TnR ItKNO 1H.IiI.KTIN, BKND, WKUNKHIlAV, NOVMMRI.R . '' IWGK 8. &, I: u i H '8 THE BEND BULLETIN GEORQI. PALMER PUTNAM KJItor and Pubtlihcr. U. N. HOFFMAN Mnnnglnn Editor. , An Independent newspaper stnnd Ing (or tho squarq dent, clean bust ness, clean politics and tho best In terests of Uond and Central Oregon. One year $1.50 Blx months . . . . .80 Thrco months 60 All subscriptions aro duo and PAYARLK IN ADVANCE. Notice of expiration will bo malted subscri bers and It renewal la not made with in tlmo tho paper will be discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of falluro to re ceive the paper regularly. Mako all checks and orders pay able to Ilond Bulletin. t WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 37, 1912 BOMB FIOURKS. Hero aro some tag-end election fig ures: In tho electoral collego Wilson re cefved 442 votes, Roosovelt 77 and Tart 12. Tho total voto In tho doc toral colego Is 531. That necessary to a choice. 266. In 1S96 McKlnlcy received 271 electoral votes and Uryan 17C. In 1900 McKlnley received 292 electoral votes and Uryan 176. . "in 1904 Roosevelt received 336 electoral votes and Parker 140. In 1908 Taft received 323 elec toral votes and Uryan 162. Tho Now York Sun gives this es timate of tho popular vote: For Wil son 6,433,000. Roosevelt 4,174,000, Taft 3,491.000. The condition of Uio streets after tho recent rains Is something of an object lesson. Uend Is rapidly be coming a real cl., anr vo of the chief assets and necessities of a city nro a sower system and good streets. Tho sower system Uend Is soon to have. And Uond can also have the streets. Not necessarily paved streets, for that, in tho beginning. Is considerable of a luxury, but at least graded and macadmlzod streets. The ecst would bo compratlvcly light, and tho benefits great. And Just like the sower work, which is due to start shortly, such activity would ac complish wonders, not only In build ing upa substantial city, but also In keeping that city a profitable place In which to live and do business durlrg the making. creased cost of living Is partly duo to social aspirations on tho part of tho women of tho fnrmora family which aro"lncompatlblo with household la bor." Farm wnges In 44 yoars havo risen 79 per cent, nud tho rent ro numeration of tho laborer has In creased oven moro because of his In creased Valuo represented by hla board. But In tho meantime multi tudes of housewives havo ceased to cure fruits, vogotabl -a and meat, anil depond upon tho local storo for tho produuet of tho cannery. Tho house, hold arts havo declined whtlo at tho samo tlmo country girls havo be come increasingly unwilling to do household work for hire. In short, tho burden of Mr. Holmes' Indict ment Is that non-productive consum ers aro Increasing. Thanksgiving Day "s here. Bvory one has something for which to bo thankful. Kvon tho niost pessimis tic should own up to this, and act ac cordingly, at least once a year. Wil son, enjoying bis last hours of poaee n Itorniudn. doubtless is thankful Perhaps Taft Is thankful because he doesn't have to go through It all again. No doubt Roosevelt Is thank ful because he progressed as far as he did. Her at hone, the peoplo of Bond have muck for which to be thaHWul. Never before has tho town passed through a year of more sub- etantlal development, and never he fore faosd a year of grestor promise With the election of Woodrow WII on, Virginia ha anotsher honor thrust con, Virginia has another honor thrust uiKin her. This Is the d Inj unction of having furnlsehd to the I'nltod States eight Presidents, a record that no other state can ap proach. The other seven honoro" boos of the Old Dominion wero Wash ington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroo, Wlllsm II. Harrison, Tyler and Taylor. Crook oouuty won honors at tho Minneapolis Land Show, taking tho Northern Pacific cup for the host dis play of forage plants. As this was in' direct competition with tho dis plays of seven Northwestern, states, it Is something to crow over. Oro gon farmers give a good account of themsolvca at any show where thoy cuter exhibits. Thirty-four etatos have now rati fied the amendment to the Federal constitution providing far an Income tax. With tho ondorsoment of two more states, which seams likely, the amendment will be adopted and Con gress will have tho authority to tax Incomes, TAFT SKUK.NK. (Now York Times.) Mr. Taft Is unconquerablo In his philosophy and his good humor. Vic tory and defeat alike are great testa of a man, but possibly dofeat Is tho greater. Ho who triumphs and comes Into power must rulo his own spirit, but to tho losor falls tho honv lor lot of having to bear dlsapolnt ment and glvo no sign. In his Iotos Club talk Mr. Tnft spoko with no traco of resentment, least of all with any bitterness, but with a scrcno mind and with his accustomed pleas antries, of tho disastrous ending of his candidacy. It was, ns ho said, "a very emphatic verdict." Doubt less the very emphasis of It mado some appeal to his sense of humor. Who could bo vexed with .forty-six sovereign states, or rago against 12, 000.000 votcrst Far from showing that futile temper, tho President said that ho "cherished only tho" deepest gratitude to tho American people for having given mo tho honor of hold lug this olllce." That Is the spirit that robs defeat of Its sting, that Is the nobility of soul that lifts and sus tains nud deprives this emphatic ver dict of all power to embitter or hu miliate. It was with sober dignity. In few words but unmistakably, that Mr. Taft alluded to the harsh Injustice with which ho has been treated by too many of his own party, by too many of the people. Ho Is too well aware of his own desert, of tho worth of his service, and of the place he holds In tho esteem of this communi ty to make such a reference at all out of place. Ho knows, nil candid men know, that time will right this wrong, ns it did In tho ultimate trib ute of respect nud affection paid co Grover Cleveland, who In his second term was much railed at by the groundlings and by factious foes Is good ground for the Pres ident's belief that the period of muck raking Is drawing to n close. Of that conscienceless, slandering breed many have sunk out of sight and hearing, some of their publications have gone with them, and public dis gust has warned the rest to mend tholr ways. There U soundness and nfsdom In Mr. Tart's suggestion of a slnglo term of six jonra for our Presidents. The gain to the people would be ob vious and very great. In many ways a presidential campelgn Is a jHibllc nuisance. The tnlud of the people are distracted, business, whether foolishly or not, has acquired the aaldt of coming to a hah, as though some great calamity Impended probably Mr. Taft will recall, not without a reminiscent smile, that dur ing the late campaign something was said about the closing of factory doors In esse the voting went wrong and men, and women, too, are drench! with a flood of utterance nd wearied with paslonate mouth (ngs. It Is unnecosary, it Is stupid. if we should reduce tho frequency of the national upheaval from three times In twelve years to twice In twolvo years the gain wouliT be im mense. .Thero would bo the added and important advantage of shield ing the incumbent of the office from the temptation to use power and pat ronage In the effort to secure a sec ond term. DUCKtt 8AI.F.A11LK NOW. According to soctlon 3204 of tho gamo laws of Oregon, It Is now lawful to offor wild ducks for salo, Tho sec tion rends: "It shall bo unlawful for any porsnn, firm or corporation within tho stato of Oregon to soil or offer for sale, barter or oxchango or have In possession tor tho purposo of sale, barter or exchange, and mal lard ducks, wood ducks widgeon, teal; spoonbill, gray, black, sprlgUll or canvass back or any wild duck ho twoen tho lGth day of December of any year and tho lBlh day of Novem ber of the following year," UNION TIIANKSOIVIXO HKRVICK. A union Thanksgiving sorvlco will bo held In tho Mothodlst church to morrow evening at S o'clock. Tho proacher will ba Rev. W. R. Howell of tho Bapt'at church, assisted by tho other ministers of tho town. Special music wll bo rendorcd-by n united choir, Tho public Is Invited. When you think of cut rImns, think of Llbby'M at Pttttemon'.- Ailtrr. NOTICK OF TITY KI.KCTION. Pursuant to direction of tho Com mon Council, notice Is hereby given thnt tho General Election for tho city of Ilond will be held at tho Hose House (being tho usual voting place) In Bald city, between tho hours of 8 a. in. and 7 p. in. on Tuesday, Decem ber thtrd(3rd), 1912, for tho purposo of electing tho following officers: Mayor, for ono year. Treasurer, for ono year. Alderman,, for two years, to suc ceed Aid. Alton. , Alderman, for two years, to suc ceed Aid. Wennudy. Aldermen, for two yoars, to sue succeed Aid. Lnttln. , And said council further nppolntod the following election board: F. N, May, chairman: Clydo Mc Kay, Judge; J. II; Ilcan. Judgn: W. 11. Coble, clerk: Clark Rhodes, clerk; Ross Farnham, clerk. Notice la first published In Tho Bend Bulletin on November 20, 1912, and posted In three public placet III said city of Bend on November 20, 1912. Attest: O. P. PUTNAM, II. C. ELLIS, Recorder. Mayor. (Legal Advertisement). CLASSIFIED COLUMN RATES: Fivo cents a lino foi first Insertion In this column, fout cents a lino for each subsequent In- jortlon. Cash In advance unless you have an account with Tho Bul letin. Count six words to tho lino. Including tho addross. For Kil FOR SALE Saddle horse, cheap. Phone K. W. RIclmnhvHi. 3Stf FOR SALE 10 aores (under the Carey act) 3 mtlra of Ln Pine, Ore. CcNnncd peaches It is Inteerstlng to uote In tho "IJew York Times" an advertisement of the salo of the furniture of the Democratic National Committee. Hereafter, for at least four years, Un cle Sam supplies the furniture neces sary for Democratic use. NON-PHOBUCTIVH CONSUMERS, Springfield Republican). Qeflrgo KyJIolmes of the agricul tural department reports that tho In- ---- .. j CHRISTMAS and New Year DANCE Sather's Hall Saturday. Evening Dec. 28 GOOD MUSIC by the BEND ORCHESTRA. - -- .-.4 jST dessert" If I I c, " " ." 27, 1912 Sterling Silver Peposit For glassware that is beautiful, dainty and ar tistic, STERLING SILVER DEPOSIT WARE is absolutely the best ware in table adornment. , Here are a few suggestions ": Cruets Sherbet Dishes Vases Fruit Dishes Plates Card Receivers Trays Bowls Etc., Etc. You will surely like this beautiful glassware with its Sterling Silver mounting. Something entirely new and articles that every woman who ap preciates fine table ware, toilet or decorative articles will be glad indeed to own. Call and inspect this line and the numerous other Xmas. gifts such as Fancy Hand-Painted China. Fancy Cut Glass, Traveling Sets, Smoking Sets, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Lowney's Fancy Xmas. Candies, etc. Now On Digplny ar The Owl Pharmacy I n l h e N c w -K i r s t N a t i o n a 1 li a n k I! ii i 1 d i ji g . s. 7 -& Will sell reasonable and ghc terms. It "111 pay to Investigate this. Write Jerry Madden, care 1. O. MallliiK Di vision, Portland, Oro. 1710 FOR SALE -10 uries of ohulco Ir rlgtited laud southeast of Uend, cith er Improved or unimproved. Price and torma attractive. Also wtor ,HIM)a ))te right to 25 ncrcs under the North onn iinnk. lateral irrigation t,o. hu univnr son. 37tf FOR SALE Nlco camrortahto cot keoplHK rooms In Otttrnl IrrlKattoa building apostle Hulleiln otHce. Up FOR RENT It. M. (fenders' 4 room huuk, furulwhett ar UHfurnUi. od. Hco F. ,L ltny, s&lf. I'OR UU.VT Tonaor Irrigated tract near town, with Itunm. out- Enquire at First Nat SOtf. FOR RENT lit rooms wmd fliMir of my new stone bHllttlnic on Wall iLlrriMt. MlMIM ilUafaMl l&lll Al, nR III Ikiulevord addition, RcniM the .UHvi.p.inuuiv. i it iL. a.i J --- Pilot, Butte Acreage Dest and Lowest Priced Acreage on the Market. Handled by a'l reliable real estate dealcra. t J. H. Bean. I ''as'', Orw Nov. Dear friend: I don't think there io anything nicer for deasert at supper than two nice big slices of canned peaches The juice is good too Mama has canned peach es or canned something for dessert very often, because it "isn't any trouble Your friend, ' Jacob. P. S You can get a whole big can of peach es or any kind of fruit for 30 cts. at McCUISTON'S GROCERY rlvttr. Price $37. Terms. 37 tf W. J. MuUlllvray. FOR SJAI.i: 100 tons of prime al falfa hay. Addrwa J. J. Klllnser, ownr, HiHimoiHl, Ore. aatf FOR SALK ThoroiiKhhrod Keoteh Colllo doK. cheap. P. O. Ilox !U. tip FOR HALK OR LKASK At n bar gain. Promunl Cash Htnre, Mock about $2000, pOMtotflee In store. Cheese factory just started. From 1C0 to 1000 ncres of tho bout wheat tand In control Oregon, S00 tons of 1no hay, 1000 bushels of ryo and many other HiIiikh. Itoa-on for toll- ln or leasing Is sioknos and more Mislnevs Ih tin I can attend to. Cull n or ddroM J, II. For, Froi Oregon. 30-tf FOR BALKMolorcyclo, or will trado for horsos or cattlo, II. P, Smith, Ilcnd L'&tf FOR 8ALH A chnlco lots, COxHO each, In Cantor Addition. Just oast of tho depot, at from $110 to !!20 each, Some terms. Dent bargain In rosldeuco lots In Uend. Must be sold as I nm Kolng away soon. 31tf W. J. McOlllvrny. FOR BALK Potatoes, cabbage, onions at reasonable prices. Inquire P. C. Hnnly oTi Judge Hills' ranch. Telephone. ' " 363Sp FOR 8ALK C1IUAP Ilodrooln furniture, dlnlngrnom chairs, stcol range practically now. J. C. Rhodes. New First National Dank llulldliiR FOR 8ALU Ono good Iron bed, coll springs, cotton mattrers, prac tically new, uud n few other holme hold goods. IiKiuIro "S", llullitlu Waiilnl, WANTKI) A Hr for Heueral housework. thtri Uy. I7()i WANTKI) Work by IndMstrlous young malt. P. O. Rox ?6. ftp Plnlti seulng a lHlly at renmiu nbln prleea. Call at first house imrili Rend stwm lauiidry.-Adverttsumeiit. WANTKI) Woman to work on ranch. Address It. . (IrlmeH, ilond, Ore. 3 Itf WANTKI) lintel, restaurant or general housework. kUatc wages. Mrs. (I. Mather. Ube. Ore IS-tup For hnle or Tutdr. TO TRAIII5 A iHwInesti trttirtr valuo 1 1. tot), how rnnied. to trade for dry or Irrigated land about mwm valuo. Ownw, only write Rox ISk. ItoNd, Ore. S&.31 TO TltADtC for any kind of slock. IModard DayiuM eer tn, mo an imh, VnlHH $lo0, or will i for csh n vr tfw.. Addreu J. It. Miner. Rend. Ore. &tf IXMT Small nay mare branded box II -on left stltle. shod all roHn4. ItewHrd of l. Xotlfy A. W. Wlllsrd, . Uend. M-lip LOUT On the street hetwnen O ( DuiiHslt'a liiilcher shop and The Iteud Co.'m electric shop on Wall trel. oiim SI-JmwoI Klfeln walrh. sllveruld raw Finder pleam teste at J. It. Miners real Mtatti oiilre and neelte re ward. XTtf LOKT Pair of gold-rimmed siwc taelus. Fludnr leave at Hhiie)' store Tiiki-n up, TAKI.N UP Ono bay broken horeo, wt about 000; ono whlto hind loot; about 0 years old; branded u boot and spur loft shoulder and loft Jaw. Owner can havo by proving property and paying charges, 8 tow art ranch, lk miles northeast of Rend. Charles Lowo. 38-IOp For Rent. FOR RENT Furnished hoimo across street frqm Ilaptlst church, next to blacksmith shop. Inquire of Mrs. B. D. Wilson or Dr. Forrell. 38ti FOR RKNT Good pasture, Tolo phono or call on Or, P, II. Doncer. Otf FOR RBNT Oood five-room liouso, close in. Bee F, O, Minor at pobtolllco. 2 Otf, FOR HUNT Two suites houso i nnnrninh VACUUM 'M -i . .-.shhm i. SJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSj tv laWTi "' ,&MsR3iisiMsisaBMsHCT Jm This is something that every neat housekeeper should have. It is a simple and efficient cleaner, and will do the work of one that costs ten time3 as much. Come see them. Bend Hardware Co. Bend, ' II I .1 I .1 f l