PAGE Ifl. THN 1IKNI) IUTM.KTIN, J1NNI), WUDNKHIIW, DKCKMIIKIt 4, 111 111. mm mm tomy Hut It Wasn't llecaiuc of Klcctfon, and Water Wan Liquid AtTeeteil. Promptly at S o'clock this morn Ing Hond went dry. 7000 population. For tho present Mr. Miller will remain In lleud nntl expects to retain nctlvo direction ot affairs, especially as regards construe, tlon. I Work will lo resumed liumod'ato ly on tho now power house, which has been delayed pending the out- Was U the reiult of iho election? J.!i,B T.!'n!,"? ""! it! ."!! S.r'N-R eKv 0t th W'S. wU tor the 'mS "buliS: V The KilffSSrt come taM th' "!' l ?. .V.y franchise, lint because the 11. W. I. & vn.T' J "'.. . ""';,", ,.".'.' i. co. whs installing iomo new mains, nnd had to ninko a connection, ne cessitating tiio shutting off of the wa- ; lr.V-n II,!. JiVre kiln Z , K0.000. tlt III was broken, tho water being turned ,.,. . , llru, ,. -..,, stalled now will lie a 3r0-kllowatt generator and turbine, with at least a 2" per cent overload capacity. Tho cost of tho plant now to bo connti ne on again. eluding only tho llrst power unit. Tho ultimate cost will ot course be much greater. Tho present plant of 2f0 ?wvtr.a iitLt cLuiilfnttil L The set of kVprtrt to tho'iJJJV": SSLd"1 U TX . ..V..-..I i .. n o 11...1..... i.... and used as required. At work uo- , '"d;, ', SSSSSLfhSmr Pwer ol-.talt.nble from tho present as follows: I am pleased to nave . ... - ..,,..... ..,, ,.... . received the set of the 'Dock of h UAl horM?"t. 'I""1' v ''." nine acres, tho transfer Includes three additional acres Immediately north of this. Mr. Miller estimates tho amount of power economically obtainable at the Ilenham and Lava falls propcrtiea at about 20,000 horse power. In addition to the 2000 obtain able directly at Dend. Klrst Ham Sen Ice PromUetl. "It Is the earnest desire of the new management to give the people ot Uend a thoroughly first class scr- ptrron irtii ro. eirlirtre aifnt vice, wnicn win ie extenucu just as In Ileml for the famous Llbby cut rapidly as the growth of the town Knowledge In buckram binding. We have already found tho books of considerable service; I am having a shelf made to place where the books will be accessible and have urged upon the teachers that the attention of the children be called to them." You are Invited to attend the Red mond poultry show and bring your birds. 39tf glius. Adtertfecmeut. POWER CAPITALISTS INVEST HERE (Continued from Page One). the Columbus(Ohlo) Railway, Light & Power Co. and Is associated with many other Important electrical proj ects. A Permanent Proposition. None of the men associated with the new enterprise Is a promoter, or ever has been conected with the pro motion of any scheme. Mr. Miller states most positively that their pur chase here is sn out and out "buy," that they intend to bring a lot of money for local development, as opnelngs for it arise, and that they mean to atay with Dend permanently. Mr. Drown was here only once, and that time durlg a rainstorm, but he saw enough to send him back to Chi cago a Uend enthusiast. Mr. Miller has been here several times and has Investigated thorough ly all possible local features. T. H. Foley, hitherto In charge ot the U. V. L. Ac P. Co., will continue as local manager, the responsibilities ot his work being materially In creased. Before cotnfBg" to Dend, Mr. Foley waa manager of the electric Justifies and a little faster, too, for we want to keep ahead ot the game," said Mr. Miller. He further made this statement for publication: "The entire capital stock and as sets of the Dend Water Light & Pow. er Co. have been purchased outright by the Central Oregon Power Co. The sale, besides Including tho power plant and water and lighting nyatcma In Dend, also Includes certain real es tate not formerly owned by tho D. W. I. & P. Co. Part of this real es tate is located in Dend, but the major part ot it Is at Important power sites up the river and near Dend. "The Dend Company, from whom the purchase was made, retains no In terest whatever in tho property, and all of the stock and other assets Is cow vested In tho Central Oregon Power Co. "The Central Oregon Power Co. Is an Illinois corporation, formed for the purpose of developing water pow er properties, not only In Dend but In other Central Oregon towns as such other development warrants. Its prlnclpsl stockholders are Chas. A. Drown of Chicago, myself and a few of our associates. The concern Is amply financed by private capital for permanent Investment.. Mr. Drown, the president, baa been asso ciated with the power and lighting business from its earliest Inception, A SUPERB SHOWING OF i Sterling Cut Glass Imported Handpainled China Wallace Silverware We hnvo just placed on our shelves u lurRO ship ment of Sterling Cut Glass, nml wo would tnko great pleasuru In showing this handsome wnro to you. Sterling Cut Glass enjoys n reputation nil It own, nnd Is tho very finest wnro on tho market today. Every piece In heavy, clcnrns-crystnl gln&s and the cutting embraces ull the latest nnd most beautiful designs. Our late Imported handpalntcd Chinn has received many compliments from tho Indies of Hond, nnd leaves n delightful Impression of beauty and daintiness. You enn find nothing more ap propriate for gift purposes than n handsome piece of Cut Glass, China or Silverware, LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. THORSON, The Jeweler. going to try to do our share. Cour tesy will bo our byword. Wo nro n public service. corporation; that Is, wu an.. In a inoitHuro. public servants. Too niitity public sorvleo coriiorat'oiiM lulniiiuloi stand their pohUIoii nml try to go on tho assumption thut they nro 'imhllo masters' Instead of public ser vants. Hut tho 'public bo damned pulley Is a tiling of the past all over the country. Wu have come to sluy. That wo think Hond often m wonder- ful opportunity for Is with high water pi ensure nro among thn things Unit Mend Is proud t.r. A Hplimdld graded school system, Including a high school, nro also lo' cntod In and mound Uend. A newer system for which a bond IhKiio of 100,000 brought forth sovuii bids, all above par, Ih now being In mulled, 'iho unit of aHtom now he-, lug limlnliml comIh ln.OOO; the eimt ii( tho roniplotn syiitum will lit) about $li80, 000. This will moan a month- t ly psy-rull of not Ih than f 7000 for shown by tho fact thai wo and our ten mouths lo rnuni Itieuds hnvo backed Its fntuiu with our money,' During tho Inst mouth iiltnut $n00 him been spent III enliniieineiit of thn local light and water mmco. Includ ing tint construction or pole, line In Deschutes, Wlestorla anil Kenwood. This expenditure was made under tlio direction of the now company. Tho (act that Mr, Milter and his nKocluli'a have been clunely Idmitl. tied with the construction and opera tion of electrical railways naturally has glwii rise to tho prediction that the Central Oregon Power Company has schemes "up Its Us sleeve" In that field. Mr, Miller, while stat ing that ho Is not now In position to make any definite announcements concerning cotemplatcd pins, does ot hesitate to say that with the imwer It controls, the field tha Is open for such devvlopmen, and the experience of tho directors of tho now orgnlta Nliico tho railroads Imvu entered Uend thirteen months ago, tun mod ern sloreM mid brick buildings hnvo been erected, nt an approximate total cost of $8fi,000. A handsome stoiiit depot mid the largest warehouse In tho Interior have alsii Iweii construc ted since (ho advent of rallinnd trans, portntlou. , ' lleud Is located where the rail ron ds, tho timber and the river first meet--In Central Oregon, A mag nificent mill site, with pond and Urn Ideas water power close to town, Im owned by Iho Umber Interests, who nro also heavily Interested lloml , city property and other holdings, There are 230,000 acres of Irri gated laud In tho country adjoining lleud, nnd approximately 600,000 acres of dry farm homestead land. Tho demonstration farms near lleud aro among the finest In thn tlon, It limy naturally be expected to country. The work of C. H. Hudson Interest Itself In electric rallwny do- the lleud banker, Is worthy of espec- tlea, principally throughout the mld-t "Tho present extent of the plant die west. jsenks olumes for the enterprise of "The corporate existence of the Uend. I know of no town of Its sire Dend Water Light & Power Co. will that has a water light and power be maintained and It will do business plant of anywhere near eoual extent. In Dend as before, but on au enlarged 1 1 promise that the local company will scale. Just as soon as arraugemeutai Immediately extend the plant to meet can be made nnd w'thln n few weeks, ' all possible demands for service, and the oRlees will 1 moved to other' will further meet the public more quarters, but until this change can i than half way in establishing thn be made the omco will continue at friendly relations tat we hope will Its present location, by courtesy ot exist." The Dend Company. I As Mr. M'ller has had experience "Work on the new power plant haa'on both sides of the fence, as regards len begun. This will be a concreto' public service corporations acting structure and we hope to have tho J for tho producer as engineer and for velopmeut, 'u addition to caring for tiie local llghtln ami (tower require ments. A. O. Hunter, who, with his broth. er, i. K. Hunter, wan Instrumental In getting Mr. Miller Interested In tho local project, came In with him and will bo hero several days. 'YOUNG MAN'S OPPORTUNITY" (Continued from Pago One), first new unit In service within threo months. The capacity of the present plant la crowded to tho utmost. Al ready during the laat few wecka, be fore tho final closing of tho sale,, which was consummated last Satur day, we have been extending the elec tric light lines and also tho water mains Into territory not heretofore reached. This policy will continue as we Intend to keep the extent of the present plant at all tlmea com- meuaurate with the expected rapid plant In Fa'rbanks, Alaska, a city of and has owned and operated proper- growth of the town. tho consumer when conducting Inves tigations for mulclpalltlcts lie hau some clear cut Ideas regarding the rlghta ot tho consumer, and Ideas that aro becoming more and morn general of late. In speaking along this line, ho said: .. . "Wo want the good will ot the peo ple or tiena; . we como ntre as strangers and at neighbors. Our In terests aro Identical with those ot every man, woman and child In Dend. We all want our town to develop and grow Into a big city. We are relief at all seasons every day. The climate of Dend Is not merely delightful, but everything that one could wlnh for himself nnd his loved uues, The water, electric light and powrr sstems are far more adeqimto than necessary at present, A large distributing business Is growing dally from Dend, particular ly south and southeast of the city. The population of Dend was about 1000 In 1S11, and abuut 1800 at this writing. A 150,000 pay-roll julds materially to the protpcrlty of Dend. Two large lumber mills, each lo cost a million dollsrs, are to lie con structed by the Drooks and Mueller timber Interests, each of which owna one-third of the lived townslte co to tal mention. Ho saw an opening for ' hogs and dairy cows In and around Dend, so he linxir(ed Uith from thn . Middle West, which he sold to thn farmers at cost, taking their notes where necessary nnd carrying them until they were able to pay up Tho Dend Dulletln Is one of Iho beat edited weeklies In the Northwest, and devotes much spare to the up building of Uend and tho surrounding country. Fully one hundred handsome real- , deuces nhflut a score constructed of a beautiful pink, gray and black building atonn quarried within a mllo of Dend- have been constructed within a short (line, A brickyard with 30,000 dally capacity is located two mllen from town, Tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co. ' haa now under construction thn greatest Irrigation diversion dam In , Oregon at Dend, which when com pleted will water 18t0Q0 acres ot land In Crook county. Doth the Hill and Harrlman rail roads maintain a regular dally ached- , ulo In and out of Dend, Twenty mlllon feet of yellow pnn timber stands tributary to Dend on a ' down haul. At least 3(0,000 horse power aro eailly obtainable from thn Drachutea rltsr at and near Dend. Dun to lack of apse, the writer must necesarlly omit statements of that make pany. Five churches, six mllrs of side-1 the many other things walks, several concrete, good streets, Dend and Centrsl Oregon Indeed tho an admirable fire Oghtlng system, land of oporlunlty. J" ttttte- ut : i - - LUMBER LATH SHINGLES I THE BEND COMPANY CsJ ::h ' e m " t ill" ; - !& . . . , . . . .. . . i "', Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Siw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber in Central Oregon. We can manufacture what yon want when you want; it, and at the prices you want. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. t : T t . St V -v . a-w-" r- V . - ! . . . ' The It B JC if M f7 T ,$ end Company i ! , " st -'7-3 I, i' ' 'X : A Bend, Oregon t 4 4ii' 4 f r-v-r-vr-rvr-VT-vr-r-rT ----t-- -w w WW TT W W VVVVV --- ' ?&' " - " lT-- --. - it ---- -- --- . .. ...IBhltt - E?E? PW u r A 1