rr THR BKNI RUIilKTlN. I1KNP, WKIINKSDAV, JANUARY 1. IBM 1VUJK 4. IB BETTER ROADS AND THR FARMER, Movement Means a Great Deal to Agriculturists, SAND-CLAY IS VERY GOOD. Thla Type of Highway li Far Chtapar Tnan Macadam and Uiualty Oringt Splandid Raaulta Proper Mtthod ol Building, To tlic farmer hotter road fro qtiently niettu Ihe difference Uclwrcu nitlueiice Mini iKinkruptey." said lro feor Rrtieat Klopit Ayre. hlcbway vumneer ut Hit Oregon AcrU-uitunl font's. In recent lcetun "A Wis consin fanner neld UHW bushels of po (tilthrw In inn cellnr. naltlni: rur n pood price. He offered in! cema In .Mnrch. but the potatoes must t dellr ervd In town, nnd the road were In Biioti cowtlthm tbut It was Impossible to haul orer ihfiu. When the road finally dried out he took hi potatoes to market and irot 30 cent a bushel. " "hi order to secure the adrnMac.cs of better transportation fucllltltti It la not necessary that a gnat deal ot mouey H-H-H-K 'KW-H-r GOOD ROAD MAXIMS. Puth dont pull. Don't bo a kneetttr. You cannot afford bad roada. The laboror ahould bo Interaet" od In tho road queatlon. Soft roada and aluthy atraota add o tho coat of ovarythlng. Qood roada do moan mora than a maro ploaauro court for autq mobtloa. It cott; noro monoy to do with out goott '-oada than it will to build tham. Ouild good roada and aao Amarica fir it. Improvtd roada aro tho boat ad vertiaament a atato can havo. It ia fataa oeonomy to build a wagon road with chaap mate riala. Aa aoon aa wo "gat down to brata tacka" on tho road quaa tion and agraa upon a ayatam to bo built, th kind of roada to ! conitruct and an equitable way T to pay for tham the country will X fall ovar itaalf galling away from tho old mud roada. t QET TOGETHER. KH-t-t-H-t-H-t-H-H-.-H-W-H-1-i-t-l' GET TOGETHER ON GOOD ROADS WORK. A OOOO SAJID-CZtiT BOAD. be cpont on our hlshi.-a.Ta. but what I tUT-stl should be iireil carefully nnd lntelll:eiitly. A very few dollar apent nt the rijsht time will aava repair coat ing hundreds." Mr. Ayre theo described lo detail the process of construction of the sand clay road-tbe loltl.nl grading with proper crowu and drainage dltcbea. tbe distribution and packing of tbo clay, spreading ot the sand and plowing and narron-tnir It In lightly on top. Thl type of road baa siren excellent Mil. fattlon la fbe southern and middle western state, but little work of tbe port naa a yet been done In tbe Pad tic oonbwoH. There t no question of It value for rural highway, and tbe mi inn In e(Mti over otber forma of road I do menu Item. The road must rtrxt be traded and drained carefully and should be crown. -d about one locb to Lbe foot and HUiwithrtl wtiti tbe dm;. Tbe road can be greatly Improved by adding sand, ereu If do grading baa been. done, but Itie expense will be much greater "The wind must be sharp and roarae, but need uut be aa clean a I required for t-ourretu. Tbe Mind should be What Two Old Enamiaa Did at an lm provamant Matting. Two of the oldest men In the town of tiiitTa. Neuiahu t-ounty. Kun . uttttr rrletl eight or ten yunr iigo They have iH-eu mighty rnn-rul eer slnre not to see each other on the street or to Hxrtk. There bare been uu uU bustll Itlcs. but Jtit m silent warfare. No one know how the old grudge might hate resulted eventually bud It not Im-cii for one thing Nemaha comity had n good rortd turnout recently One hundred nnd twenty-live men. with tlfty team, gave one day to Improving one mile of the worst naid In the county Three long hills were cut down nnd two old brokeu bridge were repaired Thee bridges are to be replaced nf once with concrete. All tbe weed and bninb for aeveral mllen aluug tbo road wero cut niul burned. At noon the good rnnd wnrkera met at a big picnic to hear A. It l.oh. n xNtiint Htnte highway engineer from tbe agricultural college, give a good ronda talk and get aomethlug to eat And there the two old hii-dne!" ene mies met. After the alienee nnd cou tempt of year they looked nt ouch oth er for a moment nnd then shook bands "Rin. mild one. -we urely do need work nn thee nwds" "We surely do." said tbe other "And thp only way to do It U to get to gether." TIPS TO HIGHWAY USERS. Englnaar'a Noval Mtthod For Katplng I Roada In Qood Condition. A novel nnd unusual method of call ing nttentlun to tbe proper way lo which to use a good road was put In operation by the atate hlgliwny en ginrer of Illinois. It consists of a card bearing tbe following legend: Mil BaaBaHaKaBtBlialila! riaJg ft aH B(Ltli?am3 KP15bWmEB HLaHnZaaHitJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 ii-ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HOW TO KEEP THIS ROAD I FOR YEARS. T Thla road waa conatruetad for j X your ot. uon-t anve in one xracic avoid making rutt. If all ua ona placa all tho ' waar will bo in ona plac and ' make a rut. '.'. If you ua a llttl care and do not drive oxaotly wharo the laat " wagon did th waar will b dia . . tributad. which will kaap tha aurfac amooth and tha road will remain good for yar J. othrwi it will toon b ruttad T and th amooth aurfao gon. t.tt. !.... i i i i i ri ii r UKSTOUATIDN TO RNTUY OK ttXSUA IX NATIONAL l-XIUKHT. Notlco Is horoby Riven that tho In ml a dcaorlhed holow, ciuhrncltiK 3911.811 ncrt'a, within tho DoRchittes NntUinnl Poroat, OroRon, will ho aithjoct to ut tlotnont nnd entry umtor tho provla lona of tho hnmeatend Inwa ot tho United Rtntea and tho net of Juno 11, 1U0G (31. Htnt.. 2.13), nt tho Unltuii Stntea laud olttro nt l.itkovlow, Oro gon, on Mnrch i, 1U13. Any aottlor who whs ncttmlly nnd In goud fnlth clnltuhiK nny ot anUl hiuls for ugrl cultural imrposcs prior to Jmuinry 1, 1906, and hns not ntmndotUMl sumo, hna n prcfoi-cnco right to niitko n hnmeatend entry for tho Innda no tunlly occupied. Snld Inuda worn listed ihui the applications of thn pomoun mentioned holow, who hnvo n proferottco right suhjert to tho prior right of mi)' Bitch settlor, provided Hitch settler or nipllrnnt Is iiunlMml to tunko homestead cutty nud tho proferutico right la oxorclsod prior to Mnrch I. 1913, on which ditto tho lands will m nuhject to aottlouiunt nud entry by nny iiunlltled peraon, Tho Inuda aro na follnwa:The SW'H of NBU, tho SH of NKU of NWV4. tho 8t of NV of NK of NWVU tho KKW of NWV4 of NKVi of NWU. tho NKU of NKU or NWV4. Sec. 2 4, tho 8S4 or HWU of hi:u. the a of xru or awu or si. the WH or SKU of SKfc, tho Wy, or KH of SKH of SBU. tho SKVi nf NKH of 8Ki or RKU, tho KVj of SI.H of SUM, of HKVi. Hoc. 1J, T. 31 S.. It. ! K, w. M.. HO ncr an l-1lcatloii of Jinnee 1.. Ilensou. (,f I ! i.'iio. Orogon; I 't ti-731. Tho IJVj of Ni:4 of SUV, tho SWH or XKU or sku, tho 3KVi or xwv; or xku or SKH. ftKVt or HKU. thn HUM t awu or sbu, tho 8i:u or xku of SWU of SUUi 8-'- 11. T. 21 8.. It. 10 i:.. ST ttcroa, nppllcntlon of llor iMsrt J. I'lnley, of D.tlhnrt, To.xnn: Mat G-735. Tho XKU of XKU or SWU or XKU. tho VU or XKU or SWU or XU. the KU or xwu or swu or xku. tho xku or swu or swu or xrsu. tho wu or wu or SWU of XKU. tho xwv. or xw'u or xwu or sku. tho xu or xku orswu.xuorsu or xku ot SWU. tho XU of XWU of SWU, tho KU of SKU of xwu or swu. Sec. 17. T. S3 8., It. 10 K., 82.B0 acres, application or fleorgo T. Sly, Jr.. or ltp'ne, Oregon; l.lst 6-75i. Tho XU or SWU or XKU. the XV4 or su or swu or xku. tho swu or sku or swu or xku. tho su or swu or awu or xku. the wu or xku or xwu or sku. tho wu or xwu or sku. tho svj or xwu or swu or sku. tho su or swu or SKU, Sec. 3. T. 22 8.. It. 10 K., 87 -oO ncres, except a atrip 30 rent wldo along the weat aldo or tho SWU or XKU. nnd tho XWU or XWU or XWU or SKU. Sec. 3, tho net nren being 8C.36 ncres, nppllcntlon or Wnl demar Chrlatenaen, or Lnplnc. Ore gon; Mat 6-7E8. Approved Dccolii her 9. 1912. S. V. I'roudnt, Aasltt ant Commissioner or tho General Land Ontco. 42-45 CITATION. In tho County Court or tho Stato ot Oreton for Crook County. In tho matter of tho Batnto ot Taut O. Volstad, Deceased. To Klccta Olcna Volstad. Irono Chris- tlno Volstad and OUf Percy Vol- atnd, tho known holrs or Paul O. Volatad, deceased, and to all tho unknown holrs If any, or Paul O. Vatatoad, deceased. Greeting: In tho nanio or the State of Oregon; You and each of you nro hereby cited and summoned to appear on Monday, tho 3d day nf February, 1913, at 10 o.clock In the forenoon of anld day, at the County Court room In Prlnevlllo. Oregon, and then and thire show cause. If any thero bo, why nn order for tho salo of SWU. Section (35). Township (18) 8., Range (12) K W. M., should not be inado to John Steldl, administrator or said estate, as prayed for In tho petition of said administrator filed heroin. Witness, tho Honorable U, C. Kl Ms, Judgo ol tbe County Court of tho Stnto ot Oregon for the County ot Crook, with tho no.il of said Court nf flxod this 24th day ot becambor, 1912 Attest: Warren Ilrown, County Clork. . U 'I rooatT DBiomo iisout noa-D, bniught to the road and piled alone the shoulders In dry weather low , nun" uint MiCeii the rlay tieore cou- 1 WnntloN inn lieglli. but the cost of teuiiiiin: Is iiiocli less nheti rhe roods tire tmrd and tlrui. The clienei uieth ol nt luipniteiiieiii is fit spread the Hind fom to six Inches deep over the wet Ha) and lei the trutlli' mis the ma. tenuis. "I in not Hssiune that your road la a failure Iminise It does not compare fiivor.-ilii) with gravel or iiiacudum a soon as the sand Is addml. It con firui'tlmi b ii graduiil prcxrss. and tbe siirtwe will not reacb Its liest condition In le Ihaii six months, ir It geta miidd)'dtir1iig Im lohg ruins add more mho; If ;lt.w-omes ton dry xiid dusty durliii; the soiumer more clay Is needed fn till Ihe'vnl'is. All thill I needed for maintenance i thf'add!rt4nrp);4!lttle umrv saml every year sua in occa alouAl ua ol'tbe 4rau.'V s --.. : . ii i We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of LUMBER of, the Pine Forest Lumber Co., and are in a position to fill orders of any size. In addition we carry a full line of Building Material Lime, Cement, Plaster Brick and Fire Clay. Also CpAL and LAND PLASTER. M ,' 0Yertuf-payjs-jyilei: 9,, , : Bend, Oregpn, , . t 1 1 1. ... -., ' , . ... 'V. . m V l N The Bend Bulletin of December; 4, there were some articles comparing J BEND and its future with Seattle and :: its past. Did you read themr1 T ou undoubtedly did. If you did not, loose no time to do so and while you are reading THINK. After thinking hard, ask yourself if you can afford to let pass another such opportunity as those now wealthy men in Seattle who could see into the future took advantage of then invest in Bend property. Once there was a man who said he would never do anything he hadn't done before. Fortunately there were not many of his kind, so the world continued to advance just the same. Bend Park Company Bend, Oregon EMPIHE HUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY TT - f i If You Want Qood Residence Lots Business Sites Irrigated Land LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS, 32QAcre Homesteads AND RELINQUISHMENTS, investigate what we have to offer. We have the best on the market, at the best prices and terms. This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur ance, Indemnity fonds and Plate Glass, Show Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are the best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly. JWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have something to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you. Oreg. Investment Co. HUMGR NISV0N(112R W. IN VANDBViVir Wail Street, Bend, Oregon --