the bend bulletin t VOL. X, BEND, OHEGON, WEDNESDAY, DB!B!HEFM. 1012. NO. 3 tp-- S AT POLLS POWER CAPITALISTS INVEST HERE Voters In City Election Yesterday Pick Putnam for Alnyor, nnd Snthcr, Collins and Allen for Coundlmen, nil with BlKAlaJorltles Two Women on Bonrd, 112 Vote $200,000 Corporation, Headed by Men of National Note In Electrical Development, Acquire Local Water, Light and Power Plant and Extensive Power Properties BEND SO CALLED PORTLANDER BY ELEVEN ACRES ACROSS RIVER INVOLVED h"0UNG MAN'S DRAKE'S LAST OPPORTUNITY"; PROPERTY SOLD! ADMINISTRATION WIN At tliu -ally elcotlnti yeiiterilcy the youth indorsed th present admin istration In n very dedal wi wny, ro. I v Iiik (I. I. Putnam ns mayor nud ll'.M, Alton counullinnn by n linvy k majority. 12. A. Hut her and A. H. Collin were the other roiinrllinrii I elected, nml II. J. Owrturf, the In 1 ouinhent, was again chosen for trear iirtr. Thn innyurnlty rnco resulted In IMiliinm'N polling 30R vote, 8. C. Caldwell getting t'5 nml ClmrbR lioyd . (!, giving lhe winning candidate. fi.1 more than the combined votca of his . two oioiiriit. Hnthur received the JilKhent oiu cnit for nny candidate . ikiIIIiik 263; CuIIIiir anil Allen Inl tliolr nearest opponent by over 0 voles. Tint tulttl olii v.ri 3C3, Willi 312 women exorcising their newly ac quired right nt tlm poll. Throughout, the elootltm wns not nUI.) for' It order and Kood feeling. During tlm day Ihero were only four challenges, and only one vol waa thrown out. Thn flr rx war In ovldenc". not only am vot hut alto a ofllclal, e-ttliiK un example fur Orntun. Mr. W II. KsllurR war n Jiulgo nnd MrR. C H HiidRon a oltrk, their iiinlo fel low worker t I it k FTAnk May, chair- J in mi, Clyde McKay. Judge, and J. O. I H bodes and Ho Parnham, clerk. . Tlm conduct of the polling place re sembled aii Afternoon te more than Anything else, for certainly no small- (own eWctlon war ever CRrrrld off' others early In th)' day act the exam f pie or bringing gifts, to (bA lady ofll- cUls, which took thn form of candy. peanut, apple And other dvllcaclea, I so that tho table At which they j worked was at All tiroes hesp.d with goodies, InctrRd. a often In Ruch 'cases, with cigar bulla. lcHe Are Urariana. The male member oLthe offlclal at. It la underatood, were at first nsldcrably disturbed because they nred that smoking would ob- Ivctnd to by their feminine co-work- r. However, too Udles showed 'that JURt becruse they hid entered politics they bud no Intention of turn- 'Jng things upelde down at the out set, and brought smile to the leugtti- eulng vUage of the men by not only saying that they bad no objection to smoking, but even going ro fur na to iurce It. Tl? iniilrti FiKurr. Thn complete rxturna aro or fol low: For mayor Clinrlc Hoyd f0, S. C. Caldwell f)G, 0. I 1'iitnam 20. For counclliueD II. B. Allen 211. A. B. Collins 213, J. K. UltkiD 12V, i K, A. Bather 2C.3, II. W. Kkuee 130, J. II. Wvnandy 104. For treasurer II. J, Ovorturf 1M7, H. V. I'olndvxtor H2. Uoyd, I-amon and Wcnandy a p. reared on the AuatraJlan ballot on the "CltlicuR Ticket;" CAldwell. Col- MONEY Deposit It When You Havo It With DESCHUTES BANKING TRUST CO. of Bend, Ore. U. I'KRRHLI, President . M. I.AAA, DutncTona: B. I'KRRKM V, O. MINOR, K. M. LARA, Una, Hntlior and I.nrMin apprnn'd on thn Mend Ticket;" I'litiinm, Allen, Collin and Bktua were on the "lltikl iicm Adinlnlatratlon Tlcltct." CoutilliiK of the vote wiir complet ed nt It: 66 o'clock, (Continued on pace four. POSTOFFIGE WILL MOVE TO O'DONNELLKK BUILDING Modem i:iilpiiirnt Will He Installed InrliidliiK M'lnl roiiihliintlon lliiien- lloii lit Mote Jmii. I, A teli-Kram received by PoetliinnliT F, O. Minor flnturdny coutnlncd the nowR that the I'mtufllcn Depurtuiciit had otnclnlly decided to move thn local olDro from It preneut tonii rnry ouarterR and ncrept the offer of llainey O'uonuell to occupy the ton III loom In thn new O Doiitivll brick biilldlnK on the went U of V. nil Rtrvct, The new iuurteni are Juit heliiR ciniilettd. It Ih expected by Mr. O'Douiitfil nnd Mr. Minor that the inovi can lie accompllahed perhapa by Jaii'inr 1, or ery rooii thereafter The preiviit office wn fuken after the lire of July 3 which deatroyed tho building formerly occupied, on Oregon Rtreet wtet of Wall. The fltutet for the new office hivo been ordered, They will be modern In every repect, and, Ray tboao who are familiar with their, general char acter, will be at tine ar any In ue In town evcrl ttmea the rIxo of Hend All tua wcoowoiit will be qiiAite" Rawed o.ik There will be 4 HI im tRl ttoxeR, tl automatic and VeylitR ioiuii n loxe. Tin nV ire will come fem IndUnapolla abd will cont about 12000. The lnj covet five year. The new office will be commodious, and, o far It brick building And metal equipment can roaVw It, prutically flii'iioof. None or thi old er.iilp mtnt will be uied. TAX LEVYJMEETiHG Amount for Next Year to Ue Decide! on Nrxl Week, The school board of llend district No. 12 met Monday nnd called a meeting of all the taxpayers, to bn held at the schoolbouse tjt p. m. on Saturday, December It. to docldo on tho amount of tax levy for school purposes next year. This Is one of the most Important tueetlugR of tho veAr And the board dcrire a Urge attendance of property owners to as sist in levying the tax. At tbo meeting Monday Clerk J. M. Lawrence resigned and his res ignation was accepted to take effect tomorrow. An election will be held some time soon to fill the vacancy. i i . '-.' i 1 T Borrow It When You Need It From V. O. MINOH, Secretary Cashier Dnvhl, In C'liatnber of ,ViniMirrie llullelln Hny "Onlral O i o o n Ih (Jient Mild IUiiiI In Itx C'enirr." The follow Ins article appeared In the November Inhiic of tho Chambes of Commerce llullelln, I'ortlnnd. It win written by tint editor of that journal, David N. MokcrroIiii. Mr. MoKfRohn enmu to lli'iul enrly In Kepti'inher, bvliiR a client on the Be little oxrurRlon trnln which W. I). Chcnoy brought down from (he I'iik ut Kound city, londed with 7C Sent llelte wno were lutereiited, In one way and another, In Hend: llend Ir a city. Its booster claim that It I to bo a wonderful center tlmt It will be the Hpoknnu of Oregon. They arH right. I have read a good deal nlKiut the Central Oregon country and Its eiiterprlaliig tow iir. I have heard Col, Wood eloquate alrfiut the aalu brluuH climate, the fertile earth and the other what-nuta that so to make up a splendid country. I havo read urtlcleR galore About Central Oregon sent In for publication. All of which I coufcRR I Rwalowed with a grain of a?lt. Finally I was Induced to make a trip to a portion of that ter ritory which up to a year and a half Ago waa Isolated from Portland ar Uck of suitable trAnsportstlon fscll- Itlca could raRke It. I took a trip to llend. thnnka to Mr. W. U. Cbeuy oflaDl, ,ome Dreiimin,ry dearinir was Seattle, Mend's premier booster, and am now ready and willing to swal low everything that. I have ever read or heard about the Central Oregon country and Hend, Ita thriving cen ter, and will omit the grain of salt. Central Oregon Is great, And llend I Us center. (This with due apolo gy to the line which 1 read somewher and bAVe paraphrased.) Whllo in llend I kept moving. A person has to down there. Ita friends aay that It la growing ao fast that Ita cltlten have to keep going to keep up with It. llend la the logical distributive cen ter of a vast territory just commenc ing to be populated. Instead of tb usual single Rtreet country town Hend ha a number of wide street logical ly surveyed, splendid atore, an un usually well edited weekly newspa- per with possibly tho best equipped printing plant of any town In Oregon up to &000 population (Hend la 1800) good hotels, fine dcot and a bunch of united boosters. Its 3C00 feet altitude does much to put the vim and vigor Into a per son that cau lead to out one ultimate result SUCCESS no matter what avocalon one may follow. The seven mountain peak, anow-cApped the year 'round, axe never dimmed by fog or vapors, but stand out in bold (Continued bn last pose.) We ninke a specialty of dealing in every arti cle in the lmrdwnre line that is needed in the construction of n house, whether it be a big or !i little one. Contractors who figure close on ti job should get our prices before submit ting his bid they tire the lowest for the quality (jf goods we handle. Also Full Lino of Builders Supplies, Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc. N. P. Wall Transfer of Valuable Properly to IO- cal (V(iKrMtlon Mark "Hwan KoniT' Here of Man Who Flint Hanked On ltad. The last holding of A. M. Drake In llend have been disposed of, and the final property Interest In the town of Its pioneer owner and developer has terminated. On Saturday n deal was consummated whereby Mr. and Mrs. Drake, sold the eleven ticrcR Immedi ately west of the DerchutCR river op posite the town, to n company headed by O. I I'ulnnm. The land lies Just south of tho II. W. L. k V. Co.'h power dam bridge. and emhrtici'R tho entire jiolnt opjn slto the Hoy Scouts lodge and the "narrows," extending westward and taking In tho high ground adjoining Tho Henir Company lloulevard ad dition Htid practically cornering on the southeast corner of Kenwood. The land In wooded with many handsome pluc treeg and ha an ex tensive water frontage and Rome of tho finest mountain views obtainable anywhere, as well ar commanding a beautiful view of the attractive river front side of the town. Mr. Drake when be Rold the rest of his Interests here to The Deud Company, retained this projierty a home site, an nouncing that be would build a baud some residence there and lay out elaborate grounds. Plana for the i..,.r lH.rf-ct.d .r Mra. Drake. done. No Definite rian Made. Tbe'purcbaalog company la a cor poration, calling Itself the Pinelyn Park Company. No definite plana have been made regarding the devel opment of the property, which will be held intact at least Rome months. with the probability of Its being plat ted Into large lot for a restricted restdence dlstr'ct later. Mr. Drake, whose Hend realty swan aong this transfer marks, came to llend in 1900, on a bealtb-eekng trip, lie wss attracted by the possi bilities of the location and gradually acquired extensive laud, timber. Irri gation and power Interest here, and nearby. In 1911, on April 10, The Hend Company acquired all the remaining Drake Interest here excepting the property transferred Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Drake now make their home In Paaadena, Cat, HAZAAll FJtlDAY AND KATUHDAY. The bstaar conducted by the Lad les' Library Club will be held in the Fulks building next door to the Star Theatre Friday and Saturday. The ladle will have on aale many arti cle that will make excellent Christ maa gifts. Friday evening a cafe teria aupper will be served, begin ning at 5:30 o'clock. Smith Street A big now orgsnltatlon, equipped with ample capital nd backed by men of national reputation, has pur chased all the property and right of the Hend Water Light & Power Co. The name of the new holding com pany I the Central Oregon Power Co. While it now exclusively owns all the stock of the 1 1. W. L. tc P. Co., the name of the latter will be retained for the unit of the Central Oregon Power Co. 'a activities Included in tho local power, water and light plant. The president of the new organiza tion and Its heaviest financial backer la Charles A. Drown of Chicago. Kempster II. Miller of Chicago I gen eral manager nnd I also extensively Interested In the ownership of the coriKiratlon, which Is capitalized at 1200,000. Harvey u. Hanson of Chicago Is secretary. The Hend Company was the former owner of the property, the sale living consum mated last week. Included in the transfer Is ail the stock of the H. W, L. & P. Co., which covers ownership to It entire water, light and power plant equipment and water right in llend, 240 acres at Henham Falls and 80 acre at Lava Falls, both Includ ing the power rlghta of these two great ,water falls, just south of Hend. Mr. Miller, who Is hero and made Hie announcement of the purchase Sunday, would aay nothing more def inite concerning the amount Involved In the trasfer other than that ha and his asoclate bad "paid a large amount and bad paid most of It in cash." Has Great Significance. The blggeat significance of the deal la contained In the business reputa tion and character of the men com prising the new company. It Is be cause they have done big things, and are able and more than willing to do big things for Hend, that men fami liar with tne fact unreservedly aay: Thla 'a the best thing that has ever happened to Hend, excepting only, perhaps, tbo arrival of the railroads." Mr. Hrown is a lawyer. He Is a man of great wealth, and baa been In timately connected with the electric light and power businesa since It in ception. He has owned a number of plant throughout the middle west, and Is considered not only ono of the most powerful financial backer for electrical enterprise In the country, but also oa being a notable expert on po)er development. Mr. Miller i a partner In the Chi cago firm of McMcen Miller, con sulting engineers. While Mr. Mc Meen Is not financially Interested In the new company, he Is actively as sociated with It In an advisory capac ity, An idea of the standing of the firm la given by. the fact that after the San Francisco fire it engineered and built In that city the entire plant of the Home Telephone Company, an enterprise involving the expenditure or over $7,000,000. After Ita com pletion Mr. McMeen managed it for two year." Handled IUg Jobs. Mr. Miller Is now consulting en gineer for a number of large railway, light and power companies. Mr. Mc The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOI. Prsildtnt C. A. BATHER. Vic PrlJM O.8. HUORON. Osthltr Capital fully paid ... SJB.00 Stockholders' llabllltr S3S.OOO Surplus .... . SO.OOO nLkA' Our beautiful new Hanking home Is nearly complet ed. When v move we shall be better prepared In every way to handle your business, and render you more satis factory service. In the meantime come and see us in tho old location. Wo have occupied this building since March -Oth, 11)01), the day we opened for business. Wo then hud 17 accountN and $1H,000 deposits. During tills tlireo year and n half we have Increased the number of accounts to nearly 1 100, and our deiolts to nearly $30,000. It lins been our privilege to assist In nearly every movement Inaugurated for the betterment nnd upbuild ing of Hend and tributary territory. We hope In tho future to bj able to do still more for tho town mid country front which we derlvo our business. Heal service to u community gains lasting prestige. JSk FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRROTQRS: U. C COB K. A. SATHKR C. S, HUDSON O, M. rATTBKSON H. C. BLU3 Meen wa president of tho Mt. Hood Hallway Light & Power Co., un til Its absorption by tho Portland Hallway Light Power Co. Anoth er Important project conducted by Mr. Miller was tho complete plan ning of tho telegraph flro alarm sys tem for tho Hurrough of Manhattan, In New York City, the most valuable property area In the world. Ho was conaultlng engineer tor the New York Hoard Flro Underwriter. For merly Mr. Miller' chief business wo with telephones. He Is tho author of "American Telephone Practice," a manual of telephone procedure that 1 today the supreme authority In Its field. In 1911, for five months, ho conducted a telophono rate Investi gation In Los Angeles, on behair or tho city. Of late his chief activities have been as an advising engineer, principally for electric railway com panies. .Mr. McMcen Is president of (Continued on last page) WEARY OF GAY MJUfHMIf, COUPLE JRIES MUCKING New York Clubman anil Ills Xely Won Wife Abandon Morgan anil Footlights For Simple Life. Mr. and Mr. Thomas Barnes moved last week to the old Taylor ranch near Prlnevllte, which Mr. Barnes recently purchased. Jtegard. ing their Central Oiegon migration, the New York Herald has the follow ing to say: From a life in the best clubs In the city and a position In the office of J. Plerpont Morgan &Co-, to life on an alfalfa farm at Prlnevllle, Ore., baa been the change made by Tbomaa Barnes, Yale, 1910, mem ber of many prominent clubs, slnco bla mariage to Miss Helen A. Ma gruder, known on the state as "Oil lee ClaggetL" Men who bad been associated with Mr. Harnes In tbo banking of fice, as well aa fellow club mem bers, tell of his determination to give up work and amusement in the city to take his beautiful wife to the alfalfa flelda or the Pacific Coast. While nearly all of his acquain tances were surprised to learn of "nls marriage, the few who knew the secret tell of the commence ment of the romsnee when Miss Magruder, hailed as "Uilleo" by her many admirer, was with the "Kiss Walts" company, which ahe joined in Philadelphia. When they met Mr. Harnes repeated the words of a aong then popular. "And when I walk I want to want to walk with 'Blllee That settled It. When their acquain tance progressed far enough both decided to continue walking to gether for life, and finally were married in San Francisco Novem ber 5. Oyty.ggiM jt yii)ff .M kyftfVffElKl.yfi'jKl aw trvi