rf THK 11BN1) IIUM.KTIX, 11KNII, WWNKSDAV, NOVKMIIKtt SJT, IIM'J. PAGR 12. I FIRE AURHLOIIB DELAYED .Manufacturers Apologise For Uepont. cil llrokcn l'ledgea of Delivery. A couple of months ago, It was an nounced that en electric siren, for use aa a tiro nlartu, had been ordered by the city. Delay after delay was experienced In scouring It, but now at last arrival actually scorns to Ims near. This letter, received by Coun cilman Allen from Uio manufacturers In Conectlcut, shows whnt hsa been happening: Answering your wire wo have practically finished all our work on the horn ami are waiting 'for reports from the Genera! Klec trlc and Westlnghouso compsn'es as to proper ruotur to drive this horn. We appreciate your pa tience In the matter and as wo have been so long tn filling tho order wo do not feel that we ought to ask your Indulgence any longer and It you desire to cancel It will bo agreeablo to us, although we would regret to have you do so. These things move very slowly, much slower than we anticipated and wo have made so many promises that we are loath to make another. We will go right ahead with these horns, however, and as toon as they are completed will so advise you and if you cat to have one come on at that time, we will bo glad to send you one tor examina tion. ' "' Yours very triily, The Sterling Machine Company. KKiSOIilTlONS OK UESPKOT. Whereas, doath has taken away tho mother of our esteemed brother, Kalpu Spencer, wo, members of Horn! tadgo No, 2 IS. I. 0. O. K., do horoby tondor our sincere sympathy to him, and to tho other members ot tho be reaved family, tn this their tlmo uf grlot II. KtitlRHLh H. J. HGGLKSTON 0. M. PATTERSON Commltteo llcnd Lodgo No. 21S, I. O. O. K. ItaptUt Church. Wllbert n. Howell, minister: Wini fred Elyea, aslstant. Midweek ser vice tonight, with reception ot mem bers. The W. C. T. V. will meet In the reading room at. 3 p. m. Friday. Sunday: Dlble school at 10 and pub lic worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ilrotherhood service at 3 p. m., to which all arc Invited. It Is expect ed that Itev. E. G. Judd, recently of Cripple Creek, Colo., will arrlvo this evening to visit Bend with the pas torate in viow, and will fill the pulpit morning and evening Sunday. Baptist people will cooperate tn the union Thanksgiving service at the Methodist church Thursday evening. Rulllng Togtthir. fW.1 Anrtv IIHm'i Hint on farm Aritnlntn tllllv Joncn. Tiwrr rn wall brtwrtn thtlr farroa, Aril lhr thjr pilot th rlpnra, AhO oflrn Andy ti would throw Fom tmwMrra ovr In Old Hilly Jon' tmrlty patch Until It wa a sin To r that barlrjr bumptn up Agin lhm nlCKM- hil Old nilly itood l( for awhlt. L'ntll on 1ny hr wa. lv. irlrd to cultural thm rock It Kfini utt Ions .Hough, Although my hand ar bony An my bach la mlchty touch. Put now ) ort o' ralKalat. I'll hart you on th run. Frr h.ra'a my or hor. platoU an It's twtttr than a mm'" Now, Andy didn't Ilk to hrar Ilia neighbor talkln ao Jl. thought that bloom In' blund.rbuira MUtht atart rlsht In to bint "Waal, tlllly, thcrv'a a hnp o' atona. An, though It'a rather lata. WVd blltr both hltrb up our ttama. An' lat'a co.op.rat a." Th. atone thy laid tn aolld roada And hauled along but wag-on loaila. And now whvn.'.r thry rid a mil Tby war thtir broadrrt markrt imll. -Httr Itoada. . - AMONG THE SETTLERS NORTHEAST OF TOWN MONEY FOK KOAI WOIUC. (Lakevlew Examiner). The County Court in Its regular session last week appropriated $S00 to assist In the experimental and de velopment work of dry farming for I-ake county, as was undertaken by the Central Oregon Development League, In conectlon with the work of the Oregon Agricultural College. The money was directed to bo sent to C. S. Hudson. Ilend. Oregon, who is treasurer ot the league. Hanson Smith has Just completed his new bungalow barn. He reports that he has the finest turnips In the county. They are almost too largo Ti,e i to use. and will yield about five tons to tne acre, ins rutabagas aro aiso good and arc yielding four tons to the acre. Not so bad for Central Oregon, the land where they said a few years ago potatoes wouldn't grow. Hussell Cattln of Salem and Ander son Kannon of Portland, both mem bers of tho Pilot Ilutto Company, spent Sunday at the Pilot Ilutto ranch. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. It. M. El. der. Rev. O. Dean, who has been hold ing services every Sunday afternoon at the Grange ball for some time, has been absent for three Sundays and Is A SUPERB SHOWING OF Sterling Cut Glass Imported Handpainlcd China Wallace Silverware We Itftvo juat plnecd on our shelves n Inrjre ship1 niont 'of Stcrllnjr Cut Gltuw, nnd wo would tnko v Krent pleasure In showing this hnmlsoino wnro to you. Sterling Cut Glnsa enjoys n reputation nil its own, nnd is tho very finest wnre on the mnrkct today. Every piece is heavy, clcar-na-crystnl glass and the cutting embraces all tho latest and most beautiful designs, Our Into imported hnndpainted China has received many compliments from tho ladles of Uend, nnd leaves a delightful impression of beauty and daintiness. You can find nothing mora ap propriate for gift purposes than a handsome piece of Cut Glass, China or Silverware. LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. THORSON, The Jeweler. missed by the surrounding commun ity. The lumber was hauled Monday to finish tho Inside of the Grange hall, and yesterday all good Grangers were busy completing tho hall for tho Thanksgiving supper that is to Imj given thlst Wednesday) evening by the cntlro neighborhood. O. C, Cardwell Is just completing a first class root house. It Is 14 feet wldo and SO feet long. It is built of native stone, with walls two feet thick. Mrs. C. Edwards of California Is hero to spend tho winter with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cardwell. MILIICANJLLEY NEWS Thirty New Residences Ituilt During the Pout Year. MI I.I.I CAN VALLEY. Nov. 35. Clydo Klger and family arrived from Silver Lake last week to visit rela tives here. Mr. Klger brought 20 turkeys to Ilend and purchased his winter supplies there. Fred G. Kl ger, his brother, who realties In Mil- llcan valley, returned to Silver Lako ! with them to spend Thanksgiving. I There arc 3ti houses established ' in this valley now and many others I under way. One year ago thero wero I only six. At that rate In five years more thero will l u town. "Thomas Moffett Is living on the old iToiclr claim and Mr. Masters 1ms tho Toialr desert claim. P. II. Johnson Is preparing tn movo his house about a half mile out to tho ILnd-llurus rond. Mrs. Jcsala Houghton and dnuglf tor, Mlaa Delia Merrlfleld, wero out to Mrs. Houghton's homestead this week and spent several days, I.ouls McAdow Is building his houso on his homestead. Thero will certainly bo a grand necktlo party In M'lllcan valley If some one does not stop entering houses nnd taking tho homesteaders' food, bedding nnd tools In their absence. FORBES' BIOGfllY GIVEN llctul Mint Who (lot lo I.oUlnliiiti Hull I'ltnn Wlit'OiiHliI, Togotluir with nllitr niombors of tho Oregon Houso nf HuiruuiilitllvtH, Vernon A. Purlins of Hoint I plotur. ed In tho Sunday Oroguutiui. Tho nrtlclo oontnlim tho following brief biography of Mr. 1'oruon: "Horn on a farm In Polk enmity. Wlacouatn, Pi 1KS3 Parents being In very moderate clrcumatanccs, ho was compulled to obtain educattou by his own efforts. Left homo at tho ago of 10 and liegan a high school cotir. Graduated from Osceola lllcli Hrhonl In IS04 and for two years attended MncaUalcr Collego In St. Paul, Minn. Ilcgan the study of law at University of Minnesota and L-railtintinl trout thu Mlneaota lvw School In June, 1009. He immedi ately thereafter came to tho Pacific Coast and late In the year 1909 be gan the practlco of law at Ilend, Or." IIOOUOOS. George Gilbert Ilaiieroft, the psy chic roaoarchur, Is considered imu of tho pioneers In this country In tho scientific accumulation of valuable data pertaining to various mind mys teries and (Superstitions that have pusilcd and baffled the minds of men In all epochs of tho world's history. nnd for mora than twenty years his life has been spent In a careful nnd rigid Investigation In all parts of the world of a great variety of phenome na, presumed to ha of supernatural i origin, and In his great masterpiece entitled ' llooiloon," which tin will present In Mend, ho will expliiln In lip way, n great variety of pheiMiiiiiiiin, I In wll tlmil mini)' liitiiuiroiiH nt loll, lug IiIoum In Uio prnvui hlftl bluolc cut, (ho mucin ovnr tho left sliotildur, tho ruhhll foot, iihiiii iliiliitiur ulnveii. Ihn jsplllliiK of Hull, uto Dr. Ilnnuroft lu-il Im liiuiril lit tliti .Mothoillat ihnirli on I'rldiiy tiVimiiiK f litis weejt, timlir tho uusinutw oi too i.nuien i.inriiiy (Hub. NOTIPIt. Purnimnt lo resolution of (ho (Am nion Council of the City of Ilend, not ice Is hnrtthy kWoii Hint, muter tho provlsloim of tho Ulty Clinitur and the Codu r tuegon relative lo elec tions, tho Australian Imllol shall !o 'used at the general election to ho ' held In Ilend December 3, 10IU. Hint 'Is. thn names of all candidates ahull nppear on olio oftlolal ballot, Mini to this end nominating petition and nc reptauco by candidates must bo tiled with tho recorder pr'or to or until fi p. m., Monday, December 3. 1913. Attest' 0. P. PUTNAM, II. C KLLIH, llecordnr, Mayor. 4 K...M...... .MJ. JllllllllWlll.li V In tho County Court of thu Htato or Oregon, for the County of Crook, I (n tho matter ot tho cstnto and guard- Unship of Jesse I. Poush, Insane, Tho undcralenid having Ireu apixilntr.d by tho County Court of tho Htfltn of Oregon tor rrirnk County, guardian of thn K'stato ot Jcaso I Poush, In sane. iiotlr b hereby given to thn creditors of tho said Jrsao I. Pouth and all persons having claims against him to present them, duly verified as required by law, within six months from the date of this notice, to (ho undersigned at Ills law office In Ilend, Oregon. Dated this :lh day of November. 1913. 3-M C. H. HKNBON. fi'BfcQJi ?Wyr 1 i- I'iNi:, ritooic county, oiik. P I I I HMM...t.MMM...tHMMnPl ' lfc t MMIMMIMMMMMMMIMttH J - - BfS tit t III III it t t 1 m t fix- H I' H I ! H v 1 ' T 1 ' T i ' ' T ' ' T ' ' T ' ' T i h. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES THE BEND COMPANY i . 4 Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber in Central Oregon. We can mamifadure what you want, when you want, it, and at the prices you want. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. $& I & t V . V The Bend Company Bend, Oregon . -. MI .--- . ! ill' 'm Hi J i :j: tt ;, tt T I 1 I : li CsfL II si II ' :EE SL