The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 18, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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1VUJH 4.
In any kind ot ltock feeding tho
amount of rapltnl required to begin op
erations, the nmount ot tlmo and feed
required, tho resulting fertility and tho
tin) profit from the transaction aro
tour vital considerations. There aro
other things to bo considered, eomo In
special cases and sotuo In certain spe
clnl linen of work, but tbeso four are
always present. When considered from
this bnitla tho shock corn method of
feeding cnttlo will compare favorably
with any. says C A. Waugh In Country
A pound of corn fed as shocked corn
will not produce so much gain under
some circumstances as a pound fed lu
Hertford cattle are unexcelled In
beef type. They have plenty ot
trale. kooJ bona, a blocky confor
mation, short facta, nrs wide be
tween tha cyta. hava roomy jnld
dlee. txJ rlba, heavy quarters, wide
backs, thick loins and. In fact, ara
Ideal beef animals. Hertford cat
tla hava tha beat natural protection
because they hava tha htavltat
hides and moaslest coats. A heavy
hide protects an animal acalnit
both heat and cold. In wtnter feed
Ins more of tha feed coca to make
beef and leas Koea to keep up bodily
heat. Tha Hereford bull ahovrn was
a" rand champion at tba KanaasCUy
itoyal how.
Maddened by Census Question.
Berloua results followed the taking
of the Drat census lu Jnpati enra ngo.
Observing With nppruvrtl tlm work ut
western countries, the nut hurl tie
thought It advhuiblo to tnko HtutUtles
of population and for that purpuric xeut
out to nil householders notice enjoin
lug them to furnish thorn with full mr
Uvular of their families. iw sex, etc
This Mtep wart misconstrued In one ot
the villages, where suspicion was ex
pressed that Japttu was nlxnil to be
sold or nt least some of tho coplf
went to be sold to foreigners who were
deslrlous of unccrtalulng the nunilaT
of males, etc before closing the hnr
gain lu order to tlud out what price
to pay according to the quantity of
Wood that would be forthcoming. M
was n Japanese belief the foreigners
squinted the blood from nil who came
Into their (tower. Kxcltcd mid enraged
mota soon collected and attacked the
village ottlces. and It was some time
U-foro order could be restored. Argonaut.
Meilco'e Qoat.
To get your goat lu Mexico has no
meaning other than to lay unlawful
hands on the iiunriruited. Tho pwl I
to Mexico what the sheep Is to Aus
trulla nud Uvf to old Huglaud. and
more. tiecnuse It Is both meat unit
drink. The republic of bulltlght ami
Imndlts could not get along without
the humble little animal we have nl
ways associated with Harlem back
yards nud it diet or tin cans. Its
tlesb sells ut U cents a xnind. Moxl
can money, and u steumlug stew ol
tender young kid Is nut to be despised
bx n hungry man. livery Mexican
hotel serves gout meat In some form
or other. A fat goat sells for $3 on
the hoof, nnd a lean one brings only
$l.riO. The tallow sells at 1- cents u
pouud and Is commonly ued In plme
of lard. The sklnn nre worth t.'
each, and the milk retails ut t-li cents
a quart. New York Press.
tuf soldiers who hmf gathered more)
honor than prollt In tho wnra declined
the proffered degree In thu following
Oxford, I know you wteh ma well.
Hut prithee let ma be.
1 can't, slam be U. C. U
l-r want of it a. d,
All tho world over there nre legends
about mermaUK The Chinese tell sto
ries not unlike others about tho sea
woman of their southern Herts. Man
kind Is taught on the most excellent
evidence that n mermaid was captured
nt Ituugor. on the shores of tho ilel
fast lough, lu the sixth century, whllo
nuother caught nt Kdum lu UlM was
carried to Uimrlem and kept ttiuro fur
many yeurs.
"John. dour, why Hre somo
called AmaxitnsV
"Well, my dear, you rcmcmlicr our
geographies said the Amaxou has tho
largest moutir-
Itut she went nut and stummed tho
door Is-rtire he Amld say ituy more. -London
Makes tha Most of It
"What sort of u chap Is be?"
"Well, after a beggar lias lunched
hlni fur u dime he'll tell you he 'gave
it little dinner to an Hiipiuliituiico of
Up to Date.
Feudist Yep. I reckon I pit old man
I'eexey tills miirnlnu for rulr. Ills
Sou -Did .u- slum! him, xip Feudist
-Course nut. Itctler'n that. I gt
him mi my mitc-l'uelc.
nouio other form, but n dollar Invested
In i-bocked com will produce as much
lieef as n dollar Invested In somo other
feed cniable of tanking. greater gains
er jsjuiid. This does not Imply that
cattle can bo tilted for show on this
feed. Even though It does appear
wasteful to some nnd .though It does
not conform to the standards of a bat
Hiircil ration. It Is for practical pur
loes an excellent feed.
Sdme feeders may say that such
methods are Impractical und wasteful,
jet the fart remains that over 5.0UO
cnttlo are fed In n single county In
Ohio every winter; nud that this meth
od la followed lu nearly every Instance.
Moreuter. out of their prntlts these
farmers are paying for land worth $130
no acre which, on account of tho great
.amount of manure that la returned to
It Is becoming even more valuable.
In every cane hogs follow the cattle.
When the Utter are put on feed a pig
weighing from 10(1 to ISO pounds Is put
behind each steer. Hinaller pigs do not
do so well ns those of this wetgUL
When the rattle are weighed out the
bogs are usually ready for market.
Often one Is able to fatten two droves
of bogs with a single bunch of steers.
Few kernels are missed, and In atimwt
every rase every pound of gain made
by the bugs represent so much dear
protlt to the feeder.
We bare always been partial to
abort feeds of from ninety to a hun
dred days, and for such feeding we
usually aim to get cattle which weigh
a thousand ihmiikIs or more and wblcb
can U- warmed up to an advantage
Two Hiiiiids n (lay la Mn average gain,
though tliereare niauy Instance where
three pounds have beu 'made. 'Two
IHiunds dally will put cattle of this sort
in fair condition within the hundred
day limit.
It tnkea time to get a bunch of cnttlo
on fullfeed. If any grass Is at band
they are put on It and given a light
ration each day, the amount being In
creased until tbey are on full" feed. A
month Is often taken np 'before tbey
rencb this stage, but after we are feed.
lug them to tha limit we do not cut
down on (be ration simply because
tbey do not bapjien to clean up all that
la given tbera on some particular day.
The hogn are there to pick up what U
riu ii sriuuiu nj iu irru id a i
stingy manner. Btraw Is always rel -Ished
at the nooo hour and we aim to
give them siih a feed at least three
times a week. Outside of this It Is sel
dom that anything other than shocked
com Is fed. With meat at the prevail
ing prices of the past few years. It has
always paid us to feed clover bay
when It can be secured for $10 or less
a ton. Cottonseed meal belpa to make
gain's. I
Feeding Young Stock. '
The amount of gain the young stock
will miike during winter depends
largely upon the feed and care they
let. It Is true thai (he scrub will of.
fu make very little gain even with
good care, but in these days of blgh
priced feed It does not pay to keep
senilis at all, so we cannot take them,
into consideration. A calf of good
blood, bowerer, will always answer to
good tending, but eren It cannot do
well without It. - i
Providing warm quarter for tho
young stock during winter U also an
Important factor. Not only is thla to
protect them from severe weather, but
it wll save feed as well. Young stock
that la unsheltered during cold weath
er cannot bo expected to do dwell. It
will take good bit of feed and tlmo
to make up for the loss obtained dur
Ing.n sIukIo night If the stock has been
out in severe weather.
The Zodiacal Light.
There Is n stntuge light lu the henv
eua npMurlng after sunset lu the lute
winter nnd lu spriug und liefnrv sun-
rice lu the autumn, but few crsona lu
,imi lutlttiilivi linrit nritr u,.tt It. Ill tin
oqunturial regions, however, nnd In !
certain ports of the tropics the xo-1
dlactil light apjiears with great sendnr. i
nnd some remarkable views of It were
obtained by n French oxtcdltlon to the
Interior of the Sahara, undertukeu for !
the purtMisu of studying the effects of I
the unclouded sun ou tho dry itlr '
of the desert. The mysterious light, n
the form of n vast triangle, rising hlch
lu the heavens. npjtean-d nearly three
times ns bright as the Milky way.
Science has uot entirely solved Hie
problem of the origin of this llcbt. but
It Is thought that It Is tin apjicuditgc
of tbo buu. Ilur(K.TS Weekly.
Ite sure no man was eer dlitntent
ed with I lit- world who did his duty in
His Own Words.
Hubby You i-ould make me very
happy If you would only exert yourself
a little
Wife Hut you told me when I nc
ceptt-d you that I'd made you the tui
plest man on earth. Itow ran I im
prove on Ihiit) Itoston Transcript
Hedgehog as Food.
The hedgehog us food la even more
neglected than the frog, yet those- who
tutve tasted u properly cooked hedge
hog proclaim It the best eating of all
our native wild animals. According
to Mr. Hurwnod Ilrlerley. "the hedge
hog may be slewed or spltchcis-ked.
toasted r roasted. Hut It tastes best
baked In clay In wissl Ore.
As the Incrustation comes off It brings
also the adhering spines nnd all the
skin, leaving a luxurious little Joint
complete, emitting an nppctlzlng re
minder of anything from hare to
young pork. The hedgehog so treated
cnuslstH of white, awevt. teuder flesh,
nowise Inferior to sucking pig or a
spring chicken, tbe flavor being even
more delicate than the savor. Lou
don Chronicle.
A Good Excuse.
After tbe Duke of Wellington's vic
torious campaigns the University nf
Oxford complimented the duke him
self and bis principal officers by con
ferring uHin them the honorary and
not very appropriate degree of doctor
of civil laws. At that time the fees
were henry, and one of tbe distinguish
aTBaBBaaV. aaaaaHjl
raBaWs JbbbbbH
aaaPe JJJ..3T-. B
is JBwrtH'jTHksaH
Henry Drumwond says. "Istve la the
greatest thing In the world " l'erhp
be Is right In the slwtrart. hui the
greatest concrete thing I know Is a
greatest because most ouus. most
appealing and most lovable'
To be sure that ou mid to this Joy,
SHOP EARLY Then the gifts will
go in the little ones, wbatevtr happens
to you. Make sure of tb tuppluejs
of nt leHSf ope child.
w -. --
i i
We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of.
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and are in a position to fill orders
of any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
t N The Bend Bulletin of Dnnemrifn 4.
Y J .1 . ,1 . '
i t mere were some arucies comparing
1 BEND and its future with Seattle and
its past. Did you read them? You
undoubtedly did. If you did not, loose no
time to do so and while you are reading
THINK. After thinking hard, ask yourself
if you can afford to let pass another such
opportunity as those now wealthy men in
Seattle who could see into the future took
advantage of--then invest in Bend property.
Once there was a man who said he
would never do anything he hadn't done
before. Fortunately there were not many of
his kind, so the world continued to advance
just the same.
Bend Park Company
Bend, Oregon
If You Want Good
Residence Lots
Business Sites
Irrigated Land
320Acre Homesteads
investigate what we have to offer We have the
best on the market, at the best prices and terms.
This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur
ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show
Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are
the best in the United States, and pay their losses
promptly. We are the oldest established real
estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record
for fairness and efficiency. If you have something
to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oreg. Investment Co.
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon