Till. HKND HUM.BTIN, IJKND, WI.DNKRDAY. PKCKMJIKII , 112. PAWS T. WHY SEATTLE IS INTERESTED IN BEND Mimli of tha capital liiyostod In liml never been to the top, It makes llcnd iMHwtltlticnpltnli mill ovury titty , mu Nick1 mom niul mora Heutilo peoplo nro In- "I will lako It for Krnnled tlmt yon U'Atlug Jiere. Why In this? Wlmt hnvo boon to tliu (up of Pilot Unto do these limn roii hero to nttim.t Well, wlmt did on see tlicro If yon jthuiiiT How dots lloud look to the climbed tint hntta ono year ago, yon oj'ti 01 u m'luuu iiimmrn muni i iiuKii iiw n iown surriitiuuoti ny trees, questions worn recently nuked of n town tltut has since grown to pruli Beattlo business man, and this was nlily 2000. Two railroad wore there j have dust storms and high winds? Yos, 1 know you liad ono dust storm onco, which you will remember in long nn yon llvo, Tim dust crirna from 1R0 miles away. Quito n curl oiilty, wasn't It? - "Now turn around, mid look In tho other direction, nwny from tho town, What nro those shining, crooked Much that urn hero and thorn nil over tho level nnpo-liiiid? Irrigation ditches? Well, how inniiy neros do they supply wltll water? Two hundred niul fifty thousand? (lood gracious, onnt, south, will roll Its product down they are tho resource of tho whole land will build Sonttlo Into n city of hll to the nenrest and cheapest power 'world; and the proportion received 'a million' people, will Just h$ J(vl and that In at (lend, You will hnvo at ahy Riven port will ho governed by tnhly lnilld (lend Into tho lament In n flour t nil II tiK center not equaled the safety and she of It harbor, the land city of tho Went. Neither wilt anywhero unless at Minneapolis, amount of hungry and productive t you ever, catch.up with PortTari'd,; nntl "And tho noirto thing hold good to population back of It, tbo Hospitality It will, bo your own fault that you do your timber Kvcry fool of It can 'of Its peoplo to foreign capital and not, bocaiuo tho aamo resources and likely will roll down hill to your commerce, and tho energy and fore which, feeding Into and through cheap power, Bo Mho with all the! sight of Its citizens In soliciting for- llcnd, will mako yours n great city, products of your Irrigated farms. All1 elu trndo. All at which Is vory true, yo'u will In turn feed Into and this Is also trtio of your Immense salt, and ho will say that the growth of 8c through Portland. Portland will soda and potash deposits, which wo attlo Is no criterion by, which to on- WAko up to the fatt como day that tlio up hero In Hoettlo expect will produce, t'.malo tho growth of llcnd. .town of Ilelid Is her greatest external between 0000' and 12,000 carloads! "you can afford to Ignoro theso (resource. Is that nil? Oh, thoro Is probably (is. annually, beginning with tho year, chronic peslmlsts. They nro the men I "Given such resources, and with much mora tlmt will bo Irrigated? 1013 hln reply: 'Tliu question Is propounded juat 'at a tlnip when nn l.nsleni mngaxluo Is printing two pictures of Oklnhomn C'ty Que, taken recently, shown n modern city In every particular, with already. lloyond tho town to tho west Mora pine forests containing somo twenty billion feet, ItuunliiK through tiu town was the greatest power stream In the West, capable of producing 250,000 horsepower close i:von thosa products which ' who. In their ofd age, tell with tears a map before us showing that all of U'iiII. wlint lli'i bflvond tliomi I r ileal do not aton at llerlil rriiint fied to and In their eves of tho 'booi! old llrnea' them must (low Into nnn town, itn od mid Irrigable Iands7 Dry farm through your town, and that moans when they trsded (he slto of Chicago peoplo ofVflcnttle, with tho growth lug ImidT How much? Ten mil- an Immense city. for an old white horse. of our own city and tho slmultnne- ( lion acres, do )ou sny? Do you "When the eyes of Seattlo Inveat- "Name one city In tho United ous growth of our experience, have no know that theso figures, both ocrcngo.or first turned toward your roglon.jfltntcs that, When It was as young ns dlfllculty In seeing what n great city, and production, are furnished by tho J they did not need to leave their desks 'Hand, bad the resource possessed by .and with your high altitude, scenery greatest living authority on tho sub' to see that you would grow Into ono I your town." Tho writer tried hard end sunshine, what a beautiful city iject? You do? Shakot Wall, wo of the greatest cities In tho West. In; to do so, but could not. "No, sir, yours Is certain to bo In twenty years; up hero In Seattlo know theso things, the center of the great state of Ore- you cannot' Now, resources make a and with pictures heforo your people too. Wo also know that tho samogon, with tho Cascades running north city Just ns Certainly as grains of , to show what Seattle has done In tho Did n population of 05,000 or mora. The at hand mid 000,000 horsepower li other, taken twenty years ngo on the 'Its entire length, Your own statu same spot, snows six woouen mum lugs and n water-tank, beside n Hue of rails and telegraph poles. "Oklahoma City stands In tho midst of a level prnlrle, without scen ery, with ono little river that goes dry Jit sunimor, no timber, no Irrigation, no topography to control or direct the construction of railroads, no water power, no rllmsto to recommend It, no anything except wheut and cdrn land Iook at tho picture!" And the Ho nttle man thrust I Into the writer's bund, He continued "I will not In- engineer furnishes tho figures. you over see them before? "lle)ond tho town and tho forosls, did ou notice a little range of snow covered mountatna known as the Cas cadoa? Do you know that such scen ery, lu a country where they liavo 320 days with sunshine every year, Is an asset? The tourist who goes to (Kilnts on the other sldo of that range, who comes right here to Beat tlo, for lustanco. often stays several days without seeing a mountain. Tourists oven go (o the Inn, away up on the side of Mount Itnlnlor, stay suit you by asking If )ou Imvo overt two or three days and never see the been on top of your own particular mountain. Tourists will soon learn j bill, Pilot llutte, because I think I that they will not bo disappointed Mo signs of Intelligence In your fen-when they visit your town, liven tho! lures, but I asked the same question mountains are accommodating. of another llcnd man recently utvd ha "Are your summers hot? No? I said that It was n stiff climb, nod ho Are nur winters cold? No? Do you man who furnished those figures 1st and south to tho Imedlato west of now at work In Central Oregon, Wo (you, and with tho Hluo mountains, also know what he did In Montana, forming nn Impenetrable barrier to Two years ago Montana produced commerce to the northeast, and your practically no wheat, and, largely bo-town exactly In the mouth of this nar cause of this msn's work, Montana row valley, down which your products produced this year s(5,000,000 bush els, That means In round figures $25,000,000. "Hupposa he docs no better In Ccn could roll without stcarn all the way irora your cheap power to tho sea, whllo all tha products of your for ests and y6ur vast agricultural lands wheat, thrown one bv one Into a same leneth of time. ther. loo. should bushel basket, will fill the basket, j be able to see what Is going to happen Just as surely a boards, piled ono by I to them; and many of them will sxs one, will make a umber pllg; and you and wll take advantago of their great havo one of tho largest baskets and 'opportunity. No man living In Uond one of tbo biggest lumber piles In the, today, if he is still living thero twon- world. "You have the resources to make the largest Inland city In the West, and while you can never catch up ty or even ten years from now, has any excuse for not being In comfort able financial circumstances. And yet we people of Seattle with Seattle, with her fine harbor the i know from long and exasperating ax- nearest In this count.-y to the world's 'perlence that a surprisingly largo1 densest population, Just awakening J number of people are constitutional- to modern civilization, tbo untold and unnumbered variety of products that will Issue from the factories that will group themselves around your cheap (tower, and your natural resources, many of which will bo changed Into marketable- form by that same power, trnl Oregon, whero ho has several could and must roll to that samo times as much material to work with, cheap power In converging lines. All a country of which he says: 'It will 'the Settle Investor had to do was to produce mora than twice as n.jcb as 'look at a map. It was a cinch! Is now being produced by the entire "You say you want this Interview Pacific Northwest, and will become for a Seattle edition of your paper, In ono of the. famous wheat producing which you expect to print some corn sections of tho world.' Whero will , paratlvo pictures showing tho growth that Immense volume of wheat bo 'of Seattle, and tho sultscrlber to your milled? Where IU Is grown, and paper who has never climbed Pilot i in ii I lu, s rou ml bv atoam nower? i llutte whlln living nt tho foot of It will flnrf their wav to theno aamo for ... ..-..,.- f ,- - - .. - - - - --. -- -- --- -- .-- - .- Never, It will go to cheap power, will ask you what your Seattlo com-(clgn countries; and combined with agination. Olvcn a collapsed balloon oven If It has to go uphill; but It will parlsona signify. Seattle, ho will tell your own wonderful resources which . they cannot Imagine what it wilt look not go uphill If It can go down. All you, la a sesport, and the resources of Seattle lacks, the samo forces thntl of this producing area, east, south-in seninirt are not to bo estimated' , havo built Seattlo Into a great eltyl (Continued on Pago Nine) ly and willfully blind. It is only men of Imagnation and men who aro In terested In tbo great, big, hosthy game of building this country and de veloping Its resources, who can ac complish much In the modern busi ness wprld. Hut many people, un fortunately, are not blessed with im- These Pictures Tell the Story of Seattle's Great Growth j, H1.0qjD AVKNUB, IiWUJ PJ?WJ-AS l?JK4ft H A0 AND IT IS NOW . VIW AXI'WT AND YESLlvr--VEAKa AGO AND AT PHUJKKItr