The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 27, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    rAGK 4.
Wo notice In ecvcrnl of our eastern
agricultural exchanges that there Is a
good deal of discussion being had on
this Important question, enya Uoard'a
Dairyman. A number of dairy farm
ra declare that It la Impossible for
thcra to roako tlielr herd and farm pay
anything like a fair protlt, so thejr ex
press the determination to soil off their
cows and engage in aomo other branch
of farming.
Wo are uot here to say that they aro
making a mistake, but wo wish to Bay
that thcro I tt great difference In tbo
Ideas and policies practiced on these
extreme eastern dairy farms and thoso
In the dairy districts of Wisconsin, for
Instance. That difference ts perhaps
well deQncd by saving that on the
specialised dairy farm of the east the
principal reliance la from the milk
alone You will (Ind but very few
young cattlo or bogs kept on theso
farms. The dralunge Is altogether out
of ono spout the milk spout. It ts
needless to y that that Wud of farm
ing docs not make a skillful live stock
farmer; neither docs tt Institute a ays
tern for the raising of largo tjunntltlen
of com. clover and alfalfa which nre
the best kinds of roughage nnd on
which the young cattle and oven boga
Bating In tha Filth Aet of LIU,
The adrlce which Hydnoy Btnlth gato
to Lord Murray on tbo subject of diet
traa probably sound. "If you wish for
anything llko happlneaa In tho fifth net
of Itfe," ho wrote, "cat and drink one
halt of what you could eat and drink.
Did t over tell yon my calculations
about eating and drinking? Having
ascertained tho wolght of what I
could lire upon so as to preserve
health and strength, nnd whnt I did
llvo upon, I found that between ton
nnd seventy yenra of age 1 had eaten
and drunk forty-four horse wagon
toads of ment and drink tnotv than
would have preserved tuo In life nnd
health. Tbo value of this inns of
nourishment t considered to be worth
7.000. It occurred to me that I roust
by my Toraclty, have starved to death
fully 10O pontons. This la a frightful
calculation, but trrexlsttbly true."
The Drown Swlsa brd of dairy
rattle nre noted tor strrnnth of con
itltuilon ami lack of nervous ride
ets. which accounts (or their wear
Is qualities. At eleven or twHre
yettrs of ko a Drown Snlu cow Is
In her prime. They carry a fair
amount of tlrsh and have crrat ca
pacity for pro.luetns milk ami but
ter (at. They are heavy (or dairy
CAltle. an axerape herd of cows In
milking condition will weigh from
1.S.0 to I. WO pound. tlUr of Al
lenhuret. the animal shown, won
first prlxa In the betfer class at the
Iowa auto fair-
How Woman Saved Nice.
It happened In August, IMS. nnd la
recalled by Mr. Walter Tlbblt In
"Cities Been In Kast and West" N'lce
(then under tho dukes of Srtvojl was
being besieged by Fronds 1. und Bar
Catherine Begurlne wna n washerwo
man whose creed wa laborure e-d
ornre. Sho carried food to the defend
ers on tbo ratnparts still left The
Tnrks hnd put up n scaling ladder.
The captnln led his party, nnd they
were actually on the parapet. She
rushed at tho Turkish ottlt-cr. wrenched
tho tlag he was carrying from him.
boat him back with the butt end uud
threw down tbo ladder on top of all
Then, rallying tho soldiers, they threw
open n mttern. made n sortie iiuu
drove tho Turks to tho shore.
Tho BEST nil-round Family
Scwinp: Machine thnt can
bo produced. Mndo in both
styles. Tho rotary makes
bo h LOCK nnd CHAIN
stitch. The latest up to
tho minuto steel attach
ments with ouch machine
Sold on easy payments.
Send name nnd address for
our beautiful II. T. cntn
Ioruc free.
While Sewing Machine Co.
14G0 Market Street
San Francisco, California
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Crook,
Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany, n corporation, plnlutlfT, vb.
Wlllard M. Houston, dofoiulnnt.
IT. Wlllard M, Houston!
In tho nnmo of tho Htnto of Ore
gon: You nn hirnliy rOiiilrod to ap
pear nnd answer tho complaint filed
against you In tbo nbovo entitled
suit within six wooks from tho day
oi tno nrnt publication or this sum
mons nnd If you fall to no npponr
nnd nnswer, for want thereof, tho
plaintiff will npply to tho Court for
tho rollof prayed for In tbo complaint,
to-wlt: for tho cancellation nnd sot
ting aside of n certain contract,
dated Heptemhor 13, 1008, tundo be
tween you nnd Tho Deschutes Irri
gation nnd Tower Company and as
signed to snld plaintiff, relating to
tho settlement of certain lands, nnd
tho purchnso of water rights appur
tonnnt thereto, situate In Crook
County, Oregon, and for such other
and further rollof s may Room to
tho Court Just nnd wiultalilo.
This Rtiittmotin U sorvod upon you
by publication by authority ot nil
order of tho Hon, W. Ii, llradMiaw,
JiiiIro of tho Circuit Court of tho
Htnto or Oregon for tho County of
Crook, mid said ordor la dated (ho
unth day of October, 1012, nnd la
duly recorded nnd entered In anld
Court nnd milt.
Dnto ot Drat publication, Octohor
30, 1013.
Data of last publication, Uccoinbor
11, 1012.
Josso Htcarna & Jacob Kamlor,
Attorneys for tho plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Crook,
Nelllo Wright, plaintiff, vs. Harry
Joseph Wright, defendant.
To Harry Joseph Wright, nbovo iinin
ed defendant:
In tho name of the' Htnto of Oro-
gon you nrn hereby tOJIUltatUiLJit.
per nnd answer tho complaint filed
against you lit tho aliovo untitled
milt within alx wuoks from tho dnto
of tho flrat publication of thin sum.
nionri, nnd If you (all to npponr mid
answer fur wont thoiwif tho plaintiff
will npply to tho Court for tho rollof
prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt
for tho dissolution or tho liomU
or matrimony now existing between
you nnd tho plaintiff, nnd for n fur-
ilinr ilnnron t tint tlin nronnrtv nnw
owned by tbo plaintiff ahnlt bo mid
remain iters, ireo iroiu any rigtn,
title or Interest on your part, cither
nt law or In oiiilty.
This summons la nerved upon you
lm tiiilitliMtllnii l.v millirirlt v fif mi
order of tho Honorable II. (!. Kill,
linluii of tlm I'limiK- Cmlrl nf tlm
Htalo of Oregon for Crook County
Hald order Is dated tho .10th day or
uctonor, in 1 2, nun is ouiy rocorueu
nnd entered In snld Court or action.
Tho date or first publication tho
110 tit day or October, 1013, '
3ttQ Atloruny for plaintiff.
will thrive exceedingly wcIL The Wis
consin dairy former baa built up a
wide demand for lib grade Ilolsteln
biul (ueniiey cows nnd heifers. Here
Is n source of revenue that Is closely
nkln to that of steor raUlug with the
double ndvuutage of the milk after tho
heifer U two yours old.
To Illustrate, the farmers of Jeffer
son county, WU., restlUo from their
cows In milk product over FiOOO.oOi)
annually, while from the sale of cows
rmd heifers tley receive nhout $700.
000. This comlHiiIng dnlrylw: with
dairy stock hrvt-dlug nnd raising makes
of the farmer n much liettvr ismlpiH.d
man all nrouud. while It eubnuces tils
profits. Most of the milk is handled
in creameries, nnd the sklmmllk prod
net. with the nhundant corn crops and
alfalfa and clover, enables tho farmer
to turn a tine Krfc crop every year.
Ttil- all around dairy farming pays
wolj when Intelligently managed, wliii
the added advantage thnt tho farmer
It more his own master, nnd his calling
educates him more broadly and mora
Hairy fanners must become better
stock raiser than they have betn,
whether they ernte east or wet. Ir
they wont larger profits and n larger
share In what they earn. A few men
cnuiwt control the butter market or
pork market or tl mnr'et for cows
and heifers ns they do the milk market
in largo cities.
The Largest nnd Best Hotel in Bend
Hotel Wright
(Successor to the New Tnggart Hotel.)
Modern Stone Building, Steam Ilont,
Electric Lights, Hot nnd Cold Witter
in Rooms, Splendidly Equipped Cui
sine Service. Sample Hoom3. Free
Bus to and from depot.
American or European Plan.
Wo Cator to First Clius Trade.
r - ia
re J -
We do not Give Trading Stamps I
Everythi ng
, the line of
Chippewa nnd Buckingham
& Hecht
A.L. French
Ktsp Hogs In Fat Condition.
Hoch thnt art to be kept over for
breeders and fnll pigs should pn Into
the winter In good condition. A
blanket of fat under the nnlmnl's hide
Is worth bushels of corn In the crib as
a protection against the cold wentber
of winter. I'hI can bf put on during
the all easier limn It cnu after winter
licglns. The fall pic that has not been
well fed during the fall months has a
winter of misery before It Its hair
affords but little protection, nnd with
out n blanket of fat It Is In a sad pro
dlcniuent. I'M. vljmrous pig will con
tinue to grow during tho winter, but
the thin ones are exjienslvo boarders.
Olifer breeding animals will enduro
more hardship nnd exposure, but they
come out In the spring In poor condi
tion nnd cannot produce as good pigs
as those that go Into the winter In
good condition. A chilled body ro
duces vitality nnd saps tho animal's
reserve energy, nnd It comes out In the
spring n weak, emaciated animal.
Washing Ojttar.
In winter the water for washing nnd
nli j the brine for salting should not
be Mow a temperature of CO degrees
J With regard to tho quantity of
"iter to ust, Hiitflclent water should
) phiced lu the churn to thoroughly
liuot all the butter grains contained
therein The butter will require two
or three wnKlilngs In order to remove
most of the cheesy mutter, which, If
allowed to remain In the butter, causes
the finished article to hecotno bad.
When the water Is quite clear and
fret from mllkluess on being with
dnnvn 'from the churn the butter
xlionli! Ite xiiluYlently washed. While
I ring ii refill to wash the butter thor
oughly, do not overwash It or the color
audBrjavor will tt spoiled. American
Cultivator. ' "
JBiiy your groceries of
us, we can save you from
five to ten per cent. Trade
where your DOLLAR
goes the farthest.
TELEPHONE. Bend, Oregon.
We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and are in a position to fill orders
oi any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building; Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
If You Want Good
Residence Lots -Business
Irrigated Land
320Acre Homesteads
investigate what we have to offer. We have the
best on the market, at the best prices and terms.
This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur
ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show
Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are
the best in the United States', and pay their losses
promptly. IWe are the oldest established real
estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record
for fairness and efficiency. If you have something
to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oreg. Investment Co.
flmur NiswoNner- ,
Wail Street, Bend, Oregon
....... .
Pi imf: