The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 01, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THK llUNf IHJM.HTIN, ItHNP, WKONKHIlAY, .fA.Vl'AltV t, 10111
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44 "!
(lly I'llOl'. TIIOH, HIIAW).
Oiokoii Iiiii a IiiiiiI Miiifiicn Hint cov
,,rH 0 1.000,(100 ncrnH, It tuny seem
Imirodlhm, nnviirllmliiMi It In trim,
tlutt of I In' iiiuro (linn nineteen mil
IIomm of iieri'it of arable Intnl. lint lit
On muni limn (our iiillllun nere liiivn
been put unilcr tlio plow, Tim men
west of t lit C'liHriiiln iiiniintiiliin wiih
urlitliinlly mostly finest Intnl. mill
nt nf Hid mini". uinliilntliiK Inml
vlilcli produced wiKohrush mnl raugo
ItriiNM'. Tim clliuntu of Hut forunir
In initial iiml tint noil In Kiiotl. Tim
rllitintit or tint Intdtr In dry mnl Iih
tolcnnlr nli noli In powmniteil of ur
imsslng richness.
for vnrlet) of iiKrluiilliinil produc
tion, Oregon In without n pcitr or nvuii
Vn t'(iuil niiiiiiiK tint mnlt'H of tint
t'lilon, Tlm on urn inn) hit ttnlil of Itn
V0lhlo undeveloped resuitm. It
Iihh n nllinnln Unit Ih uiiiucuIIimI. nit
thing uonsldered, In tlm UtlltOll
tl Htnte. It linn iidtiplntloii fur tint
liriiiluctlon of livestock Hint limy
null iroviil(n tliu envy of tint farmer
In tint lew iiroiluctlvo ent a ml south.
Ami It Iihn more valuable timber ly
Mr than nuy nllmr state In tint t'uliiii.
Tint viirli'ty of tint production In
OtuKnit tltnl Ciiiiit'M front lint noil In
mnttlfest In tint grains, grasses, cjnv
.rit. fodders, fruit, UHmr, vegeta
ble, hop nml grove nml frl tree
Hint It produces or nm product-, In
ttliiRiilnrly line form.
In oiio ir tint other of Un nren, It
mIII Km In splendid form Ixith linn!
nml filt winter mnl NprltiK wheat,
winter 111111 spring rye, winter mnl
tiprlm; onl. winter mnl spring em
tmr, winter nml spring M-tch. flnx
for tlio kih'iI nml fibre, the (Innnda
Hint tint ww ii'M. tint eomiiinii nml tint
myn bean. Tint )leld urn In tunny
i limtmirt'N phenomenally high Win
ter wheal hit been ImrvixlKil which
threshed more ttuui 00 bushel to
1 the acre.
(ii it Wry Smt'ful,
' Tlm cultivated xraiwes Hint mny be
mtrcmMfiilly grown Iticliiili! timothy,
red top, bronm gr, tnll ont gran,
meadow fescue, western rvo, Italian
r. nml t perennial r)e Hevernl
i crop of tint two Inst named mny in
obtained each season nn In (IriMit
llrltuln. iimlcr unliable rmnlltloiiN.
Kentucky liliit'Krnwi no Justly famed
for lt grating qualities, grown lii
ldly with Irrigation east of tint Cns-
cades, nml without Irrigation west of
tint nhiiik No belter ptuco emi ho
found on tlif rontlnrnt for rtnli!'au.
Inir nilied ixnnnnciH pHturt' uliul
lar In chnrnrtor to tlmim which hnvo
provoil ho viilunhlo to iiKrluulturc In
(In-lit llrltuln,
Tint cloven which mny lm xrown In
Ori'tton, In Hoiini pliici'H with, n::d In
otlmrN without IrrlKiitlon, Inclintn tlio
coiiiiiioii rml, imiiiiiiiotli, AUIko, mmill
whltit, crltiiNon, Iturii'viu or ICKypt
lau olovitr mill nwivi rlovcr Tim
oiovnr Iiml uniiiud will probnlily ho
crown In tlio not illMmil futiiro ovor
in ii rli of tliu rocky HUKohrtiHh linnU of
tint Mate, iIiiin Iticri'UNliiK tlio produc
tion of thum In a inarki'd di'Krctt, Tlio
Hlato In n vnrltnlilo fnlrylund for
KrowliiK nlfnlfu, which iiroducon from
unit to two toim por ncm In tint aroiiH
wlmru tint rnlufnll In Hiultud, nod
throu to (on toim on tint Irrigated
laud, vnryltiK lth tint condltloim
Hint pertain to noil, clliimto nml noa
noil In tint production of alfalfa
need, hoth In tint dry ami IrrlKnted
ureitH, OroKou In without ii pcr.
In tint Hint or fodder, It will pro
diiro moNt cxcfilh'tit cnipri of corn,
corn rodder, HiirKliuin. Knflr corn,
uillo iiiulie, rnpo mnl knlo. Tim pro
iliictloii or rorn for tint Krnlu mnl of
MorKhuiii nml Knflr corn tuny lm con-
lined to tho loMi-r vnlleyh oniit of tint
ChniwiiIu tnoiiiitnliiH, hut foinlur corn
nml proluility tullo tiinltv enn ho
Kriiwn nl un olevntluu nut uxcuodltiK
100(1 toot.
I'rillt In OliKon.
Tho iidnptntlou or tlio noIIn nml of
tint climatic condition of Oregon for
tint production of fruit In into or Un
1 critwulnic itlorlen, viewed from tho
iNtniiitK)litt ot nKrlciilturit. Tint I ant -lor
frulta Incliido tliu npplo, pcur, nprU
rot, plum, quince, pouch, pruno nml
I cherry. Tim tnnnltor frultN Includn
'tint NtrnH hurry, rnNphorry rod and
tilnck. round nml long, loKmihorr,
IcurrantN nml Kooichcrrlei or iim'iiy
kluilH Who linn not hoard of tlm rn
iiioiin poarN or Anhlnml, or tlio penr
I ItHHi HpltlfiihitrK apiili'N of Medford,
Inml or tint fninoiiN ArkniiNiin lllack of
()ntrlo? Who doott not know nhotit
I'm )lelil of the apple crop In On
tario and other place wliero In miino
iliiNtnuriHt morn thnn 1000 Imtoa of
' flrnt clan npploN luivit I icon taken
from a hIiikIo acre, which hnvit netted
nut le than $1 n ImixT Who iIooh
not know nlKittt tlm wonderful Hood
lllver ntrnwliorrliHi nml tlm prum
flint ant crown In nlinoat ovcry vnl
lc) ? Who hna not hHn Informed re
, KuritliiR iiinKiilflcoul cherry treiH, unit
of which will nhuiiilaully nupply '
fmnlly for tho icnaonT In bodio
I part of tlm ntntit tint KiirIUIi wnlniil,
tlm fllliert nml vnrloui other klnda of
nuln mny ho groWU tuccoimfully ni
In California mnl tlm itniiio In trim or
Krapen, Willi moro tlmn iuu.uuu
iicron already In orchnnl, and with
plantliiK kuIiik on nparo, what will
not tho iiroductloii or fruit ho In thin
rIhIu ii row yearn hciiru It will tux
tho ItilinhltnntB to pick It ami tho
rnllromlH to nhlp It out,
Tuliei to tlm front,
OroROU Ih no lett to tho foro with
Itn tuhcra, Tho potntoca which It
Krown on tlm dry Inudit uro iiimxccl
lud In iinillty nml on tlm Irrlxnted
luml In ylohlN. Artlrhokca mny ho
Itrown with no other limit thnn tlm
tondlnic front Vnlo to I'rlnovlllo ftnd
llond u dlttancu of practically 300
inllej, without a railroad. Hut tho
rnllroad will con.o, Tho dlncua.
alon linn conildnrcd only tho kjn
alhlo rcaourcca from tho noil, Thoao
from tho forcNta, tlm initio and tho
tun aro alio rolatlvoly very xreat,
Clluintit Im (Irrnt Atet.
Tho cllmnto of Oregon la without
a poor In tlm United Htntea, On tlm
wholo It la eiitinhlo, and alnRtilarly
frco rroin violent oxtreiiiua. Tho
Niiiiiinor hunt la aoldom opjirtimlvu In
any purt, nml tliu winter cold la not
tnxliiff, Tlm nlehta nro at all tltnc-s
iiooiIh or tlm nwlinr which feed upuii;cool and hrnclriR. Thero Ih nlinoat
Milch rood hy hnrvimtliiK It for thorn. entire freedom from tornadoes nnd
aolviia, Tho lowor vnlloya run Krow cyclones nro unknown, Hnnt of tho
Mweot potntoca, rlvnllltiK Hiono of , Cnncadca tho npraKo rainfall runa
tlm Cnrollmia, nml puntiuta oiulllnB from 12 to 1& Inchca. Thla roglon
Hioko ot VlrKlnln, Tliu Mat of voko-1 1 characterized by brlffht aiinahino
tithlca liiclmlua virtually overy npuclca durliiK tho InrKer portion of tlm year,
that can ho Krown In tempurntu ell Went of tlm Cnacndes tlm winter nro
inateN and of Hiiporli quality, jcharnctorltod hy many ralnn, hut
Tint hop or OruKou huvo Ioiik heen theao rail Kently. The nverKo annual
fniiuiUN, In no atnlo enn hopa of het'ipreclpltntloit for tho wholo atato la
tor quality ho Krown and In nono can ! t'J.K Incliex. In nil of OroKmi tlm
equally lurco ylulda ho ohtnlnod, un-, hnrvent aonaon Ih dry, n cotialdcrntloii
lotiK It ho In WnahliiKtou. '1'lioho two, of luculrulnlilo economic value, Tlm
atntuN alouo could ho mndo to pro-1 generally equnlilo character of tho
diico what would Ko far to nupply tho cllmnto nlll ho apparent when It la
uinrkota of tlm world. Htated that even on elevated Inndn
Tho HiiiIkt trei-N Include mirh In proximity to ntiow covered nioun
Npccli'H iih tint yellow pluo, white pine, ' tnlua and where summer froxta annoy
fir, aprucu mid cedar. Tlm Krovett more or Iobm, potntooa are aomo tlmen
Incliido the lilack locum mid catalpa, ' plnutod In tho niituinn, and atrawher.
no vnluuhlo In furulNhltiK 1'onta for Hen tliounh uncovered aru tinlinrmed
thy fanner. The time will prolmlily py the wlntor'a oold. In aome place
never come when Ori'Kou will he un- roNoa nro In hloom In tho garden In
nhle to nupply Ita own need in till N'otomhor. In hucIi a climate live
line, tock muy feed upon tho hill until
.Much ItiMiin I'or Meti'lopuieiit. Doceinhei, utid the farmer may allow
Tlm oppurtunltli'8 for diivelopmeiil tiicin to run out nil winter In aonio
uro Hliuply without parallel. At tlm Prt of Oregon,
prenetit tlmn. hut 1,008,101 ncrca oft Hlock HnMiix u ImiIIiik Imlimtry.
tlllnlilu Inml hnvo heen rultlvntod, I The llvcitock Induitry In OreKon
Mhlle tho retnaliiltiK 111,011', 129 acres Is In a hoiibo nelf-contalned that I,
or tlllnhlo land "nto never heen It l virtually Independent of tho ncc
touchud hy tho plow. Thla menu I eaalty for replenishing It from tho
that the present production mny Ii0outlde. On the million of acres of
multiplied hy five when thla land rugged nnd rocky lands within tho
cotnett to ho tilled, ctcn though tlm re atate. hunch and other grasses will
Hhoiild I io no ndvntico ovor present contlnim to grow freely nmld the
methods of tillage. Of thla area, not angehruBli that la round on these, pro
lean thnn prohahly 10,000,000 ncrea vidlng they nro not over-pastured.
will ho fnrmed on tho dry farming, On these grasses which oxcol In nil-
plan, One half of this area thus
farmed and demoted to wheat would
mid CO to CO million bushels to tho
present production or that cereal.
One milieu acres devoted to grow
ing alfalfa seed would produce many
times more of this valuable product
thnn la now produced In all tlm
Htntea. One half or tho 3,000.000
sere of land that will soino day he
Irrigated could ho mndo to produce
0,000,000 ton of liny lit one son.
aoii, nnd otory Ronsttn for an Indofl
trltlou, sheep and cattto will he sum
mered ns In the past until they run
up Into the millions, and they will
not he shipped Kaat na they hnvc been
In former year to ho finished In corn
holt nrcHs. They will bo wintered on
alfalfa grown largely on tho Irrigated
lands and when of aufllclunt age will
ho fattened on alfalfa from tho Irri
gated lauds, nlonn with eoarxo grains
grown on these and also on tho dry
lamia. Thus Orogon will furnish Its
own atockcra and they will ho finish.
nlto period. Tlm full ikwMIiIo do- ed within tho state. Tho markets
eopmeiit of the npplc Industry would of tho rapidly growing cities of the
All kinds of fuel deliv
ered promptly at lowest
market prices. PHONE
cnll for the building of tw-o miles of
rnllroad for every one that Is now In
tliu atate, to get the fruit to market.
Vnst arena In tlm ntnto are et with
out railroads'. In tho. 'absence of
these, settlements come slowly, Kven
now there la a atrip of country ox-
const will soon absorb these, henco
tho expense of transportation will bo
greatly reduced. Tho opportunity
for building up a magnificent da'ry
Industry, especially on the Irrigated
lands east of tho Cascade and on
those west of tho Cascades whore
rain la abundant, are simply superb.
On tho lattor, pasture grasses may bo
grown, virtually perennial In their
greenness, and on the former enor
mous crops of alfalfa may lm grown.
In tho Snako river valley near Onta
rio seven tons to the acre per annum
Is the average yield. Thla means
that dairy product may ho produced
at less than half the cost of tho same
In Now England, and that good cows
well managed will give a gross re
turn of 1100 per year with prices at
present prevailing, one holf of which
should bo clear profit. In such
arena awlno may bo abundantly
grown at a cost not to exceed three
cents a pound live weight, which Is
cheaper than they can bo grown In
the corn helt. Tho day Is certainty
coming when transportation of dairy
products and pork from the Missis
sippi basin will ccaac, nnd when tho
current of trado in these will flow
from cast rather tnnn west.
Tlmlter Koourcet Wonderful.
The timber of Oregon Is In a sense
fabulous In extent. Tho Cascade
rango atone, which runs from tho
north to tho south of the statoH
through Ita entire length, a d'stanco
of nearly 300 miles, la covered with
unbroken forests. Tho width of
this vaBt treo bearing region varies
I from IT, to 3G miles. The trees
j which grow within it are as a rule
of gigantic site. They grow so
quickly In many places that It seems
I marvelous how each gets Its supply
Ul IUUU. A IIVJ mnui UH"fllua tv-
ward tho sky and will yield enor
mously in lumlter. The government
land In forest reserve is about 15,-
000,000 acres. It may he expected
therefore, to furnish a mipply of lum
her through coming centuries.
Theso statements are In no senso
the language of extravagance. Should
they bo disputed, they may easily Im
defended on any platform. Enough
has been said, however, to sustain
tho statement made at tho outset,
that for variety of agricultural pro
duction, Oregon Is without a peer or
even an equal among the states of
tho Union.
Local pcopio aro surprised at the
QUICK results received from simple
buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as
mixed In Adler-l-kn, the Cerraan ap
pendicitis remedy. Tho Patterson
Drug Co. states that this simple rem
edy antlsopticlzes the digestive sys
tem and draws off the Impurities so
thoroughly that A BINGLK DOSE re
lieves sour stomach, gas on tho
stomach and constipation IN
STANTLY. (Advertisement)
Estimates on Wall Paper at
application Portland Prices
Cheapest and Best Wall Paper
Samples in the county.
Get My Prices.
6hop on Ortfoo &trtt,
Ktrof Dochutc Bonk
:, i
v,.n? yvM
v . -.
We Wish You a Happy New Year
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