The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 27, 1912, Image 1

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i V '
lJu)d, Putnam nn( t'uMwrll .Mayor
iffiiv Otmlldiitiii In Cltv lllrellon
ti Women Will Vole on Ktartly
( (lie Hume Hnsl n the, Men,
A caucu (o nominate municipal
candidates wn held In thu Cummer
clnl Club room Saturday evening,
with about 60 pre'itt. No women
, I Inch O'Knue opened the nicotinic
l.v moving tt,nt n chalrmnn be elect
id. .Mr. O'Knue win noinlnnled, but
4 dcllmd. In iucrerlon li, A. Blith
er. Clyde McKay, N I'. Hinlth, Clint
, V. Iiiitid, J. II, Miner, HaMicr ORnln,
J II. Onolll, Blither n third tlmu nml
II II. ,r.vlc -tor nominated but re
i until to accept. V a. Purlv came
In nt in' Kilnt nml a he entered wnn
, nominated. He diclluvd but was
wan pnuaded Mi irvi.
N'nmluatloi io dcclnred In or
' der to nil office Rt thu eomltiK city
election. Jonn mam ugi;eioii n
' rece.n of 6 or 10 minute, to aceom-
VMiuniu hiiiii-m iiiuu, nn.j n v-i.n.-
HI iwn wnn lanuiii ouiiiihwiiuhp
' for uin)or wuru en 1 1 ml for. Thoinns
Tweet noinliiHtml Clirle Huyd mid
i II. II Dale placvd tlm ninu of M.
(' Calilwd liefnro thu meeting Tho I
, chairman arked whether one iir more
, ticket ould N iigmlnaUdp Kane
moveu nun i weci ccoi ucu mo mo-,,
i lion mm ouo ouhiiiuhip uo imiui'ii iuj
mayor, three for councllmnn and one
for treasurer. II. J. KKXIeton ami
' l-'rnnk Kulp wer apinilntod teller.
Tlm votn rtniulted: Caldell 1,
Mloyd II, O'Knne 1. Them wero 13
' blank ballot ot and many of
tlm (0 present when thu voto wn tak
fen did not om n bilot.
It. I'. M Inter moved that It Ikj
'railed tho tltiieii' ticket, and tho
motion enrrled.
1 M Inter nomlnaled 0'Kann for
councilman. Ho declined. Mlntr
. then nominated Jack Wenandy. John
Hlkln nominated J. cdwnrd l-anon. i
O'Kano numlnnted J. V. Johnson, who
declined. J. I). Miner nominated r.
N. Hoffman. He declined. Tweet
nominated r'orbe. who also declined.
O'Knue nominated Oconto llromcr
Iiiiuh and Tweet hinted Clyde McKay
' fn nomlnntloii, both of whom de
clined. John Klklns nominated K.j
, A. Hther. Nomtntlona wero cloned
and Kalhr, I.nrson and Wenandy:
Mere nmd by aceUwatlon. I .MK IX THIS COl'.VTV.
Klkln iiiimlHatetl Kalph I'olndnx-j AeeonllnR to fl.ure eimpll by
ter for city treasurer nml he wn nbor Connniilotigr Hurt nt Balom,
, named by acclamation. I there are CO "00 deer nml 930 elk In
Chairman Korbe explained thu the date Forest natter and g.imu
nominating method adopted by thu , wardens place the number of deer In
' City Council, and then adjournment )Cook county at 1600, with tho sumo
wn taken, I number In 1-ako couuty and 2000 In
The method I that ended for un-i Harney. Ilnrney I credited also
der the charter, which ipeclfle that j with having 10 mountain sheep. It
the getivrul Oregon law be followed I tated that Crook couuty ha 90
i n nearly a practicable. Candidate j-antelope and 260 bear- The latter
will Iw obliged to prreut petition animal ought to furnish qulto a deal
, nlgned by nt least 3 per cent (approx. 'of good hunting for the sportsmen
Innately 13 elector) of the voting i
"A.B.A." ChcqucB, used by tourists in all foreign countries',
nlso arc the safest, most convenient funds for travel In tho
United Stales and Canada. Not good till you sign them;'
safe as your own blank check. More handy than your
personal checkbook, for your signature identifies you.
Defchutes Banking & Trust Company
of Btnd, Oregon '
D. VltRRltU., President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
It. M. LAttA, Cashier
ioiiiIr(Ioii, nil hIiowii nt tlm Novem
ber f uleotloii, nccoiiipiiiilod ty their
urenpliiiico of (lio iioinlimtlon. TIicru
urn In bo lllml with (ho recorder bo
furo 6 p. in. on Mnniliiy, December !!,
iiml thou nil iiiiiiii'H mi plttr-od In nomi
nation will In printed upon thu oillc
liil ballot, which wll lio of thu Austrit
lliui form,
1'inltloim hnvii boon circulated nml
sinned plur'iiK Oio following "bul
no ndmiiiUtratlon" cninlliJittcn In
nomination; For innyor, 0, I. Put
inuiii for councllmeii, II. K. Allen, II,
V, rlkiiko nml Hum Collin; fur treas
urer, II. J. Ovorfurf. A third Mcket
called tlm "Id' lid llckol" li composed
of H. C. Caldwell far mayor, Bain Col
li n, 13, A. Hatlinr and J, 13. J.arson
for 'coiinollmon.
A tunny women appear to ho In
oine doulit an to Juit how they limy
votr, the .following Information I
kIvdii: Every woman who linn ban
n resident of th italo lx month,
him llvinl In Crook county 60 day,
In Ik'iul 30 days, nml I American
liom, It entitled to voto on exactly
l ho Minn bat ni men. Tlmt U, nil
they have to do I to ko to thu poll
nml cant llmlr ballot. If challenged,
they will bo obliged to swear In their
vote, Just n men mutt. No renin
(riitlon U required.
.Mr. A. W .Wlllnnl I'lnci- on IUIiL
billon Half n IMien "Demoei-ntlc
Unit-." I'rlco of I'ouN IIIkIi
Dor. pile thu near npprunch of
ThniikmcvliiK Day, with what Hint oc.
..,,. ,...,., , i, turkey ram
j, 1W0 fow,. ro ,I0WK .,,.
glvp)1 f,,,,,,,!,,,!, wealth producer,
, In the wny of eKK Inylnx nt till n
noli of th year when kk Rra In tho
Eretit diiiiiand by thu houiowlve.
I In thu window of tho OrcKon IjiiiiJ &
,,..,.,,.. .,.. Mr. A W.
Wlard. whusu bom., I eat of town,
,B, w,.()k lawi, on O!,nidtion lx
urkcy , Tl(,r aro ,,.d
Democratic ckk. ' IirvIiik lien Inld
nlnco WIImoii wn elected I'reldont
It I connhlurrd n very unuual thing
for turkey to Ikj laying till late In
tho fall, and ome ofthoin who
have neen tho dUplay y tho egg are
a lgn of grtstt proierlty during tho
Wilton nduilnlntratluu
,,,,, ,. ... -i, i..i.i. iin .f
U,,r rk"uf '' fr, ", "
Mr. Wlllnrd are nUo reported to be
laying now.
Itancner who havo ralsisl' theso
fowl thla year are getting good re
turn for their money, they report.
On tho local market the selling price
range from 16 to 25 cent a ound.
J. II. Miner, who wa out among the
lailllvlB IHHi nvun, UUI. IIIHl Ull
one rnnch there were GO flno turkey
....... .. U .l ...... ll.M. W.
which would average H pound each
llvo weight. There I n good de
mand for tho fancy table meat and
thU rancher will probably bo able
to exchange his fowl for tho neat
sum of I1IS.
who love excitement.
-" -vr '
." LU.t)ti.' WULLl
. ,i
HuioklriiC and ('Art-leu Ue of Word
TuImmhmI In Trlnl Concerning Cnlf,
Wherein Uenly (Jet llole
anil I In en port ray Cot.
Yeterdiiy afturnoon almut half of
Hend iilt work and adjourned to
tho court of Jiutlce of the l'eaco
Ward 11, Coble, there (o hear tho fatu
of line amnll calf decided. Hut It
wn not Intereit In thu ,boto that
Npeclnlly attracted tho lUtener that
beard tlm trial in tno uommorcini
Club room. It wu bccuu thla cnto
of Denly vomti DavenKrt w tho
Drt In Crook county, and probably
tho flnt In OrcKon, In which women
participated a Juror. And not only
wn n woman reiauieu n juror, uui
hor flvo male co-Juror made her fore
man or rather, forewoman.
Mrs. Ilnttlu Corkett wn tho lady
foreman. Ml Mary H. Coleman aud
Mr. C. I). Hrown wero on tho origi
nal panel, but their aervlce wero not
required. The other member of tho
Jury wero Theodore Aune, J. C.
Ilhodo, W r. Vnndovcrt, John Hoy
burn and W. H. Htaat.
The new order of thing wn Intro
duced at the outset by Justice Coble,
whoto hmi cao It wn, by a graceful
unnouucemeiit that lnaimuch a the
fair aux wa to participate, amoklng
would be talioocd In tho court room,
lie ulio warned agalnut carctoi uno
of language, n warning that had to
be repeated on novernl occailon a
llio trial tiroKreixiMi, eliminating, or,...,,,- n,,,n.v.iiin trin,,nU. ui.
... .
at leant expurgatlug. lome of tho pcnrll nd chgrmeuse and carried n
proffered testimony. bouquet of white chrysanthemum.
Tho case Involved the i ownorsh pItIio maid of honor wore white organ-
nnd tho feed bill of n calf, originally idle wh ,)nk carnaton,. The I'rl-
' --- -- -- -
' ? "" "!.l0.if. "TlS -
iiio iirojwnr oi i.j. . -ui
iKirt to bo kept during tho summer.
The trial occupied all tho afternoon.
nud wn well fought out by the oppot-
Ing attorney. V. A. Forbe for tho
plaintiff. Dcaly. and C. 8. lenson for
Daveniwrt. The Jury retired about
6:30 and two hour Inter rendered ,
It verdict, giving Dealy the c f upon
payment of $16 for It keep, Instead,
of an amount In execs of $50. claim-
ed by the defendant, tho defendant
nlso to pay tho cost of tho trial
W. K. Conion, the present general
freight and pascnger agent of the
North Hank and Oregon Trunk rail-
road, will becomo manager of tho A pretty touch waa added to the deco
Northwetern Klectrlc Company, thoratlona by n quantity of pepper
new light and power company that i leave, festooned on the walls, which
tin Invaded Portland. Mr. Cumnn I
well known and well liked here, ad
hi ucce a a railroad man I be
lieved toosiuro greater (iiccess In
hi new work. HI Immediate subor
dinate In the railroad work la W. C.
Wllkea, upon whom there seem rea
son to believe hla former chlof'a of
ftco will fall. Mr. Wllkea la one of
the most popular railroad men doing
business In Uend.
We make u specialty of dealing in every arti
cle in the hardware line that is needed in the
construction of n house, whether it he a big
or n little one. Contractors who figure close
on a job should get our'prices before submit
ting his bid-they are the lowest for the
quality qf goods we handle.
Also Full Line of BuiHws' SuMm,
Sash, Doors, CUm, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P.
1'retty Orrmony at tarn Home Mon
day Nlubt llride and (J room ,MUc
Jloneyrnooii VUlt to Cciitrniln,
Home of Ward's I-'amlly.
At nn extremely pretty wedding
Monday night, Iva Kllinbcth Wot
and Klmor Vernon Ward wero inr
rled at tho homo of Mr. and Mr. A.
M. Lara, Itev. J. 1. Corby performing
J thu ceremony.
AlKiut 100 gueti
wore preient, Including many of the
old time fr'end of J. i. Wet, father
of tho bride, who crlmo from Tho
j Dalle to nlve hi daughter away In
i marriage.
Shortly after 8 o'clock tho cero
rnony wn performed. First, Ml
lllack ang "Lovo'a Coronntlon," and
then, to the atately strain of Men
delohn' wedding march, played by
Mlt Kvn Ornvo, tho inembre of tho
bridal proceinlon came down tho
atalra and took tmtlr places before
Dr. Corby at the south end of the big
double living room, beneath a light
ed bell of white ckryiEntbcrnuma,
with n gay string of colored electric
I'ght bulb twinkling overhead and at
the roar. Little Hence Shouso wo
the flower girl. Mis Marion Wlcat
wh muld of honor and I. M. I-ara.
belt man. The bride wore a gown of
..!' "
,i i. c ub wo master of ccromon e.
Ellin viiii; " mailer ui cciuuiuuics,
lth. young ..die. of that organization
dlrectlng the prog re of the wedding.
After the cereraony a collation waa
aerved, with tho usual wedding cake
.,. Ih .,. , fBv t.m m i,nii,i
droarna on. ,n ,ho m,dil of ,ho fck.
-, ,t wa discovered that tho
,,r,de nnJ groom , a awiy de.
,, ,ne watchfulncs. of some guest
.,, .,, ..i-nn-.i ii..i ,,, .,.,,
lhm ,. ,hllr Th x.T,At,-. lK11,.
quet wa thrown by her maid of hon
or and wa caught by Mi Meda Css
tlo. A feature of tho wedding was the
attractive d'rplay of gifts received by
the couple. Including a large asort
mont of useful and beautiful artlele.
were sent from California by Mrs. A-
M Drake.
Mr. and Mr. Wnid slipped out of
town on the tralu Tuesday morning,
It I understood to make a trip to
Centralis, Wash., the homo of the
groom' family. Upon their return
they will make their home iu one of
the Wlet cottage. Mr. Ward has
been a resident of Dond for several
years, of late being employed with
ho Dnltml Warehouse Company. Mr.
Ward I tho only daugfitor of J. I.
West, ona of Ibjnd' onrllcaC plonMra,
whota ilecUnlnK hoalth fored him to
n'inovo to lower altitude about a
ar ago.
KjMirlMiiicn Organize to Hnjoy day
1'lgeon HhooUnK Will Work to.
Improve KIslilna; Condition.
Thursday night a meeting of men
Interested In chootlng and aport In
goncrat wa hold and an organization
Inuchcd which will be known a tho
Uend Itod and Gun Club, About 16
men were present, all of whom listed
themselves a members, while nt least
twice that number havo signified
their Interest In tho organization and
will Join It.
The Imedlato activity of tho now
organization will be confined to clay
pigeon shooting', A. couple of traps
have been ordered and It Is hoped
that within a week or so tho club's
first shoot may bo held. On behalf
of tho Uend Park Company, J, C.
Rhodes has offered the uso of the
necessary ground.
Tho officers chosen aro: J. N. Hun
ter, president; J. C. Ithodei, secre
tary, and Harry 8k use, treasurer.
Tho membership fee was fixed at
$2.60, and tho board of directors may
asses members not to exceed a alml.
Ir amount In a year, hould occa
ilon arise. Membership Is open to
It Is hoped to havo an organized
hoot at Christmas or on New Year's
Day, and perhaps a turkey shoot as
well, for which Invitations will be
sent to 1-aldlaw and other sportsmen.
In addition, a cup will also probably
bo offered. A committee composed
of tho officers is now drawing up a
set of bylaw, which will bo patterned
after rule of similar organiza
tion throughout the country. Later
the club hopes to devote some effort
to Improving local Ashing conditions,
especially along the line of getting)
trout planted In the Deschutes, and:
the better enforcement of laws pro
tecting he fishing.
Pmbyterian and Their Friend
Hare Knjoynble Kvrnlnj:.
The friend and members of tho
Presbyterian church spent a very en
joyable evening at Lara'c hall Fri
day. Tho young people amused
themselves by throwing bean bags
through the eyes, noco and mouth of
a very comical head cut for the pur
pose, letter post cards', which had
been cut In pieces, wero distributed
and the cards wore then matched.
After correctly putting the ploceo to
gether, the parties completing a card
were required to write a poem about
the name of tho apple which appear
ed on tho back of tho card. Two
prizes were awarded, Mrs. Allen. Mrs.
Skuse. Miss Bra Huntington and C.
II. Hunter winning tho first, a lus
cious apple pie.
The teachers' glee club sans and
mado quite a hit. Pumpkin pie,
doughnuts and coffeo were served.
The ladles chose their partners by
stepping on the toes of the men. who
were behind a curtain with only tho
tips of their shoes protruding.
The social waa attended by a large
The First National Bank
Dr. U, O. OOG. Prtldnt E. A. 8ATHCR. Vic PraiUUnt
Q. 8. HUDSON. 0ihlr
Capital fullr paid ... S76.O00
Stockholders' liability . S3S.000
Surplus .... . SO. OOO
Our beautiful new Hanking home Is nearly complet
ed. When wo move ve sliall be better prepared In every
wny to bundle your business, und render you more autls
fuctory crlce.
In tho meantime como und see us Iu the old location.
We have occupied this building Mnce March -Otli,
lOOU, the day mo opened for business. Wo then bad 17
accounts aud 9IH.O0U deposits. During this three year
and n. half wo have Increased the number of account to
nearly 1100, aud our deposits to nearly $230,000.
It has been our privilege to assist In nearly every
movement Inaugurated for tho betterment and upbuild
ing of llend and tributary territory.
We hope In tho future to be able to do sUll more for
the town and country from which we derive our busbiews.
Ileal sen Ico to u community gajus la t lug prestige.
L'jKm Itcrelpt of Tumi, City Will
Notify rfouth Portland Crashed
Hock Company to Commence
Hewer Construction Work,
Probably by tomorrow the last act
In the sale of Hend $CO,000 sower
bond issue will, bo completed, and'
the money wilt stand to the credit
of tfie city. '
Tho bonds themselves arrived hero
Saturday morning' by express, sixty
very elaborate and attractive exam
ples of tno lithographer's art. At a
council meeting at 11 they were ex
amined and passed upon, after which
tho mayor and recorder algned the
Uy order of the council they wore
then turned over for return to Far-
son. Son tc Co., at Chicago, being sent
to the corespondent of the First
National Dank of Hend to be handed
over to Farson upon receipt of tho'
funds. Immediately upon tho trans
fer of the money, the Chicago bank
will advise Uend by telegraph. With
this assurance that tho money Is
forthcoming, the city officials will
then wire to tho South Portland
Crushed Hock Company, the con
tractors, directing them to get to
work at once. Already several
men havo apearcd In Hend with or
ders from the contractors to come
here, showing that the latter are evi
dently ready to take hold at once.
In addition to the $00,000 of the
bond issue, tho premium paid by Far
son, It will bo remembered is $944.
Accrued interest from September 1
to tho date of the delivery of thu
money will also be paid, at 6 per cent
The city make Its interest payments
Christian Endeavor Worker Will Vli
It Hend In December.
Uend Is to be visited In the near fu.
ture by II. II. Rottmann, field secre
tary of the Oregon Endeavor Union,
Oregon, at present, has no field sec
retary, as Mr. Rottmann begins his
labors In this state December 1, his
first real field work being Crook
county. He w be here Thursday,
December 12, speaking In the even
ing. During the day ho will visit
among the young people for the pur
pose of ascertaining the possibilities
here In the lino of Endeavor work.
Friday, December 1 3, ho will go to
Prlnevllle. taking as many local En
deavorers as choose to go as dele
gate to the second annual conven
tion of the county union, which Is to
be held on December 14 and IS.
Delegates to the convention will be
entertained free.
01 HI
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