The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 01, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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FORT KOCK, Doc. 29. While
helping to shoo n wild horse, J, 11.
Unvildln of this place was kicked
over n grindstone. Tho stone fell
on his leg nnd bruko both bones just
above tho ankle. Dr. It. K. Merrlnm
was called nnd set tho limb.
The dance Christmas night was
well attended and all enjoyed them
delves. Tho Wright orchestra turn
Isehd the music.
Nearly half an Inch ot ralu foil
here Sunday evening.
Fred Wright, tho tnge driver- Is
on a furlough during the holidays.
Charles M. tirdman nnd Miss Ktslo
Wright were married by Justice .'
last Saturday evening, after wnu.. n
grand supper was spread nt tho Hotel
Fort Rock. Tho bride and groom
are both highly respected.
homo In their new bungalow,
Dick Hunsley nnd Geo. Hooch took
Christmas dinner In I.n Tine.
Charles Itoech Is III with grip.
.Mrs. Morchango nnd children nro
sultorlng from severo colds.
Mrs. Leo I.oung took Mr. Young
up nbovo tho C. O. 1. hcadgato yen
terdny, Mr. Young Is cutting cord
wood up there.
t ----
w t w -r-v-r-- -r-w-r-r-v-rTTT -rw
l'OWELIi niTTTE. tXc. 29. Mrs.
J. l llowman received a telegram
yesterday telling her of the critical
Illness of her father, Mr. Ilabbltt, at
his home In North Ynklma. Wash.
Mrs. Howman will lcavo for North
Yakima wlthhyt day or two.
Fred and Kd l'crsson have gono to
Tortlnnd for a"few weeks.
J. I. Jones and son Ralph have re
turned from Redmond, whore they
wero building a frame work for Mr.
Jones' engine, fitting It up to saw
Earl Saunders has been hauling
some fat hog) to market during the
past week.
Frank May spent Christmas In
Miss Alma Johnson Is at home
through the Christmas vacation.
Powell ltutte Is enjoying tho rain
today in spite of tho nard wind that
came with It. There has been an un
usually dry spell this winter and tho
rain is very welcome.
IMNHIlURST, Dec. 2S .A Christ-
mas tree and program er given nt
tho schoolhouso Christmas Kvo.
John Hasselbcrg made n business
trip to Portland and other points re
School closed Mortday on account
ot Mr. Nichols having to attend tho
teachers' examination In rrlnovllle.
Mr, nnd Mrs. K. M. Wilson of Spo
kane, Wnsh., arrived Sunday for a
short visit with their daughters, Mrs.
J. l. Nichols, and Mrs. F. W. Uv
eronx. Mrs. Arthur Jnckson has returned
from Portland whero she had been '
having some optical work done.
with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. F, W. l.overom wore
IMuehurst v'sllor Saturday,
A number of IMuehurst people nt
tended the Christmas exercises at
Lnldtnw Weduosdny night.
Rlrger llnsselberg nnd sister
Flora, came In from Portland for a
visit with tholr parents.
Frank Swisher Is having nit ml ill
tlou built (o his house this week.
Lloyd Root Is oil the sick list this
A heavy rain fell hero Sunday,
which enabled tho farmer to refill
their reservoirs, '
Mr. nnd Mrs. I,. M. Wilson, who
havo been visiting their daughter,
Mrs. J. It. Nichols, loft Sunday for
Tumnlo to visit other relatives.
Mr- and Mis. John Couch, Mr. nud
Mrs. (leno Wlmer nud J. II. Nichols
wore nmnng the Pluehurst visitors
at the Plnlnvhuv Christmas uxerclsea
Moudny night.
Rny Root Is homo for n visit with
his parents.
J. R. Ilenhnm spent Sunday nt the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Nichols.
,... t
- - ,v
PLAINVIBW. Dec. 30. -Tho Christ
mas ttee was given hero last Monday
night. A fine program was rendered
after which, tho treat was passed
around. Everybody enjoc.d them
selves lrrithensoly. "
Mr. Glllett and family went to tho
Pluehurst and Laldlaw Christmas ex
ercises Wednesday.
' John Strahra and family took
ChrlitroxTi dinner With Air. vand Mrs.
Ruble atfSlsters Wednesday;.
Mlss-VIoler McKlnney spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. George
Hubert and Nellie Scoggln spent
Christmas night at the Crawford
Mrs. Ruble, and little son Til ford
m ,pent a week with Mrs. Ruble's par
ents, Mr. and ilrs. 8trahm- -,
Mrs. Will Lererenis. mother, fath
er and little niece are out here from
Spokane, spending a few Weeks.
PINKIIl'RST, Dec. 30. The
Chrlstmns tree nnd eMirc'sea given
at the school house Chrlstmns Eve
were enjoyed by n larger audience.
An Interesting program ot recita
tions, songs and dialogues was ren
dered In n creditable way; the school
room nnd tree were decorated In an
artistic manner, nlul an lmiortnut
feature of tho evening was the gen
erous treat of candy, nuts oranges
nnd apples, prepared by tho various
Mr. and Mrs. Atex Leverctu spent
Sunday and Monday nt the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Nichols.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Root
Monday, Dec. 30, a dnughter. Mother
and child doing well.
J. II. Nichols nnd father-tn-lnw, I.
M. Wilson, went to Rend Friday.
J. I Couch, who has been employ
ed at the Dayton sawmill above Sis
ters, returned home for a short visit
LAIDLAW, Dec. 28 Jnck Wlmer
has Installed new gus lights In his
general merchandise store here.
Miss Crawford cnino homo to spend
tho holidays with her parents here,
from the O. A. C. nt Corvnllls.
0. W. I'pdlko Is preparing for
shipment the remainder ot his son-in-law's
household furniture, who,
with tils fnmlly Is loontod nt Rig
Eddy, where Mr. Stiles holds u gov
ernment position.
Mr. (lerktng's son nud fnmlly
came In to visit homo folks jlurlug
tho holidays. "
A. Ilnrrymnn has moved his family
to llend to live.
Frank Dayton came over from the
Dayton mill to spuud Christmas Ht
Mr. and Mrs. Ilurbauk, lateot Cali
fornia, nre preparing t move Jo
Washington to locate.
The following otllcors wore elected
tu tho I.atdlnw timidity Sahoolt
Superintendent, Miss Nelllo Jnmos;
Secretary nnd Librarian, ilentrleo
tiutlnrd; Organist, .Mrs. Alllo linker.
Nell Rny has boon busy hauling
freight from Deschutes to merchants
Martin Is down &S foot with his well,
with no water but still In hopes.
Fred Lund will take ndvniitago of
tho three Inches of snow hero and
skid his homestead cabin down to
his garden clone tu his well, nbout
10 rods.
There Is n lot of talk hero of now
roads In alt directions, nil to lie put
on lines, m It you truvel this way
nun month you will travel u different
one next.
'Quite n lot of vtumer will he
planted here this coming spring.
Tim Inst few days of weather made
us think of tightening up the lmt
tings on our houses,
Jacob Scttlemeyer, with the help
'Keep comfortable by clothing your
self properly at this time of .the
year. At this store you will find
what you need. vLook over this list,
a partial one of what we have at
prices that are proper:
Rubbers Overcoats
Overshoes Mackinaws
German Sox Fleece Lined
Raincoats Coats
Wool Underwear, etc. etc.
Itst week, whoii the moon was
Mil, n thief ngallt did some work
near thu lumber )nrd across the
I'KlllV lltlfnrllll- I, fill, nil. I
of Mr. Held nud Alee Rlckinnn, Iim ,,, elnthlng was hanging on
iiiuitMi mik iiuiiri- uiiivii ciiini! 111 ins
Nntlonni, Slate unit County (Invent,
menu Will he Asked to Cooperate
PORTLAND, Dec. 31 A bill will
bo prepnrod nnd submitted to the
Legislature providing for the eo-opor-
ntlnn or county, stale nud federal
governments to exploit the riches
of Oregon's soil, This lilll will pro
vide for npproprlutlonn by tho state,
to hn combined with government and
locnl funds, to carry forward n splon.
did system of agricultural education
throughout nil Oregon. Co-operative
demonstration attithui will bo
mumiged by skilled Instructors under
Dm direction o thu Oregon Agricul
tural College.
A general committee of represen
tative business, professional and edu
cational men Ik at work on the pro
posed law; putting It In shape to
present later to the stale litwmnknis,
According to Dr. Kerr, of tho Oregon
Agricultural College, tho work of
that Institution hlmiild be deiuo'u
strated among the fniiuotM, giving
them, ut their homes, thu opMirtii
Ity of seeing the very latest methods
ot agriculture. All Interests will
work together to supply this need.
oil mall, proof .of siioh service must
consist of tho uniiliivlt oT tho portion
by whom tho copy was uinllnd stating
when and the posloltlco tu which It
wns mailed, and (his nniilnvlt must
lie nccompnnled by tho liostuuiHtur'a
receipt for thu letter.
You should state In your answer
tho liable ot thu postnllice In which
you desire future notices lo bit sent
to you,
U. W, MOORE, Register,
Date ot llrst puhllatlnu, Jan, 1,
Date of second publication Jan. H,
Date of third publication, Jan. lfi.
Date of fourth publication, Jan. '.',
well, which Is a better location,
llllllo Wlggam returned home,
utter being nway a couple of mouths,
to spend Christmas.
Martin llnlluieyvr has been doing
some Improvements on his barn this
Mr. Cottlnghnm made n trip lo
Rend this week for a load of goods.
CREHCKNT. Dec 27 Roy
lints near the homes thereabout At
fie tlmo of tho last full moon simi
lar petty Uietls occurred, nud so the
sneak thief has come lo bo called the
'.Moonlight Lifter" by the residents.
Some of them promlno to entertain
him with buckshot next full tuooii
sB ?i'?55Sa!ilOBi'- a
Depatmreui of the Interior, United
Mtntes Land Ofllce. Tho Dalles,
Oregon, Decemlur "X, 19 IX.
,iTo (leorge D. O'Noll, of lloiid, Ore
gon, Cottlestee:
bell. V. 8. geological surveor. iimdn '"" "r" "I"" 0,l"" " A.
a trip to Cnwceut Lake this week, i !"". "'"' "-' " m
returning to Rend Monday. V' ' . ,K ".M ""1 l"",,,,,npl ,,!,
,, , , , "Hl "HI Ul .M1V. i, lU, 1MB in
iinnuoipii ,i,ia m.. i.u .i..u. -,.... i. a. ...... i ....
were In town Christ,.... Day. I """-,"" , V,Z 'Z
Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Jones caino In eaueellallou of your homestosd. en
try .-so Mnrlal M. 0774,
for the Christmas fstlvlttM nnd
spent the day with Mr. mid Mrs. J.
L. Rlngo.
ThonHs MeCord and David Lynos
spent the holidays In Crescent, re
turning Friday morning to Odell
Tho HKSTnll.rmintl Family
Sewing- Mui'hluu thut cun
lie produced, Mndo in both
styles, Thu rotary makes
lio'h LOCK uml CHAIN
Milch. The latest up to
the minute steel nttneh
incuts with each machine.
Sold on utwy pnymcnU.
Send name nnd ntidruM for
our benutlful II. T. catn
Iokuu free.
made Nov. 1 1, 1910, for W14, section
(!, tounshlp :u, H range 18. C, WIN
lamnttn MiirldlnM, ami as grounds for; San Krnnclsco,
his contest he alleges that ssld
llcorgo I). O'Nell has never ctnb-l
llshed reslduueii upon iulcl land: that
White Sewing Machine Co.
1100 MiirkL Street
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Lynes wero,"1' M,, ' cultlalcd or luipnived
hero for Christmas. Mrs. Lynes and ,no l,",Ci
little daughter left on Wednesday's' V".' ,,r.' l"'''.,. further noil
stage for Prlnevlllo when, she, will "', ,h,"' ! '? "m'1 """KV1"','" wM.1 Im!
viit hor .titor Mrn iini,i.ri h mill, taken by tlil. oniee rs hsvliig been
visit her sister. Mrs. Robert Hmllh. cnf .,...,. ,
Charles Thomas went to La Pino will Im canccM thereunder without
Mr. and Mrs. lo Young, Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs.
II. M. 'Elder spent Xmas day with
Mr. and Mrs. Lamest llaveman.
The Xmas treo, at tha Grange hall
5fonday evening, Dec. 21st. was made
more amusing for the children
through tb kindness of A. M. Lara
& Co.. as they endeavored to give
each child there a gift. There was
twcnty-oa sifts sent out, but owing
to the unexpected, them was soma
Utile ones there who did not get a
gift. We want them to know that It
was not .the f.ult of Larms, however,
It was only because wo did not know
they wero to. be there: The com.
munlty wishes to thank "Laras".
. Cfarlstma4th,'i!re wss a tree -at the
Dennr, .jkdooI bouse, which J"!!' I'
trimmed vry nicely while the PrOTkjiiJgt:
rram vu mora than rand. Thnro ll-?""'
ws a largo crowd and tbay all en
Joyed tha evening, Including "the
bountiful refreshment.
Mr. and Mrs. W, If. Reynold, en
tertalned Thursday evening. Those
present were, Mrs. Jessie Houghton,
Miss Delia Men-Mold, Mr. Willis No
lan and C. It. Low.
Mrs. II. K. Stewart, who has been
visiting In Seattle for the past three
nitnths, has returned to Rend.
Mrs. Fred Reynolds has relumed1
from La Grande, Ore., where she has
been visiting her mother for some
jveeks jiast. .
O. C. Card well finished digging his
root crop about two weeks ago. The
yield of stock carrots was ten tons
to tha acre and the rutabagas wero
twelve tns to the ace. ..r
Mr. and Mrs, Earnest JJayeman
Mr, and MrsVLee' Young add Mr. ahd
Kri, ff. H Hmlth were trnafAt trX tl
turkey dinner ;Rt the bomeofJJitiirj
Ewer aunaay. , - .
W. M. Hodges and family bare
moved Into their new home on their
ditch land. fA f-'f ,, "
P. fyyouifofndTnillr, fro now
Everything to Wear for Men Who Care.
for a loid of grain, returning Tues
day evening.
Joe I Rlngo Is building an addi
tion to his house on his homestead
near Crescent.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamner were
Crescent visitors tnls week.
Under the auspices of the sewing
Club, a Cbrlstmss tree was promoted
and a very enjoyable program was
rendered In the schoolhouse. Many
were In from the country and tho
building was packed. Old Santa was
present and was thoroughly enjoyed
by the children as well as the grown
Olds Gasoline Engines
Olds FOOD Choppers.
H. J. Eggleston
r 4 t
L 4"' ' .'
HsnieM Manufacturer.
-- -4
are to havu a pustorilco In tho near
future with Thomss Motfett as post
master, Tho omen will bo named
Mllllcan. Mr. Moffott wilt move his
buildings from near the "river bod"
up to the Rend-llurns rosd near mile
post 28 where tho postofflce will be
A. D. Norton and family and Fred
Kelger went to Rend for van over
Chrlstrass visit with friends and
Thomss Motfett, Henry Masters,
A. D. Norton, II, K. White and Uric
ilaatelaad have been busily engaged
during the pest week or two digging
wells en their respective claims.
P. II. Johnson has completed his
store building between mllnposU 17
and 3S and It Is understood be will
b ready for business about January
Al 'Yaucy and Harry Morrison,
buckaroos In the employ of Ueorge
Mllllcan. weie at the head of a crowd
of buckaroos rounding up cattle foi
Mr, Mllllcan last week.
It la to bo regretted that several of
the homesteaders In the valley are
neglecting their claims to the extent
that they aro open to contest. It Is
also rumored that tho humestoadoru
who are living upon nnd Improving
their claims will call a meeting In
the noar future to Investigate and
act accordingly.
)- f .
RIDOKWAY. Dec. 38 Miss Lucy
Crawford Is home for tho holidays
from O. A. C, ,,
John Llchensteln of Denver, Colo,,
Is visiting with Ralph Lunbeok. He
l,y he likes Crook county sn'd will
remain, rpr the-winter. .--..
' (deal i rabbit hunting prevails; a
few Inches of snow and enthusiastic
nlmrods. Kd. Mills, Kills Kdglng-
ton, W. Hammock and Howard Hart
ley have biggijd a, score or more ot
theo pests Lately,
your further right to hn heard there
In, either beforu thla ofTlco or on ap
peal, If you rati to file In this omen
within twenty days after tho .
FOt'RTH publication ot this notice.
as shown liclow, your answer, under
osth, specifically meeting and re
sponding to those allegations of con
test or If you fall within that time to
file In thla ofllco due proof that you
havo served a copy of your answer on
the ssld contestsnt either In iters on
or by registered mall. If this service
la made by the delivery of a cony of
your answer to the contestant In per
son, proof of such service must be
either the ssld contestant's written
acknowledgment ot his receipt of tho
copy, showing the date of Ita recelnt.
or the affidavit of the person by
whom dellverod; It made by register-
Madam, Read McCall's
The Fashion Authority
" MtCALL'3 U l.i... wtbiU. k..U.
alr llUt'lal.J U0-pf RHItlt
MmmIm KI U J4Ut ! Iks Utpml.
im1 IMiUntr i 1,100,100
KMhliMlUln.r, nf (k.l,an, Unrt
k lnl'n .lt akm.ui.1 x.ux
nt lAl4Mla lhl IHWH-r-MllKl M-U
w,uitt. Ibrra , nix Unlair
lh ( iImi, o h rMtMl
tlrt-AM, fATTKK.IH , lw
HirW.1. VArrr.MN m knwi tnt
!. ni. Mmnlkitr uut Kwmr, oiv
Tin lMirt. f UrCkU.'n will NMhl
lliw,n.U ( 4nlUl, ! H Uixxwlut
(IMIM m 4h bi Hop Mr(M I.I.-H kM,
ni ihoiMm 4ir kit ti mkiii
ili.'.' IH u "' " "Ulr
wsnu lira,
7" T" "'I "' ' MiCALL'S, If
im Mm ewjorr. m v n. tw m
l'TS AAI-.k-..fM-4ll t..fa.,
We Ouarantee Our Product
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
"The Bend Creamery"
C U R A At
Hssdqusrters for Commercial Mea
lilectrlc Llfhtsd Throughout
- i
Spscisl Attention to I
Transient Travsl i '
Be ndor eca o n
Oeod Rooms
Oood Meals t
Free bus to '-.
and from trains
All arrangements mad for pti