The bend bulletin. it : J VOL. X. IJENI), OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1, 11)13. NO. 48 b NAHGES HITF SHOW UP ILL MILLER SEEKS PHONE FRANCHISE h Atl I'roi'iit Hiilonn (Iniiitnl Ll -riiM- Until Miiy I Ktiindmil Oil Will In. lull IIUlrlliiilliiK HHi- lluii Here (fiumll DoIihin, to 11 rut National Hank of Chicago, Htitlro total In treas ury, VKi'liaSTI (JOMMITTUH lll'HV. Over In tlm litiliiestaud district III l,Hk county, the settlors lmv lei liwuii'M'il with thlovaa, mid tlm other 'Iny n vIMlmirn fwiiiiiltteo got busy. Tin) result U tliMt tliron HUKtctH liiv lifn run nut of the country. Thu men, (llltnc i. Dowane uml llialnu by inline, given thu oholcc of Miitnl Iiik trial fur theft or leaving the roil n try, Thoy chonw tho Utn.r and t'Hinu to llend to tii Idi tlio train fur morn congenial clliiiea. In tlm homo Mtiiiitl country In tho suuthHusieni imtjllon of tho county, there hnvo been aimllnr trouble ii ii i tho settlor nao declared Hint tiny wll do n h tho Lake county hofiK'att-ador d'd unless tho thluvltiK StOpH, W B 1 Tho city treasurer's roirt road at Hid iiiiotluK of tho city council Moil iluy show. tint th rHy ond tho yo" v'li u linhiicii on 'mini of IM.-:i '. i.Noiunlvit of tho wur fiiml. Oi Oe 8, tho (Into rf tho Inat ropori, tho rlty hint IIH.t.'JU. Tho aewer luiiil, now on deposit In ln'iiil liiiiiti, In $&ii,U2, making n tot nl Imlnuco In fuvor of th" city of JOl.r.rrJ.lS. An urdlnnnco nrnutliiK a 20-year ti.itihoui franchise within tl)n city to KonipatiT II. Miller wa read for tho llrt lime, meeting with fiivornhlo roiimifiit. It In. apparently, deatln nl to pint with n unanimous voto. r'liT in t'ivdny period of IvIiik on tho tablo In passeit, Mr. Miller, It will lie remembered, lion alrondy pro curoil from Crook county franchise to operate plunni line on county roads, lie In tho manaiwr of tho new Central Oregon I'ower Company. rwner of th IKiinl Witter, l.lKlit ft Power Co., mill In tousldered one of the tiioMl eJpcrleiicml nuil nuthorltn tlvo telephone expert In tho t'nltnl Mates. An orillnancn granting a franchise to the Standard Oil Coinpnny, to es. tolilUh ami maintain tunka mil n distributing ttatlon In I lend, on lot 1C of l.ytle ncrn tract, wa rend for tho srcod time, parsed and approved by tlm mayor. Construction of thl plant, which will make lleinl the oil distributing center for all Central Oregon, I expected to commeuro lin mediately. J.lccnsea were granted to all tho a aloona now dolrnt business, nlno In nunitier, thrro to hold until May 6, Vhcn tho number I to ho reduced to five. On recommendation of Knglneer Komi, a resolution wa paused nutho rlilrtK tho construction of "riser pipe" In connection with tho sewer main. These are pipe comlnic up. ward from the main pipe where con nection are to he made, o tint the eon I to Individual of makliiK con nection where the inalna uro hurled deep will bo greatly lessened, a will be tho cot of makliiK repnlr. etc. Tho city treasurer a roporl In de tail I n follow: Balance In treasury aa hown by the lnat report mad and hnoroveil OctulHir 8. 1012, $1X3 2!i. Total re ceipt from nil source from Octo ber S, 1012, to December 30. 1912. Incltmlvu of tho fSTSC.bO that win tranaferred from the aewer fund to tho general fund to rvplico the amount paid It. K. Koon for eitKl neerluK netvlce July 2, 1O0 4d. Total expenditure aatne period, 93(41.97. Outatandlus warrant uncalled for IC0.B6. llalunco on nana 247tf. 93. llalance lu aewur WHO GOT OVER PEKIN'S WALLS FIRST?. IS MATTER OF WAGER Jnrk OiinlrU uml Jim Hinltli llnc Hard Time Neltlluu ltd, for I'nv In I lend Ciiti Aimuer Jiu-tlii. WaN It a Vatiki'O or a Jap? Keiiklim tho utiNwer to that que lion kept Jack Daniel of 1'rlnuvlllo and Jim Huilth buy moat of tfnttir day, not to mention half n dozun other people who wer upoed to I mi authorltU'H nnd wuro referred to it licit. It huppejied thl way. Dunlela nnd J I in Hmlth got Into mi nrKument n to which- ii Yankee or a Jap K't over tho wall of tho Inner city first, during tho attack of thu Atllea on 1'uklu'. DauluU wa auro a YauV beat 'em all to It, while Hmlth wa equally xltlvu the llltlo yellow men lead thu field. Finally they made ii neat little bet on It and went out to get tho ijueitlon auawercd. And tncre they truck trouble. Flrat- Daniel put It up to Judgo Kill; ho ay the Judko lde-tepped and refuted to commit hlmelf, Next tho matter waa taken to Librarian WlUon, but after a laliorlou earcb throuith refercucu book, aya Dan. lei. 'nothliiK Mkltlvo waa got. Then the Kdltor of The llulletln wt con aulted, and Daniel got another dis appointment, for ho too plead Inno cent of detailed knowledge of the alego. lu deiperatlon, the perplex ing problem waa then put Up to l'rof. Hhoune, and there luck waa struck. The Americans were the flrat In tho city. It waa found and Mr. Shouso had Interesting flrat hand Inforum tlon, too, Inasmuch aa hi brother-li-lnw uow wears a gold medal for being the flrat man to plant our flag on the wall, IS DEDICATED NEARLY 5 00 PEOPLE PARTICIPATE Marble nuil Muhiigiiuy Pieiloiiilmite In Kpteiidlilly l''iiilppeil (Juartrra Willi Ii ore iin Ih'nutlful ut They nie I'nii'tlcublc. FAIRER KILLED B! RI5 STEPSON:? OCHOCO IS SCENE TRAQEDY OF PARDONEDJYJJDVERNOR Krllly, Who Kllleil 1ouU f-onj: .Near Opal. (Jell. ClirMtimi I'rrwent. On Christmaa day (loveruor West pardoned .'allies 1,. I to illy, who waa sorvlnx an Indeterminate term In thu penitentiary. It will bo remembered that Kellly was convicted from this county on n charge of manslaughter and given a lentenro of from one to fifteen yean. He waa convicted In the third degree for the killing of Ioula Long, a pug ilist, on tho road near Crooked river. Kellly waa well knowh to many here fund ufter paying Item of collection and at other places In th ocounty. With nearly i00 people In attend ance, tho formal opening of the new building of thu First National Hank occurred Monday, tho ottlcera of the Institution' being hosta to tho crowd of moil mid women who nil day nnd evening atrenmed through the hand some blinking quarter, enjoying seeing them mid hearing the excel lent music of an orchewtrn that play ed afternoon and evening. A register that was kept wna algnvd by 422 different people, und a many were missed, It Is prolmbtu that itliout half a thousand partici pated In the dedication of llend'a finest building. For tho Indies there went carnations, and clgara for tho men, while the banking room wa tastefully decorated with carnations, roses and greenery, dlspa)ed In at tractive vases. "It'a not only a credit to llend but n credit to all Central Oregon." That waa n sentiment expressed by many when they exumlued the build ing, which Is even more attractive Inside that It appear from without. Indeed, those who nre familiar with bank home throughout the state as sert that lu no town of 5000 popula tion In the Northwest I there a mora beautiful or better equipped bank ing structure. Marble and Mahogany. One enters through a vestibule, whose woodwork, like all the rest, I of mahogany, highly iiollshed and beautifully selected. To tho right la an alcove, partially separated from the main room, especially dealgncd for the use of ladle, with a pretty carpet, a mahogany deak equlped with a complete desx set, and a pub lic telephone, comfortable chalra and a sunny outlook through one of the big plate glass windows. The room Is divided fnhi the spare occupied by tho banking quarters by a counter flanked with marble and surmounted with a grill of bronxe and mahogany, with two teller's win dow and two othera for bookkcepera while n marble topped counter gives access to tho cashier. The mnrblo work, here nnd elsewhere. Is notable; all tho piece are exquisitely matched aud of especially fine grading. The marble came from Vermont. The floor I of "lorrngo," u sort ot atone- cement combination, resomblluR moaatc nnd such aa la used In all modern metropolitan buildings. Just to the left of the entrance Is n private ofllce, partitioned off. with glaaa doors hung with delicate green silk curtains, and containing a com plete set of mahogony furniture, with hardwood floor and taateful finish ings. From this opens the banking Herman I'onuti' Kbimlcr Iteriitnl by fin) lor Mcllanlel, Who KIiooIm ami Then Calmly Call Hlinlff, Who FlmN lllm Mllkliu. (Mil MISfriH THL'IIMDAY. Tomorrow, Thtiraday, evening the annuel meeting of the llend Commer cial Club will be hold at the club ' room. A report of officers for the ar wm no reau, ami election or or fleera for the ensuing year will im Id. Among other matters of Inter- eat, the treasurer's report will show that during the last year, under the present administration, the debt of the organization has been loMoned morn than $1000, making the organi zation now practically solvent. PIUNHVJJXK, Dec. 31.IInrr.i4n Poach was shot and almost Instantly killed this aftornoon by his stt'tHon. tlnylor McDanll, nt the 1'oach Mnwi three mile up the Ochuco. from I'rlnevllte. Immediately after the tragedy, McDanlel, who la 23 yoars old, telephoned the aherlrt'a ofllce, telling what he had done, and when Deputy Foster arrived he found the man-killer quietly milking a cow aa If nothing had happened, but a few feet from the rcene of the killing. According to McDanlel'a story, which is corroborated by Mrs. I'oach, hla mother, tho shooting resulted from chargea made against his step. son, the ugliest of which, It Is said, wa that McDanlel had had Immoral relstlons with Mrs. I'oach. I'oach seems to have made such a charge In the barn, and ImmeuUlely McDanlel drew a gun and ahot him, the bullet lodging In the right breast and re sulting In almost Instant death. Then McDanlel told Mrs. I'oach what he had done nnd telephoned the sheriff. The two men were the only onea on the ranch. "I would haie ahot him myaelf be fore 1 would have allowed hlra to go to town to make auch a charge, which he had threatened to do," la a speech reKrted to have been made by Mrs. I'oach at the Inquest. DOUBLE LU'ffl SHIPMENTS Increased Amount of Kocal 1'roduct to Do Kent Kast Thin Year. Heglnnlng today, Tho llend Com iany Is doubling Its lumber ship ments Hast. The weather la Inter fering somewhat with tho loading of ears Just now, but shipments are be ing made right along. Most of the product of the company's mill that Is being exKirted Is to North Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska points. During the holiday shut-down of the mill, a concrete foundation Is be ing placed under one of the Itollers at the mill. The plant will resume operations In a short time, aays J. P. Keyes, depending somewhat on weather condition. n on project WORK OH NS COLUMBIA SOUTHERN GETS ATTENTION Katvliltl, of Central Oregon Develop ment League, Place SclicmeM llcforc Hcttlcr at Luldhuv Meeting' Iist Holiday. ' (Continued on Page Twelve) THANKS WEST FOR WORK Irrigation llond Holder In Ohio Says Governor Did Much. Tho llulletln la In receipt of the folowlng copy of a letter received by Governor West from H. D. Turney of Columbus. Ohio, one of the Eastern landholders ot the Central . Oregon Irrigation Company: "I am fortunately reminded of your visit to Columbus about one year ago by the receipt of the follow ing telegram: 'Dam completed this morning. I splendid piece of wo-k.' "It Is entirely owing to you thnt we have been able to accomplish as much aa we have. 1 desire you to know that I appreciate what you have done and In this I am Joined by my associates here. Aa explained to you when you were here, our people had apparently lost so' much money In the Deschutes . proposition that they were loath to go any further: or, aa they thought, to throw kool money after bad. If there la an) credit for what baa been done, It Is duo entirely to yourself." TREE CRUSHES HOUSE ' Ime Occupant lfraK-M Ity Jumping Through Window. With a crash that frightened the owner and caused him to Jump through a window to safety, a large plno tree wrecked the home of F, E. Youman In Kenwood Sunday. During the severe windstorm, a strong gust hit the tree top squarely and tent It tumbling. In ita path waa tho house, a three-room box structure, which waa thoroughly de molished. Mr. Youman waa at home alone, hla family being at church at the time, and made hla cscapo from the wreckage by going out through a wludow, badly frightened but other, wise suffering no 111 effects. FOOT NOTKfi. Itesolve to wear WALKOVER shoes every day tbla year. MANNHEIMER BROS. When Yon Need Money nnd wnnt to borrow it, you usually want it in n hurry. Did you ever stop to consider thnt unless you have formed nn acquaintance at, n. bank und established your credit, good business requires an investigation of y.o'iir financial nnd moral responsibility? j The best way to establish credit with a bank is to open nn account there. A bank nlwnys takes care of its depositors first. We invite you to become n depositor of ours. DESCHUTES BANKING Sb TRUST CO. of Bend, Ofa. 0. 1'KKRiaL, I'reildtnt P. O. MINOR, Secretary . M. LARA, Cashier MGGUISTONJETS MARRIED llend Man Wexls Teuneee Girl at Portland. (Portland Oregonlan). W. C. McCuIston, wholesale snd re- tall dealer ot Dead, and Miaa Vivian Yoakum ot Memphis, Tenn., were married at 12:30 o'clock Sunday af ternoon nt the Metaodlst Episcopal Church, South, Rev. J. II. Bennett of ficiating. The event marked tho termination of a courtahlp of several years that began at Memphis where Mr. Mc CuIston resided before casting his fortune In Oregon. Mrs. McCuIs ton arrived late Saturday night from the East. Mr. and Mrs. McCuIston ire rep stored at the Multnomah Ho tel. They will leave today for Brit ish Columbia to pasa their honey moon, and, uKn returning, will take up their residence at Rend. KIIIST PARCELS POST PACKAGE. During the couple of- houraj'that he jx-Btofllce was open this morning, today being a legal holiday, the first package sent from Bend under the provUiona of the new parcela -post act waa atarted on Its way. Mra. F. A. Walters turned the package over to Postmaster Minor. It goea to Astoria. People of I-aldlnw and the Colum bia Southern aegregatlon are at work upon plana that will Iks presented to the legislature for tho completion of the C. 8. project. . Sunday an Informal meeting was held at Laldlaw, attended by J. E. Sawhlll, secretary of tho Central Ore gon Development League. At that meeting the following letter of Mr. SawhlH's waa read and the plan It outlines endorsed. That the various plana outlined may be made familiar to the peoplo of the aegregatlon, and to those of all Central Oregon, every one of whom the prosperity ot the Laldlaw country directly affects, Tho Bulletin herewith publishes the text of Mr. SawhlH's communication: Up to tho present time there haTo been suggested and given moro or less consideration four plans for the solution of the difficulties that now stand In the way of the auccesaful completion ot thla project. The flrat plan la that of entering Into a contract with Mr. Kntx or some other private Individual or cor poration under tho Carey Act. Owing to the various contracts and condi tions under which purchasers ot water rights In the past are now claiming title to these landa this seems to me to be Impossible for any person or persons to finance unlesa the margin of profit allowed la so great aa to be a aerloua menance to the development of tbo country. Ac cording to the estimates of the Stato Land Board aa publicly announced by tho Governor of the State, the estimated coat of reclaiming these landa abould not exceed f 15 per acre. Up to tho present time Mr. Katx and hla associates have been unable to finance the project with an averago Hen of $66 per acre, and It is not reasonable to assumo that any other Individual can or will finance It for less. Broadly speaking, any plan for the reclamation of these or any other lands In Central Oregon which con templates the allowance of more than 100 per cent promoters profits seems to mo to be against the ltest Inter ests of the public and a serious draw back to the development of the country. For tbla. If for no other reason. I, land In thla I know that the officials of tho Central Oregon Development League concur) would, not look with favor upon any plan which contemplates the reclamation of theae landa by private Individuals through the Carey Act Another plan which has been sug gested Is that of endeavoring- to per suade the United States Reclamation service to take up and complete this project. Thla plan I believe to be (Continued on page two.) yify 1&K, ty Uitt The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOC. Prtldnt t.'A. BATHER. Vic Prttldtnt O. 8. HUDSON, Chlr OaplUI fully paid ... 028.000 v Stockholders' liability S2B.0OO 'Surplus - - SIO.000 To nil our patrons we extend -the season's best wishes. We appreciate your trade during the past and trust that you have been pleased enough to give us future orders for anything in the Hardware Line. N. P. Smith Nothing Succeeds Like Success. We have today increased our surplus fund from $0,500 to $10,000, giving us a capital and surplus of $85,000. This adds one more way in which we can. better serve you. Tft FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BE DIRECTORS: TJ. C. COB K. A. SATIIKR C. 8. HUDSON O. M. PATTERSON H. C. BLUS E, ak 'J S DiuxcroRD: I'. O. MINOR,- Wall Street D. FKRRULL,- -R. M. LARA, w3Sjjf