1 Till! 1IHND IIUMjKTM. IIKWI), WHNKH!AY, JANFAIlY J, ffll.l PAOB If. 1 H 4 I11JHINKKM AND PIIOFHKHIONAI. It O UK It T II. (lOIMilt Cltll MliulnciT llnml. OroKon. UMtCKTAKKIt. MrriiNvd ISinliwliiiiT, Funeral Dim-tor I'Hono. l'ly Assistant 0. l NIBWONOKIt, lloitil, Oro. "l' II. THOMPSON, M. D. I Physician nnd HtirKcou Olllcu tin svcond l"ir (lf Hntlior HulldlnK. Wnll Htrcot. DAY FARMING METHODS WIN Itoynnlds, Anno Mnrliol, Marvin Mc Hay, MnrRumt Wkt, II. 0. .Karris, Mm. II. O. Fiirrls, It. J. Todd, Mm. It. J. Todd, Htnjilicti Htuldl, Anglo Viiiiiik, (Ivrtriiile Mnrkcl, C. 0, Ho ward, HOHH I' A It Ml AM Attorney nt I.mw Ofllco In old First National Hank HiilldliiK. Lot MAH10N M. I.HHII N u r n o 11, Hlook 16, Center Addition llend, Oregon BEST WHEAT QROWN AT 4900 ALTITUDE Mniitnnii runner I (. 1 1 lit IIiiMiik of drain Tlmt Won WOUt; Prize lit Mllilicapollx ('"miuon Krlio N v c e h n it i' y, II H n y . ,TIK J. II. IIANIMI AIIMTItAC'r l f Incorporated, Complete tritct Indexes nnd photo ' Krnphlc coplo ot nil Crook Count) t rccoru. 1. Prlnevtlla, OroKon Nature Method Chronic Disorder i and Dietary Advlco A Specially Hit. It. H. KKTCIIU.M Clilrnprartor. Mechano-ThrrapUt Hour 0 to 5. 1 4 I Hock Kant ' of llend Hotel. BIG PROBLEMS TO GOME UP irilKiilliiti Coiikk'hn NVxt WVck to H IlllpOlfJtllt Kt-ftklllll. This year's session of the Oregon IrriKHtlun CoiiKrcfH nt I'ortlntid, on January U to 11, promise to hu uvun belter tli a n Init year's, which wn notable its oiiii of tho Heat cuiKr.'Rs or conventions ever hold In Oregon, Members of the Leglslatum will nU tend In order to get In touch with liiml nnd Irrlgntlon condition In dlf (urent purls, of Oregon. The pro grniu In luilng nrruiiKcd io that tho need nnd requirement of every lo cality In tho state can he presented nud proiior publicity given, Adjustment of the Umatilla proj ect difficulties was nccotnillihud at hut year'i congrem. The Irrigation need of Oregon are many and thin congreiH In the one opportunity for n meeting of all concerned to fur ther the common Interest. A ono nud one third fnre for tho round trip hue boon granted by the railroads under thu usuul condition. J. i:, Knwhlll nnd V. A, Korlicn of llend will ho among the nponkera. W. W. rAUI.KNKH. I). M. I). ih:ntiht O'DoiiiiqII llulldlng II e n d. Oregon It, C OOI!, M. H. I by Icln n nud H ii rue on OIHce over First Nntlonnl Hunk Oltlcn Hour: 10 to 12 n. in.; 1 to 3 and 7 to t p. in. IIKNI). :: OltKOON H. II IS NH O.N Attorney At l n vr ' Oniuo In old First Nntlonnl Hank llulldlng t llend, Oregon VIIHNON A. FOIllllW IjAWYKK First Nntlonnl Hnuk llulldlng, llend. Oroicon ii:ohoi: h. you no Civil, Mining nnd Irrigation Ihiglnrrr. t Uregon Buret Omce with J. A. Hastes. MINNKAPOMH, Minn.. Dec. 28 "flood 'dry farming' method" pro duced the w hunt which won for Nali & Hrldgouinu of Clyde I'nrk, Mont., the $6000 prlxu for the hit live bushels of wheat exhibited nt the Minneapolis I.i'iid Hhow, accord ing to Joauph I. Nusli, who gnve a description of the method lined In raining the wheal. Niuh I here with hi wife nod n,t children to claim the I&000 prlie nnd take It hack to Mont mm with him. He called nt the otllce of, the expo. sltlon nnd wii given n certified copy of nil scores nnd nn order for the lllg Tour "30" ga tractor, Ktnorson- HruutlUKhnni plow, etc. Then hu milled on President Howard Klllott of the Northern I'nclttc Hallway und received further congratulations. He told Mr. Klllott how the wheat wan raised nud demonstrated tlmt good 03 ,nc,,(H tn,( W0K,1B ,,, KHlndi( dry farming meihod.-or Jut coni-jnn,, hnB n ttinK M,)nCty of iC8.2 mon avniK will product, not only' lc cont,m.,t.r(l, TMt , t.Khl good whent hut the maximum yield c(lt,n,wr, Kr(.ter thnn tho nverngo ,M'!'.i?,,., ... . , . .of the riiihmnn elm nt Michigan thl "The live huihel which won the year prlre w. grown nt nu nltltudo of, Tn ,mltlic, ihow iho ,, n .we. VJOO feet where the rnlnfnll dot,. r.ot I ..... ...i-. with uood ..hv.lcnl Jn- iceed 17 to 18 Inchu. One crop ; v,...,..,...,......,,.,.,..,. ,., rf M111, ,1P i ... . - ' - GIRLS WELL PROPORTIONED Figure Hhow Atmie Young; Woman I (iooil KMilmeii I'lijulrully. i:U(!i:Ni:, Uec. 28. Tho nvornge frehiunu girl nt tho Uulverdty of Oregon thl year I 18 year old, In at F. (. M I N O It I'oMortlcn llulldlng I.ll'i: KIIIK ACCIUBNT I N HIIIU N c i: Notnry I'uhllc nnd Con"cynncliiK All ' Legal I'npeni Corrwlly Drawn Fidelity Houil. had lieon produced on the land he fore we weeded It to thl Turkey Ited whent, thu teed for which came from (iNllntln volley," nld Nnh. "We nuiuiuer fallowed the Innd In 1911 by plowing with a mould-board plow not leu than lx Inche deep In the lam part of May and flrt of June, We dragged It down at oon n ikiiiIIiIu ufter plowing, tho Idea being to prcnerve the moliture by dragging within two da, after plowing or aootier. After any rain fall of conidiucnco the ground wn dragged a oon a It wn poMlbla to get onto It with a team. two too light for almolutu perfection. Annette Keljermnii, ibe fnuipun 'mcr tuald,' comldered to1 have a perfect figure, weigh Juit 12C iwunda and taud C4 Inchea, Judging by Oil atandnrd tho average frenhmnn girl mcaiure up very creditably, RECORD OFTRANSFERS Herd nnd Other luttrument Fllcl With County Clerk at I'rlncvlllc. t ft lHt fi.iiw llanlt a nil.,,,,! 1,,. - ,. u M. ......I.I- 1 W 1UHHl.l tu 'IHIW 'B,M,W v d..cXho neld. Vhe In't of" Auguil! '.? 2 of 0t ,o1 9' "lk f.tt.1 III. fftM WMl v (I.lUl..l,U It J 'UnU "4 IW ! IV W UUMVIMIVI . J. M A I N All Kind, of Itlnrkmiiltli Work ' Price Itentonnblo MlnntiKita St.. Hct. Ilond nud Wall. U. N. HOFFMAN N O T A It Y ' l I) II 1. 1 V Hiinter'M anil Angler' l.lcfiikt Fniwrt. n'Nprclalty. Vullotln Omce. (lend, Oregon . MIBSKVA U (1HAVKB Tmchrr of 1'IANO I'laYI.NCI Ilmldrnce Htudlo at Mr. A. M. Ijirn'i. Telephone. Call nt OREGON STREET SHOE SHOP O. F. HURT Prop. ---- MNew PALACE MARKET Charles Uoyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. it was drugged nnd then the seed waa planted by drilling with a doublo dlic Kentucky drill which put It down at Ivaat four Incite. Forty pounds of need wa used to tho acre and wo prefer leva rather thnn more than thl amount. If tho land la atrung and clean It will uot require thl amount. "With auch method of farming tnolituru la preserved lultlclent to start tho reed to germinate Immedi ately whether there I rain or not. in , the spring of If 12 tho Held wn harrowed or dragged as soon as the land was dry enough to i-ermll It. Once or twice Inter no dragged It. This I dune to keep a mulch on the laud nnd kmp It from baking or doing out. "The soil of our ranch la a dark mountain Icaiii. beneath which Is a llmtstono elay subsoil, The wheat was produced without any artificial mrans of sub-Irrigation though wo have considerable winter snow which helps preserve the whvut thiough thu wluter. Wheat In this section sel dom or never winter kills and never heaves out by frost. The character of the soil 's similar to that In all of central Montana, particularly in 1 the Judith basin, the Crow Creek, Smith Jttvor and Musclshell valleys. There arc hundreds of acre's of simi lar Innd open to homested entry In Montana." As n result of his succers In rnldng nud selecting wheat, Mr. Nash hat been offered a position for the winter, Installing the permanent exhibit of tho Northwest Development Loaeuo In 8t. I'nul. Ho has accepted nnd will rorualu In St. I'nul until tlnio to go out and produce another crop of wheat. Archla 1'attlo to J. J. Hupp, ntto soU, attsMsot;. sec 3-18-10. llend I'ark Co. to I. V, Tolnion, Its 1C and 17. blk 222, 1st add., llend Park. $240. Tho llend Co. to Hrnd Park Co., It 15, blk 30, Center add., llend. Kenwood Promotion Co, to J. S. Smith, It 17, blk f., Kenwood. Free Fruit Land asVEaaVlsBll MaVasVsHHHBSssjHHBVai HasVaVHHKaMnssVHHssW Paisley DON'T BE AFRAID OF U. S. GOVERNMENT CAREY ACT IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN ORXGON. Tc day of lrrrsKinlblc irrigation companies In this atate Is pant. When the XoriliMrwt Totrnslte Company or 1'hllndelphln took over the PaUley ( Project In tmke County. It Knve the largest bond ever Riven In the stite fifty lliouiiani dollars guarfli.teclnj; completion of the project. Kvery three month it makes an Itemized statement of expemc to the Dncrt v Iinil Iloaril. All of It advert lulng books, maps, contracts, sulmcrlplion ngreement nnd literature I submitted to Uie Desert Itnd Hoard for In. fcpiftlou In-fore bring; Isntinl. T1IK li.NI M MiVKb. FItl.'KFHOM ItOCK. AND ISA IHCI1 VOT CANIC AHII KOIIi. The climate I perfect for fruit, which now grown to ix-rfcrtloii at Paisley. Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Prunes, Contraction work upon the dam and rcucrtolr has now been In progre for three month, with Thomna Hawthorn, Htnte Inpcctor, on the ground. He wa formerly with tho U. H. (;oveniincnt ItccIamaUon Ken Ice on the Umatilla Project. Kcnd for 32 pugc llluitrated book, fio to Paisley by automobile Mage from llend anil sec the Innd. Our agent at Paisley, Hugh K. Gil more, will show you the land. It I free to those who pay the com of putting' water on It. Xortlivtrwt Twnlto Co. arc among the lnrgot taxpayers in Oregon, ounlng townslte stibMllvlluns at Prlncvillc, Madras, Itetlmond, Hcnd, lliirnn, Yale and nloo the Blo-ncre Corn rancli at Paisley, including a 30-bnrrcba-day capacity flour mill, and general store. Our bank reference are: 1-in.t Nntlonal Hank, Philadelphia. Ph. Clrard National Hank, Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Trout Co., Philadelphia, Pa. lntcmtatc Finance Cororatiou, Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant' Trunt Co.. Camden, .V. 3, Kecurlly Havings & Trust Co., Portland, Ore. Addrm nil communications to our Portland oRlce, 001 Ycon nulldlnj;. Write now. The average cot of water will be $10 dollars an cre. We will give you a square deal. Northwest Townsite Co. 308 Chestnut St., Phllsdclphls, Pa. SEE OUR AGENTS IN BEND HOMESEEKERS' LAND COMPANY. IHSIT.K I'KKFUIi HOOK. There Is many u time when a busi nessman or anyone wnuts to find out alxiut something and doesn't know where, to look for Information. To meet such emergencies Thu Portland IVAhlni. 1it,i,rnlii tifl ImbiiaiI a Handy Almanac, Encyclopedia nndl fr two-bits Atlas that is an excellent book of knowledge. It contains vast Infor mation about government, popula tion, commerce, agriculture, Industry and whatnot all arranged so that what you aro looking for la cally found. There are maps, tables, statistics, etc. The volume contains 21G pages and being bound In paper if I II. DEVARA10ND Machine Shop and Garage Wo know how to do nil Wntla of Machine Work, . TRY US AND SEE. -ttt-t-t--t AN "AUTO TRUGK STRAW RIDE" Mlsteltoe Add to Zct of Kvcnl(.tf st llounjt Folk Outlug. Monday night nn "auto truck straw ride." wn tho novel fenture of n party given by Mrs. H, J, Todd and Miss Lola Mqltny t,u 19 young people, who went from llend In tho gasoline, wagon to tho O. W, II. Hlley place, rented by Mrcuud Mrs, W, I). McKay, At tho rancli games wero pluyeu and "wienies" cooked over it big upon lire, together with other goodies. According to reportH n popular part of tho evening's entertainment wub provided by the presence of much mistletoe, which appears to huvo conic In for n geuoroiiH ubo, Ono young man, It Is mild, taking ndvan tngu of thu fact tlmt l.oup Your Is utmost over, took n dospornto chnnco and planted himself huiienth n brunch of thu mlsteltoe, chnltonglng any girl to kiss him, ii "dure." that finally was nccoptod, apparently, howover, with no sorlous results to olther of the parties concerned, Tho following wero presont: Ethol Ilordou, Arrlo Hluck, Fred I.ucub, Corn Sntlior, Cornelia Wilson, E. M. Lara, Kthot Holmes, Quy Mc- We do not Give Trading Stamps fJBuy your groceries of us, we can save you from five to ten per cent. Trade . where your DOLLAR goes the farthest. ' " L. 3. MISENER CASH GROCERY. WHOLESALE AND TELEPHONE. RETAIL. Bend, Oregon. CHURCH NOTICES MethoIit Fplscopal. Iter. E. C. Nowham, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11 a. m and nt 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep worth League at C: 46 p. m on Sunday. Choir practice Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Write to tho secretary of tho Itiid mond poultry show for a premium l'st. Over ono hundred valuable prizes. 39tf Hots Protiyterlan. There will bo services Sunday, January 5, ut 11 a. m. at the Star Theatre, subject "Tho Conquering Christ." Sunday schooliat IDRu m. Farnbam, aupeiiDfondentf IUptUt. ' Ilible school at 10 a. m. Preach ing sen-ice at 11, At this service the pastor will preach the first of a series of sermons on "The Christian Church." Tho brotherhood Willi meet In the reading room of tho pub lic library at 3 p. m. A most cordial invitation Is given to this meeting. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Preaching service at 7:36.' subject "Why Some Men aro Not Christians.", Edwin George Judd, pastor. j HOT BREAD Jf WHERE SERVICE PREDOMINATES Tho Largest and Dest Hotel in Bend Hotel Wright DIES OF PNEUMONIA. Following a short Illness with pneumonia, Mrs. Ilusha Amanda Dyer, wife ot Howard F. pyer, died at her homo in Kenwood Saturday night at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Dyer was 47 years of age. She' waa born In Indiana. Surviving Is her hus band and several step-children. In terment was made Monday In Pilot Dutte cemetery, In charge of Under taker Nlswonger, The funeral ser vices wero conducted by Rev. E. Q. Judd of , tho Uapthu .church. I EVERY A10RNINQ at I CORKETT'S SHUEY'S MISENER'S McCUISTON'S . OAKED BY American Bakery i f Pilot, Butte Acreage Best and Ixwcst Priced Acreage on the Market. Handled by all reliable real estate dealers. J. H. Bea Bend, Oregon I (Successor to the New Toggart hotel.) Modern Stono Building, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Hot and Cold Water in Rooms, Splendidly Equipped Cui sino Service Sample Rooms. Free Bus to and from dopot. American or European Plan. Wo Cater to First Class Trade. W J $53,000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY to those who act as the local representa tives of eveiwbody's MAGAZINE and TUB DEUNEATOIi all in addition t o liberal commissions. Let us show you how you can. 8EOURE A SHARE simply by forwarding tho subscriptions of your friends and neighbors and collecting tho renewals of our present subscribers. Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lota of prizes that can bo won only by persons living in towns same size as your own. Write at once to the BUTTERIOK PUBLIBHINQ COMPANY QUTTSRloK BUlLQINO, NW VORKOITV