' Tin: iikni iiullkti.v, iiknd, wkdnkhday, novkmiikh 27, 1012. rAGH 1. 1 a .1 Suitable ? Christmas Gifts Wc Give GREEN. TRADING STAMPS. Is there anything; more perplexing to the average woman than selecting suitable gifts for the men-folks. Wc have made special efforts this year to help you solve this problem. Bring your troubles to us and we will assist you In every way possible. Suitable Suggestions for the Men: - BATH ROBES T,,ose ,on comfortable "" i striking - color combinations. Miikcs 11 very nppro- priutc (ill. Priced at $6.50 and $10.50 each SWEATERS xtrft l,cuvy Purc woo' slmker knit, inudu by i, Him. 1 . Hi 1 Li, mi .a the Olympiu Mills the best grey, curdiwil, blue, white, brown From $3.50 to $8.50 SHIRTS Drcss smrLs fl'"""-'! sliirLs, golf sliirLs. nil kinds, all colors, and priced from $1.00 to $3.95 SLIPPER.S Tnc c'fortable kind, made of felt, black or iI.i..,Iii brown, at $1.75 Also a leather slipper in three different styles', extra good quality, priced at from $1.75 to $2.75 a pair HOSE Always acceptable and .something that every man needs. Cotton, lisle and silk, from 25c to 75c a pair TIES r! u,lvc tne celebrated "KeLscr Cravats" in all colors of plain llaratiiea silk "the Hi that wears." And a IiiVge assortment of fancy silks, from 50c to $1.75 each GLOVES rcss k)ovcs work gloves, heavy gloves, light - gloves, lined gloves, auto gloves, every kind of glove you can ask for 10c to $3.50 a pair If you do not Hnd something in this that suits we will have a few suggestions "up our sleeve" that may help. 1 ccCcS, 'The Store of Better Values" sujiMaAJld -Usl2Pv s sscvKJC J&VUraSiSj Jt !r TJ3P3T v y al ' f Ji f Wf I3nulLv vXcSOt ji. f At. . jOeaA Qmyi- John and a? Aait nlAeady icni iuo eaJy ctiaiAA for (ihAlitnxaa to &Anncbria and tAandfta, and you ouyii io Aead the letter they vAote Lack. c7ey Said they kneiu ihetA childAcn were jenJ ille aJ well ai thought ful, Leeuuie they Acnt 4ucA sen&LLle ft reienti. c7Aey nevcA pot anything ii the La live thai fileased them Jo uell. flj eveA, jCoxt, (P.'S.-lJou and Holt, by all meant, Send eaiy cAuIAj o your ftaAenis,. fit 4uAe io 4uy Acm fAom i ' ' "t (b. sL tjiompson Where Your Dollar Does its Duty. 0 BITS ABOUT TOWN. V, it. Corkott taken III Mon iU. Mlllnnl Triplet l over from Aah Iniul fur a Hliort visit. Mannhelmer have had a telephone UiHtnlttHl In tUolr tor. .1. J. Kit In wont to I'ortlunct Sun day on n shurt business l tip. P. N. Wnltoee ami .Mr. Morton of I.uldlnw won In town yesterday. Thu"Prlielllss will moot with Mloa Wilson nuxt Monday evening. Tint llrlilito Oluti rill lio tuiturirln. otl Friday by Mm. II. V. Skuse. Cart Allen wan In town yostorday rrum his ranch iii tltu Deschutes. K. M. Thompson hni bought from It. U. Ooe u Si-foot lot on llio lawn. 4U). 13. Miit. llnrtTia II. -Grunt nml ion 11a- on will leave tomorow for Portland whoro thoy will maku thulr homo. Jena Hunter mid wlfo oxpoct to leavu lloud tioxt month for Lima, III., whoro tlmy will inako thulr homo. Charles Thornthwnltd has relumed from MIohlKun and Is again with II. .1. Kualotton In.tho lalter'a hnrnora shop. Thu llond llardwaro Company hn an OMpcclnlly attractive window dla play, HhnwIiiK Knio ponnllillltlea of thu country. II. K. Aten, who has hoen omploy od on tlio North Canal dam, In the on KlnuorliiK dopartmont, wont to Port laud Suitdny. Tho PrvHltytorlnu. l.ndloa1 Guild Will hold itB nnxt mootinu with Mr. A, C. liUCUB on Wodneuduy aftomoon, Docomhor 4, P. O. Uarrlson. who him Iman In Priuovlllo lookltiR aftor lutoroata of tho UoRors I.uinliur Co., rotumod to nona Monday nlglit. Jonaa Olnon. who rocontlv was In. Jurod by n fall in Portland, has re covered Biiincluntly to return to his worK aa a carpontor. Tho ateol doora for tho vaults In tho now Flrat National Hank bulldliiR havo nrrlVQii and are IikIhc Installed. Thoy wulgh 13,500 pounda, Mra. H. M. Thompson, who hna hoen qlck for about a month, la tin Iirovlllir and was ablu to li. outdnnru for n short time Sunday, W. I' Vnndovort'n family hnvo moved from tho old homcatoad up rivor to spend tho winter In llond. Thoy nro living In tho llunnoll houso. Mm. HuKfllriBon Is vIsltlriK tho W. J. McOlllvrny frttnlly heforo tho lotivo In n short tlmo for Cnllfornln Mr, McOlllvrny expects to locnto near 1ah AtiKelcs. Tho beautiful wenthor Bundny on tlced many people outdoors, and Pilot llutto was climbed by a largo nutn her. Tho vlow of tho mountains ob tained wna msfcnlllccnt. II, A. Miller has rented tho build Iiik on the corner of Ohio and Wall streets, formerly occupied by the forestry sorvlc,, to Mrs. Frank Wol tera and Mrs. Henry Oldrldge. Forest Hupcrvlsor M. U. Mcr'ltt was over on tho Motollus last week with IlsriKer II. K, Vincent looklnu over land In tho reserve which has been applied for aa homesteads. Tomorrow bolni; a holiday, the bsnka and the postofllco will be closed. Tho tolephuno oftlco will ob serve Hundny hours, IicIiik open from 8 to 12 and from S to 8 o'clock. In honor of her sister, Miss IMna Hpoucer of Mlnesoto, n brldKO party was given by Mrs. Clydo M. McKay Saturday afternoon. Miss Spencer expects to bo In llond until noxt week. Misses Schoolcraft and Hordcn en tertalned several girl friends at Mrs. Minor' Hunday evening. They had n plcassnt gathering and aftor lunch con toasted marshmallows around tho fire. A big Christmas and Now Year dance will bo given In Bather's Hall on tho evening of tho 28th of Decem ber, this being tho Saturday between tho two holiday dates which conio on Wednesday. Tho Ilcnd lodge of Odd Fellows has chosen the folowlng olectlvo ofll cers far tho term beginning with the now year; Vernon A. Forbes, N. O.; W. U Wing. V. 0.; J. B. KiiBobrct- son, secretary; M. S. Iattln, treas urer. Upon request of tho loosl minis ters Postmastor Minor will change tho Sunday postoRlce hours, begin nlng Decombor 1. The general deliv ery window will bo opon from 9 to 9:30 Instead of from 10 to 10:30 as formeily. W. II. II. Williams toft today for Seattle to spend n fow mouths with his family. Ha ox peels to return In tho spring, bringing with him his folks. Mr. Wll'nms has liesn up on his homestead making Improvements. Ho has namod It the Forest Urovc. ranch, Mi'.-.m-y.vy.-jrAy ,m,wmnr,- "iHiniuK.vTXKa H. P.. Hngln lias Interested n srdsll colony of Washington people In tho Hampton valloy country. F. I), lle- lona and dsughtor, Mrs.l.ucy H'oks, ns woll as A. B. llall of Tacoma and Mr. Hunting or Oarllsld will make their Iioiumi on claims in that com munity. The I-ndUm' Aid Soolety of the Methodist church was entertained at (he home of Mrs. M. 8. Iattln last Wcdunsday nftornoo.i. Tho mooting wns of n social clmrnctor and was at tended by some 24 women. Dainty ro- freslumnfn were sorved. The gath arlng was groatl)- vnjoyod by ovory iuu proaunt. Miss JaeqiiM was tendered a com illiutntary dinner at the Oregon f3rlll by friends Sunday afternoon. She was over on a visit from "wr school near Hand and the ocon Ion was celebrated by n "turkey feed." A special musical program was given during the afternoon. ?rook County Journal. The A. C. Sanford family, who ro. aided In fiend last winter that tho girls might nttend school, have movod from their Opal City ranch to J tut t mi n V n ci f i w ti n ia I Q n n 1 1 1 r,.niivi u"ii "imiv . . hns Accepted n imsltlon oh ninuaKor ut mihu iiuniiiiro nilivi.ii. invpuir ll,U IIIU HI II1CBUIIV tOlltllK rVIIIII!-! at Wnmlc heforo going to their new homo. J. II. Onelll la com'iletcly remodel ng his otllce building on tho corner of Wall and Mlnesota streets, former ly occupied by Hunter & Stnnta, turn ing It Into a storo room, with modem show windows. Soon after comple tion Mrs. Mclntsh's millinery shop will occupy the building, moving from tho present loontlon uoxt to tho post onico. Mombora of tho W. C. T. V. call at tention to tho fact that all ladles who are Interested In tho wolfaro of tholr homrs, and who nppreclno tho privi lege of tho ballot, should ho present nt tho meeting of tho union, at 3 o'clock Friday, in tho reading room In tho rear of tho Ilaptlct church. Members and nou-momhors aro urged to attorn.'. Monday ovcnlng George Jones' milk delivery wagon gut badly wrecked whoit tho horses took fright and rnn away. Tho runaway start ed near the Chile Parlor and ended at tho Irrigation company's dam. more than n mllo distant. The rig was partially domollehed and consid erable milk was scattered over the country, Mlssoa Noll Markol and Harriet Dolson and J. C. Hhodes left llond last Saturday morning for a trip to tho high plains country, going to the homestead claims of Misses Anne and Gertrude Market, about 30 mlloa out. They reached thore about 12 o'clock and tho party returned to llond tho same ovonlng, bringing In Mlssoa Anno and Gortrudo with thorn. Holiday Merchandise of Unusual Merit But 2 1 Shopping Days Uatill Xmas. Better Selections by buying NOW! We are showing a collection of DOLLS second to none in Bend Undressed, Kid-Kody Dolls, jointed, at 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.35, $1.75, $2.50 Drested Dolls, 10c to $2.00 HANDKERCHIEFS Put up In attractive boxes three to a box price 50c to ?5c Others 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c each Many other Gift Items, such as TOILET SETS, FANCY COMBS, NECKWEAR. HOLIDAY LINENS. MEN'S NECKWEAR. SUSPENDER SETS, COLLAR . BAGS, GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, ETC., ETC. TO BE HAD HERE. Mannheimer's Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. IIKXVKK liriMKS ALL OF IlItlt'K. In a rccont trip to Denver, Colo., Herman Buhrhonrlch of Hvansvitle, asked the driver of a Denver taxlcab how many frame buildings there- were in the city. Tho driver pointed out one or two. He answered, "I don't IkjIIcvc thore are many more In the city." "Denver Is a city of brick," said tho drlvor of the machine. "We don't experiment with wood here. We build homes of brick and thoy list. They're fireproof, too." "The information brought back to Kvansvllle by Mr. Suhrhunrlch Is Just an example of what Is being douo the country over," declared John Andres of the Standard Ilrlck Co. "Tho big eltloti are through with wood. Ilrlck costs only a little more la the first place and that small additional east pays all kinds of dividends In bettor wear and safety from fire." "Evansvlle Is gradually learning this especially In the construction of larger buildings. Steel beams In buildings are often bent and twisted y tho action of the nro. Hut brick Is burned In the making and it oonnot be burned again, llrlek construction Is the only sf method. "Tho people of tho country for years have thought of brick as an ex. nienslvo building matrlal. This week several pooplo have Inquired tho cost of building a moderato slxod struc ture, were surprised at tha small ad dltlonal cost of brick over frame con struction. Ilcnd Hrlck & Lumber Co. Advertisement. .li . Uhe Hltamont THANKSGIVING MBNl Oystor Cocktail . Rrown Bread Sandwich Soup Cream of Celery Lettuce-mayonnaise Olives Dolled Virginia Ham Horse Radish ltoast Young Turkoy Oyster Dressing ltoast Fork Drolled Porterhouse Steak Cranberry Jolly Roman Punch Vegetables FroMh Daked Sweet Potato a Oreon Poaa la Cream Mashed Potatoes Deesert Apple, Mince and Pumpkin Pie Roquefort Cheese Co tree Tea Milk Cocoa Dlnnor Served from B to 7 p. m. Sorvlco SO Cents a Plato Mrs. W. D. Cursey, Manager l IICH JUII IIIII1K 1)1 CIU KlnhN, UIU1K I of LlbbyV at Patterson's, Ailver. LOOK 5H AH PI SEE OUR LINE. OF IVIpivoii I)rtr Co. ecluHlvo Pgents In Demi for the famous Llbby cut t;hu. -Advertisement. " " , hi I,,,, ' 1 -CIV UCuJa9aWJU " .-An - WE SELL CUTLERY WHICH IS SHARP TO BEGIN WITH AND WHICH IS WELL TEMPERED AND WILL STAY SHARP. i WE DO NOT. HOWEVER. USE "SHARP PRACTICE" WITH THOSE WHO GIVE US THEIR TRADE AND "PALM OFF" ON THEM A POOR (jRADE OF HARDWARE. WE "KNirE" PRICES WHEN WE FIRST MARK OUR GOODS. SOME ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU, Skuse Hardware Company.