tiih ukni ihm,i:tin, ijk.vd, wkiiNKmday, ihkt.mijkh 4, 1012. PAflB 11. HOP LEAVES IOWA COLLEGE CORN MAN JOINS I. H, C. SERVICE BUREAU Work Will lie lo I'lmli I'orwnrd tlio Movement I'or Lanier Cni", M Jcr Honda, More I'maiicrou r'Nip't'i Heller Notion. Thli murk (he beglnnlnr of n now ml crentnr business servloti. It It n cooperative movement for lancer crous, teller roads, happier homes, more prosperous people, ami n richer mid better nation. Tlml Is lo say, (lie MIC Bervloo Iltirenu propone lo help 1)0 for nil the itnlei nml for Cum aitn what llohlon linn dumi for Iowa. After eoiiililerliiK many orfrm, and flr mi InreMlnnUoii uf (he company ami II work, Professor I'erry (I llohlett bus cntereit (tin service of the I II C Henlce llureau nt ChlmKo. I'rofi'Mor llohkn I known wher ever rnl HKrlculliirn I known. Ill 'whole ll'e I una of servlro. lln orln lunleil llin liliin of rnrryliiK Informs llmi illiiHit lo farmer, lie I Iho In ther of (ho demonstration train, hort chool courses, (be corn iliow, county POOF. PERRY O. HOLDCN. Jonionrrllen farm, and the National Corn Kioltlnn A head of the ei enlon department of Iowa Htato (! lege of Arrtcullure hit did a work rhlch, Kenator Cummtni lay, up to th prrnt tlma ha Increased lha wealth of Iowa $30,000,000. The nbjrct of the I II C Service Ilu reau l ttin promotion of agricultural education, and a co-operation which will trnd lo ralie Iho whole tone of cnmmrrcUI. IndiiMrlal and farm life. Hlnre arrleulture I the (aula of proa perlly and proKren, naturally farm lirofclem claim flrl attention The o'm la hlhir erflrlency, both on and off the farm To do a I Ik wotk-a bljc oritanliatlon la neerry. Not only the blrneaa. but the prrfectlon of thn International orcnnlaatlon a well appealed lo I'ro feor llnhten. The hlR Renernl aeen ole. iratterrd alt over thr I'nlled Jltatea nml Canada: the aaleamen, traveler and epert machine men; the tO.OM dealer every one, an far n poialldc, I tn be made nn apoitlo of heltt-r fannlnR. For year thn International liar Tester Company baa realised the lm I nrlance of aervlce. It iaa anent mlb linn of dollars In Iho perfection of l.v borsalnK machine, and now the company Is Rolna; In for direct service direct to Iho farmers, and direct to the farmer' children, that the men nnd women of tomorrow may bo mere capaMe ana so morn prosperous than the men and women of today It Is no lonaer a theory that If we nre to pet the most out of life wo must raise more per acre. "Inten alvo farmlnK" Is In thn air. It Is the tattle 'cry of peace and plenty, nut raising more Is the result of mind, not muscle. We must know. And not only that, we must Know wo know, and know why wo know. Wo must know good seed from bad, rleht cultivation from wrong, and Iho whvs rnd wherefora of climates, sol's, fruits, cattle, horses, poultry, and o forth. , Kor these thing tho bureau was established. Hut the bureau and Professor llnlden see more than an average Increase of a few bushels. They sen a time coming when farmer vrllt raise twleo as many buihsls of corn, whmt and oats to the acre, and like yield of all other kind or farm product They see a time when farmers and farmers' wives and their children will think more and work leas. Kvery bushel raised means Just f at much profit, and the profits of the" farm promote commtroa and In dustry. After a period of geod work In Mich igan agricultural college, better work at Illinois, and a great work at Iowa, Professor Tlolden now enters upon a' world's work, While tn future Pro tMtor Holden will designate Chicago home, hsys bels oot leaving Iowa Vhe'U merely -carrying' toWa to tar (cat of Uie awld. . , .. J&K !Mk. HH MM iKin t MD jtfk NkH T AtT dy ,lHF"v v ESTABLISHING THE COW'S MILK FLOW. Tlio llino (0 bring n herd of cow up to tholr minimum milk production I wliurtly lifter they hnvo cnlred. for a week or two after a cow lin dropped hor calf enro uiut bo tnkun not lo overfeed her. for there la Brent dntuter of doliiK Injury, nt lemtt for (lint period of lactation, anyi llonnl'a Uiilryiiiitn I'eeil lluhlly at Oral, gradually Increns I11K the Hllovfiiuco an (ho nnlm.il re cover from thu alrnln of parturition mid mo lohtf im jUo respond generousl; lo I ho InereiiHetl nuiouui or teeu. Tor a cow vtoluhlui: 1,000 pound II li well to feed dally thirty pound of hIIhuo mid from clsltt to twelvo (Hjundx of Bood clover or nlfnlfn hay. The niiioiinl of Rniln fed will depend to n Initio ih'reo upon Iho crtpiiell or She cow mid her nblllty to do work. It U well In ImcIii wllh nn olio nance of only three to four iwiiihU of feeil dully mid Kiiidiiiilly Iiiiiciiho It w b'tiK nx (he niilmiil recpmid with nn Incinisi-d Mow of milk. When aim coiiho Id do IliK drop Die reed n xmnd or tvio, Ah a rill.', row fi'il L'ooil nllni!U mill clover or nlfnlfn huy nml produce milk l'(ln from a',4 to 4 er cent will re mit not more Ihnu otio ihmiiiiI 01 khi I n fur null four pound of milk produced. Wo consider this cenerou Photo ly Kinui Acilcultursl colUc. MM llanrr, lli cow hrre shown, la lliltttfii-ynr-ol.J llolataln own nl by lli kan.ua Asrlcultural col li K lo lli laat Irti month aha tiaa moil ntl proni nt tUtUt for rut ownr Ilr output In that lt.no wa MM .loarla, which atM for rnita n iurL It wotilJ ln inaila .91 turnla of tnitter Hli waa (il torn cliiip. bran, ollmral, n few arouml ixia. alfalfa hay and corn a id ran alia, Thp nvmiC eoat (if liar fl uaa about H rnl a day, or IIM fur lha ttti nionlln, Tit Inlal valu of Imt mil at I rmla a )Url w VKt.U. (iiillnu". Uf iiiurxu If It la the object of the ftitlcr lo iiiiike n liirue record i to allow the extreme tildllty uf the con It uoulil not be coiiMldcn-d ciioukIi W'n took unjii the etiw iu nn niilm.il Hint Ihm to fuiicllniiH lo iorforui mllk phMliicllou nml the production of n atmiiir cnlf If n IiIrIht rvtonl I to Ih liliiilc the iinlmnl ahnuld lint Iw brill fur lite or lx inodtlia mid iiinyln loiitx it nflt-r rnlrluc, but If rihnI iblrj work U dilril and then U mi objii-l In mUlmt u cixal, atroiiK cnlf the mil mill should I , bred about three month mMit dropping hercnir. Title will kt mil her lo rrcflhen once a cur. and If ehe 1 4 not forviil he will ttlvv birth lo atroiiK and hralthy cnlvee. A ret of mini nix to cltht week ebould le prti Idiil. Cone that hnvo ratnb1lbed their milk tlowa-thitt la. hae Uvn mllkeil fur two month or more iiinnot lie tmilrrlitlly nilaitl In milk production by niiy ayntem of rcedliiis. We hnve iiicmiIuiiimI the iim' of hlliiue nod tiny, whlili nil iN-lleve nhould form the foiiiidntloti of nil dalr)' mllum. but lr (here I no I torn1 the next Uwt thlOK Ik riHiK lr riHit nrv feil then ple it HImtiiI iimotiut of noid Iniy. preferably diner or nllnlfn. nml Increnn.' thecmlii iim Me NtlUKextrd where hlhlKe la llicor HirniiHi Into the rutbni. Charcoal For Meg. Ctuirronl, iir I km nml null help to keep the lii'lt itlueNtlve Hteiu 111 tfood con dllloii n nd nlimild bo kept within the rench or the nnlniitl nt nil t linen Corncob tnnke tool clinreonl lly iIIkuIiijj n pit nbotit four feet deep mid ipille n bit amaller at the bottom thnn nt the top It U n almple mutter lo pre pnre the corncob chnn-oitl In the right form for the Iior. Hturt a tiro nt the txittom or the pit and Kriulimlly till the pit with cob nnd rou-r with n elnvt trots cover iih itiMin nn filled, nml lt ataiiit tclxe lioure' time there will be a good Knido or chitrconl. I'lvo biiHhel or thin ihurconl, one bushel or wood aNhcii, elx hmiiiiU or milt, two quarts or nlr ntnkrtl lime, two pounds or eul phur nnd otto miind of coppern make mi en client mixture to plnce In feed dm Ikixc. where the Iiorm tuny hnve uccviM to It nt nil 1 1 nice Hitch n mix tore U at oticv a food, vermifuge aud' tonic. Llv 8ook an the Farm. Did oit over lienrof Hcruli hoea tnnk' Imt money out of htsh priced reetlt )ld you ever henr or ecritb cowa pay I m? n profit on blub priced bind? )ld you ever bear or n rnrmer buy Iuk more land, bulhlltiK more bnrti or pnlntliiK the old onen without live toik on hi fiirmT Did you ever henr or any farmer, any plnce. t-evtlng anywhere wltuoii! good stock, and Old you over notice that the man who dooii "arrive," who "ueta thoro," who hits "money to burn" nnd who rldea In an nutomobllo la alwayw t!;e man who rnleea good live etockT Kan su Kuruter. Hag fee Phatp. Corn allago la every bit an valuable In the sheep tuenn na It la tn (he dairy ration. It should not be the principal Ingredient In the sheep bill of fare, but should be. supplemented by foods that nre rich In protein, attch as clover or rdfalfn hay or wheat bran, orollmeal. k 1 h, -Liy A clnMnltlnl nd In Tlio llulletlii la read by hundreds and orliiK tlio ml. vertUer kxh1 return for tlio money Invented. NOTICIJ !' CONTKHT. Dcpnrtmont of (ho Interior, U, H. I,nnd Olllco, Tho Dalles, OroKon, October 31, 1012. To Philip June, of 313 lnt Bt Portland, Oregon, Contestoo! Von nro horoby notlllod that Hrnlle N. Lnndro, who kIvch cnro-K. B. Par ker, llend, Oregon, ns hi postolllco nddress, did on Keplembar G, 1912, nio In this olllco his duly corroliornted application to contest aud anctiro the oHiicellittlou of your Ituiiiestond entry N'o. . , . , Kerlnl No. 07122 mndo Inly 1, 1910, for l', Kectlott 10, Township 20, K Itntigo 17, B Wit Inmotto Mcridlnn mid na k round for Ilia contest he iiIIckch that anld Philip Joik'h hint never established residuum upon wild Imid; thnt ho bus never cul tivated or Improved tho miiiiiii. You are, therefore, further notl llod Hint tho snld nlloRntlotiN will bo tnken by this olllco nit having been eoufcKHfd by you, and your en Id entry will ho cnnculed thereunder without vour further rlcht to bo hoard there in, either before tills olllco or on ii peril, If you full lo file In thin olllce within twenty dnya after tho I'ODUTIi ptiblluutloii or till notice, art nhowit below, your answer, under ontli. specifically moelltiK nnd re- spoudliit; to theno nlleKntlona of con lent, or If you fall within thnt time to Hie In this ofneo duo proof that you hnvo served n copy of your answer on thu snld eonlentnut either In per noli or by registered mall If this aor tlce Ih made by tho delivery of n copy jf your nnawer to the contestant In pcteou, proof of audi eervlco must be either tho aalil conlcstnnta written nckitowlcdKomcut or his receipt of tho copy, showlttK tho dnto of Ita re ceipt, or tho aindavtt of the portion by whom tho delivery waa itmdo stat ing when nnd where tho copy waa de livered; If mndo by registered mall, proof of hicIi Hen Ice must consist of tho nlllldnvlt of tho person by whom tho copy waa mnlled etntltiK when nnd tho xit olllce to which It waa mnlled, nnd this nindnvlt must bo no eompnnled by tho poatuinstor'a re ceipt for the letter. You should atato fn your answer tho iiiiuio or tho post olllco tn which you dcslro fuluro notice to Ire sent .o )OII. C. W. MOOUK, ItoKlstor. Ditto of llrat publication November C. 1912. Dnto of second publication Nov., 13. 1912. Dnto of third publication, Nov., 20, 1912. Dnte or fourth publication, Nov., -i. at -' t I. nu-c; a HTIJNGmtAPIIY WOItlC, HtriioKraplier nt The llulletlii of fice will lake ropyliiK nnd general lypowrltlttK work nt renaonnble rate. Keo llio beautiful pntlrmn of Llbby cut KlniN now on display nt Patter Nin'nr-Advert Uement. 8UMMONH. In tho Circuit Court or tho fltato or Orogon, for tho County of Crook, II. J. Ovorturf, plaintiff, vs. B. II. Hum my and Helen II, Hum my, de fondants. To K. II. Hum my and Helen I), Mum my, defendants: In tho nutno of tho Htnto of Ore- koii you nro iicreny required to nn pear nnd nnawer complaint filed ngnlnnt you In tho abovo entitled Hull within six weeks from the dnto of tho first imbllcntlon of thlu miiui-i moiiM, nnd If )ou fall to nppear nnd i nnawer, for wont thereof, plaintiff will npply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In thu complaint, to-wlt: I'or the foreclosure nccordlng to law of that cerlnln mortgage benr Ing dnto tho 21st dny of October, 1911, executed by )ou to secure plnlntlrf In thu payment of thu sum of 12210 with Interest nt fi per cent per annum from tho 1st dny of Oc tober, 1911, and thnt thu premises described In said mortgago he sold nccordlng to tho law nnd practice of thin Court, and that tho proceeds of snld milo bo applied to tho payment of snld num. mid $225 attornoy's fee. together with thu costs and disburse monta of suit, and thnt thu plaintiff hnvo jiidKinout ngnlnst you nnd ench of you for tho nuitt of ?22Bo wtu Intoreiit tliereon at tho ralo oPc tier cent per annum from thcr 1st day of October, 1911, for $220 attorneys fees and for tho costs nnd disburse ment of this action, nnd such other relief as lo tho Court may seem Just nnd crttltnble. This summons nerved uKin you by publlcat'ou by authority of an order of the Hon. II. C. KIIIh, Judge or tho County Court or Crook County, Htnto or Orogon, aalil order la dated tho 30th day or October. 1912, nnd Iu duly recorded and entered In tutld suit. Data of first publication, Octolter 3oth, 1912. VKIINON A. POIMIK3. 31-10 Attorney for plaintiff KC.MMOXK. In tho Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for tho County of Crook. First National Hank or llend, n corporation, plaintiff, vs. Barl It. Houston, May Houston and J. I). lingers, defendants. Announcement Commencing November first we shall confine our bnsiness to a cash basis. In doing so we will be able to furnish our customers Flour, Feed and Mill stuffs at the very lowest prices. JWe wish to thank our many friends for the loyal support they have given during the last year, and we take pleas ure in stating that we are now in a position to turn out a better product at less cost than in the past. JWe shall be pleased to have old and new customers call and inspect our mill and our methods. IP Bend Milling (8b Warehouse Company "BEND'S FLOUR MILL" C.l.lOZUX,Maasr . .nf3vft.,,l. J. M4Cte1 --'-- --- To J, I). IloRors, ono of the nbovo named defendants. In tho namo of tho Htato of Ore gon, you nro horoby required to ap pear nnd nnswer tho complaint filed against you In tho nlioro entitled null within six week from tho dnto of tho first publication of this ntimmons, and If you rail to appear and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: Kor tho cancellation and sotting nalde of that certain conveyance and transfer made by tho defendant", Karl II. Houston nnd May Houston, convoying to you the N. Half or the N, B. Quarter nnd the N. B, Qunrter of X. W, Quarter of Hectlon IS and tho B. B, Quarter of tho 8. W. Quarter or Hectlon ,10, Township 17, Houth or Hnngo 12, B. W. M. In Crook County, Oregon, as rrnudulent nnd void against this plaintiff, Thnt you uccottnt under tho direction of i thin Court for nil tho property no re if its fc fJOUNE.lLL., i ri.nri JS&LC DccatMC its made rleht. skilled tdow experts whoso equal cannot be found In tory In tho world. makes of nlows. each clalmlne to bo tho best, vet the fact remains that In two to ono of any other tory, the Urgent In tho world, turns out every year more plows than any Hvo other factories combined. Standard o! the World For Over The Tlonccr Plow Maker, John Deere, msdo his first steel plow by band from the blado of a saw In 1837. Tho first slab of steel rolled In tho United States was rolled for Woods, of PltUhurg. in 1810. Deere Plows have shown the way great national Industry, la It woria express Micir veruici in l-rn'la Dlf Wo mako over 1000 styles can bo maOe, tlio dcsi ment can produce, tio dc, wo caa supply B. J. EGGLESTON - -' . f JS m .., l ----- ceived by you by conveyance from said Barl It, Houston nnd May Hous ton, nnd that you nnd each of said dofcndanto be restrained from trans ferring or Incumbering said property, and that said property bo sold and tho proceeds of said snlo bo nppllod to tho payment and satisfaction of plaintiffs Judgment as socurod against tho defendants, May Houston and Barl Houston on the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1912 In the Circuit Court of Crook County, Oregon, for the sum of $9(5&.38 and $10 costs nnd' $105 attorney fees. This summon la nerved upon you by publication by authority of an order of the Hon. II. C. Bills, Judga of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon. Hold order Is dated tho 29th day or October, 1912, nnd la duly recorded and entered In said sutt. Date of first publication, October 3oth, 1912. VERNON A. FOItUBS, 31-40 Attorney for plaintiff. a Deere its na J bra force of nnv other plow fac Thcro nre many different three John Dcero nlows are kind. Tho John Dccre Fac 60 Years the John Dccre plows by William And ever since tuoso caiiyuars and malntaineu mo icau in uus any wonuer inai ine laimers 01 wo uio issuiur purosc, 1 of plows, each as good as It that Drains anu periect equip matter what your necus may mem xrom our uoc. Central Oregon j Brokerage Co. : Agents for the t UNION MEAT COMPANY or rortTLAND, one. I Wo carry a completo stock X of hams, bacons, salt meats, lards and compounds with the United Warehouse Co. at Bend. Prompt attention to mall or phono orders. Wholesalo only Office and Salesroom Bend, Oregon. Selling Agents for Aubrey Heights i i The most beautiful resi dence property in Bend. Only G to 8 blocks from business center on easy terms. Fire, Accident and Liability Insurance. Surety Bonds. All classes of Real Estate. J. A. EASTES Oregon Street. (T J. J. RYAN Sanitary Plumbing STEAM AND HOT ATER liUATINO. JOBBINd Promptly Attended to. FostoKIco Box No. 171 J Roofing ofvall kinds. Repairing prumpuy aone, J. A. MacCtOSKEY f INNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights.