rr PAORR, TI1K nRNII nUtiLKTIN, HKND, WKDNIWIUY, DKOKMIIKR OS, 1018. CENTRAL 4.....-.-e-.----4e) I e-ee-----e- e -- I J CRESCENT J ----- CRESCENT, Ilec. 30. D. A. Jones canto In Friday from his ranch weal ot Croscent. Ho took out n load of supplies to Hans Zimmerman who was In tho first ot tho weok. Charles Thomas returned this week from a business trip to Demi. Sidney Ingles and his wife have moved to IVtultna l'ralrlu whoro tho former has a contract to clear land for Mr. Foss. Miss Kdna WoolrlJgo left on Tuea day's stage, returning to her homo In DelllnBham. Wash., after n Bhort visit with her sister, Mrs. G. J,ong. K. O. Kourk and Karl Austin wont to La fine Wednesday repairing tho telephone lino eu route. Mrs. F. M. Cleaves and Mrs. C. W, Long entertained nt tho homo of tho former last Saturday nftcrnoou, com plimenting Miss Woolrtdgo and MIm Thomas. Dainty rofrehmsents woro served to the following: Mcstlamcs O. W. Anderson, W. O. Harrlman, K. Q. Kourk, Karl Austin, Charles Thomas, J. I. Hlngo, Misses Kdna Woolrldge. Thomas, Dorothy Anilor eon, and Iona U Applcgato. IBOUNDJireCOUNTY Notes of Interest as Gathered From Kxchnngcs. P1IIK HOSK AT KKDMOXI). (Redmond Spokesman.) After much discussion an order was placed for 1000 feet ot regula tion lire hose, costing 90 cents per foot, guaranteed for three years. Two hose oarts wero also ordered to bo bought. ItXTK.VIl.V; LINK. (Redmond Spokesman.) The oxtenslon ot the power line to Prlnevlllo from hero Is going ahead at a rapid rate, and about 100 honsc power has already been sold along the line to farmers and others. WOODCIIOPPKK lXJUtKU. (Sisters Herald). VC. K. Griffith, who lives on a home stead about nine miles north ot Sis. tcrs, while chopping wood Thursday evening. In some unknown manner let the double-bitted axe he was us ing slip, tho blade striking him on tho forehead and cutting an ugly gash. Tho axe cut to tho skull and glanced off, making a bad but not serious cut. C1IRISTIAX KXnKAVOK MKKTIXG. (Crook County Journal.) The second annual convention of tho Crook County Christian Endeavor Union held In Prlneville Dec 14 and 15 wss tho most successful gathering this union has had. O. Everet Uaker, state president, C. H. Spraguo of Portland and II. H. Jlottmau, flold secretary, drew large and Interested crowds. Representatives from Terrebonne, Frog Springs, Madras, Vanorm and Redmond were heartily welcomed by the Prinevilto Christian Endearorers. A PUNNY EPITAPH. Beneath IhU tombstone Ilea nun Not blown ip bjr ponder can; Nor did foul OUek Hind thla man emit With dread, death deallns dynamite, Thla man sold awful rata and epota That fill up cemetery mu. Ilia pons cake, loo. he made of rots That email unUka rorgetmeoota. ' Out aa each doc mutt have hla day Bo dissolution came hla way; Out. much unlike the averse man. He died on lb Installment plan. One day tha knavsoh. the aly dosi Decided U treat friends to not. To make It be took up a rot. Whetf It ciploded Ilka hot sbot. That started whole caa or em. And Ike Hrat (wo ahot off hla lexa. Ills arma. hla noes, hla bead, 'flaw too. Until there waan't left a, daw. Where la haT friend. Invatl-at. Juat monkey whh rot ta erat. Tou'll blow lo klodllnc like a. ahot And Hint the Arm wharer Ife hot. C U. BXRHTTZ. THE POULTRY DOCTOR tAY- A sinsli leak In the roof that let waler fall on dropping or a big splash on tbr door while pigeons are taking their bath Is often the stsrt of a big epidemic of pos snd canker tbst cleans up tlir coop. A liny knot bole back of the roost tbst make a draft through the window often ratines (be wind to whlitla through n rooster's whiskers and make III tn n trj:H for roup ruli-rolies, and the nter undertaker gets busy. A Utile red mile that U allowed to go In mixing uunieroiiK families behind thai old Myle stationary nest soon be get a inllllifti. pud lbee iui rob the heux of IiIixnI that they run not lay and rvstrra them for the tutierrulosls . tgertu to tinbiti A small quantity of .strong dUlufrctsnt. placed In a drink ing venm-l hevsuse one fowl Is sick, 'often ranker 'a wbole flock 'knock oft 'laying snd o upsets' their digestion that they get rlesr.pff tltflr feed -and have t lr doctored to get back. A little bit of mold on each grain 'of corn will make a great big hIc,BliH a lot of that corn comes together In a heu'Mavrnp, and that mold will play hob wttb thritv lien's "intricate Intestinal works and will teach tier owner hu mane methods unlaw John Uugbouss Is on I be. Job. . . . OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ---. 44 POWELL BUTTE ----- rOWEIiti NUTTB. Doc. 22. News i has been received horu of the death of tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kills of Nowticrg, Ore., former ly ot this place. Sho died December 10. J. I.1 Jones took his englno and wood sawing outfit to Uodmond last week to work nt tho wood business. Mrs. B. F. Archer and Mrs. Jack Patterson had n runaway n few days ago with n most happy ending. Tho team ran Into a fence with tho hack, breaking away from tho rig, ono of tho horses running north to William Johnson's placo and tho other going homo. Mrs. Patterson's baby was thrown some distance but was not In jured, neither was Mrs. Archer nor Mrs, Patterson. Sinking school 1ms been resumed at W. J. OalbraltVs. Tho class meets every Sunday night. Tho entertainment given nt the Shepherd school laHt Saturday by Miss Helen Peery and pupils was a very pleasant nffnlr, with good at tendance. -- FREMONT I FREMONT, Dec. 23. Cold weath er Is being experienced In Fro in on now. Everything; in Xmas Presents FOR MEN. Shoes, Hats, Overshoes , Cooper's Underwear KelserTIes, Trunks, Suit Cases Handkerchiefs Dress Gloves, Shlr(s Collars Many Xmas Boxes Such as Fancy Socks, Suspenders and Handkerchiefs, Boston and Paris Garters. Alany other things too -numerous to mention here. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year A. L. French .The Men's Toggery. JUST RECEIVED! OLDS CREAM SEPARATOR Olds Gasoline Engines Olds FOOD Choppers. COME IN AND THIS NEW LINE ri-uBrlJr Jt , H.v J: Eggieston liaraess ftlanofscturor. - O. K. McCoy Is visiting his brother, W .N. McCoy. ' J, K. I.angilon, a voterltmry sur geon, stopped ovur In Fremont for n few days and whllo lioro looked over J. U. Fox's horses. Mr, 1'ottor has his well couipletod, U Is 247 feet deep, with 27 fcot of water. Mr. Crompton and Mr. Poc, who have been working on Mr. Potter's woll, havo returnod to their homo In Fort Uock. Thora wtll bo several Christmas trees In Fremont this week. Mr, Callnhnn, tho school tenchor, attended the teachers Institute nt lvkovlow this week, - J : FORT ROCK - - -- FORT ROCK, Dec. 23. C. M. Kril- man arrived Saturday with an olght hnrso load ot freight for tho now store. The Fort Rock blacksmith shop chnngod hnnds tho first of the week j with U K. Penroso now at the forgo, Mnobnugh and Olrton retiring, 11. F. Ilrandon left by stage Thurs day for Portland where ho will spend tho winter with home folks. Rids nro out for a now star mall route from this o 111 re for tho carry ing of tho malls to Conn ley and back three times n Meek. Fred McNoff, who has been nt Sclah, Wash., tho past few mouths, LOOK OVER OF GOODS. " - - ' blow In tho other day and says thnt Fort Rock valloy Is good enough tor him. This valley hns got tho good roads spirit and aa n result petitions are being circulated fur tho establish ment of more and butter roads. Miss Haiol llonnlck, who has been near Portland the past year, arrived homo tho first of the week, A, S, Hnwk of Fremont pasaoil through th's burg the first of the week with n hunch nt llolstelit cows. Mrs, Frank A. Heard of Sink was n business visitor In this elty Friday, J. T, Rhoton was doing business In ha Pino Thursday. Rev. R, K. Storey and wife ami Mrs. II. II. Dodd of this place at tended tho teachers' examination at Silver Lake last week. Dsssbsll Is Dullness. Professional baseball U it busbies and million of dollars nrv Invested In It by business nifii. They make fortunes out of It, but they pay their lilnjrri higher salaries than Ml out ot ever I.WO of them could t'ttrn ut any other line of work during a similar number of mouths eneh ,enr. From a baseball player nothing Is required but that be l able to piny n good game and keep In condition, Many stars In the old days were nble to do little more than sign their mime and read big print A Itetter educated class of inou nn lu the game today, but they srv getting inntv money for their service than they could earn if they followed any one of hundrvd of dlf ferent pnfeslous. And n'memlior thnt many of them stcpied right nut of college Into good paying buseball ixtsltloiis. (Siuld tln'y bnvu done ns well tlnnnelatly had they entered Utuks or tried their bauds nt the law or medicine) IM A. (loowcy tu Iss ue's. Frederick snd Joieph II. DllHriL- ,rMlirlrk I In. dr. mi I'm rhll In Joseph II. of Austrln at Neu-tndl he1 came Into personal tou.h with some1 of tin wo AlKtrtati genersls to whom he "had only spoken hitherto through the roar of eniiiniii." When lnidou cuteritl to take his ptini nt the table Freilerb k rnllwl out to him: "Come and sit near tiii. M. Imdou I much prefer mil liv iui Mliln til fni'lni- roll." l-'risl ..rl.-i- h.,t ..ir.il i.nwi. .if tli nmnrnir M 8au Soiu'l. and when he looked nt them he would remark. "That l n young man on whom I must ktvp nu eye." The Austrian sovereign was am bitious, nml l-'nil.'iick dlsinitel lilm He put It this way: "The KniKTor Jo scph has a lint d. He l capable of much It I a pity he nlwsy lakes tb. .... ,'e'. h ..' socond stei U'tntv he hss mnde the nrst."-"A Mystic on the Prussian Tlirooe." Spelling Reform Naeded. An old p'liilemsn from the east wss visiting his daughter lu Hnn Jow. t.'al Of mors h pronounced the nnms ac cording to tn spelling until tbey tin prrwrd it nsia him I list lo Hputlsh J has lbs sound of II. Hy snd by n started to se son in Wstsoovillv This toti Is on s brsnrh line a tuf I tf so from tin- J u ml Ion at Psjsro. and s the elsirl rsr from Psjaro lo Wstsonvtll imiwrd dlre-'tly by the son' bou. the old grnllemsn's railway tkket wss for Pajaro. He looked at it In a tnmled wsy, I ben threw It down In gmit disgust, si rlslmlng: "WelU sir! They ran tell m thsi M-o--e' slls 'llistsx. but they nifdn't tell me thnt 'I'n-J n r-o spvlls WatMiu vlller' Kiehaug. Steel Olobes In Space. If two solid hull of KUiH-red steel, rnrb the sit of the eurtli and hard as tbs barvcylsetl face of armor plats. wer taken In two Juvlau bands, plsr ed gently toKrther In spsre snd r lessed what would happen? Tbsy would behave rs-tly ss If tbsy were ilqold: tbey would coslr.- Ilk two great drops of water, and tbs hlgbesl promloenc or mountain on tbs new glob! could not bats a bejgbt of fifty mile, bevsos anything so bbrb aa (bat would (Ultra out under lu own wttgbL -Hodsoo Uailm la Youth's Compos Un. rsks tha $ pel I. Jndjs K, Knekwood flnar, remark ing oq rrfWdpntUpeoln's dry humor, said tblfno on oecasloo a dstsgatloq of negroes bad waited on Mr, IJneotn and were evidently at a loss to know Juat what to say. Tbr president wait ed awhile and then remarked! "Well, all wbo are hero seem tn be present." This srlf evident proposition broke the Ice and removed th sm from the African Jaw, Would Ds a Joke. "When 1 die." remarked Cbolly, " think I'll lenve my brnlti to some prominent surgeon." "Dou't do It." advised Algy. "These practical Jokes sro bad form very bad form, old top." Louisville Courier-Journal. UHSomfertsbl. "She didn't speak. to bar husband for lX BBODtb" , "My. It ut Mr ba vary oncoaa faftabkr "Tes-or r.'" ' othlng. Wis VTbat was If the ehnlr JnM asngl Us- Fmro the sppesrsnrs of ihs singreiottlon I think It must have bMm some kind of lullaby, Msrrylno Hsr Dsbts. It sounds stranga t l ' ninrry Inn the wife's debts, hut that was a common prnctkv In Kiwlniid years ago. It hh before the married wom snV property act of KWl, l con teiiiplatloti of law the husband and wife were one. nttil the husband was Hint one. Then If the brlilo owed any oviit lsfore marriage they devolved on the newly iiutrrlttl liusbmid, niiil he Imd to pay the piper. This led til some eitrannllnnry fnrees Nln eimctixl. Women who were overloaded with debts netiiiilly got rid of them by mar rying Home HHir bankrupt. Imprisoned tor debt. These men did not mind whether they were liable for hundreds or thiiiisntids, and the "wife" iwinllv paid' the "hiiHband" n few immiihIh for the protection of his name, niid then she would snap her tinner at her Uif tied creditor and gayly set hIhiiii In eurrlim freh debts. The law which settled and removed thl sort of thing deserve a IsMler title tlmu the collo. ipilnl oho of "a haM.M - Lutidon Au suers. Careleiat A rlreus uinn tells story llhislrnt Ing how soft hearted and sinuitlietlc some of. the ringmasters nm when the itemlNitN g-t hurt. The heroine nf the story was a girl who did the four horse int. the sis horse act. the trn fe ntnl the 11 Ing Iwr. for all of which she r-celed the princely re miniemtlon of lli a week, One day she fell forty fet from the I ni . mid, Iniidlng pm'lpltntely and III iidvlxml on her left wrist, broke the bone lutir the elUtw. The ringmaster ran up and yiiiuithlctl ns follows, with certain profane remark which nre here erluill: "What In thunder do you mean by falling out of thnt lrnpxe? I'm n son of n gun If wonn of you gink don't try to put n rrlinp Into this hmr every time we lift the tont!"-l'upulur Mngn tins. Incompetent. "Oh. Harold." said Mrs. Newlywrd. "a strange ninii wus herv today, anil he mild be wished to r-ud our gas me ter." "Well, did you let lilm Inr Merry, no: He uwil ver) fxrgram m". ami I felt sure that he would not d ' lnlH-rly."-Jiidges Library. Ha Liked Them Cooked. There wss u Kreiit'limnu utio hated the country a iiiurli s did Charles IjiiiKi, but coniirtMil hi iiflliiKs Into few tvords. This IhsrlMi Mone Ut. wbo llvnl mi the gunl ollnlre. I Paris. "It Is.- he sold, referring to the country, raw." "th plsiv where the birds are A Marked Olflaranes. Illlklns- He bsiketl llkn III brother, and I lilt blm. Wallrr Cuiildu'l )im tfll them hkiM7 Illlklns I ctHildu'l all..... I. .. a..aM ll.ua.s. u Slt.srl'usl allff ae i '""' "'" "', '"' enew.-Kicbangs. Employment, Ti Mm tbst lis no employment life In a little wbll will Iistm no isiteKy, and when novelty I laid In the grave tb nineral of comfort will suuti fol low. Anon. Reason Fr Qrstltuds. "fo you'rs frieodly with franker, are ynuT Why, be tells m thai ha won't have a thing to do with yon " That's J oat why I feel kindly to ward lbs old crab." Subtle Slander. A local paper giving lbs details of wedding says: "Mrs. Mullliis. the wife of our enterprising milkman, wsa b rnmlngly attired In watered silk." BEND MADE BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER SEE THAT ' YOU GET IT Wc Quarantcc Our Product Money Returned if not Satisfactory. Pioneer Cream Company "The Ucnd Creaincry" ICR CRUAM IIUlTnHMIl.K VSEE - - - - Headqusrtsrs for Commercial Most Ciectrlc Lighted Throughout TftE BEND HOTEL ben d4 Oregon t Good Rooms Frss bus to sad f rosa train -- CHURCH NOTICES MethtxIUt I'plscopnl, Rev. K, C. Nnwham, pantnr. Hor vices nvery Huiulay at 11 a, m ami t 7:30 p, in. Hmidny soliool at lu u, in, Kpworth 1,oaguoitt ilitri p. m (J Kiinday, Choir practice Thuisday nt 7130 p. in. I'rebterlii, Thero will bo special services nl tho Htnr Theatre Huiulay, Due jy, nt 11 a. m. hy Kav, Dr. (lorhy, pn. tor, Huhjucl, "Tho Old Year and tlio New." Huiulay Hclinul at lu n m Rosa Fariiliam, Hupt. THE WHITE IS KING Tho UKSTnlNrnurul Family Huwlnir Mnchlno that can lid protluctil, Mmlu In both KOTAIIY ami VlllltATOK otylv. Tho rotnry mnkes hoih LOCK nntl CHAIN stitch. Tho Intt'it up to tho inlnuto stcul altnch tntints with each ninclilno. Hold on trnsy pnymonts. Soml name nml address for uur beautiful 1 1, T. cnU Iokuo free. White Sewing Machine Co. 1160 Mnrkot Street San Frnnclsoi, California Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authority M.CAIX'5 U l.f.. Mll.lU. k.U. l-m-lr IU,lralJ L04 eMft.ktr Msala lll U JU ! lit WmJ. km. asd eflleleaer I.I0O.COO V.vh Imu I, UiniSit or fihlni, renor wn nii-l si M-n.1 b4l. eiHi mas ml kUn uilni mil uvmt lni kl-su nsL Itrs Hnn Umii kf lh n-aati iIm(hi af the irfUiu. UH'AM. rATTSIlNK In rertl Umm, Mrt-U.l. I'ArrKltilrt are ttmeiM St .1- is. St. litiMlrtlr ut eivoooir. Oolf ISsiht UranUsattt. Tit NMlilwi of MrCA Ua lll rri4 liis4i Pi Ur eitra la UMcnoone nwiUu la Mil hi W i UtilA I J.'M Iwal .l tfim,I.U aita ai aittt wmn-nl nuuiim el inr rW. Itewarer. MitUI.I.'S U anl lue a H ewiutelr WMftli II as, la Ba Ha! la 2a Hd Et2s ta rtaai .r "r rpf ef MCCALL'S, It mt mba.lbaaiUrSlr i. MlHlifSlMlmaaiaa C H II A M . - "1 Special Attention to J 'j Transient Travel Oood Meal All arrana-emsnt made for persons dsslrlng to go south and aastof her 'I i HBEsSPiBBB'vH! i PSS.Bl aMl H tfcfcas1 "" HBsv fcasslBl?iLif VDl SaaaUii --- -. I 1