here, and per Imps twice a much In the forest reserves, a third of which will be milled within a few yeara. and almost all of It In a rea sonable space of years. Double that figure, or treTile It, even, and you ha the labor xpendlture that llend cnu expect during a couple ot de cade, In luinberlug lune." BACHELOR BILL ATTACKED IS Champion of Poor Unmarried .Men llldliulrw "L1aH Legislation." Forbes Will Introdure Circuit J u l k e Halary mil. HIT OFFICERS (WILL PRINT COW PROCEEDINGS ARE INSTALLED A10RE STREET LIGHTS ASSURED "Tax bachelors? Absurd-" That, minus the trimming, wn what State Iteprescntatlve Vernon A. Korbc said Monday when he read that a bill will l) Introduced In the legislature placing a ban on cele bary and n premium on matrimony. Hut Mr, Forbes goes further than simply branding the proposal absurd, and calling attention to the fact thut It will drive many a lawyer Into the rank of the benedict, for economy " ako If for no other reason. If It goe through a I Improbable he premise to devote the remainder of hi political llfu and activities (or something like that) to gutting a law passed taxing old maid. I'lionc Company, Planning Improve ment, I Instructed to l'lce Mne In Alley Many HUN Are Ordered 1'ald Hy the City. County Court Orders The Bulletin to Publish Com plete Proceedings, diving all Official Actions and News Following Court Meetings Tho new c'ty officer were aworn In at the meeting of the council last night. Mayor I'utnnrn and Council man Allen, re-elected, qualified, a I did Councllmen A. 8. Collin and E. A. Bather, chosen to replace Lattln and Wenandy at the lust election. Treasurer II. J. 0erturf also quail fled. The mayor appointed committees and ofllcUU a follow: I'ollce, liquor and fire: Allen, Hleldl and Kronen. Streets, alley and fewer: Kord, Slither, Allen. Way and mean: Steldl, Kord, Commencing after tho next meet ing of the County Court, Tho Hulle tin will publish all the court proceed ing Immediately following each sit ting. At the meeting of January 3rd this paper wa officially desig nated a one In which the court pro ceeding nre to be published, It be ing ordered that Tho Bulletin I to "publish the Identical proceeding that are to be published" In tho I'rinevllle paper that ha been up lo now the only paper officially publish ing the proceeding of (he court. The I'rinevllle paper remain the "official county paper", but The Hullctln I supplied with exactly the name matter a goes to It, and re ceive a nominal remuneration from tho county for the publication of the official proceedings. Which mean that hereafter readers of Tho Bulle tin will get at first hand, and prompt. ly, every Item of official county news, a well as enjoying the advantage of a paper which print from threo to four time a much news a ariy publication in the county., Heretofore but one paper in Crook county baa been authorized and paid to publish tho county court proceed ing. The action of ordering Thn Bulletin also to publish them wa Uken because of the largo circula tion lu the county shown hy this paper. In it award of the county print ing to Tho Bulletin and to the "official" paper, tho new court ahowed Itself bent upon nn economic administration. Tho prices formerly paid for this work wore materially reduced, to some extent owlnr tn h low bids put In by Tho Bulletin, wmen wero on a basis far lower than hitherto allowed. Tho result mtns a considerable saving to taxpayers. 'es. lr," said he, "that's but 'rvililn. common Justice. We'll nuku a real I li.alth! Kutber. Preaiih. Collins. suffrage luw out of this, and make Cuinetery and olty oroDertv: It work both ways. No clsss legls-1 French. Kord. Allen. Itules, election, etc.: Collins, latlon! The detail of the feminine law as yet havo not been worked out. For instance, what ago Bather, Steldl. S. K. Huberts was reappointed as It is not known at Just chief of police; George Young, olty the cltlieness would be, engineer; ,V. A. Forbes, city attorney: obliged to choose between taking un tu herself a husband or paying a teclal tax, for bettor or for worse. A battle scarred local bachelor en. deavorrd to get the Itepresentative to pledge his support 'for nn amend ment to the bachelor bill, should Its passage seem Imminent, ill pro posal wa that any bachelor should be exempt from the lax provided he made sufficient affidavit showing that he had honestly tried to get married. For Instance, three pVoposal and the Mine number ot refusals might be considered an ample matrimonial all III. a1 tn MlutAl Tha tiA,h..lnf In NO FREAK HAIL HATTER HERE raftr"""' ""' " """" Ix-al Official Hate Been More For. lunate Tlmu Koiun Other. The parcel ost which went Into effect January 1 has bren causing" trinililo at many totofflct, but thu local officials hae got off without any freak of mall matter to haudle. Only ordinary packager both n to 'content and sire hao been mailed effort I lielng Hindu to get a railroad bure, and the uuraber lis not been pur into tbn present mill. hyT.ur(.u rnough to reult In any great llecauso It I only temporary, and ,.. . ... , .. ...,.. , ..... -robably before spring. Jf such a """ ,",'- 4MD """" sldlug were built It would have to arriving also has not been ex- le re-located to lead to the ultlmatu traordlunry, to the great pleasure of mill alio at the old Hlsemore J thn rIoku line operating out of Bend. meadow. I The greatest trouble locally ha ' l.MiKrMln IVrhup tlobl .Mine, I been In the matter of sthiupn Many Thu ludgepole. or black pine ship, i person have affixed regular stumps , incnt sent to Ciiiuhk wa thu direct I Instead of the parcel post hind, the work of John K. Kynn, local repre-1 result being that the package can- entatlvo uf tho Iiercbutc Lumber 'not be sent through thu mall until Company Tho nxiense of thu ex- tha proper kind of tamp has bien perlmntit Is being-bom Jointly by his affixed. Serious Plans, Too. However, Mr. Forbe ba more serious plsns In connection with bis Initial legislative experience. He has been asked to, and will Introduce a bill giving Circuit Judges an annuul salary of $4,000. A measure that will receive his social support Is to have threo terms of circuit court In this district In stead of two adJourned terms, as now. It is malntalnea that this would b of great-convenience and a decided economy in the long run. X)UNTV OFFICKIW INKTAM.KD. At the meeting Friday at i'rtno. vllle the retiring county officer turned their keys over to the now officials, who formally took office. They wero O. Springer, Judge and Willis Brown, commissioner. Tom Klklns has taken over the sheriffs office and Addle Foster that of as sessor. The other officers either held over or wore reelected. ii. C. Kills, recorder; Br. B. Fcrrell, health officer. On motion of the council, a committee was sppolnted to har special charge of sewer con struction matters, consisting of Ford nii'l Al.en, with the mayor ex officio ihnlrinin. Allen reported trat after thorough testa the electric fire alarm siren had juood unsatlsfacl ry. An effort Is being made to get a whistle to be op erated by compreMed air. The Mayor brought to attention tho fact that the light company has tried out a light for street work that will cost about $3.00 a month, In stead of IS. 00, now paid for arcs. It Is, of cuurre, far less powerful, but after discussion Jill agreed that four such lights outside the business dis trict would be more advantageous Lthau ono arc The streets commit tee was authorized to do away with such arcs us they saw tit, and to re place them by a number of the smal ler lights located where they would do thu most good. It Is probable that In the neighborhood of twenty additional lights will be Installed under this change, materially im proving the lighting of residential districts. Through Engineer Young the Pion eer Telephone Company Informed the council that it plans to place new poles on some of the principal strets POSTAL BUSINESS HAS SHOWNJREAT INCREASE Itapld Stride of the Town Iteflcctcd in Gain in Uncle Hain'n lluii nei for lt Year. Iteflectlng the growth of the town during 1912, the business of tho lo cal pontofflco shows a big Increase. The number of patrons has grown steadily during every month of the past year, says Postmaster Minor, and tho business at present is greatly hampered by the cramped quarters. However, It will bo only a short time till the new O'Donnell building will bo occupied. Four hundred lock boxes will be Installed there, but Mr. Minor fears that even this Incresse of 150 over the present number may not be able to take care adequately ot the great demand for 'boxes. A big business Is alio done at the gen eral delivery window, ono man be ing required there practically all day I the Masons, both men and women be ing eligible to membership. It Is ono io. the leading orders, and tho organi sation of a chapter hero b an impor itant step. The following officers were tilert,!- Worthy Matron, Mrs. II. O. FarTis; assistant, Mrs. Clyde McKay; con ductress, Mrs. O. W. 8hrlncr; assist ant, Mrs. P. C. Garrison; treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Lara; secretary. Miss Ar rle Black; worthy patron, E. M. Lara. WOMAN DIES OF PARALYSIS Mr. Harriett Evans Flntt of Ten Clilldmt to Itecclve Final Summon Mrs. Harriett W. Evans, who came to Bend about a month sco from Twin Falls, Idsho, and was residing with her son, C. L. Evans, in Des chutes addition, died Sunday of paralysis. She was bom In Wilkes barre, Pa., and was 68 years of axe. Of a family of ten children she was the first to bo summoned by the Death Angel. Survlvine her am three brothers, six sisters and three and Mrs. A, F. Haoter and Mrs. O. W. Iteela or Fort Bock. Mrs. Evans was a member of the Presbyterian church. now to wait on the constant line ntlchllJren- The latter are Mr. -Evans the window. The totsl money order business In 1911 was $5438.19. whilo in 1912 it ran up to $GS0C09, a gain of $1,. 077.90. about 20 per cent. The receipts by quarters the past twelve months were as follows: First, $1443.88; second. $1711.97; third, $1688.27; fourth. $1704.97. ; EASTERN STAR LOOGE HERE Organization Effected at Meeting Held Loot KvenlnX. Organlxation of a chapter or the Eastern Ktar van pffwlrd In nn.l . . . - - -- ---... anu to replace some wires witn cinies. Uat night, at a meeting held in. Ma- WOODMK.V. GIVEN SUItfltlKK. The Royal Neighbors gave tho M. W. A. lodge members a surprise last night, and a most enJovahle evening I was spent In Bather's hall by about io people. Tnere were game, ouc Ing and plenty of good things to eat which the Royal Neighbors and their Invited friends brought with them. The Jollification ended about 13:30, with all participating wishing for a repetition of the occes'on at frequent Intervals. The council ordered that wherever changes were made within the fire limits, so far as possible the wires wuru to bo located In the alloys. The offer ot the First National Bank to give the city the use of a (Continued on last page) 771 EXT . to wlmt n mnn earns, his II bank account is his niost closely guarded secret. He wants to feel absolutely sure in his own mind that his banker is just as much of a confi dential udviser as his lawyer or doctor. We want you to know us and have confidence in us, before you decide to open an account at this bank. " ' DESCHUTES BANKING Ob TRUST CO. of Bene), Ore. , ,B. I'liRRBLL, President V. O. MINOR, Secretary ' K. M. LA1U, Cashier Dxkkcyoxb: B. I'ERRKM., P. O. MINOR, K. M. LARA, "' ''"' ' ' ' ' I HA RDWARE i We spare no pains to supply our custom- S ers with the best in all'Iines of Hardware. If you are particular about QUALITY ) I of goods you buy, join our long list of s I satisfied customers. $ BUILDERS' SUPPLIES a specialty. N. P. Smith Wall Street I "" sonic hall. The lodgo starts off with a membership of about 30. It will be known at the Bend chapter and will be assigned the proper number when its charter Is lrsued. Meetings SMALLPOX AT ItEI'MOXD. (Redmond Hub.) The Golden 'family is qusrentined for smallpox. Georso is the only one will bo hela in Masonic hall probably who has as yet taken it His case Is one a month. very light. It Is not known how tho The Eastern Star is an auxiliary of 'disease got into the country. Ihe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND. OREGON Or. U. O. COe. rWdaM WHtt, Vic. Capital fully paid ... .28,000 Bleckhold.r.' liability. . . 029.000 Surplu. .... . .10.000 Y YOU HAD A FIRE TONIGHT f JL WHAT VA1UABLE PAPERS would I YOU LOSE THAT COULD NOT BE REPLACED? If they were stolen how wduld you obtain new ones? Rent one of our Safety Deposit Boxes and be indepen dent of thieves and fire. We have a special vault built exclusively for storing your valu ables. It is fire proof and your box cannot bo unlocked except when you are present. They rent, according size, for $3.00, $5.00, and $7.60 per year. Come in and let us show you the vault and boxes and tell you all about them. . $Mp TSk FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFEND DIRBCTORS: U. C. COB B. A. 8AT1UR C. S. HUDSON O, M. PATTERSON H. C, KLUS W:WM3M&$&