THE BEND BULLETIN. L VOL. X. IJBNI). OlttXJON. WKDNKWAY. NOVKMHKK 20, 1012. NO. 87. 4 J HE I WEEK IS OFFER RAILROAD AND HOTEL BILLS PAID Homo 3 It 1 or Woiiinn Will Win fill iii New Vrm'i. (life While Many Ciin I hue I'loe Hound Trip Itullrotnl Tlrkrln There. What proinlnuii In bo the most mil Him hihI popular content ever nttumpt imI In Oil section of Oregon tin been started by Thu lliillotln. Tho Klrl or woman wlin get the largest number of now yenrly ubcrlptloii to Tim llullelln between now and January 1 will rvcxlvti a a Now Your' present n free trip ' Portland, wimro iliu may stay a week, with nil liur hotel .pHwt paid by Tho llulletlii- Ami In order that th lotorest In tho run iml ihmjt be vtm worn gmierl every outitoataHl who Hel 19 or mom Mow yearly patd-ln-attrnw subscriber will n presented with m fre round trl tkkt t I'wtlattd. The winner of the grand prise will Bty Ml tlH lltllel WWMlt, on of lort)al neat and moat modern ho tels. wHMi I delightfully situated hhiI Iww proved particularly popular with Bead people. The management of the hotel ke agreed to Klvo the lucky Klrl or woman the m front ph. mi. with bath, the hotel has, mnl will make special effort in make the "free wk" dollghlful In every way. Thn hotel has hm rllfnt dlHlng room and the MIU there. for the room, will N paid lijr Thu UiiIMIh. Tho contest U open to ny Klrl or woman In Crook county. There are no condition or "airing"- simply llm olio whi kIn Ike wont HOW Mlb ecrlhora gels llm prlre, ml everyone who secures SO or wore new yearly subserlbeis get tho frvo round trip ticket. All now subserlptlun will ho dated from January I. ll. w lliat auW Msrllior who hulp tho eontotunta will roeolvo TIk Ihillotln for an oxtrn month or moro, at thu romilar nnnual rato of 1 1. 0. tfulHHjrlktira may llvo Hiiywhoro. A two.oar nw ulmrlp linn will ho wniHtt'il 'ii tho runtott n two aiilMMTljillon. It la oxpotoil that In addition to KottliiK thulr frlomU horoalKKil to uimrllii many of tho eoHtoManla will l.o aldo U wr aurp aiilMMirlpilona fruni folk tik Kt. and from hmiiI who ar litlsr natpil In Ontral Oromm. a wll aa HtittliiK klr frimOa hw to h lh lWHr Hnpl liwhoro, thro all holplOK to aIVMlle Hnd and lk country. Tho trlua of th wlMHr w" w Inknn nt any llmo In January, livury. ono who la Intvrfatoil la ndvltod to cull nt Tho llullotln ctco nt ouw d "Kot Imay." It la hollovod that half n doion womrn nnd Klrla who mm wlllInK to Kt out and liuatlo n little can koI tho froo round trip tlckcia, whllo aomoono la coraln of tho bin prlio. Now aiilicrlliera inny have tholr aul-acrlptlona i-rodltod to any The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon 8 Small Accounts Encouraged. Ono need nut huvo n lnrk'o no count with this bank in order to enjoy tho prlvileirca it confers. Dclievinir thnt bnnkinir co-oper ntlon tends to develop tho re sources of tho small depositor, it is tho policy of this bank to rIvo appreciative attention to all who bring their business here regard less of tho slzo of their transact ions. ...Your account is Invited. 11. l'BURHLL, President V, 0. MINOR, Secretary It. M. LAA, Chler . DirKCTors; ( D, PBRRBIyU P. O. MINOR, B. M. LARA, riiiitosiHtit tlii-y wish. AppltPHiilH ' will bo rurnlRliuil wlili receipt books' hwro, hmihpIo roples, till'. On Wed-iii-itiliiv, .futiiat - ! tin) naiiM'n of the, wlmifiH will be published. Tli con ical cloaca tit noon on January I. ; "PATRONIZE HOME MAIDS IN OREGON" WMIE SLOGAN llnclii'lor litoiliiM In Hmirli of llrlilr KlkoHlicto, Conlrnry 10 AUK''. Suld lo Unto (Villi lm. I.nat wook aiiottior llond Imeliulor hlcil hlmaolf oaatwnrd Hiid, report hua II, will rotiirn oro Ioiik no lonitur ii hachiilor.AUo, It la rumorod, two moro Inoiillloa hitherto unrollod In tho niuka of (ho aliiKly hlxRNod nro aoou lo iiiku unto thoniaolvoa holtnr hnlvoa. And diirliiK tho Inst fow moutlia n iinuilfiil of othor Hand m)n linvo ilono llki-wlf, mi unlvumnl Is liccunilnic tho opldotnlc. Tlw. imliii Ih mil f tint Hun C'llldd la .. ii i.. .i.i.. ...,....iii I iiiMirimniiK i" wvii in iiiia uiiriiiT. rllimito mm that co many of tho Houri or nro koIiik oUowhoro for tholr lirldoa, totally mid iKtiohly iKiiorliiK that prlmo trnilo hiIko, without Mhlch no community cnu do liulll up --"imtrnlilio homo tiidiiMtrlta" And tlu-iHfiirii It l that n roport tin limkoil out from tho Inner imcrot olrclw of llond'N iixt'lualvn Imcholor atlrltt' rluli lo thn offrpt that roowtly that orKanUHilon olllrlnlly p roaolutlona niornly and iorrhlnKly eondoninliiK Uih more inmi for tholr conduct In till Krav maltor. How vr thnt may Imj. with tho ".Mado In OtiiMon" movemotil at H holKht. tbro Room riwii lo Imllttvw lliat Nhorllr thHro will W Mildail a nw di mmm. pmMnlK thlti and thH one mn. tlonwl aimvo, namelr, "I'atronlw IIiimih Maid In Orowin." DEATH OF JOSHUft BURROWES I'liiioml (iiuiluiloil hy Xiikiuilr ImIp Suiidiiy AllrriHMiii, .IChliua llurrowi i.lod at hi rnnch hfliito twti mlloa ot of llond I'rlilny ovnnlUK at & 30 o'clock. Ho wa alMHH OS your old nd I atirvlvtMl ly hi wife. About four yonra ako hn ennio hero from North Dukotii. Tho funornl orourwl 8umlay aftor' noon, tho ilocnoil bolntt burled with full MuMiule houora, ho liavluc ltou promltmnt 'n tho local Iodise of Mn run. Dr. (lorby wa tno orilolatlnK clorKyman. Over a yoar ko Mr llurrnwo cmniracted KuiiKrotio In n too, whbJli waa nmputUl. I.ator It wm ncary to nmputato tho entire Ii. ItANl'WlKT WHI.I. fOMMHNHKH. (I. A. Charmaek. formerly chair man of tho loel'ire couro eoMHilttoe oi the Y. M. O. A. uf VimwMVer. II. ('., haa tbla to aay of CurM Ullliurt llnueroft. who U to appaar here Nov. ti under the nuaplce of the Ladle'. I.lbmry' Club: "All the Ucturo nre eloijuout, liutructlvo and entertnln Iiik. but Ur. Hanoroffa lecture on 'Hoodoo' la oapcclally flue. W'hou eiiKated In Y. M. C. A. work I have paid 1260 for Iccturea of Ibe nmo claa. Thco lecture havo bpen n dollKht to all who hove heard them." I MODERN MODEL: O'DCNNELLS OPEN NEW STORE ltt(i)-ilnlc Applliuiroft nnd A (tine liu- Apponrtiico I'Iikp Kliop In llm I'roul Itnuk of Orrjton' lluliiirr IMnlillnhinriitM. On Saturday O'Donimll Ilron. open ed tholr now mout market In tholr jut-coinplold (imrtr In the O'Dou noil LulldliiR. Thfk olllclnl oponltiK wn a ronl occnalon for llend, not only hrcaiiKo It mnrked tho Inauguration of what I undoubtedly a finely oiiilppud n modern market a oxlata In the Mlnto. but nlao becaure It smirk- imI tho eemtiletlon of another fine brick bulldliiK In llend. Iloth bulld Iiik aad mnrket would hold their own! In Portland or any othor metropoli tan elty which how that llond J . "eomliiK Mimo." I The ImiIIo of (ho Catholic ekurrti took a part In the markol openlnK. holdlaK a food aalo throiiKhout the day. To add to tin- attractlvone of j tho utore Mr. ()'Ioniiell had big, bunehtM of carnation which werW prifU'litml to tho llrat-day cuatoment' and vlaltora of the fair x. The ator ha largo plate rIam win ilow. marble topiwui couutera, a dl ilay abow eae chllleil with piped l.rlnv. In which la dlapUytNl ehoko moat producta. Ono of the foaturoa la the ayntem of track for meat, upon which It ran bo run nut Into tho More room to and from the refrigerator room upon a miniature railroad that ha awiichea and a track ealo with which tho moat may be weighed while upon the track. A clover mechanical ham and ba eon allcliiR machine I another device. In fhn kliim. whlln nnothttr la tho 1st- ot thltiK In acatca where an electric! IlKht ahow a when the meal 1 belOE welRlied. The blR rofrlKerator room 1 cooled by the brine ytem. nnd tho temper ature there la kept at 2 doisree. CHOP REPOHTJROMISING Agricultural YleliN In All Dlrrctloni Am I'liriiomenal. Tho government crop rebrt for October aurpue all expectation. Tho corn erop yield, nceordliiK to preeHt eetlmatne, will be over tnree ..llll.ii huibol the larKekt crop In !... .. Ih 1 Ii 1 A liur liiiurjr 'i;oiv it. tfv. u i whent ahowa vlmllar improement and the total wheat crop for the year now promUe to reach 720,000.000 IjiuhoU, or about 100,000,000 In ex cel of lait year's crop. The crop of oat will break nil record. In view of the aetback In the spring, the wheat yield hn been wonderful. The pnt month' gain for all thece crop will plnce the builnei upon a still stronger bat. H ME We nmke n specialty of dealing in every arti cle in the hardware line that is needed in the construction of a house, whether it be a big or a little one. Contractors who figure close on a job should get our prices before submit ting his bid they are the lowest for the quality qf goods we handle. Also Full Line cf Builders' Supplies, Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc. N. P. WH I FIRST AT POLLS SUFFRAGE AA1END MENT APPLIES HERE City ItliTtlon on llpcrmbpr Third Will lb- I'lmt In Ori-Kon nt Wlildi Wom en May Vote Will They Turn Out? I Quntloii. Women may vote In the looal city election on December 3. To llend women will fall tho distinction of flrt uxorclilng In Oregon the rlghta of their recently acquired uf?rago, fur tho election here will be the first In the state under the provision of the now law. llend, then, will have a hand In Oregon history on the 3d, and the ex ample K)t by llond women will bo wnlchinl closely by their sisters suf fragists and iitls throughout Ore gon, and eapaelally a regards the In terest they take In their ballet-easting right and duty. Official eoHflrmatkin of the fact that llend women w:il have the vote here Is pontalenl In tho following let ter, received by Mayor Putnam from Attorney Uvneril A. M. Crawford: Replying to your of the IZlh In stant, asking whether women of your elty hare the right to vote at your city election which occur on Hecoinber 3d, and also asking for the prnciHlure relative to the final granting of suffrage to women of the state, 1 lmg to aa". that accord ing to the decision of Judge Hean or he Keileral Court, about a year ago, un Initiative meisiiro take ef fect and Is In full iurco and effect from the moment the polls are closed on election day. The proc lamation if tin 'tovo.rr Is simply the means of prv, n g tho evi dence that tin mean i re parsed. Therefore, wonie.i tr.j Jut os , much right to vote a men In any city, State or rui.ty oledlon, and hnvo had ituii right i' tho Sth day of November. The method of procedure for women to vote Is exactly the mode of procedure for men to vote. May Kcne on Jury. I'nder the amendmont n woman will be able to serve on a jury, and will be eligible for any state, county or city office. Hereafter It will prob ably be necersary xor a woman, as well a her husband, to take out nat uralisation papers before voting. If she be a naturalized foreigner. The only requirements are those govern ing male voters, nainelv, that she has beon n resident of tho strte six month and In the district thirty day. , Regarding the several "ages" of the newly enfranchised woman, the following data I applicable: At the age of 18 years woman Is able, legally, to draw up her will, or marry of her own free choice; at the ago of IS she may marry with her Smith Street parent' iirnillon, and af'T thvt. If married, ho I exsmiit from anv i mliHlcniotnor nndar mn Jnvn:l act. Now, with tho riisht lo vot", aho In not lRlly of a a to mark a ballot I until h ha pMd 21 aiimmor. OWL PHARMACY OPENS Sew Wore In f-ooileil In Hrt Sat' lonnl Hank Iliilldlnt;. The Owl Pharmacy, which w burned out In the fire of July 3, was reopened yesterday by Ralph I'oln aexter, tho proprle'or. The phar macy Is located In the new First Nat ional Hank building, with ontranco on llond street. Everything Is new, and tho store Is one of the best pill shops to be found In this part of the state. W. U Wing will assist Mr. I'olndcxtcr In the store. PROFESSIONyiEN MOVE Item! llentM Haa Exceptionally Vine Modern Oilier Kulprncnt. l.ast week more "moves" have been' been made by local men, this time especially In the ranks of the profeslonal men. Dr. F. II. Thomp son, the physician, has moved into an ofllce In the Sat her building. Dra. II. I'errell and W. W. Faulkner have oc cupied their Joint offices In the O'Don- nell building, whero Dr. Faulknor has the finest dentist's equipment In Cen tral Oregon, his quarters being fitted with modern appliances. Among there are Included an electric engine and lathe anil a fountain cuspidor. Other "moves" are due soon. Dr. Coe will get Into his new office In the new First National Hank building noon, Into which the forestry office. Forbes, l.attln and tha llend Park Co. hare already moved. ENOEAVORJONVENTION County Koclctlri to Meet In I'rlnc vllle Next .Mouth. PRINBVIU.K, Nov. 18. The Christian Rndeavor societies of the county are planning to have a rous ing county convention here Decem ber It and IS. Prlnevlllo wishes an opportunity to show her hospttalty iion this occasion and urges every society to soud aa many delegates as possible. It Is cxpectodjlhat StaUJ&esJdont llakor, District JVetinWtfffftSpr: gue and H. H.Tlb1lliJiinThe,1nowiy ap pointed field secretary of tho North west United States and Western Can ada, will bo nt the convention. I.KCTflli: IS KIIIST CiaSS. The Ladles' Library Club has se cured Dr. (Jeorge Gilbert llancroft for I a lecture on Friday evening, Nov. 29, at 8:S0 at the Methodist church. The ladles feel very fortunate In being able to offor the people of llond and vletnlty an attraction of such merit. Dr. tlaneroft Is a high priced man and the ladles are very anxious to at Uast sell 15 tickets to matte expense They guarantee the public a lecture aa good aa can be heard In any city, - tiVS CLfll MKKTIXG. The organlxatlon of a gun club at Ueud has been receiving the atten Ion or some of the local sportsmen recently and there appears to be en thusiasm sufficient to warrant the formation of such. A meeting to which all persons Interested are in vited haa been called to be held at the Skuse hnrdwnre store tomorrow (Thursday) evening at S o'clock. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. OOt. E A 8ATHCR, Vie Prldnt O. 8. HUDSON. Oathltr Capital full paid ... 35.00O Stockholder.' liability . . (26.000 Surplui .... . SO. COO Our beautiful new Ibuilvliis home I nearly complet ed. When we move we ohall be better prepared In every way to handle your busliux, uud render you mure satis factory service. In the meantime come and see us in the old location. We have occupied this building since March "Oth, 1000, the day we opened for businexs. Wo then had IT'J accounts nnd 918,000 deposits. During . this three years nnd n luilf we have increased the number of account to nearly 1100, and our deposits to nearly $2A0,000. It has been our privilege to aasist lu nearly every nioveiiieut Inaugurated for the betterment and upbuild ln of llend and tributary territory. We hope in the future to be able to do still more for the town and country from wtUch we derive our buainecu. Ileal service to a community gain lueUug prestige. 5jP 1ft FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS; U. C. COR 8. A. SATHKR C. S. HUDSON O. M. PATTERSON H. C. KU40 PROSPERITY IS IE- i BELIEVES DEMOCRACY NO DRAWBACK HIS Lumberman Hni Defeat of Hln- Kl Tax Will lie ut Local Ilencflt Warm Aunlnit ISxeee m I v c Iind Value In OrrRon. "Will the country in general, and Central Oregon In particular, pros per during the next few years? la the outlook promising? Will a Dem ocratic administration affect pros perity?" These, in effect, arc the quest'ons The llullotln haa asked a number of leading tnen throughout the country, who are Interested here In ono way or another. The fbPowing h the reply of A. It. Rogers of Minneapolis. Mr. Rogers is the head of the Rogers Lumber Co., which own scores of lumber yards throughout the United States and Canada, nnd whleh control enormous pine timber holdings near llond. Few men In the country are bettor quali fied to pas Judgment upon the trend of national best new and prosperity. I am very happy to comply with your wishes as oxproaeed In your let ter of the 7th and give my views as to what this election may mean to the business men of the country. In the first place, I do not believe that simply because tho country has seen fit to honor Governor Wilson with election to tho post of President of the United State, it tn any way In- 1 dlcates that we are headed toward 1 hard times Just becauso of a Demo cratic administration. "' f bellero that Governor Wilson i one of the big men of tho time and that he will appreciate tho responsi bility of his position and undertake nothing which In his Judgment and In the Judgment of his advisers will lie to the disadvantage of the country a whole. I believe also that they will handle the tariff question with eare so that it will not disturb the business Interests, and that their handling of other questions wilt lie sound and sane. The faet of Governor Wilson's be ing elected by such an overwhelming vote is evidence that the people have confidence In his administration. The , country at the present time Is In an i exceeding: prosperous condition. j Bountiful crops, plenty ct work and I factories running full force Insures for another twelve month a contln- uatlon of this prosperity, barring some political upheaval. Should Providence favor ua with continued gocd crops for a period of years, I can ee nothing to Interfere with, continued prosperity under Demo cratic or Republican administration. (Continued on last page) GRS vJJ W 17 wSjiluSwsiytijWi Ql.yjfll yftl yjflll 9M 9ti