thk Mtrtit nvtihKttn, mnn, WMNi'JU)Ar,"nKCEjmKii4. iia. rAGB . SEATTLE'S GROWTH IS LESSON FOR BEND it, vlnftnr tn Hrftltln who uolft Ihtti 1IIW " ..---- .--.-- ,--.- .-. tho rlRht hand mul loarn something of tho romitrkniiin aiory or tiio novei opulent of that city assuredly has n inra tnmt. If that visitor happen to lia n Ilenil man, with nn nyo to com liarliono, Seattle' history la nil thu moro IntoroitliiK, for It coutnliu n Kront big object lesson for Hand. A man who will ntmly whnt Beattlo hn dono, mid "H" ,,,lt " lrortM has boon mnde, will como to llond moro tlinii cviir n Iloml enthusiast and a ho. lloror In tho grout future- that nwalt thin community, Recently tho writer was In Ronttlo. l'our day wore devoted to Inspoc tlon of the city, nnd ninny hour to nicorlnlnln how Beattlo hnd Krown nnd why U had Krown. Of course, Ilia Information gathered was hut a fraction of what I there, and of what i worth thinking nlmut. Hut It was uiouh. , Hero nro sotuo of tho facta. Thoy nro random Incidents hut they tell tho Mtory In outline: In 1H70 Bosttla had a population nf 1100, That waa 43 year ago. To day Seattle hin morn than 210,000 JiCOJllo, Population Juni(Hi. In 1880 the population wni 3500. In 1880 the figure was cloo to 40, 000. In that year Seattle's flnt rail road came, the Northern Pacific. Willi that ono railroad, and with the Ureal 4NortherM. In 1803, tho population ilouhlnd In ton year, nnd In 1000 waa 80,000. Tho census of 1010 showed 337,000 Inhabitant. Ho, then, without a railroad, nnd id a tlma when tho population of the lln.t wuh 3000 mll' further dlatant than It U today no fnr na Iranspor- OCOmXNTAli R SSSSSSSSHmIbOSx l''I'r'7if ' jOTMSsWP-'SjH t 11 M3Mstl3rTfc tiJjMSSjt sWIBSsfiBSSSsl II lMMsnTsVsait ' fWpSragT.'t.dff Xff YyjVaBr'ZM' J IBbbHsbbbB l9sssssBaHVMsvWVBBSw TTUIfllv MptT3MBfcN3JHEsaWfH8fcskSCT4 feUUsKassSssssssl BSSSB? S40litiSaSHuBMWaBPBBinEbl i MBsflKBar3Mt2MnBKPAfl!iSnn7F7 " JBgV vrreAifyMMsMlllwissMMMMsMiM I BEmMiHE&MilBiBiX&P KnP& nSHiViSBHkEsrKtHSsnrUBsHlB sHMHHB&iP'Vr-iJrfcj-3 ssrsssMfa- -iLimC.ViJMitIriLfUKtMtmftMStBBiMiMlmlfalWmSWSOKim I I nWiMTBWwJnfrfJgVWIfc ywtdBpBaWBMJK'-JBBTBSMSBjJBySBSSBSPfJjilSL .MEifff PaiL HBgSBBBBBBBBBBI pJPPPSrinlBSflPHinHSSBBHSBnaSWSSBj I . i J - - " '.' if1 .rt1 ' SI SfflflBfM Ji ' 1 w sBbBbBHHbBbBbBbBbBbBbW li Tssf'tfl' 4 PKftl'iT iii -..MMMltJ& TV ssBMm. i yj" sflsBssm BssHsBsBMBssHIMsBWt xVv c.-sji'.i1' ti jiitiiTiyTyww z1 H I RyppBBssBSBsBBaBaBr&te hIIb 'fiBvr flB ttB SS 'fssH sB8bVHhBL .BsbsbH 8 TnP sBbT'bI CJ,rfPffrw,x z .L t&K&tKNKIMHKHKKKE!. saBTfwBffTMiswOassMTM n tAstf f sWmtJBV M-m MUtV fr? $ L, tiF li l&lSHB&aSBHr W.VbVbVbbbbVbBbsSBh ll jKwX3wJMffiHsyHBw!ebCa fcJsrTsWA-lS ystfW'r?f Sfi T1 TWftniWtfilBsiJffl 1 "' " sK bVHbbVbBB Bb sH SyT rt .m JQBE3zBmlEMArFf "jLBbwCsiibmSw!! t p wjlfcawBfcp83 jj5mmb mLe&SZSESKMM tntlon wan concerned Boattlo Rrow to ho n city of nonrly 40,000 peoplo. With two rallroadn that population wn doulilod In a decade, In 1008 a third road came, tho Union I'nctflc, and In 1011 n fourth, tho Milwaukee, Hut tha wonderful population strides wont accomplished with oim railroad, nnd nt n t'mo when tho Northwest, In compnrUon to condition of today, waa practical ly Uolatud from tho Kaslorn popula tion centers, In 1011 llond lia two railroads, coming from tha name direction. Ily 1014 there la overy roaaon to liollovo that Ilmid will have two railroad from thrco dlrectlona, and probably one from n fourth, tho west. That manna, practlrally, aoven railroad outleta and Inleta. la It any wonder that n llend man ahould alt up and take notice when tho significance of thin conic homo to him? Yes, lU'ulllo linn harlinr.Alao, the Knot AUska trado haa done, nnd la dotiiK, wonder for lia economic de velopment, Ailvnntago In Iands. - Hut, again, Investigation produce another crop a aort of aecond cut Unit of llend amllea, l'or there la no agricultural land worth mention ing within a roaonablo radlu of Bo attle. It la a candid fact, that will ho proved in tha next ton yer, that tho wheat territory of Central Oregon will ho of a much value In llond aa tho Alaiknn trado haa oven to Beat tlo. Aa regard tho agricultural lamlrf of the i'tiKot Hound country, ono charactirlil'c fact I worth moutluii Iiir It I till. The farmer who huya AND YUHI.UIl WAf. UT YliAIlS AOO unimproved land thoroaboutn pay not la than $25 nn aero. Tho land ho bought la covered with hugo atumpa. Tho approxlmntn nvorago cont of clearing tlio laud I about 1100 nn acre. That la n caah expen diture It men na money paid out at tho vary atart What do unimproved land coat In Central Oregon T Well, thoro aro thoiinauda of aero that may ho had for tho taking, Othor thoua nnda of acre may ho nocured for $8 an aero and up possibly to $00, nt tho hlghoit, while It I doubtful If nny appreciable nmaunt of tho heat Improved nnd profitably producing innd nro hold for moro than $00 land nil In crop. And In buying tho Control Orogon raw land there la not $100 an ncro col for ntump pull-lug- and dynamiting. Practically speaking, tho acre aro roady for cul tivation. Tho comparlion li worth considering, isn't 117 Power I'loa nt Hand. Tho power that dovetop Hoattlo' electricity I brougU on nn nvorago or 40 mile from tho city. At a re cent election tho city appropriated $2,000,000 for tho purchaae and de velopment .of power nlte CO mile dlitant, capabla of producing 00,000 horepower. How far does llond have to go for It water power? Knough for today nnd for many yenra la and can bo developed practically within tha city limit. Within 12 mile nt llend thcro can bo developed economically several lime a much wnter power nn tho entire amount now employed In supplying Bonttlo with electricity. Worth thinking about, Un'tT Today Hostile cover approximately 08 squaro mile of territory, within tho city limit. Thf I all practical ly covered by real "city" I about all very thickly populated. How many squsre miles doe llend actu ally cover today? Not moro than ono square mile. Forty-two years Ago Beattlo about equalled llend In this respect. Ill Seattle today thoro nro about 2 10, 0t0 platted lots. About CO.OOO of thorn nro built on. This nvorngo ono lot built on out of ovory four . . wswaMOssslPv A.NP 1 101U. i hold good" In most Western cities, llond now lias about 4000 platted lota, about half of which aro In tho city limits, Price At Into. Horo nro noma llttlo example of whnt linn hnppvnod to price In Bo nttlo during ft. comparatively fow yours. To bo suro, thoy nro notable oxamploa; but thousands of othor, na Irnproslvo, could bo encountered, In 1883 Dexter Morton bought two lot, each 120 by 120 foot, nt Second nvenuo and Cherry ntroot, for 4G0. In 1008 they woro sold for 700,000. In 1001 F, J. Bitot ncqulred two "tldo lol." Thoy woro undor water 20 feet nt high tide, and woro ono mile fro mtho centor of town. In 100G ho filled tho lot, put up ware house nt n cost of $12,000 and rented It fo $200 n month. In 1007 ho sold for $80,000 cash. In 1003 the business section stop ped nt Second nnd Madlaon. Then lots near tho Hotel Washington sold for from $3000 to $4000. In 1008 tho same lot wero bringing from $1000 to $2000 u front foot. WHY SEATTLE IS INTERESTED IN BEND (Continued from Pago Boron.) I'ko or what It will do when filled with hot air. Thoy say, with self satisfied derision, 'Oh, hot air!' stand twiddling their thumbs, nnd gupo with aito'nlihmcnt when tho balloon sail away Into tho empyrean. About everything else, thoy think and net In tho samo way. 'Ho can't do III 'Ho will fall!" Nope. I won't help hmt Him? Why, he's plumb crazy-' And then, when ho doe It, thoy sty, 'WhyJ I could n-dono that samo thing. Ilo's lucky, that's all. I never had no luck nohow!' And then thoy co right on trading sites of Chicago for LOOKING KAST ON CHKRHY waarsjnjasjBjs EHjHkXJBH firVsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssFJBVQB)twBBBSBSssssssssV S -. - . V a .- . r ,.. v! Jkmmm "TSSSBSSSiBaMBSSSBlfcBYajrBasaSWwfBSSSSSSBBSST1! ""wayyy y l ,rDmj jjysKj.. t-I T?,sMJir -ZS-dsV f ssssst ism HT IIBssVjl ' L - .- j BsssbsssstT TZssssssssMssWiMSMsssmJ 3bssssssssssWLJbsssssssL I V" J, WSv mma3mmma T PBBSEihSBBL(KBB t3 SSsBaP ttfFltF t ' "? - -'! nim&3fEwKEKw MbHmsmbbsW )V tm jASWsFSjUCflBHjHfB3lL i V 4W JTTSM2wjlfcoMFTPPiassrS jF jssC i ...j-sbssV m -' . f;.1. ' ' .. ssVsmmbbssbB L1 y .SSh.'. .:. - I IT iHBBBBBBBBi , atk. B' N S sssssssssMKsMSMaHsKnnHQBJsBsKsK BSSSSBsBBsHHWfflSsSWHtT?'!Vitl'lr '' ' flECIS34 j'i BSSSSMSHBRBSBBaBSSSSaSflsB HHBMimBbbM vsm sLMbm taiBsV'' sH9saBHRL9sV jBffBUSBSBHBttlM BBSSSSSSSSBUSVaSMMMMMMMMBlBBSSSSsl j, - i"sSSSSSSSBSSSSsl ' - t 'IB9BBb1 ssBBVvflsttBsHMMMHBBBBBKBf9H sttstT HBHsI '" sa; IJbhsHbHbBhbbI TgWffBWwJMBBfeHW n " sMiMiMBBiMBVVSllVHH WMll iNiFsTHh JLHVVHMVaVVVVl $ar? SmHB jfeyjHBB8BB H'-!!Jm1wmI KKfmffSfUra' aVsMssV y3mKKnBB9rmlm& HW bbbbbbbiLVimbbBK SBBHmmmbbbT sfsKsffira ' IBS-Jm" SBBBuBBm x '91 -n HftrH mMBWEMJ OB3r f,BErv !- .jmRJnmm I nEXSitmsV' - i wSBGh 's 3HsW5P:v Asl , ., lssHHaMHRHaBBBssaBssssssasBDBHB SlttfMsSsHSffSSHsrV,? AnBwS WSETS. jT nUMMHslBBSMVHH3SS9NBlKMSMBB1 lBWsS9Wl4aM ViaBVcflBSBBBBVttMBnsSsB ansSBBVVffVB whlto horses, "Hut what started this talk, any way? Oh, yes, Oklahoma City. Well, you aro doing n mighty goad thing for your own town in bringing out thoso picture of Beattlo. Thoy show exactly what Is going: to happen In llond And in spite of our experi ence horo In Bonttlo with tho 'blind who will not boo, when your peoplo see what happened to Oklahoma City, which possessed only ono of tho mul titude of resources possessed by llend, It certainly is Incomprehensi ble that nny aano man could fall to foresee tho groat and beautiful city that la certain to bo built In your vnl toy In tho next fow year." WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT BEND (Continued from Pago Bight) Tho old order Is chancing, suddenly, completely. Ycstorday Is a long tlmo ngoin Oregon." - Prof. Thomas Shaw, agriculturist of'tho Orcat Northern nnd Northern Pacific railroads, was sent to Mon tana by James J, Hill to report on grain possibilities. Largely due to the experiment of Prof. Shaw during only three year, Montana was trans formed" Into producer of 25,000,000 bushots of wheat annually. This man ha now been sent to Central .Oregon; and this is quoted from his report, aa given to tho Oro gon Journal November 10, 1012: "Central Oregon Is a most wonder ful country. The possibilities of de velopment aro Immense. Thero is no moro Xertllo soil to bo foand any where, for Tolcanlc ash Is more en during than nny other soil; and the entire Central Oregon country con sists of volcanic ash. "Nearly all grain crops in Central Orogon jboutd be winter crops, not only winter whoat, but winter ryo, STItllHT A WINTKK VIEW IN JSS3, oats, barley and vetch. lUlo mnlzA, corn, alfalfa and potatoes should be spring sown crops. Alfalfa will soon bo ono of tho most Important crop of Central Oregon. It will bo grown for hay and need. Alfalfa grown ou non-lrlgated land produce better seod than that grown undor irriga tion. "Thero are Immenso areas that can bo Irrigated; but by pursuing tho proper method, the dry lands will bemado to yield largo crop. This wo1 have proven In Montana; and we aro now proving it In Central Ore gon, whore wo have established an oxperlmental station. "In Central Oregon, cast of the Cascado mountains, thero are 10, 000,000 acre of land ready for cul tivation. These 10,000,000 ' acrca would produce 120,000,000 bushel of wheat, or moro than twice as much as Is now being produced by the en tire Pacific Northwest. Central Ore gon will somo day become ono of the most famous wheat producing sec tions of the world." CI VK 1NKXCKLLEIHBlXVIOK. Good barber enrice? "That Is what you want, of course. Thero Is one shop in Bend where you always get this, at Innes tc Davidson's, on Oregon street near Wall. Innc tc Davidson's Is tho pioneer barber shop of tho city, and they have, by their courteous and superior service. gainod a largo patronage. That haircut and shavo that you need better get them at lnne tc David son's. , , (Advertisement) j imiCK FOR CISTKRNS. The Bend Brick Company desire to call special attention to the ad vantages of using brick tor cistern and similar work. It is the most economical and tho most satis factory material. 22tf AN I A3 IT AnCAX9 TOAY.