wok t. thk mwn nuiJiKTiy, rknh, wkdnkmuy, dkcksiiikr it, iota. - 1 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 4 - ---- , TUMALO -.-- -------- 1 TUMALO, Dec, B. J. I.. Cody, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hantey nnd Mr. Twcct of llandon wcro visUlnq G. W. Wlmer And family Sunday nnd looking over tho country for dairy farms. Thoy jBld thoy wore well ploa8i.nl with Cen tral Oregon. Mr, nnd Mm. 0. V. Horner wero pleasant callers at tho Winter homo 3'osterday. Mr. Horner says ho will make somo substantial Improvements on his Tumnlo ranch. Charles I.. Winter Is visiting nt Grants pass but will return homo next week. Georgo Gertson was doing business in Bend Tuesday. Bills Bdgtngton was In Nend yes terday transacting buslucss. - -- - J PWNGLE FLATS t PRlNQIiK FLATS. Dee. 3. Tho flrat of Dccnibcr came In by giving us two Inches of snow. Charles Warring, who Is looatcd near the warm spring, started out tho other day for water and found It only seven feet below tho surface. Mlko Morrison, locator from Hcnd, paid this part of tho country a visit th other day. A lot of seeding will Iks done hero next spring on account of It having leen too dry for plowing this fall. Milliard' mill. It Is reported that 0. W. Wlmer has traded part of his Tumnlo tnrm to Millard Trlplott of Ashland, for n modern homo In Ashland ami thnt Mr. and Mrs. Wlmer will spend tho winter nt thnt place, probably re turning In tho spring to bo on their ranch during tho summer. Tho Bchool children seem to bo having sport on tho Ico pond. Floyd Marlon camo In from tho Swnlley ditch nud spent Sunday with his mother here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will I.overem of Gist wero trading In Lnldlaw Satur day. Mr. and Mm. A. McAllister of IMnchurst wero In town Saturday and Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cocn wero trad Ing hero Saturday. t CLOVERDALE J CL.OYBRD.M.B. Dec. 9. Dyer Grebe of Idaho, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Grubc, arrived Saturday to HpeiMl the Christmas holidays with tila parents. John Gotter Is digging a well on his ranch. Ilcfore spring It Is ox- jpected that nearly everyone in this -neighborhood will have u well on his .ranch. Mrs. B. M. Tray and daughters -wore callers at the Uurtisldo home on Sunday. The Cloverdale Club of young poo pie met with Mr. nnd Mrs. Grubc on Saturday evening. At a late hour re Ireshments were served. Last Monday four and a half In ches of snow fell here, and veryllt- tlo, of It has melted. The enrollment of the school Is tho largest It has ever been. There aro now 21 scholars. Miss Jollet of Redmond spent tho week with Mr. and Mrs. Fryrear. LA PINE t P1NEHURST - --- PINKlll'KST, Dec. 9 J. U Couch went to Hcnd Saturday on business. 1. H Hoot has been doing road work In tho vicinity of Laldtw. n Robert, Walter and Hattlo Horner entered school this week, making n total enrollment of 2G. Charles Spaurji and Frank Swisher have been hauling hay to llend this weok. Mr. Ho.iro of Sonttlo Is visiting nt tho homo ot hie wife's parents, Mr. an.l Mr. A. McAllister George Cnmi'holl of Tumnlo was a riiiehunt visitor this week. i'.ophwnla 1 lowers spent two days at tho home of G. M. Couch tho past neck. Sih'xil Jilterr tho past week wcro Mrs Geitc Wlmor, Mrs. A. McAllis ter, Mrs. Charles Johnson nnd Mrs. Charles S-nh. A number 'If 1'lnohurst people at tended the trial nt Lsldlnw Saturday. .Mr. ai'd Mrs. G. W. Horner, who have tecentl ptirchasod tho John Wlmor ranch, wont to lnldlaw on Thursday. Mrs. Chirlen SihuikIi called on Mrs. Geno Wliuer Iilday. v I - -- POWBLL IIUTTK .Dec. S. Miss POWELL BUTTE wlro cut. Two largo nrtorles woro sovorod In tint trout legs. Tho ani mal nearly bled to death before It was found. Ort Moss Is feeding n I mini nt sheep this winter for Morrow & Koonnn, largo nhcop ownora tu Gilliam county. Kit Pomstm Is homo from working for Mlko. Mnyftotd on Crooked, river. J. I). Davidson returned to llend Inst Tuesday. -- t FREMONT ----. -4 FRKMONT. Dec. 7. Travel Is very heavy now, homesteaders nnd Innd seekers going through to Christmas I-nke, Paisley nud Lnkevlow. Kov. Mr. Neal loft for Portland last week and will remain there un til after tho holidays. Donald McMlcken returned from fortlnnd Inst week nnd will romnln on his homestead tills winter. Charley Jackson loft for California Inst Tuesday nnd will upend the win ter with his parents. Uittls Ilarrett nud John Culvert nrn In from tho mountains tor n few days. Tho Fremont l.ltornry Society nnd Sunday school nru expecting to have n good time nt tho Fremont school houso Christmas night. J. D. Fox lias been on tho sick list but In able to be out ngnlu. While on his trip from Summor Lake ho killed three largo coyotes. Tho Fremont cheese factory Is shipping chcesu to Paisley nud Sil ver I.nku. Mr. Potter Is having a well drilled on his homestead. Mrs. Charley Slater and daughter Kva, formerly of Sliver I.nku, have been vlsltlug In Hand. Ho nnd his family will movo In ns soon ns tho houso can lo tnndo r ndy, 0. K. Smith Is helping haul tho lutn bor. Mr, nnd Mr. It, M, Kldor nnont Sunday with Mr. nud Mrn. l,eo Young. Miss Anna Moon, who has been In Washington for nemo tlmo, has ro turned to llend. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Smith nnd Miss Jacques called nt tho homo of Mr, nud Mrs. 8. A. Dutt Sunday aftern oon. Georgo Hooch returned from his homestead Saturday. Mr. McCoo, who Is out proving up on his ditch land, called nt tho homo ot Mr. nud Mrs. 0. I-.. Smith Sunday evening. LA PINK, Dec. 10. -J. N. Masfen, Les Peterson and Fred Shlntaffor spent last week at Davis creek. Mr. Wright came over from Fort Rock last Wednesday after his wife and daughter, Miss Klste, who have toad charge of the culinary depart ment and tho dining room at the La Pise Hotel the past month. Mrs. Itidgley cooking until someouo else can b urod. Harry Cfcllders has taken Jim Hon son's ilc: driving stag between La fine and llend. Mfcw Kmmallne Mid was expected up on the stage from llend to refill uer ok! place at tho Ln Pine Hotel. Miss Mamie Patton, who has been spending the summor with Mrs. It. C. Mehle, has gone to southern Cali fornia for tho winter. She expects to return In the spring. ClRude Henson was down from his camp at Paulina lake Saturday nnd fauaday aftsr supplies. J. S. Heesley moved his fmlly to their homofitoad at Fort nock the first of the week. They wero accom panied by Miss Detwle Parker. All are' invited to attend a dance at the Heed homestead on "Six lilt Prairie" next Saturday night, Dec 11.' school In Prinovllto Friday to stay over Sunday with her father, K. L. Johnson. It Is reported hero that Frank May has sold his ditch 40. Somo of tho ranchers aro sowing their fall grain now. Joe Elliott is putting In 130 acres, 50 of which Is blue barley. This Is a new variety here and Is being sowed by several farmers. It Is said to bo heavy yielding. Harvey Wlnslow nearly lost a valuable saddle horse last week from AMONG. THE SUTTLHRS ? I NORTHEAST OF TOWN t The evening of tho Slat the Grange wilt jut on the third and fourth de grees. Thoro will bo an oyster su per and a great many other good things to eat, after the work Is dune. Miss Delia Merrllleld Is talking of spending Christmas in Pendleton, with trlonds. Saturday night, Dec 14, tho Grange will glvo n social dance. Tho - DESCHUTES - DKSCIIUTKS, Dec. 10. Work la progressing on the hotel, tho first -.-. SCHOOL NOTES - . ... . (imported for The llulletln.) Tho following contribution has boon stmt by tha llend notion! lo tho Hoys' nud Girls' Aid Bocloty of Port land t Six dollars In cash, ono bar rel, two boxen nud olio ditto ot Vega tnblen nud supplies, Tho railroad company transported tho supples to Portland tree, niid.L. A, W. Nixon hauled them to tho depot without charge. Tho school wilt give n cantata enti tled "With Hnntn Clntis nt the Polo" nt tho Dream Thontra on December 33, Theru will probably bo n inntl iioo In tho nftofnooii nud nil evening performance. The fourth grade was dismissed mid attended In hm:y the funeral of their little clnvRiuntn, Agnes Haiiden, who died of pneumonia last week. Tho grndes lu which she had slsiors abandoned their regular work for nn hour, nud tho Hag reinnlned at hiiUiN, 0, 10, blk IB; lis 8 nud l, blk 47. mnst all day, I Itn 2 and ,1, blk 1 1, Center Add., lUnd ,-,.,. , Tho Demi Company lo Con 1 1 Aide MIm Kmmn Huberts, who rame !,,, u j ,,,k 22 H , ,,k ,. from Wnucouia, lown, has entered i, ..... n,i the high school In tho junior class. T( mMi'(.llpnny to Paola Danil. lot .1, block in, Park Add., Hcnd. Tho nonil Conipany tor Tltln ft Trust Co,, nM"vM, neo. 0-101 1. (loo, W. Wlmor to John II. W))nnr, nwVinwVi, see. 3U-10-11, nnd otor rights. 12400. ( Clins, L, Wlmor to John II, l)nor, mvUiiwHi Hue, 33-10.11. 8no. (Ico. W. Wlmor to John 11. Wlmor, RWUhwli, fc 33-llMl. 3400. John II. Wlmer lo O. W. Horner, wswH, wlioMinwli, wiiiiwVt, roe. Iia-lO-U, nud water rights, 1 12,. 000. Statu to (I, W, Hnydor, swViswVi, sec 3-17-11. Ilerthn II. Grant o limine !'. Kit motl, It 10, blk 3, llend. lOGOO. Denchules TowiimIIo Company o P, K. Peterson, lis ft nud (I, blk D, Con trnlo. H00. Lytlo Townsllo Co, to W, A. Car peiihtnln, It n, blk 13, Wlestorln. II HO Tho Hi'iitl Coiiipniiy to Kitw. p. I.utliy, Its 1 mid 3, blk .11, Center Add., llend. The lloud Company to Greenwood Promotion Coiiipniiy, It I. blk fit; lis progressing on me iioiei, tiio nrs A llobn, ,, tll0 ro,ntvo ,,, f " " , ' "I" a a blk art Cm tr story being up nnd the second half j,, ,, or,i,r ,W,K iwiibwI ' ft.'lli .ihI'.i ' ' ' ' way up. iltf i. f.,,,,,1. .,,..i.. ... i.,?.u ...Al,,,, "'""... I RECORD OF TRANSFERS "' "' I bv tbn fitlirlli lrrmli) in I in ulvttn In. Hov. It ,F. Harper of Milton held ' morrow (Thursdny). religious services in tlie waiting room of tha depot Sunday night. Thu Deschutes people have bought n ehnp el orgnn for tha Sunday school. Tltiiri, will In, n flirlaltnna Irmi nti.l progrnm In tho depot Christmas Kve. I t)Ci',u '"", tuUvr iruiiiMil Filed Mr. nnd Mrs. McKenna of Abor- Willi County Cli-rk at Prliiellle. dean, Wnsh., Iinvo been ntnylug at j The following deeds hnvo been Died the hotel for n few dn)s. They ox-, during the past week with tha county Alma Johnson camo homo froin4,,rocc,aa nro t0 go toward n Christ maa tree. All who caro to come to tho treo on Dec. 33 will bo made wolcomo by the Grange. The affair will be In tho evening, and thoro will bo a pro gram and lunch. II. Torkelson Is making plans to spend most of the winter In Astoria. P. J. Young is Just completing n now bungalow, and to movo Into It alwut the first of the year. W. M. Hodges, who purchased n forty from Mr. Stsats, U having tho lumber hauled to build his house pect to locate here In the spring. Mr. Halley from Centrnlln, Waah., Is here to buy laud. Claudo Mcl'autey, Glenn Cox nnd MUscs Dolly Hall and J.llllo Hands by of llend nto turkoy dinner with Mrs. Orcouhnuch or Hedmoiid Sun day. Hov. Mr. llnror wos tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hodllslil Sunday. Mr. Washington, whose house wns destroyed by tire two weeks ago, tins ntled up tho old KinUniee rooms tor living quartern. Mrs. Nanny has iikivihI to Dos- chutes from Hedmond nud none to housekeeping. A. C. Mond has rectetl n stone cellar with living mhiihm nlmve. at the roar of his store building. This extends the building the full length of the let. G. W. Hall and son had ohnrge of the stone work. Mlxs Ivn Gluver expects to visit nt her homo nonr McMlnuvlllo Christ mas. ' J. D. Mann of Kugono has been staying nt tho hotel hem while he Is building a houso near town. Mr, Miller has been remodeling his houso nnd enlarging nil building. Mrs. D. C. Ciimmlitgs of Tho Dal les, who has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ilnll, re turned to her homo Monday. clerk at Prliiovlllc; Tho llend Coiiipniiy lo F, I,, lluny,; State to Klnnson A. Htissott, snU MwU.Hee. Hi-lf-H. $300. Patent lo Frederick L. lluov, Its 3 I nud 4, swlluwlt, o. 1-3110. (W1ID OF TIIANUH, To the many friends who hno shown me sympathy, mid hnve nlded m during the lltuewi nud after Hut death of my wife, on Tuesday, l). lumber 3, 1 wish to extend my sincere I IinIiLm istnl hlilirtllli (till IIMOirtP llllll HI'I'I'MMIi'lK F, C ANDKHHON SOMEBODY IS EXPECTING YOU ON ..Christmas or New Year.. THEY AUE WAITING FOIt YOU TO CO.ME THE HOAUNQ INSTINCT TELLS YOU TO QO PLAINV1EW ! - --- -- - t LAIDLAW ---. - --- 'LAIDLAW, Dec. 10. -Horn, to 1'rof. and Mrs. Plnkstaff, on Decem ber 4, a 7V4-lound girl. Mr. Plnk staff Is a happy father, while Mrs. Plnkstaff and baby aro doing nicely, Laldlaw Is surely noted for law suits Th trial between George Fisher and Jerry Hlchardson, de fendant, seems a hard caso to decide, .ns tomorrow will be the third calling in this oase, and Justice Thorp says lie probably will call on the ladles to decide, as It seems tho men can not come to 3 decision. Rev. IJ. F. Harper, a Presbyter Ian minister, gave an Interesting' talk (o Laldlaw "people on Sunday morning. Ed 'Rogers ot 'Deschutes -spout- Sunday In Laldlaw, Mrs. G. M. Couch was' In tPwn'Vn1 Monday visiting uer daughter, Mrs. Jes Hartorv ' " Georgo Gertson and-wife of -Gist were trading wrtb,-; focal; merchants Uliinl.i Mr.- rfertaoA tiroueht In a load, of fpeil 6": IV-V.ISKEfr-", We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowoat prices. The Largest Burn In Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FO. - ----.---.-. Under New Management. I ! t .af. THE PILOT BUTTE INN BEND'S LOADING HOTEL la now in charge of J. F. Taggart First Class Service nnd the Comfort of Guests, is Our Motto. FREE AUTO Between Hotel and Depot. ---- -- .. SEPARATORS THE SHARPLESS TUBULAR THE BEST Separator made. Easy to clean, light to run, and it's tho CLEANEST SKIMMER MADE. We have them in stock, COME AND SEE THEM. MOWERS AND HAY RAKES. pip CELEBRATED' D.EERING LINE. Light, strong and ' - , durable. For sale by EiSXOm QF QUALITY '' , Si C. CALBWELL,' Mgf. 7- rFJ,' -. PLAIN VI KV. Dec. 10. Tho Hun day school at Laldlaw hold Thanks giving services Hundny after noon, following which a cafeteria dinner was served In tho Odd Fellows hall. Those attending from Plalnvlow wuro: Mr. and Mrs. Chnlfan, Graco and, llrynn Hlggs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Glllott and little daughter, Grace Hubert nnd Myrtle Kcoggln nud I'M and Cleave Struhm. I Mr. Vout from Hprflgue, Wash.,1 will spend tlitt winter with tho Peter son boys, Mr. and Mrs. Wlnklo and two chil dren have brought their furniture to tho Gist house where thoy will ro uble. Nols Peterson went to Hedmond Thursday to meet his father front Denmark. A Plaluvlew literary Club was or gnnlxed nt (list Friday night. Hu bert Scoggtn was eleoted president t and lid Htrahni vice president, With Kd Mills secretary nnd treasurer. It will meet next Friday night .nt tho school houre. Mis. John Htrahm nnd dnughtqr uli.MVcs wero In nlstera Saturday. Mr. Bllv's and Miss Hess brought Mrs. Powolson out to the farm to Hpend n'day or so with her husband. George Gertson returned tho mid dle of tho week with his brldo from Independence. Mr. Gertson Is n wolll known young man of this place. Io has a third Intorcst In n flno farm near hero. Tha bride has a sister, Mr. Huuncsll, nour Laldlaw. THE DESIRE FOR COMFORT SUGGESTS THE LINE OF BLOCK SIGNALS TO Chicago, Omaha,, Denver, Kansas City and all Points East "THE EASV WAY-' THROUGH TRAINS HIGHCLASS EQUIPMENT A NNtVj A PLEASURE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS WRITE THEM YOU ARE COMINO. THEN LET US TELL YOU HOW LITTLE IT WILL COST. J. II. CORBETT. Agent, 0 W. R. & N.. Hknu, OitimON os '.- .' Madam, Read McCalTs The Fasliloii Authority MCAU,'S U a Urm: miUH, fc.nj. Mmlr lUuilral.d I00.pf. uumlhlf Macailix Ih.l U tuUUf la lha Ixppl. aad lllal.R 1,100,000 man aacb m.aib. kvi, iiia I, Irtirnful of ftuhln, finer, woik. Inlari!nj( .holt tbii,uui tcnin of lalairuvlaf ami innn'r-HVliK Id-aa Ptt wiiuwn. tlwra ara mar than to ufi lh n.w.rt di-l-ii. ol Ilia otlliraU4 llrt'AW. I'ATTKIl.NH In aacli luua, McCAM, I'ATTKHNH ara fcn.oul fiir tri., flL almplirftr aud tvowwr, Ooly laaihllicanUaadi. Tha puhlMura of MrOALL'H will Ipand Uimuaiub ot AaUtn aiUa In Uuiauinliif i and niniMon-aittra all o-Uiar woman 'I E"!" V "'." J,rt llowav.r. Tt 9". W Af O. WW.'f f rttwa y-.- mm rnirnrinpr of MtCAIX'S, ifToy aulilba quick!. V m turn, qmtui, tu v p, KV W NftTir-A.il Imm, U MCAtl. S JU J.I,..p.,tl.M. i,lMumtMH.u Ih nuifa, Im Im n Kjaai, BEND MADE BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER , SEE , THAT, C . .. YOU f.r mw -4 " r. K IT r We Guarantee Our Product Money Returned if not Satisfactory. Pioneer Cream Company "The Bend Creamery" ICH CHRAM HUITtiUMILK CPIJAAt ac3ss :vm fir Hi. ---.. --. Headquarters for Commercial Aloa Clectrlc Llfhted Throuchout t ---. Special Attention to Transient Travsl THE'BEND HOTEL ; i Ooo4 Rmnu n I're btM to ., ts4 from trains . i HUC.H O'KANK, manaskh BEND, OREq6m (-M4 Moals All irrmraiui. . a.,.LZ :."" .V ."' or losi dUkiir 0 go Uuth nnuu"utr. h 1 f h t i ' J" ) ""'...a..4.4, ,. ' ' I Cm. ' ri Kt". c