The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 25, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 42
highway route
Good HomU Kntliiiklakt, Who I lil
firing '""r I'mllle IHmny Thmuitli
Interior Oregon, Hays Hffurt
U Now Needed to Hurcrril,
The fallowing In tho substance of
n letter rvcflvfij by lli Ij I'tnu Coin,
inorrlnl Club from Col. Charles W.
Thatcher, tho good roads enthusiast
wlui I working (or Ilia establishment
of Ui'i I'aclflc Highway through Crn
Irnl Oregon, Instead of through the
Wlllniuultn valley, Tho Itiiportnuco
uf thu project to every Central Ore
gon roimiiUiiliy U apparent:
"V have before, in at prtiont a
ry Interesting situation. In fact
tata development arc exceedingly
flattering for Central Oregon. To
pluck tho preeloua iluin of great
price, namely: tho raoltlc Highway
ml the Crater 1-nko Nalloiml I'ark
Division of tho Yellowstone loule
vnnl. will require some live effort,
which mean (tousling In tlm next .10
iln). Tlm opportunity In at hand
unit tlm reward means mlllluna for
your section. I speak from a stsnd
point of ntithorlty at thin time. I
have traveled about 2000 inlli-i since
loavInK Iji I'lnr, sWcliIng for re:
Minn why those great national roads
should psss through your town
throiiKli Oregon boeniisn that section I
control!) Uio Mltuntloti jutlltlcnjly. lint
If you favor it alnle hlithwuy through
both rcrtloiiM you will maul with
miiiiiII opponltlon, If wo .can succeed
In Itilliicnrlni: California to join Ore
ifou at Kliuiuitli I'nll with onii of
tholr north mid Mouth statu uoulo
vurdi. 1 found H pass 2K.0 foot
lower thnu tho Hlsldyou pnsa which
will give nn all-yenr round routn
from Canada, Knattlo mid I'ortlnnd,
making It n sunt wluiinr. J hae nlao
discovered n route for thu Kncrnint'rt
to vnlloy atntu hlghwny to liwer
Klamath hike, lower tlmn the HJukl
youpBM over which n 4 per cant
grade can ho scurodnii Hoquent
reason for favorliiK the Central Ore.
koii roulD. Tiia Central urogon
route'! iilxnit ' tulle nearer to
I'ortlnnd from. Ban Francisco, car
ries tlm tourist vln Crater Luke Nat
ional I'nrk mid over the most moder
ate grade ever found through 400
m'lea of iiiouutaln ronnry. I't every,
body In Central Oregon throw up
tholr huti and give three mighty
cheer Hint w re-echo from coruur
to corner uf tho nation."
Willi no .Men Working-. Murh Midi In
Oprnisl u Minor I'nuilrr Arrl
dent I'utN l'urr Kt-ni Out.
With about CO men on thu Job,
work on tho eewer system Iibn been
making notable progress during tho
week, thu ditch being npofieil up (Iln
entire length of tho alloy weit of
Wall street, on Ohio between that nl
luy and Tho llullutln building, and
thence through the alley itoulh on to
tho otd ball field.
During the week n carload of plpo
Mutrlg, Martin, Itoyil mid French Ate
I'rlui-lpiil loM-r Much of iMttrr'n
Ktork In KiuciI and Moteit lo
Wall Ktirrt llulblliiK.
That llend In unlucky In having
fires, uud lucky In oxtlngulihlng
them, wiu ahown again Turiday
morning at .1 o'clock, when a bluio
gutted tJie three bulldlnga on Oregon
atr't In tho rear of lot 1, block 10,
cplKialto l.nrn'n atorc, but wai pro-
I'orbn Write flovemor That It In
Suw Up in Ktate AutlioHtlc to
(Jlw Men on the (Jround a
Cliiuice for a LUrllliood.
V. A. Forbes, Ilcpreientatlve from
thla dlatrlct In the forthcoming Ore
gon legUlature, haa rccolved, ai ban
The llullutlu, a report tent out by
Governor Weat covering the history
of the Columbia Southern Irrigation
projrtt, adjacent to taldlaw. It wai
vented from aprendlng to adjoining I prepared by tho Detert Land Hoard,
'i arrived and waa distributed nttout
1 1 the work, and another la oxpectqd In
reollied to go to Han Kranclaco, I'ort.Mn a faw days. While hundreds of
laud and Seattle and simply itntej. int, havn been fired, thero havo
that I favored the Central Oregon , ,., .,.,.,,. nn.i nf,er thi.
route, would havo llttlo weight '. ,. . Iniir ,.,,.. w,th ,.
frnino structurea, thanka to thu he
roic work of tho flro flghtera.
Tho flro orlglunted In the Chill
I'arlor. next to tho nlley. Tho rea-
tntirnnt la the property of K. I'. Mar
tin, win) aiistalned almost n total losa.
Charlra lloyd'a meat market text
door wah gutted. Mr. Iloyd estl
matea his loss In stock and fixture!
m atKtut fSOOO, with prrctlcally no
Insurance. A . I.. Krotich's men's
furnlshlngi storo wai also gutted,
but practically all of tho Inrge cloth
ing slock was saved though badly
damaged by water, amok and remov
al. It waa later moved to the Hulks
store room nu Wall street next door
to the Htar Thentro where Mr. French
will conduct the, bualncsa teuiiorarl-
Tho three bulldlnga ono of two
atnrlea and tlm others of one
ore the property of It. II. Mutzlg of
Washington, l'n. It appears douiit
fill If they will be worth repairing.!
Their damage Is roughly estimated
At About I2S00.
Mr. Mutxlg la at hla home In Penn
sylvania. In July he sustained nn-
Hut I knew beyond a doubt If I could I ,, ,. rtuM.,i ,i,M, r.,..i,i i
Ull lira buslnes. men of these metro- j h, w ,(0 r,clcly tnlnai.
polltan centers that niturv fMurwl d Qm )m, ,n ,ho reir of lh, Al.
your section by placing ukh It tho,, , ,,, . ,...,. .. ., i...
.-i .. i, i.... . ...... fr. nail.inni i "" " .. v. "iBjiYRnis. in July ne SUIlBIDeU on-
ul.v.rd 1 wou?d "STiM lh wllch nrm 00 BD e,oc,r,c "hl ,,o,0 '"pother flro losa when the building ho
o? . Jrn.l irurb li iSlnShtoulu.'"1 ,bo ,,p,,"m oul f rowra'Mlon for had just purchased from C. h. Hotal
of eternal trutn, nu invinciuie argu-, ,(1in i,.,,, ,n- rna ir. wm .. ' .i... . ... . .... .. .
meni that could not bo overcome. ! 'rr "',:;,." " '"' ." ,"" . .1 , ' "?" VX?U.
1 had not M- ,:' A,'0J' wcr,nry of ,,,c 8ou,h , Mr. Mutxlg I amply protected by In-
haw succeeded In my ae
yond my fondest hopes. I hod not
crossed tbo Blsklyous on my way to
Ashland and Medford until I reallied
that thla mountainous course la out
ot tho question In tho way of practi
cability. 1 called off a meeting at Ash
Isnd and passed through Medford
without delivering an addrena, aim
ply because I did not desire to b un
der obligations to n iteoplo that I
would l comtHdled, fruin a stand
joint of Justice, to innke n report de
rogatory to their section.
There Will lie Two lloutri.
Portland Crushed Hock Co., went to
Portland Tuesday morning to bo
gone over Christmas. Whllo thuro
ho will arrange for the Importation of
more lalior. Mr. Dwyer state that
after tho flrat of tho year he exjeeta
to havu at least 100 men at work
I O. Wlest, '.. N. llrown, Joo
Howard and Oeorgo 8. Young of tho
Kuttlea ljke Improvement Company
... . . , . .., .recently had o conference with Orand
'V,iitf ttila rnlilA Finn lirwn rrtll.
'ed bV tho Wto m.hw.x Commlulon ZSiZ 'c IXS.X
of California. I ful y el eJ t o. f thu Bu,, Ijtk.
change the defUlon I must furnish Nvh, ,
uniiuestlonablu reason that nnoth ir d J rtiched. It la llkoly that
rouie w ,,e .es. ., a ""i Rn Krm0Bt will result whereby oJ
conclusion tha there will bo ,twV , tf ,51
fornla from north to south. I B,w,"attguailw w'ur'
that If both of these road Joined
with Oregon on the Pacific Coast, It
would end tho possibility of a Central
Oregon State Highway, simply be
cause It would be of local benefit, and
not atato and national. It would he
aulcldal to your hope to oppose a
statu highway along tho Pacific Const
II. P. Mnnlon la having an addi
tion built to hla home In Park Addi
tion And remodeling It. at a coat of
several hundred dollars. Tha
chauges will give him a five-room
house which will bo modern.
aurnnco In thla last fire.
"Only a few hours before the fire I
waa talking Insurance with M. S. Uat
tin," laid Mr. Hoyd, ono of the suf
ferers. "Ho said he would go to hla
office then and wrlto a policy If I
wished him to, but I said the morn.
Ing would 1 time enough." And in
nu morning Mr. Hoyd'a butcher shop
aa charred and water soaked. Ho
III repair tho quarters Immediately
ml conduct hla business there, at
oast temporarily.
Tho fact that there wai no wind
cant much. Had there been a
reere, there la reason to believe the
nines would have spread to the Hend
Hotel, on tho east, and probably far
ther. All tho hose were In opera
tion jud did excellent service.
uud contains a review by the Gov
ernor of five coursi-H that might be
followed In workltig out the project.
Thu possible course, In the Gov
ernor'! estimation, ore aa follows;
1 Contract with Almn D. Katz.
2 Contract with some other per.
ron or company.
3 lly organlxlng Irrigation dis
trict. t United States reclamation ser
vice, either alone or through coop
eration with the state.
6 Btate reclamation.
It appears that tho only method
that presents Itself to the Governor
aa feasible, with assured success, Is
state reclamation. This would be
"construction of a reclamation sys
tem with money Appropriated by tho
legislature and expended under the
direction of the Detert I-nnd Hoard
or auch other officer, board or depart
ment a the legislature may direct.
It la believed that thli li one of the
most feasible and satisfactory meth
ods of completing the project."
(,le Ket tiers Ctiance.
In reply to a letter from the Gov
ernor commenting upon tho necessl
somo rchomo which sccma In nny
way at nil to be reasonable and to be
cnpublo of bringing the desired re
sults, that they should bo given nn
"I write you along these lines In
asmuch hi you probably know I have
heen particularly Interested In many
of tho affairs that have arisen on
this segregation. Tho project Ilea
right In the vicinity of my home, tho
settlers who live on the some come In
contact with mo evory Any, nnd I bo-
neve trial J am voicing their sentl
menta when I would oak that no defl
one action no taKcn, ana that no
promise be made to Alma D. KaU,
or any other person,, for n contract
over thla project until such time as
the settlers have an opportunity to
get tneir proposition In shape and
submitted to tho Desert Land Hoard
or to the legislature, which undoubt
edly will be at the next session."
Association to Act.
The water users' association on tho
Columbia Southern segregation has
been notified of tho Importance of im.
mediate action, and it is expected
that durlifK tho week 'meetings will
be held and a definite plan mapped
out for presentation to the Legisla
ture and the Governor.
The general scheme proposed by
the settlers thus far haa been, In ef
fect, that of organizing and conduct
ing an Irrigation district. Its affairs
to be administered by the settlers
themselves, and lis financial backing.
If possible, lo come from tho state.
The report gives the following sta
tistical Information regarding tbe
"To completo the Columbia South
ern project, so as to reclaim all the
irrigable land in the original se
lection of 27,004 grots acres, would
require, according to the stato engi
neer estimate, practically 4CO,000,
; JSilO
Cenu J tot Completed Hhovra Ilnpld
Strides in Population Growth.
11. K. Allen Klccteri Clerk to
Succeed i. M. Lawrence,
Gaining a total of 110 pupils, tho
Hend school district thla year beats
the record which It made in 1911
when It showed an Increase of 83
over the 1910 census. Tho enumer
ation recently completed for thla dis
trict sbowa that there are 487 pupils
of school age, n against 377 last
fall. This la far ahead of the enu
meration of any other district In
Crook county.
Aa divided between male and
female, there are 251 boys and 233
At a meeting Friday a school cleric
was elected to fill tho place left va
cant by the resignation of J. SI. Law- ,
re nee. H. E, Allen was chosen.
Hond Klectlon January SO.
Tho school board has decided on
January 20 aa tho dato for holding
f I h JhlkJfe I m fAAlf 6ftj& a.AI.m
or An cxnendlture of S22G 000 n vear' ivu w uwuo mc quc.uuu
proprlate this amount, complete the :...." .I.L '.:. ?....?.
nrotpr. .n.l thn th. tH. luuuui "IB" scjiwji uunuing. a
"-" "- ftwwu waw Mia
tho market at an aterage price of
40 an acre, they could all be sold,
and tho money appropriated, togeth
er with Interest, and a fair profit, be
turned back into the state treasury.'
The Rod and GunClub has com
pleted plana for ita Chrlstmaa day
clay pigeon shoot, to tho winners or
which turkeys aro to be Awarded. Tbe
shoot commences at 1 p. ra. Presl
ernor corainenuag upon me necessi-i . . , V. .. . 7 . 7 . :
ty of sorao action in th'a matter. Uep-,lent J N- "UD.,er's chd o say
will then elect a vice-president and
On Chrlstmaa day, and for all of
this week, The Hend Company's lum
ber mill will be shut down. Many
of the raen petitioned for tho holl
dy, especially those whose homes
are In the country and on homesteads
and who wanted a chance to get to
resentatlve Forbes haa replied urging
that the settlers be given a chance to
adjust the problem which Is essen
tially their own, at which tates -officials
havo made miserable failures;
ho urges that at least their plan be
given careful bearing before any Ac
tion is taken, or other plan consid
ered. His letter to Governor West is, In
part, as follows:
"I beg, however, to advise you at
this time that tbo aettlers on the seg
regation, together with what assis
tance they are getting from outlying
communities, are devoting consider
able time endeavoring to work out
a solution of tbo affairs of the com
pany. It seems to me that the set
tlers on tho segregation aro the only
parties In tho state who have all at
stake, and therefore the parties most
directly and deeply Interested.
"The stato of Oregon And the Des
ert I.and Hoard and various promot
ers have endeavored for the past sev
en or eight years to carry out tlie
completion ot this project. The at
tempt on the part of all bos been an
Absolute failure, and it would seem
that It would be only fair that If the
settlors on the project can devlso
will pass upon a set of bylaws, these
being a copy of similar rules used in
clubs throughout the country. Here
after members will pay for the plg
eona they use, on tbe ground. Ward
Coble and John Cunningham have
been appointed a committee on mem
petition for tho calling of such an
election having been presented to
tbe directors. The plan, as outlined,
Is to erect a brick or stone building
that will be a unit ot a larger build
ing and that may bo added to as oc
casion requires.
During the week investigation has
shown more than ever the great need
for auch a structure, and tbe Import
ance of getting tbe project through In
time for the next school term. A
widespread support for the plan Is
almost universally encountered. An
lntresting commentary upon the fa
vor It meets with In the school Itself,
(among pupils and teachers, Is the
fact that moro than ISO haa been
voluntarily pledged there, to be paid
In and expended for Added school
equipment In case the bond issue
nml see how mimy wnys ft Bank is
'-,' of'use to you. Checks are much'
cleaner to handle than money and
you have the best kind of a receipt
in a returned and endorsed check.
We wish to emphasize the fuct
that a small account receives the.
same careful attention as a large
one. One dollar starts an account.
of Bend, Ore.
I I -'. I HAKDSARE"' 1 J
Tho annual meeting of the Hend
Commercial Club will be held Thurs
day evening, January 2, 1913, at the
club room, at 8 o'clock. At thl
meeting officers for the ensuing yea
will be elected. Tho retiring oftlcen
urge that everyone Interested In
Hend's welfaro attend.
The boys and girls from Bend who
have been off to college during tho
all are homo for the holidays.
aturday night the following came
From tbe O. A. C. at Corvallls,
ohn Bather, Fred Lucas. Misses
Pauline and Margaret Wlest; from
the university at Eugene, Miss Angle
Young and Steve Bteldl; George and
Clint Vandevert from Willamette,
University at Salem.
Tho Lnldlaw nanking.fe Trust Co
nas ien consolidated witn tne Stat
Hank of Kedmend, tbe change being
In effect on the 17th. Cashier A. F.
Itamsey. who was In town Saturday, I Sather will not continue his bust
stated that there waa not enough Inesa, he says, longer than to close
business at Laldlaw to Justify con-1 out the stock of general merchandise,
tlnulng the bank. which he has on band.
Tbe flist floor of the Sather build
ing Is being shelved in preparation
for tbe removal there of the storo
of E. A. Sather, who la located In a
rented building Adjoining. Mr.
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOC, Pr.ldit 1. A. 8ATHCR. Vk Pr.tld.nt
O. 8. HUDSON. Cu.M.r
Capital fullr Pld ... S2B.03
Atockhold.ra liability S2B.OOO
Burplua ...
D, l'1'.RUULL, rresldent 1'. O. MINOK, Secretary
It. M. I, MIA, Cashier
We moke a specialty of dealing in every arti
cle in the hardware line that is needed in the
construction of a house, whether it be n big
or a little one. Contractors who figure close
on a job should get our prices before submit
ting his bid they are the lowest for the
quality qf goods we handle.
Also Full Lino of Builders' Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Yott ore Cordially Invito
to Attend tbe Opening
? of our
. New Bank Building
. December Thirtieth