The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 18, 1912, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAOR 8,
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HAMPTON, Dec P. Mrs, Hurley
HoRue and baby and Mr. Klmor Peck
sind son Albion havo boon on tho
aslck list tho past two weeks.
Mr. Vorco, who has a homestead
sit tho 48 mltopost. was n Hampton
"visitor two doya tho past wock. Ho
bought his provisions and lumber at
tho Hampton store.
Mri Hunting Sr. and daughter aro
-visitors with Mr. Hunting's son on
his homestead. They expect to tnko
homesteads In this neighborhood.
E. M. Peck made a trip to Maury
mountain mill recently and reports
tho roads In a bad condition and that
there Is very little lumber In tho yard
hear ot his tolling health.
A new daughter at Mr. McVIUlo'a
home, born on tho 10th of Dec., mndo
all hearts glad.
Tho Misses Whltakor havo Just re
turned from taking their father to
Itend for his return to Omaha.
Had colds and tho grippe aro tho
local order now.
A party at tho Halo homo Is re
ported for Friday evening, Dec. 13.
to Mr. n ml Mrs. William Hardy, n
Miss Helen Pecry and pupils of
tho Shepherd school will glvo
at nntn-tlll Htrtttl arttlA 4 I . M kin fn (
and also that tho mill has closed for , ChrtatniMi Mlws Vwty wlM t0
Ihe winter. ,ipr homo ,,, Portia,,,! for tj,0 holl-
Lake, days.
3eorge I.angford, from Dry
-was a Hampton visitor Sunday,
A. S. Fogg returned from Hend
Saturday with his wlnter'e provis
ions and feed.
D. It. Duun and daughter Edith
nnd Hannah aro In Prlnovlllo on bus
less this week.
1 C. Peck Is helping his brother
Klmer build his now house, ono mile
south of Hampton P. O.
Mrs. Grace Flsko Hassctt was a
visitor at Hampton store Sunday.
Old winter has visited us tho past
ten days, tho thermometer hovering
near zero several mornings about
Mr. Harper of A. T. Shaver's well
drilling outfit at Walker's Cabin was
a Hampton visitor Saturday and ro
jKjrteil tho progress very slow on tho
woll at that place.
J. L. Owen recently added n now
assortment to his supply of grocer
ies. The first month of school Is nearly
over and the pupils havo made veryj
xood tirogreee.Last week thora was
lie r feet attendance.
H. II. Hogue is building a new
liouse on his homestead. It is ono
of the largest in this neighborhood.
Messrs. Knotts nnd Uoss left for
J) end last week.
Karl Kellar and Forrest Xoeld aro
'.usy cutting their fence posts.
llurr HIaok and W. T. Harrison are
In Uond for a four horse load of
freight to be taken near Imierlal.
J. N. Crow and son nro fencing
Sirs. Crow's desert claim and tho
Mr. Hezona came In recently and
expects to spend the winter here.
WIlllanTHeh'sley and William VU
uor accompanied Mr. Fock to iiend
where they hoped to And work but,
lading, they went on to Laldlaw.
A bridge has been built over tho
waste ditch which crosses tho road
below tho John Khodo farm.
K. F. Archer Is building n milk
house on his ditch "80 ' In tho "river
bed." With his herd of dairy cows,
ho has solved tho problem ot raising
alfalfa so far from market.
J. P. Uowman has taken n contract
to deliver 100 cords of wood In Hod
mbnd. Mr. Itowman thinks ho tins
1000 cords of wood on his home
stead, of tho finest quality.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Fulkerson and
family wilt niovo to Itedmnud for tho
winter, leaving In the spring for some
coast point.
Hooves Wllcoxson has completed n
neat llttto cnttngo on his ditch land,
altogether too nlco for n hncholor.
FREMONT, Dec. lfi. Chnrloa llar
rott returned from his traps n taw
days ago with six fluo martin.
Tho men nro still drilling on Mr.
Potter's woll. The aro down ovor
J CO feet.
Orover Hell went out (o Hend last
week for n load ot freight for J. H.
Fox, taking along a load of chocso
from tho factory here.
Fremont has had Its first snow ot
tho year of any size.
Hnzel Honlk passed through Fro.
mont Friday for Fort Hock nnd will
remain thero for tho winter.
All the dairy rows nro doing nicely
In Fremont, with plenty of ryo hay
for feed.
II. A. Chapman has Just completed
a largo barn.
Fred Klger Is expected homo this
weok from Silver l.nko where ho hns
been visiting rolatlvcs for tho past
Thomas Moftett nnd II, E. Davis
.. --
PRINoLk'' FLATS. Dec. 9 Mr.
Dtnlelton dug a well 20 feet deep and
has two and one-half feet ot water.
Mr. Cunningham has been busy
Siaullng hay from W. Llbbey'a.
JMartln Hallmcyer made a trip to
Bend iJst week. He expects to file
on an 80-acre desert claim.
Mrs. Danlelaon and children and
Sir. and Mrs. Harry Evans called on
Jlr. and Mrs. Martin Sunday after
noon. W. Llbbey visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Evans Sunday after
.noon. Paul Held made a trip to Prlne
vlllc Sunday.
---- -
CRESCENT, Dec. 14. George Sly
waa In Town Tuesday. J, M. Coy
nnd F. II. Small, two timber cruisers
lor the Lacey Timber, have comple
ted their work and returned. to Port
land. Mlsa Thomas, a sister ot Chat,
Thomas, hi visiting here this winter.
-3he Is from. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Jos. I.,. Rlbgo, Glenn Howard and
Chester Struttmatter came In from
camp Lourotu since the recent storm,
They will resume their work for the
Jfunter Land Company next spring.'
George Gottlub made a business
&rlp to Klamath Falls last week. I
Slduey Ingles returned Friday
'from Hend whore he went on busi
ness. Frank Hsraner and his wife
drove in from tholr ranch last week
In their cutter.
Eddie Suntry, who has been suf
fering from bis feet that were frozen
while In search of his hounds during
the recent storm, Is Improving as fast
as could bo expected.
Mrs. Jos, L, Hlngo entertained the
lowing Club at the La Follette cot
tage last Thursday afternoon. Each
miember responded to roll call with
un Interesting current event. , Light
refreshments were served. .
Everything in
Shoes, Hats, Overshoes
Cooper's Underwear
Keiser Ties, Trunks, Suit Cases
Dress Gloves, Shirts
Collars ' ,
Many Xmas Boxes
Such as Fancy Socks, Suspenders
and Handkerchiefs, Boston and
Paris Garters. Many other things
too numerous to mention here.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
A. L. French
The Men's Toggery.
DRY JAKFJ. Dec. 9 A- HtUe
unow on 'the 'ground, with clear,'
sunny days, makes Ideal winter
weather for this part of Crook
unty. I
The- many friends of '.'.Uncle"
John Cunningham will' bo lorry td
Olds Gasoline Engines
Olds FOOD Choppers.
H. J. Eggleston
tlarneu Manufacturer.
rJ .
hnvo recently cnmploted now nnd
comodloua additions to tholr cnlilna.
A. I), Norton Is contemplating Ihn
purchase of u woll drilling oultlt nnd
n number of tho ranchers havo prom
ised him their support,
II. E. White, Louts McAdow, Hon
ry Masters and Mr. llnntolnod hnvo
recently completed tho erection of
now cabins on-thelr claims.
It Is rumored that thero Is to bo a
general store nnd postoltlco hero.
A, D, Norton has taken a contract
to build n house, bam nnd chicken
houses tut Frank (Hndcr's claim nnd
will comtueuco work nt ouco. Mr,
(Under will movo on his claim In tho
spring and It Is understood here thnt
ho will go In for chicken raising on
n largo scale, starting with some
thing Hko r00 fowls.
Misses Gertrude and Anno Mnrkul
visited with Mrs. II. E. Davis Wed
nesday afternoon. They returned to
tholr homesteads In the east end of
the valley Thursday after having
spent a week visiting with Mrs. Geo.
PI.AINVIKW, Doc. If.. Miss Ellen
Crawford spent tho week end with
Miss Myrtle ScokkIii.
Tho peoplaof Plalnvlow nro going
to glvo a Christmas tree nt the Plain
view school house on Monday night,
tho -Mil. This night was set so that
overyUidy would bo free to attend
tho exercises at other places on tho
24th nnd -T.tli.
Tho Plalnvlow Literary Club met
on Friday night nt the school house
whore u short program whs given. It
Included n few recitations and songs,
after which nu Interesting dohato on
tho iUellon, "Resolved, that single
life Is to bo preferred to married
life," was hold. Gib Edglugton and
Hubert SeoRgln were on the ntllrmn
tlve nnd Mr. Davis nnd Howard Gil
lette on the uogatltii. The alnrma
tlvo won. The club will also meet
next Friday night, the 20th, and hao
a taffy pull.
John Ktralim and wife spent Sat
urday slid Sunday visiting In Sister.
George Crawford was visiting wllh
his parents In Laldlaw Sunday.
- 4
-'.- -
LA PINK, Deo. U1.--A mooting of
tho l.a Pluo Commercial Club was
held Deo. 1 1 for tho purpose ot In
stalling tho directors of tho club who
worn elected nt tint ntiuunl meeting
November HO. An tho club hns boon
Incorporated under tho state laws,
seven directors had to tin elected,
Tho dance thnt lind boon announc
ed for Inst Saturday night at tho now
homo ot Mr. and Mrs, Rend was post
poned for the present on account of
tho weather and tho lack ot accom
modation for teams,
Thero him been announced for Fri
day night, tho 'J7th, n hard-times
dance nt tho Commercial hull. A
ChrtstmnH entertainment will bo hold
nt tho same plnco on tho evening of
the !Hth.
.1. J. Kug, who hn forty nrren of
laud from tho Deschutes I. ami Co.
nnd is building-tin It nbout n quarter
of a mile north of Rogue's residence,
Is getting nlong nicely with his house,
Mrs. Heuson and Mrs. Richie visit
ed with Mrs. Nettle tihultx Inst Fri
day. Mr. Thomas of Crescent Is reported
ns having taken sick while on tho
way to Hend and lind to stopoer at
Ralph Oaldwoll'n place,
About eight Inches of snow lind
fallen by ! o'clock Monday, and still
It wns snowing hard, with n south
west wind blowing,
L'uterprMiiK HoiuewteadeU A No IV
tlllou fur Pulling I'liue.
j. D. Norton ntiij H. E. D.tvls hnvo
been busy the pnst few dii)s circulat
ing it petition among tho homestead
ers nuking for n new school district,
nnd the paper has been forwarded to
tho district boundnry Ixiard tor Its
consideration. There nru now In tho
uolghliorhnod ot 40 hiiinontendurs III
a radius of three miles wide and six
miles lung In the valley, with alxiul
IS children of school nge who are In
need of a school.
The mutter of establishing a (Kill
ing place here hits also been taken up
with the proper authorities and It Is
hoped that the 10 or more voters may
be able to cast their ballots nearer
home nt tho next election.
eMtlo by following tltn illroctlotra In
tho government's doctor books. If
you nru Interested, solid your rmiucst
to Henalor Jonathan lloiirun, Jr,
Qountor Gnorgo H. Chamberlain,
Congressiiinii V, 0, llnwley or Con
gressman A. Lnfferty nt Washing
ton, I), 0.
Notes of lutereM n Gathered From
Tho Ktntu Hiipromo Court hns af
firmed tho convlrtlons oblnlnod In
tho Crook county Circuit Court of
eleven men charged with violation
ot tho local option Inw then hi force
In tho county. The appeal hinged
on the validity of the election where
by local option was enacted In tho
county In If 08, Tho Dues of tho men,
l M) each, must be paid. Thomi
convicted were John Hlllups, Han
lllggerstarf, William Huell, James
Green, Harry Rentier, Perry Hinlth,
Hilly McGre, George Hrown, Leo
Gardner, Georgo Atwell nnd O. A.
It Is understood thnt (ho I'rlue
vlllo Light k Power Company will be
ready to furnUh day current nftsr
the first of the jnnr. sj".
The Redmond council hns decided
to pay dromon for their services In
lighting lire, It tins ulito placed (he
tax levy for that towiATItt mills for
general purpose mid A mills for th
payment of Interest on the water
works bonds.
(Harney Cou.tty News.)
One of the most successful rabbit
drives, If mil the most successful,
thnt hss ever taken place In this
county was orgnulied lust Sunday
mid n n result nlmut seven thousand
of the pests will do no further harm
to Harney county crop.
-. ..
RIDGKWAY, Dec. 16. Itlelinrh
Stearns of Portland has been spend-'
Ing tho week with Philip Sniltti and
Floyd Scott at their farm.
A score or more ot tho young pco
plo of tho neighborhood showed thetr
good will toward Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Gertaon by serenading thorn at tholr
home Monday evening.
George Campbell was soliciting
slgnora to a petition to the pontofflco
department asking ror the appoint
ment of Mrs. Mlllsrd Trlplctt as post
mastor at Tumalo.
Mrs. John McKlnney has keen vis
iting her mother, Mrs. John Putllam,
the past week.
Miss Kllen Crawford, teschnr nt
IMaluvlew, will attend the teachers'
examination at Prlnevllle next week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKlnney nnd
daughter Claudia will visit relatives
and friends In Washington during
the holidays.
.11. A. Scoggln has Installed a grain
chopper nnd cooking vat as a part of
bis farm equipment, which he finds
a decided help In stock feeding.
Cot eminent lla n Niiiiilwr That Will
lie HMrlbiitril.
Mnuy farmers nro not aware that
tho government publishes several
valuable hooks for fire distribution,
Tho iKioks nro apimrtloned to Sena
tors and Congressmen from whom
they chi be obtained by merely ask
ing for them. Among tho most use
ful of theso books aro the agricul
tural year Imoks. that for 1911 doing
the latest Issued. Tho government
also publishes a very practical book
pn "Diseases of the llorso" and An
other on "Dlsesscs of Csttle," and a
report ot tho bureau of antnul In
dustry of special raluo to stock
Asking for copies of these liooks
docs not plsco tho cltlion under any
obligations whatever to tho Senators
or Congressmen, as the hooks are
printed by tho government nnd paid
for by the taxpnyors. Many an Ore
gun farmer has cured sick horses nnd
The folio Ink I take from the
1911 year Ixxik of the American Soc
iety of Architects;
"After InoOiMiistlhle reereh and
thorough Investigation, IiisIikHhk lh
severest fire and water tests that
could be applied to building eoHtrur
lion, we do , not henllatH'to say that
brick work far surpasses thnt of nur
other form of construction work
known to science. ISIther structural
strel or concrete measures up to
commercial tests, as nrlglnslly known
but where these mnterlnts hnvo been
subjected to extreme beat and
streams of wntechave been applied
to buildings constructed of these
msterlats, under these conditions the
results have been disastrous.
"Ilulldlng brick In tho courso of
manufacture Is subjected to from !,
000 to 4,000 degrees Fahr, hence all
tho combustible nutorlal has been
consumed, and consequently no fire
that csn bo later applied can affect
It. Ilccauso of tho ccondmy of trans
portatlon and the facility with which
this material can be laid In a build
ing, there is a very noticeable "Hack
to llrlck" movement In nil forms of
construction.- Hend llrlck & Lumber
Company.- Advertisement.
Mr. and Mrs, Hodge have tholr
new houao almost ready to move Into.
It Is 16 by 24.
Mrs. Leo Young called at tho home
of Mrs. R. ,. Klder last Saturday.
The Ladles' Juniper Club met with
Mrs. William Reynold December 6,
and the next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs, C. K. Smith December
- WIillo thero are several. Inches of
snow in Hend, out here there Is only
enough to barely whiten the ground.
.Last Sunday afternoon, at the
Grange Hall, a number or persons
gathered to practice Christmas carols.
Madam, Read McC'all's
The Fashion Authority
" M.CAIX'3 U a !ri, SflUlU, k.xJ. IIIiMlr.t.d lOO.p.f. moaUilr
M.s.lla thai b uUU Ik. ft.pBt.
km. uul MUUasy 9l 1, 100,000
warn. muwb.
Kwti Immm I. IwliMtiil ot Auhloiu, fknef.
work. InUrnlliiK diort Uf Im. wul ra
ot wair-MVliK srul inmi.r-uvlnf Uru
lit wiu.u. 1 br. sr. mor. Uuti so .f
lb n-rrt dMi.u. of III. mlaUsul
MriUl.T, 1'ATTKnNM sr. ftmou. Sir
lvl. (II, iliuplimr SIMt ainoxar. Ool
10 .iul U conU x ll.
TIM piiUUh.f. of UrOAM.'fl will nna
UiwiwimIi of dIUr. al In Ui.minlnr
liiOHth. la ordw l Kmp UcOAUV Iim.)
snl biiuliUra Ud all othr wou.a'a
iiiuaUM. at any prlra. Ilatr.v.r,
MKIAMM U ool tog yaari pctHid)
vorlU tun,
. T Mtf Aas CM Wrf J f . f m.
hnm tout tint cop of UcOALL'S, If K
ulMcrib iiuKkljr, m
TV ftOU OmUT, ZM Val H. ht Tai
hi yjr..M mtitm. fcw,l cmn w m.
Mm ntttofm .a. Um am M4-nt
Wc Guarantee Our Product
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
41 The Bend Creamery"
,--.----. -. - .--r- -.., ....... .in aajin-H
Headquarters for Commercial Men Special Attention to $
lltsctrlc Llxhtsd Throuchout Traa.i.,.. t..u.i t
HUdH o'KAryic, mamahbm
Oood Rooms BEND, ORtQON
Good Meals
Free bus to
cm4 treat trains
All arraMftmento m$U for perMU ',
' 4eslrlaStaKVMutKrn'tflea(oriiere ;