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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1913)
rAGK IS. TI1M 11KXI 1UTM.KTIN, IlKND, WMINKHIUY, JAMWHV I, Will NEW HOME OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..- .- f - "'.ry A. ; 'J k v.. . JFlg9T jaJIQ7JALBANK 3 !BEND OREGON. uracKM- sum jucntmjc !MHH) KTKUCTUItK IS F1XKST lUlMUNO IX CKXTHAI. OIIKCOX. NEW BANK PEDlCxVTED (Continued from Page One). quarters, all equipped with every lat est device. For the cashier there Is a roll top desk, matching the rest of the woodwork, and another roll top desk to back with It. Throughout, tho electric fixtures, like all the fur niture and other fixtures, were espec ially designed for this building and all are both the most practical to be had as well as harmonizing beautl- Vault Are Modern. At the rear are the vaults, one be hind the grill, for the banking prop er, and another to the right, for safe ty deposit boxes, connected with the main room by a smalt room where customers may have access to their boxes In privacy and comfort, and "cut coupons" to their heart's con tent at the desk provided for the pur pose. A set of steel deposit boxes has been Installed. The msln .vault Is a big affair, guarded by massive steel doors with intricate mechanism, each door weighing 6500 pounds. They are Mosler safes. Downstairs, In tho basement, there Is another storage vault. Its big door haa an Interesting history, be ing the oldest In the state. It was formerly used In tho old I.ndd & Til ton bank In Portland, and was brought across the plains by freight wagon In 1SS9. On tho opening day tho bank han dled 223 transactions. Mlko Mo Grath made the first deposit In the new building. In connection with the opening of Its new home, the bank makes the annoucement that at a board meeting today its surplus be enlarged from $6500 to $10,000, making a to tal capitalization of $33,000. The building opened Monday Is 60 by 70 feet, stands at the corner of Oregon and Bond streets, and cost $20,000. It Is of gray pressed brick, trimmed with Indiana limestone, and Is fireproof. Construction was bo gun In March, 1912. Ileexer Ilrog. of Seattle were tho architects, and Louis Keezer of the firm was hero at the opening, having directed tbq fi nal finishing touches which kept the mechanics busy up to the last mlnuto. its second story is occupied by offi ces, the present tenants living Dr. U. C. Coe, llend Park Company. United btates Forestry Service, Central Ot. gon llrokernge Co., M, S. I.nttln & Co., and V. A. Forbes. GOOD SHOOTING DONE ClirUtinat IMiltiltlon of (Sun ('lull U Kxceltont. Tho Christmas shoot of tho Hod and Gun Club proved to bo very suo cessful, showing that there are some good marksmen In tho town. About 40 men participated, and there were about 25 persons too king on. Ten turkes were given away as prizes. The overage score was 4 out of 5. There were 10 prize events and 2 rifle shoots. The following were prlzo winners: Dcrt Caldwell, 1 turkey; August Hallberg. 1; F. J. Wllkey, 2; C. It. Kurlee. 2: A. II. Allen. 1; I- Metkc, i; M. J. Main, l; W. Garrett. 1. The club Is having another shoot today. Tho grounds are In good con dition, memlxjrs of tho club say, and much fjn Is expected to be had dur ing the coming months. T H 1 AT SI EDITOR AWAY, DEVILS HAVE PLAY Fileiidi of Fred l,ii Folletle, Wliii It Vmnlliinlnir, Get Out 1.4k Pino liitor-Miiiintnlii In III A l vim1, Though Printer mo Itmo. Fred l.n Fulletto, editor of tho l.n Pino Intur-Mouutalii, deserted tho switch last week nud went to Port land, where, 'tis whispered, he Is en joying ono grand holiday, with trim mings. And whl lo ttm editor Is away tho printers devils are nt play, for tomorrow the Intor-Mountaln blos soms forth edited by nearly (ho en tire community of l.n Pine. For hU friends haw played n little trick on Fred. A dozen of them got together and appointed an editorial board, which proceeded to grind out a reqitlslto amount of "copy','. This was sent to Tho lliilletln Hnturduy nud iet by the linotype hero on the Sahbnth for l.n Phut Is long on edl. torn but short on typenetter and sent back to l.n Pine Monday, That gives 'em n couplo o days to gut that type locked up, the heads let nud tho paper printed, which even nl that may prove something of n Job, hecauko Paul Peterson Is tho only oiiu of tho editors, ll Is reported, who ever smelted printers Ink at close range, mid knows the difference be tween an apple plu and pled type. So l.n Pine Is watching with Inter est for tho "Devils Issue," whose editorial Iward Is as fallows- Manag ing Kdltor, J. d. Hedmond, Sporting Hdltor, D. U IWterson, Society Kdl tor, Alphonm W. Ayn; Hoiorler, Kill lloguc. Slick Itaper, and Jim- Carter; .Mechanical Department, Paul Peterson. In honor of tho occasion the fol lowing verse was perpetrated and wilt bo published In the Inter Mountain: Whlto the Kdltor Is away Tho Devils aro nt play. And responsible for the sheet Is not ho; Hut we followed up all clues, And gathered up the news And are printing It with gusto- and with glen. Oh the smile that he will wear And how he'll gently swear lrwvwr WJ i U PIXK, CHOOK COtJXTV, Olll. i -i i - i r tm -if""1 When he llnds tho Imiio out when ho coin back, Hut we're fond of plnyhig Jokes On tho Kdltor, tliu bloke, Hut this the biggest Joku of all tho pack, While far nwiy for n holiday. Which tho Hdltor surely deserves, Ills Devils work like the sturdy Turk Colling In n lot of reserves. And edit n sheet, n Inboruiis foot, Which will open the eyes of nil, And squash In defeat his rngulnr sheet, And back It hard lo the wall, NOTU'i: OF AN.VTAI. KTOCKHOI.D KHS MIXTING. Notlro Is hereby given that the an nual stockholders' meeting of (he Plun Forest Irritation Company will be held at the school houw 0 4 miles southeast of llend on the lletid-lluriis roud, on Saturday, January 4, 1913, nt 2 p. m. W. J. McOlllvrny. President. CLASSIFIED COLUA1N IIATKS: Flvo centa a lino fJr first Insertion In this column, four cents a lino for each subsequent In sertion. Cash In advance unless you have nn account with Tho llul letln. Count six words to tho lluo, Including tho nddreis. For Sale. FOH BAUJ 100-ncro relinquish ment, with 180 adjoining; also other choice locations. Address II. C, oaro Hulletln. 43tf FOH 8AI.H 40 acres of choice Ir rigated land southeast of llend, eith er Improved or unimproved. Price and terms attractive. Also water right to 25 acres under tho North Lateral Irrigation Co, 1M Ihirvor. win. !7ir FOH HAI.H Moloroyclo, or l trade for minion or (initio, II. Smith, llend -.'fit FOU HAt.l-3 CIIKAP- llPflroorn fnrnlluri', iIIiiIiikioiiiii clinlrn, steel rnngit prnrtlcnlly new. J. C. Hhodu. New First National Hunk Hnlltllng FOH HA 1.14 Olio nleel-whcA truuk, piiuitlniilly how, liiqniro Oiiiwfoi'd'H Feed Ynrd, 12 it, For llent, FOH HUNT- Good pasture T.. ft plionoor cull on Dr. V. II. Dciixt uif FOH HHVT -FiirnlshHil four n inoderii housH, for fw inontlis l.. quIrH Hullelli) oltleM. m FOH i. ISN'T Improved Irrlsmtinl iiind In I'owull llutto dlHtrlet. h to 0. A. Me Furl one, Hedmond, Oic Hon. ' I ir FOH HK.VT A furnished front, room, wall lighted, lunitod niul wnn Imth In eonnecitlon. Iiiiiulrn ut Mil tiiei. i.iii FOH HIINT 1. rgo light MrnMi. ed front room, with stove, $2 (iOj 4 week; 10 minutes walk from P ). Gentliimnn, Inqiilru Hulletln otllce, tract near town, with house, ojit-Ji houses, etc. Kiiiiliro at First Nat ional Hank. 29lf FOH HUNT-HI rooms second lloor of my now stoim bulldliig on Wall street, steam heated; will rent singly or entirely. J, II, llenti 30f TO I.KT Four comfortnblo rooms centrally situated, with light aiiA unter, Very reasonable. luqulrn Iliillvtln onire. if , Wiiutnl. WANTICD Good dining rmim girl niul rook. Mrs, Cursny, Altnniont Hotel. 4 Itr WANTI5D- llellnqulslitiifiit lr- pi owner, In Powell Hutte, lifdlawj l)ehuts or lerre.Miuun district, 1 reasonable. Addrs N, core llul!, (In. 43- .j For Sale tr Trnilr. TO THADB SKU HW U Hc II. T. 17 S, It. 13 K. 33 Irrlgnblo acres. Water right fully wld. Will trsdn for properly eUowhere, prefers' ly Western Washington. K I. Spennr,' 1321 Cth Ave., Taeomn Wash tt;i FOH HAI.K or THADK- First par umnt of $300 on 10 ncrrs Carey art land 8 miles N. K, of llend, under tho Central Oregon cans), tlOO cash of equivalent; laud as good na the best. Also Improved lot In llend rents fo; fSf. a muntn, 1800 cash, Inquire of W. II., llend, Oro. 40tf lrft anil Found. LOST Postcard size Premo film. pack camera, In leather case, enclos ed In plaid bag, on llemMlurns road Heturn to Oregon l.and A Immlgrn-' tlou Co., llend, for reward, 43 'A m T T T f 4 I o . I I 4 - 4 1 4 I . n ------ ----- k- -- -------'-- ----- --- ill LUMBER LATH SHINGLES THE BEND COMPANY w 4 1 H , p4 Q T ' ' Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber m Central Oregon. We can mamifatiure what you want, when you want it, and at the prices you want. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. f ? t ? " i " I i f 1 .( .,! .. ..' ' J "& '"f 'f "f f t f -tow The Bend Com pan Bend, Oregon y An- p IS n n i 4 Ui "5. nl m j j. :i ::tf " -::U ::ti ::tf m III lit. tvi if. ' , ""icy t iiMM.iititttftttiniitmtitmtttitif tmtf t-f--f -- - - ti)iM.mtm I ur ---- 4 '